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社会本质上是一个开放演化、具有耦合作用和适应性的复杂网络系统,社会治理是一项庞大而复杂的系统工程。复杂系统理论表明,越是复杂的系统,系统协调的要求越高,协同效应也就越显著。近年来在理论界和实务界,社会管理体制中的社会协同,已然成为加强和创新社会管理的核心议题之一。构建社会协同治理的体制机制,也是实现社会治理现代化的根本途径。 相似文献
当前在我国大力推进供给侧结构性改革的过程中,政府提供公共服务能力不足与社会对公共服务需求不断增长这一矛盾日益突出.社会组织已成为我国公共服务供给领域的一支重要力量.然而,目前由于社会组织发展缺乏有利的外部环境、 自身建设不完善等因素,参与公共服务供给面临诸多困境.笔者通过分析我国社会组织参与公共服务供给的现状及存在的问题,探究并提出相关的解决措施,以期有效提高社会组织参与公共服务供给的能力. 相似文献
创新城市社区治理体系是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要环节。以单位制为基础的城市社区类型解体后,取而代之以街居制为主导的城市社区类型,城市社区治理中的权力类型从单一转向多元。如何在多元化的权力碰撞过程中实现善治目标值得考虑。有必要对我国城市社区治理中行政权力的作用、社区自治的理想与现实、社会组织的定位、居民委员会的性质进行分析,就城市社区治理的法治路径提出建议。 相似文献
社区是社会的基础和细胞。网络虚拟社会正以其信息多元性、交互性和去中心化等特点,使社区治理面临多方面的挑战。基于上海市6区15个街道(镇)39个社区(居委会)的实证调研表明,虚拟社会在丰富上海社区治理资源的同时,也给社区治理带来了严峻挑战。这主要表现在:虚拟社会的"参与式社区自治"难敌现实社会的"任务型社区自治";虚拟社会呼唤社区治理"崇尚自由"与现实社区治理强调"建构秩序"难以实现有机均衡;虚拟社会期待社区治理实现"多元共治"却遭遇了现实社区推行"自上而下"的治理。为此,网络虚拟社会背景下的上海社区治理创新需要明确的思路是:坚定一个模式——协商合作而不是"独自打保龄球";明确一个原则——强化政府对社区的有效治权而不是无原则的屈从"民意";正视一个态度:积极正视而不是有意回避网络社会给社区治理带来的风险。要做好"顶层设计",提高社区治理效能;尊重居民情感和地位,畅通网络民意渠道,保障居民的知情权、表达权和监督权;加强对网络舆论的引导,形成自觉、自主、自治的网络舆论平台;提升网络安全管理技术水平,完善社区网络预警及保障体系;重心下沉,努力探索社区公共服务新模式。 相似文献
推动社会组织参与治理是完善城市公共治理、提升治理绩效的重要一环.上海应提升对社会组织作用的认识水平,推动社会组织进一步填补城市公共治理漏洞:促进社会组织优化产品和服务,提升精细化水平,改善城市公共治理绩效;积极构建整合社会组织参与城市公共治理的格局体系,促进社会组织广泛参与;完善体制机制、丰富和拓宽参与渠道,提升参与便捷性和有效性;搭建协作平台,促进多主体协作联动,提升治理效率. 相似文献
自中央提出发展社会建设以来,社会组织的研究就成为我国理论和实践关注的重点;而社区社会组织由于与社会建设和社区建设都有着密切的联系,同样,也将成为今后我国社会发展的重要领域。在对全国六个城市进行实证调查的基础上进行研究,对我国城市社区社会组织的主要类型、组织结构、经费来源、主要活动进行了分析,并且指出了当前我国城市社区社会组织发展的六个主要特点。 相似文献
政府向社会组织购买公共服务的问题与对策分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
政府向社会组织购买公共服务是我国公共服务制度的重要创新,对节约政府开支,提高公共服务效果有着重要意义。这种做法正在探索之中,购买程序、购买内容、定价、资金来源、评估机制等都存在着问题,需从两大方面探求解决途径,即政府应加大培养社会组织的力度,从法律法规层面上健全制度设计。 相似文献
社会组织的发展及其功能的充分发挥对于我国社会主义和谐社会建设具有重要作用,应大力促进社会组织的发展。但我国社会组织发展还存在很多不足和问题,主要问题一方面是其内部资源能力不足,另一方面是其管理和监督机制不完善。为了促进社会组织的发展,应进一步厘清对社会组织的认识,转变对社会组织态度,并抓住重点大力推动社会组织的建设与发展。为此,从四个方面讨论了当前大力发展社会组织的意义,提出了应该从四个方面进一步转变对发展社会组织的态度和观念,在此基础上提出并论证了当前我国应如何在体制机制建设、能力建设和管理体系建设三个重要方面加强和改善社会组织建设。 相似文献
《Journal of aging & social policy》2013,25(3-4):211-231
Summary Over the past 10 years, a Japanese cooperative association named Fukushi Club Seikyo (FCS) has developed a unique, non-profit business specializing in services for the elderly. It aims to promote a reciprocal support system among neighborhood community members. FCS has successively organized its active members, mainly homemakers, into workers' collectives and successfully provided various life support services at a very small charge. Their human-touch service appears in sharp contrast to bureaucratic public services and profit-making private services. The civil initiative presented by FCS suggests a potential for a community-based social service system that may guarantee quality services without raising taxes and premiums for social insurance. 相似文献
公共采购的法律法规是欧洲共同市场的一个重要组成部分。本文从公共采购和公私合营的法理学角度,阐述了欧盟关于公共服务方面的法律规范。 相似文献
Pijl Kees van der Sminia Harry 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2004,15(2):137-155
This paper argues that strategic management of a public interest organization not only needs to be aimed at the interests it represents, but it also has to incorporate the organization's internal workings. The functioning of a public interest organization is seen to suffer from a primary dilemma of membership and influence and a secondary dilemma of representation and control. If these dilemmas are not handled adequately, the public interest organization will suffer from a vicious circle of contradiction and conflict, eventually threatening the organization's long-term viability. A case study is elaborated to empirically underpin this proposition. 相似文献
Korn DA Shaffer HJ 《Journal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming》1999,15(4):289-365
During the last decade there has been an unprecedented expansion of legalized gambling throughout North America. Three primary forces appear to be motivating this growth: (1) the desire of governments to identify new sources of revenue without invoking new or higher taxes; (2) tourism entrepreneurs developing new destinations for entertainment and leisure; and (3) the rise of new technologies and forms of gambling (e.g., video lottery terminals, powerball mega-lotteries, and computer offshore gambling). Associated with this phenomenon, there has been an increase in the prevalence of problem and pathological gambling among the general adult population, as well as a sustained high level of gambling-related problems among youth. To date there has been little dialogue within the public health sector in particular, or among health care practitioners in general, about the potential health impact of gambling or gambling-related problems. This article encourages the adoption of a public health perspective towards gambling. More specifically, this discussion has four primary objectives:1. Create awareness among health professionals about gambling, its rapid expansion and its relationship with the health care system;2. Place gambling within a public health framework by examining it from several perspectives, including population health, human ecology and addictive behaviors;3. Outline the major public health issues about how gambling can affect individuals, families and communities;4. Propose an agenda for strengthening policy, prevention and treatment practices through greater public health involvement, using the framework of The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion as a guide.By understanding gambling and its potential impacts on the public's health, policy makers and health practitioners can minimize gambling's negative impacts and appreciate its potential benefits. 相似文献
新型社会组织因其是现阶段社会组织中最活跃的部分而备受关注,通过剖析上海新型社会组织发展面临的问题,借鉴国内外在社会组织培育和监管的经验,从外部环境、管理机制、财政配套、队伍建设、平台建设等方面提出促进上海新型社会组织发展的对策建议。 相似文献
《Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment》2013,23(2):25-41
ABSTRACT This article explores the privatization of social services from public to sectarian points of view while examining the implications of the Charitable Choice movement on the gay and lesbian community. The history of this movement is explored from a developmental perspective outlining the socioeconomic makeup of gays and lesbians, the societal perceptions and mythology of the economic status of homosexuals, and actual figures related to the number of gays and lesbians who rely on publicly supported social service providers. The article explores the history as well as the positive and negative aspects this type of privatization movement involves. Finally, a comprehensive assessment of the effects of this movement on the gay and lesbian community is presented and future recommendations will be made. 相似文献