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“十二五”时期是上海经济转型的重要时期。上海大力发展航运业,建设国际航运中心有利于促进城市产业规模的提高,带动城市产业升级与经济转型,实现腹地城市之间的互动发展;同时也会带来城市环境污染、交通拥挤和港口非良性竞争等负面效应。因此,上海国际航运中心建设需要借鉴国际经验和惯例,通过先行先试,不断创新体制、机制和政策,必须从过去单纯追求“量”的外延式增长转变为注重“质”的内涵式发展,由传统意义的货物集散中心迈向现代意义的资源配置中心。为此,上海港口与航运服务业必须率先转变发展方式、调整产业结构、创新服务功能、实现错位异构发展。在上述分析基础上,提出上海城市转型时期国际航运中心建设的主要对策。  相似文献   

航运金融发展不仅有助于广州建设与香港错位发展的国际航运中心,而且丰富广州区域金融中心建设内涵,凸现广州区域金融中心特色,对提升广州中心城市功能具有十分重要的战略意义.航运金融完全可以作为区域金融中心建设的一大特色来重点发展,进而在产业金融创新方面取得一些突破,比如建立一批港航产业基金、船舶融资租赁公司或信托公司等.建议在开发区金融服务创新基地中将航运金融与汽车金融一样作为重点发展的产业金融,吸引航运金融机构集聚,鼓励航运金融创新,形成区域金融中心建设的一大亮点与特色.  相似文献   

上海要瞄准“科创为本、金融为纲、经济为目、航运和贸易为两翼”的战略定位,分两个阶段实现打造“三个圈层”的上海大都市圈、建设具有全球领导力的科技创新中心、叠加建设超级城市的战略目标。为此,要强化科技创新引领、升级科技创新中心,发挥金融联动、推动“五个中心”协调发展,推进国际经济中心向国际数字经济中心转型,推进国际贸易中心向服务化和数字化转型,推进国际航运中心向国际中转型航运中心转型。  相似文献   

杨锐 《科学发展》2009,(7):27-38
港口城市功能的转型是港口与城市、产业转移及其就业结构调整的动态调适过程。产业转型发展往往与城市功能转型具有内在的一致性,而就业结构及其内涵的调整一般滞后于产业转型。本文首先分析先进港口城市转型时期的一些关键特征,然后重点分析东京、大阪、釜山等国外先进港口城市在从港口国际化和多元型经济发展阶段向港口城市网络或城市自增长阶段的转型时期,城市功能、产业构成与就业结构的变化特征及其内在联系。这对处在转型时期的港口城市非常重要。  相似文献   

秦云 《城市》2006,(2):57-60
一、香港港口概况 香港是位于中国东南端珠江三角洲的要津,是发展日渐迅速的东亚地区的枢纽,地理条件优越,拥有世界优良的天然深水港.自开埠以来,香港一直是亚太地区通商的门户,也是连贯东西方贸易的桥梁.香港凭着港阔水深的优势,由一个宁静的渔村,变为全球最繁忙的国际货运和航运中心.现在每星期有80多艘国际班轮为香港港口提供超过400班货柜班轮服务,连接香港港口至世界各地500多个目的地.  相似文献   

“亚洲四小龙”之一的新加坡是亚洲重要的金融、服务和航运中心之一,是继纽约、伦敦、香港之后的第四大国际金融中心,更是享誉全球的“花园城市”。然而,更令人咋舌的是,7615/平方公里的人口密度并没有使这一城邦国家出现“城市病”,相反,科学的城市规划、井然有序的交通以及绿色的城市生态环境是这里的重要标志。其成功的城市治理经验也为世界各国所借鉴。  相似文献   

国际重要的经济中心城市大多同时也是重要的国际航运中心,如中国香港、新加坡、伦敦、纽约、鹿特丹等。"十二五"期间,上海处在一个发展的关键时期。"创新驱动、转型发展"成为上海建设国际航运中心的迫切要求,因此,处于城市经济转型时期的上海必须建设具有全球航运资源配置能力的国际航运中心,实现上海国际航运中心与上海城市的协调发展。本文结合世界主要国际航运中心的实际,分析国际航运中心与城市协调发展可供借鉴的经验,提出目前上海国际航运中心建设与城市发展之间面临的矛盾与问题,并从集疏运体系和港城一体化角度提出上海国际航运中心与城市实现协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

一、我国国际化城市建设的背景与目标 (一)发展背景 城市国际化是目前国际上城市发展的趋势,它既是整个国家经济发展的必然过程,也是城市发展的自然选择。邓小平同志在总结亚洲“四小龙”成功经验的基础上,先后于1988年和1989年两次提出“在内地再造几个香港”的设想,揭开了我国城市国际化发展的序幕。1990年5月,党中央、国务院作出  相似文献   

10月15~17日,由南京大学和香港社会工作人员协会主办、爱德基金会协办的第五届华人社会社会工作研讨会在南京大学中美文化交流中心举行,会议主题是“中国内地与香港社会福利与社会工作实务发展”。来自中国内地高校、社会服务机构、MSW实习机构、专业刊物出版机构、香港高校与社会服务机构、台湾高校与服务机构以及13本华人社会的专家学者、社工等200多人参加本次论坛。  相似文献   

从产业的角度来说,港航经济是关联产业,是以港航及相关产业为核心的产业经济。同时,港航经济是流量经济,它是物流、信息流、资金流等交流、处理、交易的重要场所,这些资源的流动促进了港口经济的发展。此外,港航经济还是开放经济,它港口经济不但成为国内与国外经济的交汇点,而且也成为了东西方文化文化的交汇点,进而也就为特色产业的产生奠定了基础。因此,可以如此界定港航经济:以港口、航运为中心、港口城市为载体、综合运输体系为动脉、港航相关产业为支撑、海陆腹地为依托,并实现彼此间相关联系、密切协调、有机结合、共同发展,进而推动区域繁荣的开放型经济,或者是在一定的区域范围内由港航、临港工业、商贸、旅游等相关产业有机结合而成的一种区域经济。  相似文献   

This study examined pluralistic ignorance in the context of conflicts between Hong Kongers and mainland Chinese in Hong Kong. This focus differs from past studies, which have mainly explored in-group pluralistic ignorance regarding whether people could correctly perceive the opinions of others who belonged to the same social group as they did. The present study investigated whether people could correctly perceive the public opinion of a collective to which they did not belong. Using two representative samples of mainland Chinese students and local students from three universities in Hong Kong, this study found that mainland students overestimated the local public’s unfavorability regarding Chinese mainlanders and the Chinese government. This overestimation was found to be positively associated with their attention to media content about the Sino–Hong Kong relationship and the extent to which they perceived the pertinent media content to be biased toward Hong Kong but negatively associated with their interpersonal communications with Hong Kongers about issues regarding the Sino–Hong Kong relationship. The overestimation of the local public’s unfavorability of Chinese mainlanders and the Chinese government reduced the willingness of mainland students to stay in Hong Kong for further study, work, or domicile. Based on the findings of this study, further research on pluralistic ignorance is recommended in order to determine how migrants perceive the mainstream opinion in the society to which they migrate.  相似文献   

Relational geographies of capital and consumption between Hong Kong and mainland China have been forming through tourism engagement in Hong Kong and the development of model Hong Kong malls in China. This analysis of urban restructuring for the consumer economy identifies how landmark Hong Kong malls are reproduced in major cities of China by networks of Hong Kong property firms and mainland elites. Adapting Leslie Sklair's formulation of architectural iconicity in the culture‐ideology of consumerism, this economic relationship, which restructures urban space, constructs iconic built forms and develops Chinese consumerism, marks hegemonic opportunities of a national capitalist class, suggesting how Chinese state capitalism and its Hong Kong networks limit and incrementally engage transnational capital while instantiating Hong Kong‐style consumer iconicity. New malls in mixed‐use developments in China often occupy sites of historical markets and thus affirm Sklair's prediction that iconic architecture increasingly proclaims consumer space while claiming historic forms of public space.  相似文献   


In recent months, masses of Hong Kong citizens have taken part in a remarkable wave of protests, known as the Water Revolution. Ignited by the Hong Kong government’s attempt to pass a bill that would have allowed extradition to mainland China, and later in response to numerous incidents of police brutality and human rights abuses, hundreds of thousands of protestors abruptly gathered in various parts of the city to rise up against the encroachment of the incumbent regime. Through novel uses of social media and mobile technology, they acted in concert to confront riot police in wildcat actions. In effect, they exhibit a contemporary type of smart mob, as digitally savvy citizens engage with each other in largely ad hoc and networked forms of pop-up protest. This profile illustrates both the continuity and changes in the recent development of a nascent smart mob in Hong Kong. It fleshes out how its protest repertoires and movement objectives have emerged and evolved vis-à-vis state suppression that has turned the global city of East Asia into a despotic police state. With a focus on changing contours, this profile brings to the fore the pragmatic and temporally emergent properties of the smart mob to consider the widespread and protracted movement in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Hong Kong has a unique postcolonial identity. After being colonised by Britain for over a century and a half, it was ceremoniously handed over to China in 1997, without necessitating any bloody wars or even skirmishes. Hong Kong has continued to enjoy a privileged status within China due to the doctrines enshrined in the ‘one country two systems’ policy. She has benefited from becoming part of a nation with the fastest growing economy in the world, and the people of Hong Kong have for the most part acquiesced to the reduction in levels of political freedom. However, recent events like the Umbrella Movement spearheaded mainly by student protesters has brought to the fore the cracks in Hong Kong’s postcolonial identity and the city finds itself once again precariously poised in a moment of transition.

Theorising a connection between Hong Kong’s postcolonial predicament and the city state’s physical landscape, I analyse Hong Kong photographer Derrick Chang’s photos of Tin Shui Wai, a remote new town located on Hong Kong’s northwestern edge. Tin Shui Wai is a failed new town – it was developed to house workers who would serve the industries that were projected to develop there in the 1990s. However, these labour-intensive industries never materialised due to the meteoric rise of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry. Instead Tin Shui Wai has now come to be known as the ‘city of sadness’, notorious for its gruesome murders, high rate of domestic abuse and tragic suicides. Through an analysis of Chang’s photographs of Tin Shui Wai depicting isolation, stagnation and urban detritus, this article argues that the uncanny, spectral spaces of encounter raise questions and provide an alternative and more disquieting narrative of Hong Kong’s postcolonial identity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the re-migration and adjustment of Indonesian Chinese to living in Hong Kong and their cultural belonging to Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia. Known in China as guiqiao or ‘Returned Overseas Chinese’, these were Chinese who re-migrated from Indonesia to mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. By the early 1970s, many were allowed to migrate to Hong Kong. Although arriving with very little money, many have succeeded in establishing a fairly good life in Hong Kong, although there are also many who survive on low incomes. This paper discusses the experiences of the Indonesian Chinese in relation to local and transnational belonging, the perception of homelands, and the re-establishment of a Southeast Asian lifestyle in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The 1997 return of the British colony Hong Kong to mainland China has prompted the largest exodus of Hong Kong migrants to western countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States in the 1980s and 1990s. While the transnational capital accumulation and life strategies of Hong Kong business elites has been well documented, little has been written on pre-1997 Hong Kong immigrants who are from non-elite backgrounds. Based on ethnographic research in Chicago, this article explores the flexibility and multifarious nature of identity construction among two generations of Hong Kong immigrants: those who arrived in the United States during the 1960s-1970s and those who did during the 1980s -1990s. I identify class positioning in the Chinese disaporic community and racialization experience in the larger U.S. society as two important factors in mediating the boundary making strategies of different groups of Hong Kong immigrants.  相似文献   

Using Diaspora as a theoretical framework, this article investigates the historical trajectory of Hong Kong immigrant access to Africa, the evolution of their diaspora as well as living strategies. Based on data collected from 10 Hong Kong immigrants during 2018-2019 in Africa, and assessment of some historical materials such as Sino-Africa political relationships, its change trajectory, trade record, and personnel exchanges, the results demonstrate that the different Hong Kong political system might lead to the entrepreneurial resource obtains and the evolution trends of the diaspora of Hong Kong immigrants. Since the 1980s, the increase of re-export trade volume between Mainland China and Hong Kong had strengthened the trade volume between Hong Kong and Africa with the development of the Sino-Africa relationship. It illustrates that the trade relations between Hong Kong and Africa have been increasingly influenced by the re-export trade between Hong Kong and mainland China. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong immigrants in Africa have gradually been showing a trend of integration with new Chinese immigrants in Africa, which navigated their identities constantly i.e., Hong Kong diaspora, Chinese ethnic group and British citizenship (overseas), while their daily life was inclined towards cosmopolitan trends.  相似文献   

董岗 《科学发展》2012,(10):90-104
随着我国对国际航行船舶保税油市场允许跨区域开展连锁经营以及保税油销售量的迅速增加,船舶保税油市场服务已成为港口配套服务中最重要和最核心的功能,反映了港口对外开放程度和服务水平。但上海在船舶保税油市场方面不仅与鹿特丹、新加坡和香港地区等国际航运中心存在一定的差距,还面临着深圳、青岛、天津、宁波以及舟山等其他大陆港口的激烈竞争。通过深入分析上海船舶保税油市场的发展现状和存在问题,借鉴国际典型港口发展船舶保税油市场的成功经验,分别从供应商、行业中介、监管部门角度提出完善上海船舶保税油市场建设的对策,提升上海国际航运中心对全球航运资源的配置能力。  相似文献   

Between 2001 and 2013, Hong Kong regulations permitted pregnant women from mainland China to travel to Hong Kong to deliver their babies. In this article, based on 30 in‐depth interviews, I explore the transborder lives and identities of these mainland Chinese families who, motivated by cost considerations, citizenship and anticipated benefits for their children, chose to give birth to their babies in Hong Kong. In some cases, family networks providing flexible residential practices and family care, supported these transborder activities. However, the complexities of transborder life reveal the diverse ‘identifications’ within Hong Kong society and mainland families. Because neither administration totally accepts them, they are not full members of either society and so the identities they form are both plural and fragmented.  相似文献   

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