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母亲是外国人,父亲是中国人,而且又位于偏远的边境和少数民族地区,所以这种跨国婚姻的子女在政治认同方面比一般小孩更加冷漠;在国家认同方面他们也为自己的母亲难以成为中国人而遗憾;在行为规范引导方面,他们地处走私、贩毒、拐卖妇女儿童等违法犯罪现象比较普遍的边境地区,在族群文化和国家主体文化及法律存在冲突的情况下,他们也面临着一些迷茫。边境跨国婚姻的子女也是祖国边疆的花朵,尤其需要呵护。在家庭方面,需要正视他们家庭不完整、家庭功能难以正常发挥的问题,需要帮助他们解决家庭的特殊困难;在社会方面,需要通过依法加强民主政治实践来强化他们对国家政治的认可;在学校教育方面,需要加强法制教育。  相似文献   

A村是位于中国广西边境地区大新县的一个村庄。该村村民主要是壮族,和越南邻村边民属于同一个民族。自从20世纪80年代末中越关系改善以来,该村与越南邻村边民之间的跨国婚姻越来越多。但是,这类逐渐普遍的跨国婚姻,由于种种原因,难以有正常的婚姻登记,导致这些越南妇女难以取得中国户籍、国籍,从而产生了国家、群体、自我身份认同三重危机。作为中国家庭的重要成员,这种身份认同的危机带来了明显的负面后果。走进这些越南妇女的内心世界,可以感受到她们在社会身份认同方面的无可奈何。加强对这种跨国婚姻现象的研究,具有重要的社会意义。  相似文献   

综合人类学、民族学的视角,运用参与观察和深入访谈的田野调查方法,对老挝苗族新年上的跨国婚姻现象进行调查,描述其缔结方式、婚姻程序及成本,认为老挝苗族与美国苗族的跨国婚姻呈上升趋势,跨国婚姻增强了苗族的族群认同,促进了苗族自身的发展。  相似文献   

本文通过阐述中越边境地区跨国婚姻的现状,从中越边境地区跨国婚姻中存在的婚姻家庭、身份认同、社会管理等方面的问题,分析了中越跨国婚姻问题产生的根源和发展的态势,认为在边境地区跨国婚姻治理中应建立科学的决策和执法机制、加强相关法律知识的宣传教育以及构筑坚不可摧的制度屏障.因此,对中越边境地区跨国婚姻治理模式做出相应调适,使中越边境地区跨国婚姻问题治理常态化和长效化有着重要的现实和理论意义.  相似文献   

中越边境地区上世纪80年代末两国关系得到改善以来,中国与越南毗邻村屯边民之间缔结的跨国婚姻数量呈快速上升的态势,越来越多的越南妇女嫁入到中国家庭。本文着力探讨中越边境跨国婚姻建立的基础,同时关注这些嫁入中国家庭并生育子女的越南妇女的处境。由于制度等各种条件限制,她们难以有正常的婚姻登记,最终沦为尴尬的无国籍女人,这对中越边境社会的稳定产生了一系列负面影响.  相似文献   

边境跨国婚姻所生子女在社会化过程中遇到的特殊情况,需要我们给予更多的关注和研究.比如要正视他们家庭不完整、家庭功能难以正常发挥的问题,要满足他们受教育的权利,要照顾他们特殊的受教育需要,社会需要加强理解、宽容.  相似文献   

王晓艳 《民族学刊》2015,6(6):49-54, 109-110
跨国婚姻在中缅边境地区是普遍现象,基于民族的社会结构特征,中缅跨国婚姻的择偶途径包括了亲缘、地缘和业缘关系网络。这些途径充分说明个体的社会行为与相应的族群和地域特征相匹配,也进一步表现出边境地区的跨国婚姻多为边民日常交往的结果。那么,跨国婚姻在国家管理层面上凸显的问题应多从“主位”的视角寻求更具实践性的解决途径。  相似文献   

朝鲜族跨国人口流动及其规模在改革开放后的30多年中持续增长.在跌宕起伏、曲折多变的跨国流动中,在韩朝鲜族在不断改变其流动方式和生活环境的同时,实际也在改变着自己的社会关系和群体的归属结构,其归属感、价值观、认同感也在不断被打破和重塑.比起20世纪90年代末朝鲜民族“族性”的淡化与中国人的“国民性”的强化,21世纪前10年的后半期开始,由于韩国对朝鲜族政策环境的不断改善及朝鲜族本身的各种共时性的复杂身份,形成民族认同和国家认同的交错和张力,其身份认同呈现出日趋开放和多元的特点,这在某种程度上对国家认同的建构形成一定的冲击和挑战.  相似文献   

本文从追溯巴尔虎人的演进历程,呈现研究主体的民族特色;搭建认同学术平台,铺展认同比较研究;进行学理归纳,凸显国家建构等三方面,评价了张宝成的论著《民族认同与国家认同——跨国民族视阈下的巴尔虎蒙古人身份选择》。  相似文献   

丁月牙 《民族研究》2012,(3):1-12,107
跨国主义理论的出现和发展为学术界,尤其是为移民和跨国、跨文化研究领域做出了理论贡献。文章介绍了跨国主义的缘起和定义;通过文献分析,对该理论在发展过程中所形成的三大核心概念,即跨国活动、跨国社会空间和跨国认同进行了全面阐述;立足于现有的研究成果,提出跨国主义理论贡献是在研究视角和逻辑、分析框架及研究方法等三方面给学术界带来了变革性的影响。  相似文献   

田素庆 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):75-83,119-121
Against the background of good border trade policies and the prosperous economy of China, and in addition to the ethnic groups who have lived along the border for generations, a large number of Burmese nationals have entered the Sino-Burmese border area, seeking opportunities to work, trade and live. Among the population of for ̄eigners living in China, Burmese nationals take fourth place. They are mainly distributed in the Si ̄no-Burmese border areas. Based on an in-depth investigation of the Burmese nationals who have crossed the border and live in the Ruili National Development Experimental Zone, the paper points out the structural differences between those Bur ̄mese nationals who belong to Cross-border Ethnic Groups and those who are cross-border migrants and who concentrate in and ethnic enclaves. It also specifies their different means of livelihood, living spaces and religious practices.
The survey shows that the Burmese nationals who belong to Cross-border Ethnic Groups can be traced back to the official border demarcation of the two countries in 1960 , when they migrated to towns and farms in Ruili, mainly through mar ̄riage, and made their living by engaging in tradi ̄tional agriculture, selling petty commodities, trading agricultural products, opening traditional restaurant/guest houses, offering tourism services or starting family handicraft workshops. They mainly speak their ethnic minority language, and are able to understand some Chinese. They are bound together by the same religious beliefs inside and outside of China. According to the investiga ̄tion, since the marriage registration for Sino-Bur ̄mese Border Area in 2006 , at the end of 2014 , there are 2331 registered transnational couples in Ruili City, all of whom are Burmese nationals who live along the border. Except for some Han People who married other ethnic peoples, the rest of the ethnic groups were endogamous. According to my field survey, which was confirmed by local woman cardees, the number of cross-border marriages in Ruili is actually much higher than this statistic. This is because, for a variety of reasons, a sub ̄stantial number of couples did not go to the regis ̄tration office.
As for the Burmese who are cross-border mi ̄grants and who concentrate in ethnic enclaves, they are mostly Burman, Sino-Burmese, Burmese Indians and Burmese Pakistanis, and Arakanese. Since China’s 1992 policy to open the border, the Jiegao Bridge connecting China and Burma was built, and this group of people began to enter Chi ̄na. In recent years, with the industrial transforma ̄tion and development in the Ruili area, as well as the better social environment, more and more Bur ̄mese nationals have crossed the border and settled down in Ruili, making a living by buying( or ren ̄ting) houses, selling raw materials for jewelry and jade, processing Rosewood, and working as factory workers, construction workers, waiters and wait ̄resses, and peddlers, etc. They mainly speak Bur ̄mese ( Sino-Burmese are bilingual ) . Influenced and dominated by government policies, their choices of living areas are related to their ethnic i ̄dentity, religious beliefs and economic power. The city of Ruili has undoubtedly left its mark.
In summary,although the “human migration”of a“Transnational class” under the background of globalization, including -immigrants, migrant la ̄borers, and migrant businessmen, “Transnational social space” has been constructed in various meg ̄alopolis like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, a more complicated means of livelihood and living space has been constructed by those Burmese nationals “who belong to Cross -border Ethnic Groups”, and those Burmese nationals who cross the border as migrants and live in ethnic en ̄claves in the border cities and towns of Yunnan and Burma.  相似文献   

As Chinese cities compete aggressively for foreign-educated Chinese labour from afar and offer enticing recruitment packages, little is known about how targeted foreign-educated Chinese navigate these programmes across transnational space. This article explores the relationship between the talent recruitment programmes the Chinese state fiercely promote and the experiences of U.S.-educated Chinese returnees. Drawing upon the literature on neoliberal globalisation, skilled return migration, and Chinese diaspora engagement, I argue that transnationally connected and mobile migrants do not subscribe to the nationalistic development agenda of a particular state but move across transnational spaces by strategically utilising different forms of capital at their disposal. Based on qualitative data collected in China between 2014 and 2016, this article demonstrates that despite strong push from the Chinese state towards patriotism, foreign-educated Chinese returnees do not subscribe to the inherently place-based, nationalistic development agenda. Rather, they utilise different forms of capital that these initiatives provide in ways the Chinese state has not intended: to enhance mobility across national borders and flexibility to organise their careers and detach themselves from particular places. More work is called for to further theorise the experiences of these transnational elites and the new subjectivities emerging from these processes.  相似文献   

This paper explores Sikh transnational marriages contracted between the UK and Indian Punjab. Ethnographic and statistical studies have found that transnational marriage is less popular among UK-born Indian Sikhs than Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims. Those who marry transnationally tend to be less educated than those who marry in the UK, and there is an apparent pattern in transnational marriages wherein UK-born men are likely to marry women from India who are more educated than themselves, or shehri (city) women as they are called in Punjabi. The paper explores two shehri brides’ lived experience of marriage and explores the constraints on their agency and the forms that it takes at a number of ‘geographies’ or scales: in their relationships with their natal families, with their in-laws, husbands, the labour market and the state. The paper argues that state discourses problematising marriage migration in socio-economic and integration terms must be critiqued, not only because the shehri brides go against classed policy framings of the migrant wife but also because such framings deny the agency of all migrant women as they struggle to move on with their lives over time.  相似文献   

My research examines the role of patron saint celebrations in how the children of indigenous Oaxacan immigrants living in Los Angeles, California form ethnic, community, and national identities. Religious practices among immigrants have been characterized as a reterritorialization of religious practices (McAlister in Gatherings in diaspora: Religious communities and the new immigration, 1998). Importantly, legal status may influence transborder movement for undocumented immigrants thereby affecting the extent and character of immigrants’ transnational activities, including their religious practices (Menjívar in J Ethn Migr Stud 28:531–552, 2002). In cases when immigrants may be unable to return their country of origin, rituals figuratively transport immigrants between the sending and receiving community (Tweed in J Am Acad Religion 70:253–277, 2002). Thus, religious identities and practices also enable immigrants to sustain membership in multiple locations, allowing them to affirm continued attachments to a particular sending community or nation even if they are unable to return to their home country (Levitt in Int Migr Rev 37:847–873, 2003). Playing in village-based bands, performing traditional dances, or attending patron saint festivities facilitate indigenous youths’ social integration into the U.S. by fostering a strong sense of ethnic pride in the face of anti-indigenous discrimination from within the Latino population or anti-immigrant hostility from mainstream society. This article explores the racism at structural and individuals levels the children of indigenous immigrants contend with, as well as the effects of these on patterns of identity formation for the children of undocumented indigenous immigrants and on their children’s transnational practices.  相似文献   

当前中越边境沿线的边民互市点,超越了简单的经济和集市范畴,具有广泛和重要的政治、社会、文化内含。搞好边民互市点的建设和管理,对促进我国中越边境民族地区的经济和社会发展、促进族群互动、增强国家认同、维护边疆稳定具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Review article     
Social processes in the world today are characterized by the growing importance of relations between actors located in different national spaces (transnational relations). Based on case studies, this article illustrates how nowadays transnational relations between local and transnational actors affect in different ways the social production of representations that are sociopolitically significant – insofar as they articulate meanings in the constitution and practices of social organizations and movements of diverse political orientations. Through the analysis of cases related to the social production of representations of ideas of pan-ethnic indigenous identities, ‘culture and development’, ‘civil society’, and ‘free trade’, this text seeks to contribute to the theoretical debate about culture, communication, and social change in the contemporary world. The cases discussed in this article are based on field and documentary research undertaken in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, the United States, and Venezuela.  相似文献   

This article aims to contextualise the new phase of Chinese organisational development in Australia in the academic tradition of transnationalism, explore the concrete forms of transnational activities undertaken by overseas-oriented Chinese organisations in economic, socio-cultural and political domains and analyse their policy relevance for both China and Australia. It argues that while these transnational activities could be seen as deliberative attempts to cater to the policy imperatives of the People's Republic of China, they also have the potential of furthering the national interest of Australia, which looks to enhance its economic and political standing in Asia. Underlying the triadic interactions of the Chinese transmigrants is the situational representation of ‘Chineseness’ and ‘Westernness’, which allows them to achieve a strategic balance in addressing the policy objectives of Australia and China and accumulate the greatest amount of ethnic capital in the process. Though primarily driven by self-interest and surely not free from controversies and tensions, these new forms of Chinese organisational activism are gradually taken into account by policy-makers of both countries to develop policy responses in multiple areas.  相似文献   

崔明德  王硕 《民族学刊》2023,14(4):44-52, 139
各民族经济相互依存是中华民族共同体形成和发展的重要因素,具有各民族经济互补、经济互动与共同繁荣等意涵。和亲是民族交往交流交融的重要形式,极大地促进了各民族经济的相互依存。各民族经济互补是和亲的内在动力,双方都希望通过和亲建立稳定的经济联系,满足经济需求。历代和亲活动加强了朝贡与互市贸易,推动了不同民族的物品流通和人员流动,形成了经济交流网络,畅通了丝绸之路,促进了各民族的经济互动。历代和亲有助于各民族经济社会稳定发展,有助于各区域共同发展,有助于中华民族物质财富的总体提升。各民族以和亲促发展的历程,为多民族中国地区间、民族间的相互协作提供了历史经验,为各民族形成紧密相连的利益共同体贡献了智慧,对铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper draws on a multi-sited ethnographic research study of sexual identity formation among self-identified gay Mexican men in Los Angeles, Mexico City and Cuernavaca. Relying primarily on in-depth interviews with 24 gay immigrant men and extensive participant observation in Los Angeles, this research explores the intersection of sexuality, social class, ethnicity and immigration in the participants' daily lives and identity formation processes, the potential ways that transnational social networks shape their identities, and the ways that sexuality impacts the contours of their transnational networks. This article argues that the participants' identities as gay men are best understood as hybrid constructions that integrate elements of the gender-stratified activo/pasivo model of homosexuality and the object-choice gay model of homosexuality, and that the integration of these models into their identities is impacted by social class, geography, and immigration. Further, this paper argues that the subjectivities of the gay immigrant men in this study are best understood within a transnational intersectionality framework which conceptualizes identities as hybrid constructions that are produced through the interaction of several salient social forces.  相似文献   

跨国婚姻作为历史上一种边境地区人群的常态化通婚形式,因民族国家边界管理方式的存在而演变成为边境地区亟需解决的社会问题。中国大陆学者在跨国婚姻的动因、身份困境与管理机制等方面做了大量研究,但仍未能形成一种具有社会文化整体观观照的研究范式。其核心原因是未能将边地社会的历史发展脉络、国外学术界关于跨国婚姻的研究及边地社会整体性的社会网络纳入到综合讨论之中,因此显示出了个案研究丰富,而研究深度、广度稍显不足的状况。所以,我们需要结合实证研究,综合三种研究视角推进跨国婚姻研究。  相似文献   

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