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葛欢欢 《城市观察》2015,(4):179-185
城市发展与城市特有的价值文化之间具有深层的联系。在深圳的城市发展过程中,价值文化的变迁体现得尤为突出:一方面,在深圳的三次城市总规划中表现出从速度到质量、从物质性一元到文化多元的价值更替,这建构起了不同时期深圳城市制度实在方面的差异;另一方面,在共时分析中,深圳多元价值体系有着一些独特的结构,这种特殊性也在当下深圳城市建设的事实性层面带来了相应的难题。  相似文献   

在社会发展和社会治理的背景下,全国各地尤其是上海、广州、深圳、北京等城市的社会工作事业不断发展,社会工作服务不断涌现,社会工作政策不断推陈出新。在此过程中,社会工作专业化的呼声越来越高,而社会工作督导制度的推行与实施无疑是社会工作专业化的一个具体体现。  相似文献   

违宪审查制度是宪法学中重的制度之一,也是西方宪法理论实践的产物,但是在我国的本土化过程中备受关注又饱受争议。本文试图在理顺核心概念和违宪审查制度的基础上从理论和实践两个层次分析我国现行违宪审查制度存在的一些问题,并据此提出改善该制度的一些个人看法与建议,以供探讨求教。  相似文献   

马献林 《城市》2003,(6):24-26
根据2002年各市统计公报,将天津、上海、北京、广州、深圳、苏州、重庆七大城市的经济发展情况进行对比分析,虽存在着许多不可比的因素,各有各的优势和特点,但其结果仍突出地表明,社会发展的活力是城市发展的基石.本文在定量分析的基础上,分析七大城市社会活力的状况,以供研究城市发展问题参考.  相似文献   

国内在探索本土化社会工作制度发展之余,本土化的督导制度和人才培育亦是不能不注重的。现在深圳已陆续发展了一套督导人才培育的方案,内容包括:督导人才的选拔和考核、督导人才的职责以及其晋升的阶梯。无论是制度内容或是实践的经验,都为其他城市提供了有意义的参考。  相似文献   

通过对明朝万历四年(1576年)到五年(1577年)北京契税制度变革过程的分析,本文揭示了传统中国国家汲取过程中的家产官僚制支配模式及其形成过程。在万历四年都税司大使私擅税契事发这一突发事件的触发下,典制关于契税的规定与万历四年前北京契税管理空白之间的矛盾暴露,导致官员与皇帝围绕北京契税制度改革展开社会行动。到明万历五年,在正式制度层面,北京契税征收的支配模式兼有包税制与官僚制特征;在非正式制度层面,北京契税征收的支配模式整合了儒家的孝道和功利主义,以及形式的法理思想和对传统的认同。本研究发展了更为完整地理解传统中国国家汲取过程中的支配模式及其变革过程的家产官僚制理论,系统地呈现了传统中国家产官僚制在正式制度与非正式制度两个维度之间与内部的矛盾。  相似文献   

根据城市产业集聚的经济理论,分析人工智能产业在城市中的集聚趋势。以29个城市为样本,建立计数模型实证研究人工智能企业集聚的影响因素。以人工智能产业发展的现状为基础,分析人工智能产业投入要素和市场条件,结合实证研究结果,提出人工智能正形成以北京为主要集聚城市,上海、广州、深圳、杭州为四个次级集聚城市的趋势发展,分析这五个城市各自发展人工智能产业的优势。  相似文献   

特大城市生态控制线管控制度的探索与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周岱霖 《城市观察》2015,(3):164-169
建立完善的生态控制线制度已然成为我国各大城市的广泛共识。本文以生态控制线管控的先行城市——深圳和武汉为例,总结和反思了两个城市生态控制线管控制度的特点与不足,提出控制线分而治之的管理模式、粗放式的线内建设指引和允许建设项目划分以及生态补偿制度缺位是目前困扰我国城市生态控制线管控的主要问题。广州作为我国第三个即将实施生态控制线管控的特大城市,总结了广州生态控制线的实践探索,建议从创新规划途径和实施保障措施两个方面破解上述难题,以期为我国其他特大城市生态控制线管控提供更多参考经验。  相似文献   

伤残农民工:无法被赋权的群体   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
郑广怀 《社会学研究》2005,20(3):99-118
目前,针对农民工的各种法律和政策保护越来越完善,但与此同时,农民工,尤其是伤残农民工的处境却依然不利。本文认为造成伤残农民工权益保护制度悖论的原因在于伤残农民工的维权道路上存在着一个与赋权完全相反的剥权的过程。剥权主要表现为制度运作实践中形成的制度连接机制。本文主要分析了资本和地方权力体系在制度运作实践中形成的去合法性、增大维权成本、对制度的选择性利用和弱化社会支持四种制度连接机制。  相似文献   

王启轩  赵民 《城市》2023,(5):92-98
自由贸易试验区是我国新时期以来自主在境内创设的,以全面深化改革和扩大对外开放为核心目标的特殊经济区域。自2013年上海自贸区设立以来,我国的自贸区制度建构形成了“结构-能动”互动促进的过程,并对自贸区及所在地区的空间治理产生了深刻影响。本文主要以社会学领域的结构-能动互动视角,从中央政策的结构性约束、地方创新措施的能动反馈两方面解析自贸区制度的形成和运作过程。在自贸区的初创阶段,中央政府界定了战略目标、管理模式、空间组织等方面的要点;地方则是基于中央授权而积极探索,在实践中建构起新的管理运作模式并形成可复制的经验。本文基于对自贸区制度建构路径的分析,结合其空间治理特征,对自贸区的空间规划与治理相关策略开展了若干探讨。  相似文献   

本文从产业协同演进和制度谐振两个角度分析深圳市科技服务业发展的动因,发现科技服务业和高新技术产业存在四个方面的关联,能互相提供市场和中间产品,共同升级,协同发展;深圳市的政策作出了响应科技服务业发展需要的调整,制度变迁促进了产业发展,体现了产业和制度的谐振,同时创新创业文化也促进科技服务业的发展。  相似文献   

何一鸣 《城市观察》2012,(1):157-165
广州文化继承了岭南文化的传统,具有工具理性,其着重于指向当下的实效和:叻利,是市场化转轨的重要前提。此外,现代广州城市文化是一种商业化、大众化和多元化的非正式制度安排。它是通过内部濡化与外部播化这两种动力机制进行型构与演进的。因此,文化在广州的经济制度转轨中起着主导性作用。  相似文献   

Marriage equality has exposed how the institution of marriage is changing, but less attention has been given to how informal institutions around heterosexual marriage rituals are affected by a growing demand for gender equality. By applying institutional theory and feminist institutionalism to the context of women proposing to their male partners, this paper observes how shifts in gender norms change heteronormative institutions. Drawing from interviews with women who proposed to men and a virtual ethnography, we describe how reverse proposals can set precedence for emulation of practices or mimetic isomorphism. We therewith contribute to institutional theory in threefold ways. First, we describe how mimetic isomorphism introduces new standards and norms into a highly traditional institution. Second, we show how this integration of new standards and norms serves this patriarchal institution to remain relevant and appear progressive. Finally, we contend that this tension of joining a patriarchal institution but doing so in a subversive manner represents a double bind for women who are encouraged by society to formalize their heteronormative relationships through marriage and yet chastised for initiating this themselves.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to analyse and comprehend the interplay of institutional logics in the realisation of Stockholm's House of Culture, Kulturhuset, hereby beginning to answer the question of what role cultural logics play in cultural development projects. Based on an in-depth case study of the process leading up to the creation of Kulturhuset, the article explores the interplay of a politico-bureaucratic logic and a cultural–professional logic governing the evolution of the project. Following a Scandinavian tradition of interpretative studies of complex development projects, the making of Kulturhuset is framed as an extraordinary project involving a complicated development process. The process dynamics are explored and analysed through the lens of institutional complexity. The article's main contribution lies in its highlighting the interplay of – and nuancing the relation between – institutional logics. It also serves as a reminder of the power of bureaucratic ordering in urban development projects.  相似文献   

在界定科技服务业内涵的基础上,提出了科技服务业发展动因的理论框架,认为科技服务业与其他高技术行业的产业协同和科技服务业与制度的谐振是科技服务业发展的主要动因。运用统计数据分析了天津市科技服务业的发展历程和现状,对比了天津、深圳、北京和上海的科技服务业发展。分析了天津高新技术产业和制度环境对科技服务业发展的影响,以及这两方面动因与其他城市的差别。天津科技服务业发展与其他城市相比还有差距,主因在于高新技术产业发展和制度环境滞后,未来的发展需要从借力金融创新和滨海新区建设、加大政策倾斜和投入、推进市场化改革等方向入手。  相似文献   

This study examines relationships between students' demographic characteristics, campus engagement practices, institutional support, and grade point average (GPA) utilizing a social-ecological analytic framework. The study sample consisted of 355 freshmen and 315 seniors attending a historically Black institution (HBI). Engagement practices and institutional support were assessed using the National Survey of Student Engagement. Findings revealed significant associations between class status, mother's education, and GPA, but demographic factors, institutional support, and engagement practices did not predict academic achievement at the selected HBI. Parents' education was positively associated with students' extracurricular involvement. Practice and policy implications are discussed for social work professionals working in college settings.  相似文献   

Colomy  Paul 《Sociological Forum》1998,13(2):265-300
Neofunctionalism and neoinstitutionalism suffer from a macro bias that impairs recognition of human agency and interest in institutional change. A preliminary micro corrective organized around the concepts of institutional entrepreneurs and institutional projects is proposed. These concepts are elaborated to address three related problems: the content of institutional change; power, coalitions, and conflict in institutional change; and entrepreneurs use of accounts to legitimate their projects.  相似文献   

Arguing that institutional rationality constitutes a meta‐institution upon which the specific institutions of the capitalist social order depend, this paper explores the possibility that it might be interrogated through the imaginary worlds created by readers in their responses to literary fiction. It does so by constructing a fictive encounter between the response aesthetics of Wolfgang Iser and two novels by Ian McEwan, Saturday and Enduring love, both of which feature institutional rationality as a core element of the ‘reality’ from which they are constructed.

The conclusions are somewhat negative. The problems posed to McEwan’s personifications of institutional rationality, despite the author’s reputation for arbitrary and sometimes macabre plotlines, are nowhere such as to call into question their understandings of the events which befall them. Nor, reading the novels as explorations of that very one‐dimensionality, are readers likely to be induced into a questioning of their own understandings of the world. This is because the novels in question, like most modern literary fiction, have been produced within a tradition which reaches back to the romantic/humanist reaction to institutional rationality, and this makes it possible for readers to distance themselves from characters in which it is exemplified. Far from producing a critical Imaginary, readers who respond in this manner are likely to externalize any interrogations of institutional rationality suggested by its fictional recontextualization and produce, instead, one in which the superiority of their own understandings of the world is confirmed. Whilst this may be opposed to institutional rationality in the routinised sense of an antagonistic accommodation, nothing new is added by the reading of the novels.

Whilst some of the problem may lie in the characterization of the principle protagonists in the selected novels – which is both flat and static – it is suggested that there is also a problem with the initial expectation of a critical imaginary created by Iser’s theory. The fact is that its creation depends on an assumed response on the part of the reader that has no evidential basis. This empirical deficit cannot be made good either by Iser’s earlier construct of an ‘implied reader’, nor by his later posit of self‐aware role‐taking as a fundamental anthropological need. Whilst one cannot rule out the possibility that some readers might respond as Iser supposes – even to the novels discussed in this paper – there is no particular reason to rule it in either.  相似文献   

Using concepts of neoinstitutional economics, such as transaction cost economics, institutional economics, property rights theory, and information economics, the development of the Open Source movement is investigated. Following the evolution of institutions in Open Source, it is discussed what the comparative institutional advantages of this model are. The conclusion is that it is the institutional framework of Open Source, not merely the low cost of Open Source software that makes it an attractive alternative mode of organizing the production and distribution of software and software-related services. Alternative organizations will be formed and existing organizations will be transformed to take advantage of its opportunities.  相似文献   

Institutional theory predicts that organizations respond to external changes in their environment to be able to safeguard their long‐term viability. One of the most significant institutional changes in the last century has been the entry of women into both labour markets and professions; however, an extensive literature reports that gender inequality and various forms of sexism still structure and influence the everyday work of organizations. Drawing on the recent literature on institutional work, the article reports on a study of how the Church of Sweden has managed to relatively successfully institutionalize female ministers as legitimate and widely respected members of the professional category of ministers ordained by the Church. Female ministers believe they are, by and large, respected in the Church, but suggest that gender remains an issue as women are at times expected to embody certain interests and have to answer some questions that their male colleagues may have been spared. The findings describe institutional work as an ongoing process with no fixed end‐point, stressing agency as the distributed and collective capacity to question established beliefs and norms.  相似文献   

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