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Bruno S. Frey 《Soziologie》2005,34(2):166-173
In der heutigen Wissenschaft ist hinsichtlich des Publikationsprozesses nicht alles zum Besten bestellt. Das geltende Verfahren, dem sich ein Forscher unterwerfen muss, um publizieren zu k?nnen, ist nicht nur zeitraubend und fortschrittschemmend, sondern stellt die auf Ver?ffentlichungen angewiesenen Wissenschaftler vor schwierige moralische Probleme. Viele gerade der originellsten und eigenwilligsten jungen Forscher empfinden diesen Zwang zum Kompromiss oder gar zur „akademischen Prostitution“ als belastend. Einige unter ihnen verzichten gar auf eine akademische Karriere, um diesem zu Dilemma entgehen. Die vorgeschlagene Alternative zum bestehenden Publikationssystem verpflichtet die Redaktoren, zuerst eine Grundsatzentscheidung zu f?llen, ob sie einen Aufsatz in ihrer Zeitschrift ver?ffentlichen wollen. Erst nach erfolgter grunds?tzlicher Zusage werden die Gutachter gebeten, Verbesserungsvorschl?ge zu unterbreiten, die der Autor frei ist, anzunehmen oder abzulehnen. Der Verfasser hat ein Eigeninteresse, diejenigen Verbesserungsvorschl?ge zu berücksichtigen, die den Aufsatz verbessern. Ein solches Vorgehen r?umt den einzelnen Wissenschaftlern mehr Raum für ihre eigenen Ideen ein, was zu innovativeren und interessanteren Publikationen führt.  相似文献   


Many individuals who use the Internet seek social support for health conditions. Some common “spaces” where asynchronous communication takes place include listservs (Usenet newsgroups or electronic mailing lists). Synchronous social support messages may be conveyed in “spaces” such as Internet Relay Chat or Multi-user domains. This research describes Internet bibliotherapy, a new type of “space” where social support is offered. This investigation reviews the therapeutic benefits of traditional bibliotherapy and the communication of social support. A narrative analysis of messages on a website devoted to helping people with anal fissures describes how social support is communicated using Internet bibliotherapy and the unique interactive and non-interactive properties of this type of reading simulated self help group.  相似文献   

This empirical investigation attempts to answer the question whether the change in voter turnout at the German general elections is related to cohort specific voting behavior of political generations, also taking into account age and period effects. Furthermore, it is asked whether the decline of voter turnout after the 1972 German general election is a statistical artefact of official statistics. Both questions are investigated with retrospective life history data about voting behavior of individuals from several birth cohorts. It is analyzed that the voter turnout has really declined in the 1980s because of the increased number of determined non-voters. There is evidence that the changes of the voting behavior of younger individuals in successive political generations results in the social change of the general voter turnout. While the effects of the citizens’ age on the voter turnout are minimal for the whole period between 1953 and 1987, the impact of period effects are less important for the historical change of voter turnout as often assumed.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, substantial changes have been observed in the organizational and decision structures of the non-university research sector. Drawing on a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative evidence, we investigate these changes in the governance regimes of the Max-Planck Society, the Fraunhofer Society, the Helmholtz Association and the Leibniz Association. Our analysis shows that the output efficiency of these four research organizations has increased markedly. Also, new governance mechanisms have become stronger, such as hierarchical management, resource competition, network coordination and international reputational competition. In contrast to developments in the university sector, however, we do not find evidence for a decrease in state influence. Rather, the governance regimes of research organizations have become more complex and tend to be “over-steered”.  相似文献   

The study objectives were to evaluate the correlates and psychosocial implications of internet gambling among adolescents, as well as the association between internet gambling and problematic internet use. A cross-sectional study design was applied among a random sample (N = 484) of adolescents (71.2% boys; 28.8% girls; mean age ± standard deviation, SD = 14.88 ± 0.55 years). Self-completed questionnaires, including internet gambling practices, internet use characteristics, Young Internet Addiction Test, and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire were utilized. The prevalence of internet gambling was 15.1%. Internet gambling was associated with psychosocial maladjustment, including Abnormal Conduct Problems (gender adjusted odds ratio, AOR = 3.83; 95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 1.86–7.92) and Borderline Peer Problems (AOR = 2.04; 95% CI: 1.09–3.85). The likelihood of concomitant problematic internet use was significantly higher among internet gamblers (AOR = 1.81; 95% CI: 1.03–3.19). Multivariate regression analyses indicated that among all characteristics of internet use assessed, utilizing the internet for the purposes of gambling practices was independently associated with problematic internet use among adolescents (AOR = 3.43; 95% CI: 1.40–8.39). Thus, the study findings suggest that adolescents who participate in internet gambling practices are more likely to concomitantly present with problematic internet use.  相似文献   

Sichern „M?nnerberufe” tats?chlich einen besseren Erwerbseinstieg als „Frauenberufe”? In welchem Ausma? k?nnen frauen-bzw. m?nnerdominierte Berufe im Leben junger Menschen erwerbsbiographische Kontinuit?t stiften? Ausgehend von der überlegung, dass die Konsequenzen geschlechtstypischer Berufsentscheidungen mit den konkreten wirtschaftsstrukturellen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen variieren, wird ein innerdeutscher Vergleich genutzt, um Mechanismen von Benachteiligungen im frühen Erwerbsverlauf herauszuarbeiten. Die empirischen Analysen basieren auf Daten der Deutschen Lebensverlaufsstudie, die durch Angaben des Mikrozensus um berufsbezogene Kontextvariablen erg?nzt wurden. Sie beziehen sich auf 1971 geborene Frauen und M?nner, deren Erwerbsverl?ufe bis in die zweite H?lfte der 1990er Jahre analysiert werden. Die Geschlechtstypik der Ausbildung wirkt sich insbesondere auf die Erwerbst?tigkeit von Frauen chancendifferenzierend aus. Ausbildungen in frauendominierten Berufen haben in beiden Teilen Deutschlands partiell gegens?tzliche Folgen für den frühen Erwerbsverlauf. Dem liegen unterschiedliche Professionalisierungstendenzen und Dynamiken des wirtschaftsstrukturellen Wandels zugrunde.  相似文献   

Dialogue in the sense of David Bohm invites individuals and groups to consider together their ways of thinking and learning. By exploring mental models, which usually hinder reaching deeper agreement, this kind of dialogue opens new grounds and is, at the latest, since Peter Senge’;s management-bestseller “The fifth discipline” (1990), considered to be a basic process for team learning in groups and organisations. The article refers to university projects on ‘open dialogue’ with students at the universities of Oldenburg and Bochum between 2001–2003. Characteristics of “open dialogue” are represented as ways of attentiveness learning. Students practical reports are used to work out recommendations based upon “open dialogue” for the development of central deep ecology and human competences.  相似文献   

This article of the magazine Gruppe, Interaktion, Organisation (GIO) covers the role of talent management regarding the digitisation of enterprises. Talent Management contributes to this process by identifying, developing and placing talent for the digitisation of enterprises. Deutsche Bahn utilizes a variety of approaches to digitize talent management.  相似文献   

The teaching of social sciences consists of social interactions and is, therefore, an appropriate object for scientific analysis. A game-theoretic approach reveals that ”chicken games“ and ”prisoner’s dilemmas“ are abundant in university level courses. It can also deliver systematic solutions to the problems of cooperation students and teachers are confronted with in everyday a cademic life. One of these solutions is the reforming of courses into games, as based on a perspective borrowed from cultural anthropology. ”Excitement and fun“ become the ”selective incentives“ which may boost seminar interaction and output, and forge ”privileged groups“, i.e. ”teams“.  相似文献   

A whole collection of technical and popular scientific literature describes business thinking and communication processes. But what do we know about the thinking and communication processes of those that actually give important impulses in their leadership positions as members of the board and top managers? What do we know about their strategies and mechanisms? What is their underlying self and world view? This article gives answers to these questions in form of certain types and structures. The raw data was obtained as set of narrative, biographically oriented interviews, conducted with eight top managers. They have leading positions in companies with upwards of EUR 70 billion annual sales volume, and more than 300 000 employees. Most of the managers interviewed are members of the board. All companies considered are based in Germany.  相似文献   

We use an experimental design to analyse the effect of symbolic capital of a nation’s higher education system and of single universities on students’ opportunities for international mobility. Fake applications of international doctoral students were sent to German sociology professors, who were asked to serve as supervisors during a research visit in Germany. Our fake applicants come from four different universities: Yale, Pennsylvania State University, National University Singapore, and Vietnam National University Hanoi. The results show that applicants from both US institutions get more positive, more informative and more personal feedback than applicants from Singapore and Vietnam. Moreover, the symbolic capital of a university seems more important than the quality of a specific department, which is problematic in normative terms.  相似文献   

This article focuses on difficulties, internationally oriented organizational development projects, are confronted with when speaking in terms of culturalism. Triggered by cultural differences, different mental maps and behaviour patterns develop within members of different cultures. The challenge consists in finding mutuality (unity) in diversity. For this purpose, the theoretical concepts of multiculturalism and transculturalism will be explored in terms of their usefulness and contrasted with each other. To master the identified challenge a practical 4-stage process of transcending different cultures is suggested which, from a systematical perspective, possibly generates new qualities.  相似文献   

This paper is meant to be a contribution to critical issues in the development of intercultural competence based on a case study (two days workshop for consultants working in a social profit organisation). It focuses on cross cultural encounter situations as a specific form of interaction situation in the context of professional acting. The core of this article is constituted both by a discussion of the applicability of intercultural and transcultural concepts, diversity management and the role of groups??dynamics and the case study which highlights practical questions of the entire consulting process concerning diagnostic, planning of interventions, performance and transfer.  相似文献   

Ziel ist die Erkl?rung von Kriminalit?tsfurcht auf verschiedenen Dimensionen (affektiv, kognitiv, konativ). Es werden drei theoretische Modelle zur Erkl?rung von Kriminalit?tsfurcht empirisch überprüft (Viktimisierungsmodell, Disorder-Modell, Modell sozialer Integration). Auf der Grundlage einer postalischen Bev?lkerungsumfrage (N = 3.612) in 49 Hamburger Stadtteilen werden Mehrebenenmodelle getestet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Kriminalit?tsfurcht zwischen den Stadtteilen signifikant variiert. In der Mehrebenenanalyse best?tigen sich Effekte von Individualvariablen (perzipierte physical und social incivilities, pers?nliche und indirekte Viktimisierungen, Vertrauen zu Nachbarn, perzipierte Polizeistreifen, Alter, Geschlecht) und Kontextvariablen (problematische Sozialstruktur, Bev?lkerungsdichte) auf die verschiedenen Dimensionen der Kriminalit?tsfurcht.  相似文献   

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