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This paper studies the problem of partnership dissolution in the context of asymmetric information. Past work shows that the initial share allocation, interdependence of partners’ valuations, and asymmetric control all affect the possibility of efficient dissolution. In this paper, I show, in a novel class of “cooperative” partnerships characterized by ex ante interdependence of valuations, that effectiveness is significantly more important than the initial share allocation. Intuitively, as the effectiveness of cooperation between partners (and thus partnership value) increases, the gains from dissolving decrease but the informational rents remain constant, so efficient dissolution is more difficult to achieve. For sufficiently high effectiveness, efficient dissolution is impossible for any initial share allocation. For sufficiently low effectiveness, however, efficient dissolution is possible for all initial share allocations. The possibility of efficient bargaining depends on the initial share allocation only for moderately effective partnerships.  相似文献   

The effects of a change in the level of taxation on labor supply are examined under the assumption that the government budget balances. The government spends tax revenues either on redistributions (which are assumed to have an income effect on labor supply) or on other government goods (which are assumed not to influence labor supply). In order for a rise in the tax rate to increase the quantity of labor supplied, it must be that (i) the labor-supply function bends backward, and (ii) sufficiently little of the increased tax revenues are redistributed. The quantity of labor supplied must fall if all marginal tax revenues are redistributed.  相似文献   

Voters who support tax limitations measures such as California's Proposition 13 seem to feel that their expected gains more than compensate for whatever costs may follow from a successful tax revolt. Costs can arise from a decline in government services or from an increase in some replacement tax if service levels are maintained. This paper estimates the perceived and actual incidence of a property tax revolt under alternative assumptions about voter perceptions and eventual outcomes. Our results suggest that the most visible benefits of a tax cut favor low-income homeowners. In the event of government budget cutbacks, it is possible that the distribution of services is sufficiently skewed toward low-income groups to reverse the incidence of a property tax revolt.  相似文献   


This article reports and analyzes findings of a mixed-methods study which examined correlations between select organizational factorsbudget size, staff size, age, local government funding, and leadership-and the advocacy behavior of human service agencies in Washington, DC. Surveys were sent to 100 agency executive directors, and 43 were returned. Follow-up interviews with staff from the five highest scoring and five lowest scoring agencies are reported. Findings show that budget size, staff size, leadership, and local government funding are positively correlated to agency advocacy behavior. Barriers and enhancements to agency advocacy behavior are also discussed.  相似文献   


The question of this paper is: what factors explain the decisions of state governments to fund research on science and technology? The theoretical problem underlying the research question is patronage in the classical sense, that is, the support by one person or group for the activities of another person or group. Three models of explanation are proposed: “budget incrementalism,” a “rational” model, and a power model. The models are evaluated with information from a case study of a state government program in Michigan. The rational model best explains the state's selection of some proposals out of all the proposals submitted by each state university for funding. The power model best explains the overall allocation of program funds among Michigan's public universities. The budget incrementalism model helps explain the considerable stability from year to year in funding both for the entire program and for each university's share.  相似文献   

We determine the relative rewards to producers, private rent‐seekers, and bureaucrats and allocation of talent between them in a general equilibrium model. Unproductive activity creates a negative externality on the relative rewards to producers. If the size of bureaucracy is exogenously given, among the multiple equilibria, the one with fewer private rent‐seekers yields higher welfare. By choosing a small size of bureaucracy, the government can establish the superior equilibrium as the unique outcome, which also achieves the constrained optimum. If the population of bureaucrats is endogenously determined, however, a larger bureaucracy enhances production and welfare. The size of government and economic performance are jointly determined, and their relationship depends on the quality of government. Our result supports the view that the size of government may not matter much; what is important is the quality of government. (JEL E60, E61, H00)  相似文献   

"A rise in neo-isolationism in the United States has given encouragement to a new fiscal politics of immigration. Growing anti-immigrant sentiment has coalesced with forces of fiscal conservatism to make immigrants an easy target of budget cuts. Limits on legal alien access to social welfare programs that are contained in the 1996 welfare and immigration reform acts seem motivated not so much by a guiding philosophy of what it means to be a member of American society as by a desire to shrink the size of the federal government and to produce a balanced budget. Even more than in the past, the consequence of a shrinking welfare state is to metamorphose legal immigrants from public charges to windfall gains for the federal treasury."  相似文献   

The theory of compensatory consumption suggests that a possible lack of traditional avenues for fulfilling needs for social status may lead ethnic minorities to shift measures of social status from traditional indicators such as occupational prestige to consumption indicators of status conveying goods. In this study we investigate whether a household’s ethnic identity affects its budget allocation to status conveying goods. Annual budget shares for apparel, housing, and home furnishings are used for measuring status consumption. Results show that Asian American households allocate more of their budget to housing, while African American more to apparel, compared to European households. Hispanic households allocate more of their budget to both apparel and housing than European American households, but to a lesser degree compared to Asian Americans to housing and African Americans to apparel.  相似文献   

我国实施财税和预算改革须探讨其与政府资产负债表的关系。我国的财政预算必须实现"窄口径"向"全口径"的转变,并能够同时反映流量和存量数据、揭示中长期风险和隐性风险。我国中央政府和地方政府资产负债表的存量数据,揭示了社保、医疗、环境治理、地方债和铁路债带来的中长期财政压力。对较为紧迫的地方债务和或有债务问题,我国需建立以地方债为主的地方融资体系,通过编制地方政府资产负债表来披露地方债务规模和担保数量。上海可以率先尝试发行地方债和编制地方政府资产负债表。  相似文献   

We analyze the sustainability of the government's intertemporal budget constraint and the corresponding fiscal reaction function within a nonlinear error‐correction framework. Our empirical analysis, based on Italy, provides some evidence that the Italian government is meeting its intertemporal budget constraint. Nevertheless, we show that the burden of correcting budgetary disequilibria is entirely carried out by changes in the average tax rate, with a weakly exogenous government spending, possibly determined by the political process. We also document some rigidities of the tax instrument, in terms of downward inflexibility of the average tax rate with respect to its long‐run level. Finally, we provide some evidence in favor of a nonlinear adjustment toward a sustainable long‐run equilibrium, as the average tax rate adjusts faster the further away it gets from the equilibrium. By considering the behavior of taxes across the economic cycle, we also provide some evidence of inflexibility of the tax instrument during bad times. (JEL C32, C51, C52, H20, H50)  相似文献   

Even if inflation is perfectly anticipated, a firm that finds nominal price adjustments sufficiently costly will reset its price at multi-period intervals. Consequently, its average output will change in a direction that depends on properties of its profit function. On the basis of this observation, which does not involve money illusion, the paper shows that anticipated inflation can stimulate aggregate employment through a process that entails changes in the factor demands of individual monopolistic firms and in the intersectoral allocation of consumer expenditure. Simulations indicate, however, that the gain in aggregate employment is likely to be modest.  相似文献   

Between 1974:I-1989:II, it appears that U.S. budget deficits and real exchange rates are correlated. This paper attempts to provide a structural explanation of these comovements in government budget deficits and exchange rates. The model expands on previous works to include fiscal policy considerations in a stochastic set-up. It shows that within a simple two-country cash-in-advance constraint model, it is possible to have a positive correlation between budget deficits and exchange rates, as well as a negative correlation between exchange rates and domestic traded goods production.  相似文献   

This paper applies new tests for parameter instability in cointegrated regression models to the U.S. Federal government's intertemporal budget constraint in order to detect whether there has been a regime change in spending and taxing policies. Some researchers have argued that fiscal policy under Presidents Reagan and Bush moved the U.S. deficit onto an unsustainable path. My results suggest that government deficit policy in the 1980s was not significantly different from policies during the three earlier decades. However, a diverging debt-GNP ratio suggests that the government will run into problems marketing its debt if current policy continues.  相似文献   

This paper shows that it is possible to track the changes in the distribution of power within a couple by focusing on the changes in the pattern of private consumption when the consumption decisions are efficient and private consumption is separable from public consumption in individual preferences. We first show that the separability of private consumption from public consumption at the individual level carries over to the household level. Hence, changes in public consumption only matters through a change in the residual budget available for private consumption. When the consumption decisions within the household is efficient, private consumption decisions can be modeled as the solution of a problem consisting in maximizing a weighted sum of the private-consumption sub-utility functions of the spouses under the residual budget, the weights being unique and representing the distribution of power over the allocation of private consumption. The model presented in this paper can be used to analyze the changes in the household resource allocation due to, for example, childbirth.  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical framework to examine how government organization affects its power and size. The framework abstracts from distortions that arise from the means of government finance and separates government power into two dimensions—pure coercive power and pure pricing power. A government can exert its coercive power to shift the demand for its services outward and grow too large. It can simultaneously exert its pricing power to restrict output along a given demand curve to earn rents. Consequently, neither size nor rents alone are reliable indicators of the extent to which government provision of services is nonoptimal.  相似文献   

This paper considers how government size responds to a change in the influence of interest groups. First, an election model is developed that has an equilibrium and in which interest groups have unequal influence. The authors then show that an increase in a group's influence per se does not cause government size to increase but does cause its size to increase when the government (1) cannot change tax shares or (2) provides a good benefiting one (untaxed) group, whose sole interest is in maximizing its consumption of the good. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the normative implications.  相似文献   

I develop a theory of the relationship between government actions and union political protest that uses conjunctures and structures to explain government-related factors which influence union political protest. Conjunctures are dramatic political developments that have the potential to tilt the status quo in industrial relations against, or in favor of, union vested interests. Here, the core conjunctures are significant debts and budget deficits concurrent with governments preaching severe budget cuts and public sector restructuring that, if implemented, can undercut unions. Structures are the policy tools that governments use to implement their agendas. Together, conjunctures and structures constitute a distinct government logic that influences the likelihood of union protest.  相似文献   

Threshold Effects in the U.S. Budget Deficit   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We contribute to the debate on whether the U.S. large federal budget deficits are sustainable in the long run. We model the U.S. government deficit per capita as a threshold autoregressive process. We find evidence that the U.S. budget deficit is sustainable in the long run and that economic policy makers will only intervene to reduce per capita deficit when it reaches a certain threshold. (JEL C32 , E62 )  相似文献   

As diminishing government funding becomes a major American preoccupation, federal social policies are often evaluated more in terms of their impact on the deficit than their effectiveness. This article discusses the current state and future projections of the budget and the two processes that affect fiscal policy: authorization and appropriation measures and budget resolution/reconciliation. Knowledge of the federal budget process shows social work students how budget restraints have been used as weapons against social welfare programs. In addition, this knowledge allows the policy practitioner to recognize certain “decision points,” or places in these processes, at which social workers can intervene.  相似文献   

The size of the federal budget deficit has alarmed politicians and the general public both. Following recent work, we examine the long-run solvency of the U.S. government by testing for cointegration of federal expenditures and revenues. We include a break term in the cointegrating recession for 1981 to capture a shift in the fiscal process in the first Reagan administration. Tests show the break to be significant; and with the break, in contrast to earlier work, expenditures and revenues are cointegrated with a coefficient of one. Thus, we find the deficit to be stationary and so potentially sustainable.  相似文献   

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