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风险以及风险理财概念日益走进了现代人的生活,但许多人在理解“风险”概念时出现了歧义。《现代汉语词典》中将“风险”解释为“危险.遭受损失、伤害、不利或毁灭的可能性”。而在1981年版的《辞源》和1989年版的《辞海》中.尚没有“风险”的释义。理财学中科学地进行了定义风险是“对事件预期结果的不确定性”。在鼓励探索、鼓励创新的当今时代.这种作中性理解的风险概念更符合时代精神。  相似文献   

风险以及风险理财概念日益走进了现代人的生活,但许多人在理解“风险”概念时出现了歧义。《现代汉语词典》中将“风险”解释为“危险,遭受损失、伤害、不利或毁灭的可能性”。而在1981年版的《辞源》和1989年版的《辞海》中,尚没有“风险”的释义。理财学中科学地进行了定义:风险是”对事件预期结果的不确定性”。在鼓励探索、鼓励创新的当今时代,这种作中性理解的风险概念更符合时代精神。正确认识风险,合理地计量风险,和谐地决策风险是风险理财中的关键。  相似文献   

孙红侠 《现代交际》2014,(8):118-118
企业在日常生产经营中由于扩大规模的需要难免要向外借债,并要按照要求还本付息,由于生产经营面临各种不确定性,可能会造成企业无法按期偿还债务,由此会导致企业面临巨大的财务风险甚至破产倒闭。因此,探析企业财务风险的衡量方法进而降低风险的影响,对企业日常的财务管理有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

大部分决策是存在风险的,每个决策者都会表现出不同的风险倾向。风险决策这个词越来越普遍的出现在生活中。即使对着越来越复杂的形势。了解大学生风险决策的心理效应机制,对于改进高校学生管理和就业指导工作,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出假设市场上有n种资产(如股票,债券)供投资者选择,第i种资产记为Si(i=1,2,,,n),某投资机构有数目为M的一笔资金可用作一个时期的投资。经分析评估,估算出这一时期购买Si的平均收益率为ri,并预测出购买Si的风险损失率为σi,且购买Si需支付交易费,费率为Si。考虑到投资种类越是独立和分散,总的风险就越小,不妨假设用这笔资金购买的资产总体  相似文献   

本研究以某大学70名大学生为被试运用实验室实验法,采用2(两种情绪状态:愉悦/悲伤)×2(两种框架:获益框架/受损框架)的混合设计,探讨了大学生在进行风险决策是不同的情绪状态和框架对其所起的所用。研究结果表明:(1)情绪状态对风险决策不具有影响;(2)获益框架和损失框架对风险决策具有显著影响。  相似文献   

张雪筠 《城市》2007,(1):43-45
改革开放以来"中国摆脱了运用政治力量抑制正常的社会成员分化,运用意识形态力量控制社会成员分化的历史,进入了一个以阶层为单位的社会成员的分化期".  相似文献   

19世纪至今出现了三套衡量地区发展的标准,最早是以经济增长为重心的国民生产总值(GDP);之后出现的是在考虑经济发展的同时,把教育程度、预期寿命、婴儿死亡率甚至贫富收入差距(基尼系数)等种种量化指标放进去的人类发展指数(HDI).直至近10年,由南亚小国不丹提出的国民幸福总值(GNH),开始受到国际重视.  相似文献   

被遗忘权提起之初,就与时间有着密不可分的关系。我国目前的网络环境以及发展阶段均表明不宜将被遗忘权常规化,加上被遗忘权认定过时的困境以及提前确权的倾向性等表明,目前中国应该审慎引入被遗忘权。对此,可以采取诸如对信息以及主体进行分级处理,设定最低适用时间等措施。  相似文献   

In this article, we outline the evidence demonstrating the pervasiveness of sex and race/ethnic workplace discrimination, paying particular attention to the areas of hiring, compensation, and evaluations and promotions. Key sociological explanations for why and how these forms of employment discrimination occur are also examined. Although discrimination is often considered as discrete acts that occur within employment arrangements, the existing research suggests the presence of an underlying set of processes and choices that accumulate over time. These processes have clear implications for how discrimination is understood and the ways in which such events compound over career trajectories. Based on our examination of this literature, we suggest areas for improved theorizing, measurement, and analysis.  相似文献   

最近,看到中国人民大学一位教授的文章,认为当今中国“劳动力市场上的性别歧视被离估了”。我的观点恰恰与之相反,我认为当今中国劳动力市场上的性别歧视被低估了。  相似文献   

The economic marginalization of African American men has been studied in a variety of contexts, from trade union exclusion, to joblessness, to disparate wages and mobility. Discrimination is often inferred as an influential mechanism, yet seldom directly examined in its own right. Drawing on a unique sample of verified workplace discrimination cases, this article analyzes forms and processes of discrimination that African American men face in employment. Our results denote the prevalence of discriminatory firing, with on-going racial harassment and discriminatory promotional and hiring practices also quite evident. In-depth immersion into case materials highlights the centrality of racial stereotyping and significant discretion on the part of gatekeepers within organizational environments-discretion in the use of “soft skills” criteria to exclude and debilitate mobility, and in selective (or even targeted) use of seemingly neutral organizational policies and sanctions. Moreover, harassment on the job—something that conventional workplace inequality research has overlooked—is quite problematic and well-represented in these data. We conclude by discussing the implications of our results for the conceptualization of inequality reproduction and that pertaining to race, status, and the workplace in particular.  相似文献   

Pairs of resumes, one for a 57-year-old and the other for a 32-year-old, were mailed to 775 large firms and employment agencies across the United States. Although the resumes presented equal qualifications, the older job seeker received a less favorable employer response 26.5% of times when a position appeared to be vacant. Vigorous enforcement of equal opportunity laws as well as initiatives to change employer attitudes are appropriate responses to such discrimination. The technique of employment testing, demonstrated in this research, can be useful in both efforts.  相似文献   

The provisions of UK law offer no specific protection to gay men and lesbians suffering discrimination in the workplace on the grounds of sexual orientation. Such discrimination may take many forms and can result in ‘fair’ dismissal in certain circumstances. This article considers the degree of legal protection available under current provisions and investigates possible sources for the development of specific anti‐discrimination legislation. It is concluded that, despite the application of certain aspects of employment law, the level of protection afforded to this group of workers amounts to an equality deficit in comparison to the legal redress available to those discriminated against on other grounds. Although the development of human rights legislation may have some application in this context, the combination of institutionalized discrimination and wider public policy concerns suggest that the introduction of specific legislation aimed at eliminating such discrimination in the United Kingdom is still some way off.  相似文献   

当今大学生就业困难凸显我国深层的教育问题:违背高等教育规律的仅是数量上的跨越式发展;市场化时期高等教育仍停留在计划体制阶段;高等教育大众化阶段的精英教育培养模式;大学生职业能力培养在教育中缺位。  相似文献   

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