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继2005年深圳最早提出与香港形成"同城化"的发展态势和理念后,国内众多相邻区域都先后提出了同城化的发展战略与思路,各区域板块正呈现出以"同城化"为导向或龙头的区域经济发展趋势。本文归纳和总结了国内同城化的研究概况与进展,以期对相邻区域的发展模式提供一定的启示。  相似文献   

福建省厦漳泉地区是国内较早开启同城化探索的区域,已经成为具有一定代表性的同城化地区。基于腾讯位置大数据平台上的腾讯迁徙热度,通过对厦漳泉同城化地区城际间人口流动在时间维度上的流动特征、流动强度的分析,以及空间维度上从全国—福建省域—厦漳泉地区不同尺度的城市对外联系分析,探讨以厦漳泉地区为例的同城化地区城际人口流动的时空间特征以及同城化地区城际人口流动与区域交通基础设施建设、产业分工和劳动力分布的关系,并提出推进厦漳泉同城化建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

在区域经济一体化背景下,城市区域化步伐不断加快。区域合作越来越成为新型城镇化道路的主导方向。同城化是一种实现良性区域合作的新型制度安排。依据同城化发展基本理论,南京、镇江、扬州(简称宁镇扬)地区在区位条件、人文背景等方面已具备同城化的生成条件;宁镇扬同城化发展得到来自市场力量和政府力量等制度方面的巨大支持。  相似文献   

王达梅 《城市观察》2011,(1):166-174
广佛同城化是一种新型的地方政府合作模式,不仅有助于推动两市经济社会的发展,而且对中国区域一体化发展也将具有示范意义。鉴于当前中国地方政府合作中存在着不少问题,广佛同城化要想走出现有合作模式的困境,一方面,必须要确定同城化合作的具体内容,没有合作内容,同城化就是虚假的;另一方面,还必须构建一套完整和有效的同城化合作机制,这是广佛同城化的重中之重,如果没有稳定合作机制作保障,那么同城化合作将陷入空想之中。  相似文献   

曾群华 《城市观察》2014,34(6):61-66
人口空间动态与区域经济发展的耦合关系是同城化区域间共同面对的重要课题。本文在解构人口空间动态维度主体的基础上,将人口空间动态的诉求机制与动因机理架构于更低交易费用的利益诉求之上,解析人口空间动态的模式选择,深入探讨人口空间动态与区域经济发展的耦合关联性。在此基础上,提出引导人口流动与合理分布的策略。研究成果将有助于更好地理解同城化态势下人口空间演变的动因机理,为同城区域的经济发展、城市规划、文化交融等方面的科学设计提供重要参考。  相似文献   

同城化背景下广佛的挑战与机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、珠三角一体化的必然路径 2008年12月,广佛同城化战略正式启动实施.但早在2005年,桂城就提出建设广佛RBD,到了2008年,我们牵动帮助南海做城市发展战略,也是基于广佛同城化这一大背景.所以整个南海对推动广佛同城化的热情非常高,尤其是南海,对其作为广佛桥头堡的定位把握得十分深刻,对自身的地理特质挖掘得很深,这个非常好.  相似文献   

市场经济是竞争性经济,公司、股东、经营者具有各自的经济利益,他们在九球自身利益最大化的过程中必然有利益冲突,而股东诉讼制度就是制衡利益对抗的制度。所谓股东诉讼制度,是指股东为维护股东合法权益或公司利益,而依法向国家司法机关提起诉讼的相关法律制度的总称。股东诉讼制度作为制约控制股东、董事滥权的司法救济手段,是股东权利得以真正实现的最后屏障。股东诉讼能改变非合作博弈的格局,以外在的强制成为所有者与经营者合作博弈的推动力。  相似文献   

周晓娟 《科学发展》2013,(12):90-96
进入21世纪以来,在科学发展观的指导下,"城乡统筹发展"已上升为国家战略,而以上海为代表的大城市的城乡关系也进入战略转型阶段。"极化"与"序化"理论是指导城乡关系发展与演变的两个相互联系的理论。总体而言,基于"极化"和"序化"理论的城乡统筹空间布局、城乡统筹经济发展、城乡统筹人口分布等都按"共同联系的稳定性"有规律地演变,同时也对一系列制度提出了新的创新性要求,如户籍制度、土地制度、社会保障制度等,这是引导大城市城乡统筹良性发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场的"症结"来自于制度条件下的扭曲。第一是土地制度问题,数字显示资源限制和垄断对住房市场的巨大压力。第二是因为资源垄断而产生的博弈。博弈分不同的方式来说,市场上所谓的规范性力量等都是因为制度造成的。  相似文献   

研究生扩招是中国教育改革的一项重大制度安排,但教育的根本是培养人才,而不是简单的学历文凭堆积。解决教育“麦当劳化”问题的根本,在于调节社会分配中的巨大的贫富差距,提高社会就业水平,使得社会各个阶层的成员拥有相当的利益博弈能力。  相似文献   

The gradual evolution to free enterprise in England, which became quite pronounced about the time of Adam Smith, is explained in this paper in terms of institutional changes in the rent-seeking society of mercantile England. In this explanation the role of ideas and influential writers is seen as subsidiary to the role of real economic and institutional forces in producing historical outcomes. Moreover, a major feature of our rent-seeking interpretation is that the poor design and competition for control of the mercantile regulatory process unintentionally helped bring about the institutional changes which made rent seeking and economic regulation by the central government less feasible.
"a part of that force which always intends evil 4und always creates good"— Goethe, Faust.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of sending states are systematically offering social and political membership to migrants residing outside their territories. The proliferation of these dual memberships contradicts conventional notions about immigrant incorporation, their impact on sending countries, and the relationship between migration and development in both contexts. But how do ordinary individuals actually live their lives across borders? Is assimilation incompatible with transnational membership? How does economic and social development change when it takes place across borders? This article takes stock of what is known about everyday transnational practices and the institutional actors that facilitate or impede them and outlines questions for future research. In it, I define what I mean by transnational practices and describe the institutions that create and are created by these activities. I discuss the ways in which they distribute migrants’ resources and energies across borders, based primarily on studies of migration to the United States.  相似文献   


This paper argues the importance of Dutch Reformed theology for the legitimization of National Party rule and for justification of White dominance in South Africa. The Dutch Reformed Churches have never proposed a single identification between election and racial or ethnic identity, legitimization has been sought rather through the cosmic pluralism of Abraham Kuyper and H. G. Stoker. Where Kuyperianism has proven unacceptable for theological reasons, Afrikaner Churchmen have had regress to the theologically suspect notion of the volkskerk. On the institutional, as opposed to the theological level, it is argued that Dutch Reformed churches in cooperation with the Afrikaner Broederbond have provided a major informal bulwark for National Party rule in South Africa. The paper suggests in conclusion that the National Party has elaborate theoretical justification for pragmatic racism, at the same time the Dutch Reformed churches have been rent by dissent about their theological legitimation of Afrikaner domination.  相似文献   

W Suen 《Economic inquiry》2000,38(3):470-486
The market for resident domestic helpers offers a rare opportunity where the surplus from employment relationship can be quantitatively measured for each individual employee. Using the difference between employer's cost of time and employee's wage as a measure of rent, it is found that wages for domestic helpers are positively related to rent. However the apparent sharing of rent is better explained by matching than by efficiency wage models. Rent sharing is observed even in households where monitoring or turnover costs are low. Rent sharing is not observed among newly arrived foreign domestic helpers, whose ability remains to be revealed.  相似文献   

We investigate associations of housing assistance with housing and food‐related hardship among low‐income single‐mother households using data from the National Survey of America’s Families (N = 5,396). Results from instrumental variables models suggest that receipt of unit‐based assistance, such as traditional public housing, is associated with a large decrease in rent burden and modest decreases in difficulty paying rent or utilities and residential crowding. Receipt of tenant‐based assistance, such as housing vouchers or certificates, is associated with a modest increase in housing stability but also with modest increases in rent burden and difficulty paying rent or utilities. We find no associations between either type of housing assistance and food related hardship.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the interplay between the effects of host countries' characteristics and self-selection patterns of immigrants from a highly developed country on their economic assimilation in other developed countries. The focus is on immigrants originated from Germany during 1990–2000 who migrated to Sweden and the US. The results show that almost all German immigrants reached full earnings assimilation with natives of similar observed attributes, and that the assimilation of highly educated Germans was better than that of the less educated. It was also found that the skilled immigrants were compensated for their human capital acquired in Germany. Finally, the better assimilation of German immigrants, especially the highly educated, took place in the US. This finding was probably the result of an interaction between the Germans’ pattern of self-selection and the US context of reception.  相似文献   

Rethinking assimilation theory for a new era of immigration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
"We argue that assimilation theory has not lost its utility for the study of contemporary immigration to the United States. In making our case, we review critically the canonical account of assimilation provided by Milton Gordon and others; we refer to Shibutani and Kwan's theory of ethnic stratification to suggest some directions to take in reformulating assimilation theory. We also examine some of the arguments frequently made to distinguish between the earlier mass immigration of Europeans and the immigration of the contemporary era and find them to be inconclusive. Finally, we sift through some of the evidence about the socioeconomic and residential assimilation of recent immigrant groups. Though the record is clearly mixed, we find evidence consistent with the view that assimilation is taking place, albeit unevenly."  相似文献   

According to rent‐cycling theory, low rent aligns the interests of the elite and the majority in providing public goods and efficiency incentives to promote economic growth, while high rent risks deflecting the elite into self‐enriching rent deployment, which distorts the economy and triggers a collapse from which recovery is protracted because rent recipients resist reform. The theory also predicts, however, that this collapse will self‐correct by shrinking per capita rent, which strengthens incentives for wealth creation. This article tests the prediction in Mauritius, Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire where intensifying land scarcity has shrunk per capita rent; Mauritius meets the prediction, but Kenya and Côte d'Ivoire do not.  相似文献   

Strategic Groups and Rent Dissipation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We consider a rent-seeking contest in which players can form strategic groups before expending their outlays. We examine the profitability of endogenous group formation and the effect of such group formation on rent dissipation. We show the following: When just one strategic group is formed in equilibrium, group formation is beneficial both to the group members and to the nonmembers, and rent dissipation is smaller than with usual individual rent seeking. However, when more than two strategic groups are formed in equilibrium, group formation is never profitable to any players, and rent dissipation is greater than with individual rent seeking.  相似文献   

We provide evidence for Granger causality between rent-seeking behavior and democracy in Uruguay, where both rent-seeking behavior and political shifts have varied widely in the past 80 yr but ethnolinguistic heterogeneity and inequality have remained low. This helps identify "pure" interactions and their link with rent-seeking outcomes. The presence and duration of democracy appear to have been conducive to a decrease in rent seeking, although the reduction in rent seeking does not appear to have had a bearing on the quality of democratic regime. While the duration of democratic regime may impact rent-seeking behavior, rent seeking also displays a Granger causality to democratic duration. ( JEL O10, O1)  相似文献   

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