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全面质量管理(TQM)体现了现代质量管理的精华,其管理理念、模式和方法对高职院校教学管理具有重要的借鉴价值。依据TQM的基本思想,我们可以借鉴TQM方法来改进和提高高职教育质量,其核心在于高等职业教育全面质量管理体系的构建与实施。  相似文献   

<正> 我国从1978年开始推行全面质量管理(TQM),80年代是我国TQM的高潮期,这期间为企业带来了可观的实际效果。然而进入90年代以后,我国的TQM工作转入了低谷。有人便怀疑中国采用TQM是否会取得与日本一样的成功。而我们无论从TQM的理论本质还是它已带来的实际成果来看,TQM都是适合中国的发展的。重要的是如何实施。  相似文献   

只有坚持持续改进,企业才能不断进步,而开展纠正和预防措施是确保企业管理体系有效实施、保持的重要活动,也是企业不断完善和持续改进的体现。本文首先简单介绍质量改进的“工作流程”,接着从纠正和预防措施实施难点入手,分析制定合理纠正和预防措施的步骤与方法。  相似文献   

本文从全面质量管理(TQM)的定义、TQM在中国的推行实施的过程入手,就"中国制造"近几年来在国际上遭遇质量信任危机的现状和其产生的原因进行分析,得出中国企业必须深化TQM,切实提高质量管理水平的结论,并提出了深化TQM的一系列具体措施。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代是用户的时代。在更好服务用户方面,重点仍然是质量,而不是产品或服务。企业必须采用的战略便是全面质量管理(TQM),强调利用用户来改善企业的竞争地位。该方法把员工分成不同的工作组,充分利用员工的知识和能力去克服阻碍企业实现竞争优势工艺及产品问题。 尽管全面质量管理已受到最高层管理人员青睐,但只有那些中级管理人员才是TQM计划成功的关键,只有他们才能提供决定性改进所必须的重点和模式。通过密切注视用户、生产、工艺、人及事实,他们能够制定出确  相似文献   

<正> 1993年6月13日—19日,世界质量大会和国际质量科学院年会在芬兰首都赫尔辛基隆重召开。世界各国著名质量专家会聚一堂达成共识:质量管理从单纯追求TQM(全面质量管理)方法,发展到注重公司质量文化;质量控制从提高合格率发展到PPM(百万分之一不良度)阶段;质量改进从产品(服务)质量的改进发展到企业经营全过程的改进。复关后,我国产品质量面临严峻挑战,要参与国际大循环的“世界级”竞争,不仅要有过硬的“硬件”产品质量,而且还必须有与之配套的“软件”质量体系,以确保产品质量,并需取得第三方国际权威机构对质量体系的认证。在“迎接21世纪挑战——中国质量战略高层研讨会”上。一些权威人士提出了把“质量立国”确立为一项“基本国策”的远见卓识。为此,我们必须推进“质量兴国”战略,打破国际贸易技术壁垒,顺应体系认证国际惯例,创建自己的名牌产品,并在经济体制改革的新形势下,创建中国特色的现代化管理体系。  相似文献   

质量是企业生存和发展的生命源泉,是企业市场竞争的有效武器,是提高企业经济效益的最佳途径。全面质量管理活动(以下简称QC活动)作为企业员工参与全面质量管理,特别是质量改进活动的一种有效组织形式,在提质降耗方面成效显著,为提高企业核心竞争力发挥了很大作用。通过不断改进工作方法,形成一套完整的管理方法,规范了工作流程,提高了员工素质,适应了现代企业的生产管理和技术发展的需要,在发展中求创新,在创新中求发展,实现技术进步,促进了企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

首席质量官管理制度是现代企业制度的重要内容,是明确质量责任、保障质量安全、提升企业竞争力的重要举措。该文通过分析首席质量官(Chief Quality Officer,CQO)的含义及在不同时期的不同要求,探讨了首席质量官在领导企业质量工作中的角色、职责和应当具备的能力,探索总结企业试点首席质量官制度的经验与做法,为其他企业建立首席质量官制度提供参考。  相似文献   

本文全面围绕全面质量管理TQM和组织绩效的关系这一研究主线展开,首先确定适合我国企业的TQM要素体系和组织绩效评价指标,构建质量管理六要素和组织绩效关系的概念模型,并提出一系列的研究假设。然后对问卷数据的TQM六要素和组织绩效共七个量表进行效度和信度分析,以验证回收问卷的有效性和可靠性。最后采用路径分析法,计算假设方程的标准回归系数,并分析TQM六要素对组织绩效的直接和间接作用。  相似文献   

一个优质的建设工程,是实施严格且先进的质量管理的结果。完善和健全工程质量管理组织机构和规章制度,重视样板管理、施工过程质量监控管理、质量验评管理等要素是现场质量管理的重要环节,对质量控制工作涉及到大量的质量数据。如何采取有效措施,提高水利水电工程质量是当前重要课题之一。只有把质量放在生产第一位,忠于职守,严格把关,才能使企业发挥最大效益。  相似文献   

本文依据南开大学公司治理研究中心公开的中国治理指数数据选择高治理质量公司,并根据自行计算的治理指数选择低治理质量公司,研究了公司治理高低对盈余质量的影响.基于收益-盈余模型,使用2002年和2004年的数据,本文发现(1)公司治理质量显著影响到了盈余质量,高治理质量公司的盈余反应系数显著高于低治理质量公司;(2)高治理质量公司的盈余变化较之低治理质量公司的盈余变化具有更为显著的价值相关性.  相似文献   

为维持现有顾客和创造新顾客,服务企业必须知道怎样实施服务质量战略来增加顾客满足和行动意图,因为服务质量、顾客满足和顾客行动意图之间存在着因果关系.本研究把整体服务质量分解为相互作用质量、物理环境质量、结果质量三个决定要因,并对服务质量决定要因对顾客满足和行动意图的影响进行了研究,实证检验在中国服务产业中进行.对研究模型的验证结果支持本研究提出的所有因果假设,即构成整体服务质量的三个决定要因对顾客满足具有显著的正向影响,顾客满足对行动意图具有显著的正向影响.而且,对于中国顾客来说,服务质量决定要因对顾客满足的相对影响力依次为"结果质量">"相互作用质量">"物理环境质量".  相似文献   

Quality improvement is essential in gaining a competitive edge in today's market. This paper is an assessment of quality awareness in the manufacturing sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A survey is conducted in the Eastern Province, a centre of the petrochemical industry and other types of industries in the Kingdom. The survey includes 87 companies. The use of statistical process control tools and the adoption of modern quality control concepts, such as quality circles and total quality management, are investigated. Results show an encouraging trend of adopting modern quality control technology specially among large companies. This technology is transferred mainly through joint ventures with foreign companies.  相似文献   

This article uses the Deming management model developed by Anderson et al. (1994b) as an initial template to analyze total quality in services. While the literatures addressing quality management have developed separately for products and services, the founders of total quality portrayed this management philosophy as universally oriented. Our study first replicates two earlier studies that tested the Deming management model in manufacturing industries. Using hospitals as our unit of analysis, we realized findings similar to the earlier manufacturing studies. Next, we used contributions from the MBNQA literature to test an enhanced model. Our subsequent findings support the MBNQA concept that “leadership drives the system that creates results” and provides evidence of the ubiquitous importance of leadership for ensuring the success of a quality improvement program. Finally, an anomaly of this study and those published earlier is the inability to find support for the relationship between continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Integrating the substantial work in the service quality literature focused on customer satisfaction measurement is recommended to future researchers to help resolve this issue and further enhance the model.  相似文献   

Whereas the decision to outsource information systems (IS) has been an important focus in IS research and practice, the decision to switch vendors or to backsource has received little attention. Evidence suggests that in practice, however, the decision to backsource or to switch vendors is becoming increasingly common as firms vie for ways to continue to cut information technology (IT) costs and improve IT service levels. This research specifically examines the factors associated with the decision to backsource or to switch vendors. Based on a sample of 160 IT managers involved with application development, we compare and contrast the perceptions of those who switched vendors, backsourced, or continued in an outsourcing relationship for application development. Our findings suggest that product quality, service quality, relationship quality, and switching costs are related to the decision to backsource application outsourcing. However, service and product quality did not influence the decision to switch vendors. Rather, firms that made the decision to switch vendors reported high levels of service and product quality but low levels of relationship quality and switching costs.  相似文献   

In batch/short run production, changes in productmix (or inter-product demand) can have a significant impact on the overall process defective rate, but this effect neglected in process quality analysis. This paper describes the use of a decomposition technique to single out this effect and the effect associated with changes in real process performance. The technique allows both effects to be expressed in indices which conveniently summarize information in a more concise and is often usable form. The results of an application study using a set of batch/short-run production data are presented.  相似文献   

顾客消费情感对顾客满意感的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
作者在广州某高校内的餐厅进行了一次实证研究,探讨顾客感觉中的服务质量、顾客情感和顾客满意感之间的关系。数据分析结果表明,顾客感觉中的软质量直接影响顾客餐后的正面情感,而顾客餐后的正面情感直接影响顾客满意感;顾客对软、硬质量的期望与服务实绩之差对顾客餐后的正面情感、顾客满意感都有显著的直接影响,顾客对软质量的期望与服务实绩之差对顾客餐后的负面情感也有显著的直接影响。此外,顾客餐前的情绪也会影响顾客餐后的情感和顾客对自己就餐经历的评估。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to determine if there is a causal relationship between multivariate constructs for quality (i.e., customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and employee service quality) and organizational performance. The presence of such relationships, as well as the identification of key indicators within each quality construct for different types of firms, are explored in this empirical study on the perceptions of middle managers in Taiwan and the United States. The study found a significant causal relationship between the quality constructs and organizational performance. These relationships are different, however, for the four types of firms based on age and size. Also, within the same firm types, there are differences among countries. For example, for older firms, Taiwanese managers tend to perceive customer satisfaction as the most important quality construct in improving organizational performance, while U.S. managers tend to perceive employee satisfaction as the most important. For younger firms, U.S. managers perceive customer satisfaction as influencing organizational performance, while Taiwanese managers perceive both customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction as doing so. A further breakdown of the quality constructs identified the key indicators within each construct that separates “better performers'’from “lesser performers'’in both countries for the four types of firms. These indicators are dissimilar, thus suggesting that focus on quality constructs may lead to improvements in organizational performance by focusing on different indicators in different environments. These results have implications for the adoption and implementation of quality practices in different countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of selecting the optimum production batch size in multistage manufacturing facilities with scrap and determining the optimal amount of investment. We analyse the effect of investment for quality improvement on the reduction of the proportion of defectives, and the effect of this reduction on processing cost, setup cost, holding cost, and profit loss. The quality characteristic of the product manufactured is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean equal to the target value. The purpose of the investment is to reduce the variance of the quality characteristic and hence the proportion of defectives. The model assumes known demand, which must be satisfied completely, scrappage at each stage and profit loss due to scrap. Using this model, the optimal values of the production quantity and the proportion of defectives for minimizing the total cost are obtained. The optimal investment is then obtained using the relationship between the investment and the proportion of defectives.  相似文献   

The SERVQUAL questionnaire (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988) is one of the preeminent instruments for measuring the quality of services as perceived by the customer. In a recent Decision Sciences article, Kettinger and Lee (1995) suggested the use of a modified SERVQUAL instrument to assess the quality of the services supplied by an information services provider. However, a number of problems with the SERVQUAL instrument are discussed in the literature. This article provides an illustrative example utilizing data collected from 138 executive and information systems professional customers of a multibillion dollar information services provider in order to examine the validity and reliability of Kettinger and Lee's (1995) modified SERVQUAL instrument. Results of analyses do not confirm the findings of Kettinger and Lee. Moreover, it appears that the use of difference scores in calculating SERVQUAL contributes to problems with the reliability, discriminant validity, convergent validity, and predictive validity of the measure. These findings suggest that caution should be exercised in the use of SERVQUAL scores and that further work is needed in the development of measures for assessing the quality of information services.  相似文献   

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