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莫里森在作品中通过描写黑人在白人强势文化的冲击下,迷失自我,追寻自我,确定自我的过程,对黑人民族的出路进行了逐步的探索。通过对其作品中白人主流社会里黑人迷失的痛苦、追寻自我身份的艰辛以及寻找自我、确定自我的努力和面对过去,认识自我、构建身份的勇气进行剖析,阐释了莫里森的种族主张:在白人主流社会,黑人只有正视历史,回归到传统黑人文化中,寻找到自己的种族身份,才能走出一条摆脱种族歧视的光明大道。  相似文献   

近年来,美国的种族关系经历了根本性的变化。现在,影响个体黑人生活机遇的主要因素并不是他们与白人的日常冲突,而是他们在按经济划分的阶级当中所处的地位。在早些年代,白人故意压制黑人的努力即使对最不敏感的观察家来说也是显而易见的。他们通过种族压迫、歧视和隔离等各种独出心裁的制度使黑人无法接触到有价值而又缺乏的资源,煞费苦心的种族主义观念又使这种制度得到了强化。  相似文献   

W·E·B·杜波伊斯在谈及20世纪初越来越按照严格的肤色线来划分种族时曾经预言:20世纪的历史在很大程度上是肤色界线的历史。在他写作的时代,美国对黑人的划分实际上存在着两条界线:一条是种族的分界线,用以区分白人以及来自非洲、定居在美国的黑人;另一条是以肤色的深浅形成的美国黑人内部分界线。这两条界线均对黑人的生活有着巨大的影  相似文献   

19世纪30—50年代,一批被后世学者称为“美国人类学派”的知识精英,基于颅相学和解剖学等自然科学的研究方法,将“科学”话语引入美国国族构建的讨论中。该学派通过对不同的种族分别进行“科学”研究,构建了一套以白人种族优越论为中心的理论体系。其塑造的黑人种族形象既“低劣”,也适应了奴隶制度中白人文明的“恩泽”。这种建构一方面迎合了当时南方奴隶主的拥奴思想,并被用来作为证明奴隶制合理性的依据,另一方面激发了美国白人内部的种族认同,增强了内战前国族构建中的“种族性”特征,塑造了一条“科学”意义上种族优劣的边界,为后来“科学种族主义”的发展奠定了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

美国历史上的黑白混血儿问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑白混血儿问题是美国黑、白种族关系史上一个很有意思的话题。在以混血为特征的美国社会,黑白混血儿不完全同于纯血黑人、也完全不同于其他混血儿的独特历史命运以及冒充白人的现象,既是对美国白人自认为血统纯正的讽刺,又揭示了建立在肤色基础上的种族歧视制度的脆弱性和荒谬性。  相似文献   

二战后加拿大新种族主义的态势剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐丹 《世界民族》2005,37(6):53-57
一、加拿大新种族主义的产生及特点加拿大种族主义的产生和盛行有着复杂的历史和社会原因。二战前,殖民主义的长期历史在欧洲社会培育了“种族优越论”。“种族优越论”是一种由来已久的意识形态,持这种观点的欧洲白人认为人种与个性、智力、文化特征之间存在着一种因果关系。随着欧洲殖民者的势力在美洲大陆的扩张,“种族优越论”的观点也逐渐在美洲盛行开来。基于这一论断,加拿大的高加索白人被认为是“优等种族”,理应凌驾于其他“劣等种族”(如非洲黑人、非白人种族)之上,因此天生就有享受自由的特权,并具备创建民主体制的能力和统领世…  相似文献   

李欣 《世界民族》2022,(6):57-67
批判种族理论是美国民权运动之后形成的种族研究理论思潮,以黑人为主的有色人种透过该理论来解构白人主导的叙事模式,批评美国社会广泛存在的系统性种族歧视问题。在自由主义种族观的主导下,高校学者和基层教师进行了教育实践,对课程内容和教学方式进行深刻变革,取得了局部改善的效果。另一方面,在保守主义种族观主导下,该理论的反对者进行了全方位的抵制活动,包括展开学术交锋、诉诸法律途径、掀起舆论风暴和组织现场抗议等。为了稳固各自的竞选优势,共和党和民主党近年来围绕批判种族教育展开尖锐斗争。批判种族理论教育存废之争反映了美国种族割裂、阶层固化、党争极化等痼疾,体现了美国社会的结构性困境。  相似文献   

有一个老掉牙的笑话:当白人殖民者第一次踏上非洲大陆时,一手拿着火枪,一手拿着《圣经》,黑人是非洲土地的主人;后来,白人用虚无飘渺的上帝,换取了黑人实实在在的土地——非洲成了手里依然紧握火枪的白人的殖民地,黑人却成了捧着《圣经》的奴隶。 这个并不幽默的笑话,其实还可以这么往下接:再后来,成千上万的黑人被白人一船船象牲口般运到了“充满希望”的美洲大陆。这些背井离乡的黑人在白人的种植园里作牛作马之余,仍然对“主”充满了虔诚,辛苦劳作之暇,盖起了一座座简朴  相似文献   

姬虹 《世界民族》2006,(4):60-65
民权运动以来,以黑人为代表的美国少数族裔的生活状况有了很大改善,这是不争的事实;但另一方面,种族主义的阴影始终笼罩着他们,影响着他们生活的方方面面,尤其是在司法领域。1996年10月,纽约白人警察利沃提杀害波多黎哥裔青年贝兹后被判无罪,贝兹的父母在得知判决结果后对媒体说:“司法对于我们少数族裔从来就不是平等的”。①本文拟从执法、司法的各个层面分析种族主义的种种表现,以此折射出美国当今紧张的种族关系。一、“种族形象定性”自20世纪90年代末以来,“种族形象定性”(racialprofiling)这个词就频频出现在美国的各种媒体上,专指…  相似文献   

长期以来美国主流社会对白人种族主义的现实存在与危害的漠视,致使种族歧视行为至今在美国社会各个方面仍普遍存在,不仅给美国黑人造成了难以弥合的精神创伤,而且对美国社会具有非常严重的负面影响.为了修正美国历史上对一些弱势群体的不公正与歧视,20世纪60、70年代美国政府颁布和推行了一系列优惠和照顾黑人等弱势群体的政策、法令,即"肯定性行动"计划.然而,这一计划却激起了从而普通白人男性的强烈反对,引发了"逆向歧视"之争.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature posits that a population’s denial of the salience of racial discrimination acts as a mechanism of its perpetuation. Moreover, scholars locate a population’s propensity to deny racial discrimination in contemporary ideologies of racial mixing or ethnic fusion. Most quantitative studies of public opinion on these issues are limited to Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. This study examines the case of Jamaica. We first (1) examine the extent of Jamaica’s contemporary racial inequality using national census data. We then (2) use nationally representative data from the AmericasBarometer social survey to determine the extent to which a recognition of racial discrimination characterizes Jamaican public opinion. Finally, we (3) explore the salience of an ideology of racial mixing in Jamaica and (4) test whether that ideology affects the likelihood that Jamaicans acknowledge contemporary racial discrimination. Our findings document dramatic social inequality by skin colour in Jamaica and suggest that a majority embrace an ideology that racial mixing is negatively associated with Jamaicans’ recognition of racial discrimination. We discuss our findings and their implications for understanding ideologies of racial mixing and racial inequality in the Americas.  相似文献   

Since the publication of Sue et al. (Am Psychol 62:271–286, 2007a, b) seminal article, there has been an enormous scholarly interest in psychology on this construct of racial microaggressions—subtle everyday experiences of racism. In this paper, we provide a review of racial microaggressions research literature in psychology since 2007, following the publication of the first comprehensive taxonomy of racial microaggressions, which provided a conceptual framework and directions for research related to racial microaggressions. However, our review suggests that important conceptual and methodological issues remain to be addressed in the three domains: (1) what are racial microaggressions and who do they impact; (2) why are racial microaggressions important to examine; and (3) how are racial microaggressions currently studied and how might we improve the methodologies used to study racial microaggressions. We propose recommendations to further facilitate racial microaggressions research, improve the scientific rigor of racial microaggressions research, and contribute toward a more complete and sophisticated understanding of the concept and consequences of racial microaggressions—a construct that is undoubtedly salient and psychologically relevant among many members of racial minority groups.  相似文献   

This article is based on a qualitative research project examining the phenomenon of contemporary Canadian blackface. It addresses the discursive juxtaposition of blackface with the claim to Canadian racial progressiveness that typically attends public debates about blackface. I argue that blackface and the discourses defending it are forms of racial consumption through which ostensibly progressive white subjectivities are secured. I further argue that contemporary Canadian blackface discourse is postracialist in its ability to juxtapose racist expression with claims of racial transcendence, and I identify this postracialism as a long-standing feature of Canadian national narratives that are partially constructed through revisionist understandings of the nation’s relationship to blackness, and against an ostensibly more virile racism in the US. This analysis reminds us of the symbiotic relationship between racial fetishization/fascination as found in contemporary blackface, the foundational white supremacy of the Canadian settler-colonial context, and the always uneven terms upon which blackness is included in Canada. It clarifies what is at stake for Canadians who participate in blackface and in defending it, and helps us to understand the pedagogical import of both blackface and Canadian egalitarianism for perpetuating anti-blackness in Canada.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature demonstrates important negative health effects from racial microaggressions for racial/ethnic minorities. However, at present, the bulk of the literature is focused on the case of black Americans with relatively little attention as to how this may play out for other racial/ethnic groups. Here, we examine the association of health and racial microaggressions in the case of Latinos. Furthermore, we disaggregate Latinos by language preference in order to see how acculturation to the USA may moderate the effect of racial microaggressions on health outcomes for the group. In a statistical analysis of the 2004 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, we examine the association between stress from racial microaggressions and self-rated health for Latinos of different levels of linguistic acculturation. We find that more acculturated Latinos (measured in terms of language preference) are more likely to experience physical stress from perceived racial microaggressions after accounting for social and demographic factors. Further, this stress is linked to overall poorer self-rated health for the group. However, we find no such association for less acculturated, Spanish-preference Latinos.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study provides empirical illustrations of patterns of racial homophily and network ties within a voluntary youth association. The paper seeks to examine the role of racial identity and its relationship to the formation of social capital among a diverse group of youth participants. Drawing on narrative data, this article explores the kinds of organizational experiences that promote the development of interracial ties as well as how the construction of racial identity influences network formation and enhances social capital. The major findings are that racial homophily (staying within one's own group) are strongest among white participants while blacks are equally likely to form interracial ties with socially dissimilar peers as with socially similar peers. Some gendered and class differences also emerged. Institutional agents were also found to be important in helping youth participants bridge racial barriers.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of colorblind racial attitudes and outgroup prejudice on people’s social network positions within a diverse social setting. Sixty-four racially diverse participants created self-resembling avatars and interacted in groups of diverse peers in the virtual world, Second Life. We conducted a social network analysis based on friendships developed during the group interactions and also examined participants’ physical distances in relation to outgroup members and levels of chat participation. Colorblind racial attitudes, but not outgroup prejudice, were directly related to lower levels of closeness centrality and clustering within the network. In addition, outgroup physical distance, but not chat participation, was found to be a behavioral mechanism that mediated the relationships between: 1) colorblind racial attitudes and closeness centrality; and 2) colorblind racial attitudes and clustering. Findings are discussed in relation to the adverse affects of colorblind racial attitudes on intergroup behavior and the pro-sociality of recognizing race and racism within increasingly diverse settings such as the workplace or educational settings.  相似文献   


Multi-racial identity construction is understood to be fluid, contextual and dynamic. Yet the dynamics of multi-racial identity construction when racial identities are ascribed and formulated as static by governments is less explored in psychological studies of race. This paper examines the dynamics of racial identity construction among multi-racial Malaysians and Singaporeans in a qualitative study of 31 semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify the different private racial identity constructions of participants who were officially ascribed with single racial identities at birth. Participants reflected on the overwhelming influence of the state and significant Others in limiting their ability to express their multiple racial identities when they were in school, and highlighted their capacity to be agentic in their private racial identity constructions when they were older. This paper shows that across the life course multi-racial individuals possess (1) the ability to adopt different racial identity positions at different times, (2) the ability to hold multiple racial identity constructions at the same time when encounters with Others are dialogical, (3) the reflexivity of past identity positions in the present construction of identities.  相似文献   

论族群与族群关系   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
有关族群和族群性的概念多种多样。族群与民族均来源于西方,但它们之间是有区分的。在对族群的研究中,族群认同被视为一个主要的内容,族群认同总是通过一系列的文化要素表现出来,文化是维持族群边界的基础。关于族群关系的讨论有许多不同的理论同化理论、文化多元理论、生物学的理论、人文 生态理论、权力和分层理论及整合的族群关系理论等。  相似文献   

The present inquiry considers how the practice and notion of race can be figured as a type of discipline that functions to achieve the subjection of the individual – to form the individual as a racial subject. Focusing on the constructions of blackness and whiteness within US racial rhetoric, and engaging the work of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler, I propose that racial identity is a retroactive phantasy that is always conditional on the subject enacting the very power that marks them: the formation and maintenance of subjectivity is premised on the individual being formed and forming themselves in relation to a normalized identity site and is, thus, always an action. Precisely due to this necessity to act, and to the incoherence of power, innovative acts of anti-discipline re-negotiate the ways in which racial subjectivity is lived and realized.  相似文献   

A longstanding finding is that neighborhood racial segregation is linked to violence. In this paper, we look beyond neighborhoods of residence to consider the everyday mobility of urbanites in their daily rounds. Analyzing estimates of neighborhood mobility from largescale social media data in the 50 largest American cities, we find that residential segregation by race is not only associated with higher violence but also lower equitability of travel across neighborhoods and a lower concentration of visits to common hubs. Further, the interaction of equitable and concentrated mobility is significantly associated with rates of violence, controlling for both racial and income segregation, education, city size, and density. There is little evidence, however, that patterns of everyday mobility mediate the influence of residential racial segregation. Both dimensions of the structural connectedness of cities—one rooted in place of residence, and the other encompassing interneighborhood exposure based on travel throughout the metropolis—are implicated in violence.  相似文献   

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