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点菜和结帐Diǎncài HéJiézhàng Ordering Dishes and Paying the Bill你们吃什么? Nǐmén chīshénme? What would you like to eat?我点菜。Wǒdiǎncài. I'll order the food.  相似文献   

FIFTY-five-year-old Li Xiuhua is a rural woman, whose husband died, leaving her two sons and a daughter, who had all been married. In the past several years, Li Xiuhua and her husband worked very hard and earned a considerable sum of money through pig and rabbit raising. Besides a new house worth 50,000 yuan, they also had a deposit of 100,000 yuan in the bank. After her husband's death, Li Xiuhua's parents-in-law told her that the new house and all the savings would belong to them and their grandchildren if Li  相似文献   

By All Means;Certainly Nàhái yòng shuō"那还用说Nàhái yòng shuō"implies"you are wasting your breath."It is used to blame someone for lacking common sense. Example例句: 1.A:It's so hot!Shall we eat something light? B:By all means!  相似文献   

Don't Be So Conceited还知道姓什么吗? Hái zhīdào xìng shéme ma? Some people are easily excited.When they hear good news, they grin from ear to ear.Sometimes,it is advisable to shake them out of their giddiness. Example例句:  相似文献   

I've Never Seen a Person Like You没见过你这种人Méi ji(?)n guo nǐzhèzhǒng rén It is impolite to make such a statement,so,to avoid a quarrel,you'd better not use the sentence.If another person says this to you,you'd better pretend not to hear it rather than  相似文献   

Shíyòng Hàn yǔKǒu yǔ实用汉语口语Basic Chinese Sentences现在几点? Xiàn zài jǐdiǎn? What time is it now?今天几号? Jīn tiān jǐhào? What is the date today?明天星期几? Míng tiān xīng qījǐ? What day is tomorrow?  相似文献   

Jimmy Gates and Erma Hart, both from Britain, are studying Chinese in a Beijing-based language school. One Saturday morning, they went to the house of Li Ming, their tutor, to practice their spoken Chinese. " Last time, we learned the word '东西dongxi.' Could you tell me its meaning,  相似文献   

I Didn't See Anything Good about It没看出好来Méi kàn chūhǎo lai One may use this sentence to comment on something when he/she thinks there's nothing wonderful about it,or when he/ she cannot foresee any favorable development trend in it. Example例句: 1.A:Lao Li,how was the dance performance last night? B:I didn't see anything good about it. A:老李呀,昨儿的舞蹈晚会怎么样? B:哼,没看出好来。2.A:Lao Li,how are my shares doing? B:I haven't spotted a good trend. A:老李呀,我这股票的走势怎么样? B:哎呀,没看出好来。  相似文献   

Whether a family is happy or not depends much on the way one looks at life. What kind of family is in this article, happy or unhappy? You are sure to get your answer after reading the story of Li Qiang, a first year student from Shaanxi Normal University.  相似文献   

1 .Voeabulary:看内科牙医胃疼心脏拉肚子比.。之.垅y血yiw之it云ng xin叻ngL丘d血21see .physlcla.deltt诬st stomae加aehe heart diarrhoea恶心食欲打针王xlos加iy西d五名旋nskk apPetlte have an五njeetion1 .UsefulE却ress拓此A:大夫,D血ifu,有,点儿不舒服。y6u di五n erb立sh云fuB:A:B:D伙tor,I毋二说feeli.g well.怎么啦?Z范n me la?What,5 the matter?我发烧,头疼。W6伍sh厄。,t6ut睡ng1 bave a tem衅rature and a headache.童量体温。Li丘ng lidngt互w厄n.Let me take your te.碑rature·^:37.8度 s五n shi qiT卜irty,evenB…  相似文献   

According to some archaeological discoveries, people began to use gold to make ornaments during the Shang Dynasty, more than 3,000 years ago. This partfcular piece of chiseled gold ornament was unearthed in 1957 from the Ming Dynasty tomb of Wang Gui at You'anmen, Beijing. Wang Gui was a head of the Imperial Bodyguard in the Ming Dynasty. His eldest daughter was an imperial concubine of the Emperor Cheng Hua. Consequently, his family held a prominent position at the time. The gold ornament, 50.5 centimeters in length and 295 grams in weight, is composed of two parts. The upper part is shaped like lotus leaves, with fine double lines as the vein. To indicate auspiciousness, a pair of mandarin ducks with lotus flowers in their months sit on either side of the thick leaves. Seven long gold chains measuring 21 centimeters in length link the  相似文献   

Da Shi Lan, one of Beijing's most famous old-fashioned streets, has a history dating back 570 years. It was built in 1430, the 18th year of Emperor Yong Le's rule during the Ming Dynasty. Da Shi Lan is 375 meters long and is home to 26 shops from nine types of trade.  相似文献   

Director:Ning Ying Cast:Hong Huang,Li Qinqin,Liu Sula,Ping Yanni and Zhang Hanzhi When Niuniu,a successful magazine publisher,realizes that her husband is having an affair with one of her friends, she invites her three best friends to a gettogether in an effort to find out who is sleeping with her husband. The gathering takes place,during Chinese New Year,in Niuniu's luxurious residence in a traditional Chinese courtyard.The  相似文献   

Are You Kidding?你不是开玩笑吧? Nǐbúshìkāi wán xiào ba? This sentence can be used in two different situations:Either when one thinks something is too good to be true,or when he/ she can hardly believe bad news. Example例句:1.A:Tomorrow,I'll give you 10,000 yuan to buy clothes. B:Are you kidding me? A:明天我给你一万块钱买衣服!  相似文献   

Time (print)     
“Time” shows a feeling in a twinkling: life is like a poem or a song. it twinkles, undulates and unfolds to offer us beauty, optimism and warmth. Li Xiu. 51. a printmaker of the Yi nationality, is quite familiar with the life of the Yi people. She has produced many works about the Yi because she has lived in her native area of Yunnan Province for many years. Her prints display exquisite compositions, cool and simple colors that evoke a rich, modern flavor. Li graduated in 1968 from the Fine Arts Department of Guangxi Art College. Today she is a senior painter with the Yunnan Art Academy and a council member of the Chinese Artists Association. Story by LIU NAN  相似文献   

1 The Insider's Guide to Beijig《北京指南》Editor:Adam Pillsbury Publisher:True Run Media Beijing is an overwhelming place.The language barrier,urban sprawl,gridlock and culture shock combine to make expats'first weeks in the Chinese capital a baffling experience.How is a newcomer,who can't even direct a taxi driver to his apartment,supposed to find a block of cheese,a pair of shoes or a Western hairstylist in this metropolis? The answer is in the"Insider's Guide to Beijing."  相似文献   

"Understanding My Husband理解我的丈夫As a military surgeon, my husband has practised medicine in Southwest China's Tibet for 28 years. He devotes all his energies to serving the army and the people inTibet, but is seldom back to our home, in Dalian, a city in Northeast China, to call on me, since he usually has no time to take his holidays. For this reason, colleagues in my working unit often wonder: "Why do we never see your husband? Where is he? Has he died or, have you divorced each other?" I can't say anything to them.  相似文献   

Through his years of teaching at a Beijing language center, Lin Li has come to believe teachers must be imaginative. He is often stunned by some of the strange questions asked by the foreign students, and after he comes to understand the questions, he does not know whether to laugh or cry. He is always happy to share his interesting experiences as a language teacher with his friends. Once, one of his students, from  相似文献   

China's Museums《中国博物馆》Authors: Li Xianyao and Luo Zhewen Publisher: China Intercontinental Press This book provides a cultural matrix of China's vast wealth of history, as displayed in the country's many museums. The vivid photos and excellent text contribute to a greater understanding of Chinese history. The book is divided into 10 chapters, and  相似文献   

Tiananmen, a tourist spot in the center of Beijing, used to be the gate of the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was built in 1417 during the Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   

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