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Few academic studies have investigated how information technology (IT) capability and service process innovation can create performance gains for firms through customer service. We propose that customer service is a significant mediator through which IT capability and service process innovation influence the performance of a firm, and that IT capability is also a critical factor that facilitates service process innovation. Empirical support for our argument was derived from data collected from 174 firms in the Taiwan IT industry. The results suggest that managerial initiatives should be directed at developing IT capability and service process innovation and leveraging them to facilitate customer service to attain superior firm performance. Furthermore, greater IT capability would lead to a higher degree of service process innovation.  相似文献   

More and more enterprises are taking advantage of self-service technologies (SSTs) in their customer-related operating activities, especially service firms. Although research on SSTs is prevalent, few studies have examined the impact of SSTs on firm financial performance. Given the growing importance of SSTs in the service industries in general and in the banking industry in particular, we therefore empirically examined the impacts of ATMs, one of the most widely accepted SSTs, on bank financial performance. Contrary to the existing literature, our results show ATMs have a positive relationship with profitability. However, we find no association between ATMs and growth performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the application of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to eliminate the misplacement problems in the supply chain, which consists of a risk-neutral manufacturer and a risk-averse retailer. By considering both fixed cost and tag cost of RFID implementation, we study the agents' incentives to adopt RFID in both uncoordinated and coordinated cases. We focus on analyzing the impact of risk attitudes on the agents’ incentives and on the supply chain coordination. The central semi-deviation is adopted to measure the retailer's risk attitude. In the uncoordinated case, we find that, in order to induce the retailer to adopt RFID, the manufacturer must assume more fixed cost if the retailer is more risk-averse. In the coordinated case, we first show that the standard revenue sharing contract does not always coordinate the channel. If the channel is coordinated, we observe that the agents’ incentives will be perfectly aligned and independent of the risk attitudes, if the revenue sharing ratio equals the fixed cost sharing ratio. Then we propose a risk-sharing contract that offers the risk protection to the retailer, to achieve the channel coordination. An interesting finding is that the manufacturer's incentive will not decrease with the tag cost, if she takes much risk from the retailer. The corresponding impacts of RFID adoption on the two contracts are also analyzed in this paper. Finally, a case study in a tobacco industry is presented to show the real RFID cost in practice.  相似文献   

Paradoxical tensions are pervasive and unavoidable in the everyday practice of creativity-based contexts, such as architectural firms. Whilst the existing literature has extensively explored both coping strategies and multiple ways of approaching paradoxical tensions, we still have a limited understanding of how individuals engage with paradoxical tensions and how organizations support their members' efforts to sustain such tensions. Accordingly, my purpose here is to explore paradoxical tensions in the context of architectural firms and explain how firms and their members make sense of these tensions. I use a multiple case study to investigate empirically the salient paradoxical tensions central to architectural firms and to develop an understanding of what makes them salient. I explain how triggers evoke latent tensions and make them salient and also outline salient paradoxical tensions prevalent within this context. In exploring how architectural firms and their members make sense of these tensions, I outline and explain the importance of a paradoxical mindset, a paradoxical practice, and supporting organizational arrangements. I conclude by discussing the interplay among mindsets, practices, and arrangements as an organizing platform—a conceptual framework that future studies could explore further.  相似文献   

One of today's most frequently discussed topics in the business world is how to escape from the intense Red Ocean and how to create an uncontested Blue Ocean. However, because there are few practical guidelines available on this topic, we will introduce a case study of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider, CJ-Global Logistics Service (CJ-GLS), to show how it aspires to be a leader in the newly introduced 3PL industry in South Korea. CJ-GLS is a latecomer in the logistics industry, and its resources, such as the number of trucks and warehouses, are relatively small in comparison to those of established companies. But, it has achieved a distinct competitive advantage through innovative information technology (i.e., RFID—radio frequency identification), which has enabled it to create an uncontested market space, electronic logistics business. One remarkable fact about CJ-GLS is that its swift growth comes not from attracting competitors’ customers from the existing Red Ocean market but from creating a Blue Ocean market (3PL market), which previously existing incumbents ignored, and also from constructing a new business model founded on a RFID-based, ubiquitous-oriented 3PL system. Analyzed through a Four Actions Framework and characterized as Blue Ocean, this case study provides valuable information on how a company reinforces its competitive advantage from the Red Ocean while it transitions into a Blue Ocean by utilizing advanced information communication technologies.  相似文献   

The market for a complex technology product is sometimes called reference business because references are emphasized by corporate customers. A first customer reference is especially important for a start-up technology company attempting to enter the business-to-business market with complex products. Topics relating to customer references have received scant attention from scholars although they embed substantial business relevance. This case study concentrates on evaluating concepts that are central to customer references from the viewpoint of the start-up technology companies. Of concepts prevalent in current literature, those concerning the use of the first customer references, in particular, form an inadequate base for research and are often vague. The purpose here is to introduce a domain model that describes the key concepts and the relationships between them concerning the focus of this present article. The domain modeling technique is a well-known and widely used tool for defining concepts for large-scale information systems. Domain modeling increases understanding of the present problem domain by structuring knowledge into classes, attributes, and relations. This case study approaches the identification of concepts via an illustrative example from software business. Previously known concepts, close to the topic of this present article, are then re-evaluated based on our literature review. Redefinitions of the customer reference and related concepts are introduced.  相似文献   

We conceptualize the front end in non-assembled product development to be iterative and experiment-based, consisting of three sub-phases: informal start-up, formal idea-study, and formal pre-study. Although some key activities are shared with the front end activities in assembled product development, literature reviews, anticipating requirements of customers’ production processes, analysis of raw materials, anticipation of scale-up problems, and tests in bench-, pilot plant-, and full scale production represent unique activities. In addition, product concepts were frequently developed in parallel, requiring specification of physical, chemical and structural properties. These findings have implications for increasing the success and quality of front end efforts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a conceptual model for IT innovation adoption process in organizations. The model utilizes Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and a framework that contains characteristics of innovation, organization, environment, chief executive officer (CEO) and user acceptance. The model presents IT adoption as a sequence of stages, progressing from initiation to adoption-decision to implementation. The study presents a model with an interactive process perspective which considers organizational level analysis until acquisition of technology and individual level analysis for the user acceptance of IT.  相似文献   


The design of its distribution logistics has a decisive influence on a company’s logistical costs and performance. They therefore make an essential contribution to corporate success. This article describes a method for analysing the potential of distribution logistics in terms of logistical costs and performance. In contrast to previous procedures of business process re-engineering, this method maps distribution logistics holistically under variable distribution structures. The article is focused on the approach and results of a case study in a multinational manufacturer of propulsion and automation technologies for machine construction and systems engineering. The developed method is distinguished by a high degree of practicality and applicability. It will contribute to a more efficient design of distribution logistics.  相似文献   

Innovation adoption is determined not only by the opportunities and constraints resulting from organizations’ characteristics (local effects), but also by reaction to the adoption of their interdependent and referable others (interactive effects). This study examines the dynamics of innovation adoption by considering both local and interactive effects in early adopters relative to later adopters, and then investigates the electronic commerce adoption as an empirical example. Analysis results show that the crucial stimulating effects in the early market are focused on the nature of innovations, while those in the later market are concentrated on the practical implementation issues of innovations.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that smaller firms are responding in various ways to market trends towards globalization. A fundamental question arises as to why some smaller firms are including global markets in their strategies and business operations while other firms with similar size and product mix are not. This paper hypothesizes necessary and sufficient conditions for a smaller agri-food firm to become actively global in perspective and practice. An hypothesized decision framework is articulated and results are reported from eight cases used to test this framework. The paper concludes that perceptions about competitive advantages and effective demand, and operative decision rules employed by the firm will determine if and when a firm can globalize its scope of operations.  相似文献   

Continuous development of technology brings changes in economic environment and market structure. Enterprises should be equipped with speedy and accurate analytical capabilities on business information so that they can foresee the future. For countries such as Taiwan where the majority of the enterprises are small or medium businesses, these enterprises lack the economies of scale and skilled professionals in collecting and analyzing business information in their business environment. External professionals, on the other hand, fit better into their needs. In this case study research, based on organizational buying theory and through questionnaire survey, we try to understand the demand motives, awareness, interest, evaluation items and purchase intention of enterprises for business information in Taiwan. At the end of the case study, we also try to make a few recommendations for information service providers.  相似文献   

The fact that people in general are reluctant to change is well documented. This paper presents a case of cross-cultural technology transfer where employee resistance to the new technology was due to a conceptual difference between what they perceived that a robot was, and what a robot actually is.  相似文献   

This is one of the few papers to analyze multiple interface standards in a single industry and it finds that standard setting in such an industry is much more complex than those covered in the existing literature. In the mobile Internet, some of the interface standards initially required so-called integral design while others have been built on top of these “basic” interface standards. The former interface standards enable basic data connections between phones, services, and content while the latter ones connect the mobile phone with content and applications from other industries such as music, video, publishing, broadcasting, and payment. This paper shows that in connecting the mobile phone and other industries, each critical mass of phones, services, and content partly builds from previously created critical masses.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies in technology/innovation management contribute to the understanding of the relationship between external technology acquisition and product innovation performance. On the other hand, the meta-analytic reviews of new product development literature indicate a positive impact of product innovativeness on product innovation performance. However, existing research has not examined the link between external technology acquisition and product innovativeness. This study, therefore, aims to fill this gap of knowledge by investigating the external technology acquisition—product innovativeness relationship and examining the moderating roles of R&D investment and configurational context on this link. Based on a panel sample of 105 high-technology firms over a six-year period, a least squared dummy variable s model reveals interesting results. First, external technology acquisition has a positive impact on product innovativeness. Second, R&D investment increases the effect of external technology acquisition on product innovativeness. Lastly, firm size exhibits a negative effect on the contribution of external technology acquisition to product innovativeness. However, firm age positively impacts the relationship between external technology acquisition and product innovativeness. In addition, this study reveals a positive effect of product innovativeness on firm growth.  相似文献   

The diversity of priorities and differing awareness of sustainable practices among stakeholders in the architecture, engineering and construction industry is critically shaping the adoption of green technology, and the rate at which the industry is shifting towards more sustainable practices. In this paper, we develop an integrated framework that allows reorganization and integration of existing sustainability research in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, emphasizing the perspective of decision-makers and stakeholders. Further, an agent-based model is introduced that allows study of the decision-maker with the decision context, thus making them an integral part of the decision-making process rather than independent of it. The coupled system is adaptive and dynamically organizes itself to reflect complex bottom-up interactions between individual stakeholders, their contexts and the constraints driving their decisions even as they implement or respond to top-down decisions pertaining to the adoption of sustainable practices. The contention of this research is that an integrative systems approach to top-down decision-making and an understanding of bottom-up influences in stakeholder decisions is critical to the understanding sustainable practices and decisions that lead to their adoption in the AEC industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines technology startups whose initial offering is not a tangible product or service, but rather a technology used in the production process of goods and services of other firms. These “process niche firms,” as we call them, represent an emerging and increasingly common feature of the digitized economy. As part of their search for a suitable business model – be it products, services, and/or outright licensing of intellectual property – process niche firms engage in early internationalization in order to gain relevant market knowledge and identify possible business partners. A framework is derived to examine the internationalization pattern of such firms. The paper draws on four illustrative case studies providing insight into how such process niche firms “prospect” in foreign markets prior to deciding on the business model that suits them best. Early in their life cycle, process niche firms may decide to locate their headquarters in a different country in closer proximity to relevant markets and partners, as their high knowledge intensity and dearth of tangible assets makes them highly movable. Later in their development, process niche firms will likely evolve into other types of firms, depending on the business model they ultimately choose and the process that they follow.  相似文献   

A life-cycle model of organizational federations: the case of hospitals.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hospital federations are a form of multiorganizational collaboration in which a management group coordinates and directs the activities of three or more organizations. This paper introduces a life-cycle model of federations that focuses on factors that influence the transition from one stage to another.  相似文献   

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