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Tobias Wolbring argues in his replica to our article Mein(schöner)Prof.de (issue 4/2009 of this journal) that the presented empirical analyses would be problematic in several respects. He claims our sample was selective, criticizes the lacking control of relevant confounding variables and our statistical model building. In this response we consider Wolbring’s criticism in detail. We believe we can prove that his points of criticism do not hold after a close investigation. In particular, we think our central substantial conclusions can be maintained.  相似文献   


This article argues that institutional apologies are rituals that can be conceived from a neo-Durkheimian viewpoint as external social tools of collective emotion, which allow people to assume collective guilt and shame, increase agreement with reparatory behaviors, and reinforce social cohesion. The review of studies presented in this monograph shows that an apology reactivates and intensifies collective emotions, mainly of shame and guilt, above and beyond merely reminding people of past misdeeds, and increases support for reparation. Shame and sorrow fuel and support reparative tendencies. Finally, salience of past collective violence together with an apology improves social climate to some extent, enhances intergroup reconciliation by decreasing prejudice and improving intergroup contact, and helps to reconstruct in-group collective memory in a more critical way. Changes in collective emotions and representations of the past mediate the positive effects of apologies on reparation and social cohesion.  相似文献   


In recent years, the concept of cultural intelligence has received increasing attention by researchers and professionals because of its theoretical and practical importance. To understand why some individuals adapt more effectively than others to culturally different social contexts has become a goal with implications for education, recruitment and the prevention of social conflict. The goal of this study was to adapt the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) to Spanish. To do so, two studies were carried out. In the first, the psychometric properties generated by the CQS on a Spanish sample (N = 413) were analysed. In the second study, a confirmatory replication of the factor structure and reliability of the CQS was performed with a different Spanish sample (N = 526) from the first study. The results indicated that the Spanish version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale can be considered a useful and appropriate tool to be used with psychometric guarantees in the Spanish-speaking population.  相似文献   

千龙新闻网(www.Beijingnewscom.cn)是经国务院新闻办公室和中共北京市委宣传部批准的一家网络媒体和专业新闻网站,是全国九家国家级重点网站之一,在信息资源、专业人才、技术支持、市场影响力等方面具有商业性网站无法比拟的天然优势。  相似文献   

Orhan Pamuk's novel Snow 1 1. English version by Maureen Freely (2004). View all notes uses fiction as an instrument of social analysis. It attempts to comprehend the complicated situation contemporary Turkish society is exposed to in consequence of its persisting efforts on behalf of modernization, which is a key condition for its future integration into the European Community. This process, initiated almost 90 years ago by Kemal Atatürk, finds itself opposed to the tenacity of both an ethnically multiform traditional culture and religious fundamentalism as strong ideological elements of distortion and violence within changing social relations and structures. The first part of the article discusses the sociological interest in a hermeneutic analysis of the contents and structures of communication as they are reflected in some of the most significant dialogues between Pamuk's actors. The text highlights the conflictive background of the cultural drama in the bosom of Turkish society. The second part interprets the literary treatment based on the political and sociological analysis by S.N. Eisenstadt (1987) and Gokhan Bacik (2003), which focused on the present situation of the Kemalist movement and its discourse in spite of the transformation of Muslim identity in Turkey.  相似文献   

王舒 《现代交际》2014,(12):82-84
通过对舒伯特即兴曲(Op.142No.1)的本体分析以及视奏技巧,了解舒伯特钢琴作品的音乐特征,以及视唱练耳视野下对作品完整性的掌握。  相似文献   

Cet article analyse le jeu des acteurs civils et publics précédant la création de la Haute Autorité, plus spécifiquement comment cette dernière est l’aboutissement d’une circulation nouvelle de la réflexion citoyenne et de l’exécutif, mais aussi l’ambivalence de la notion de transparence dans la mesure où celle-ci peut aussi bien montrer que cacher. La transparence s’appuie sur l’exigence de ‘vigilance épistémologique’ (Bourdieu, Chamboredon et Passeron, 1968 Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J.-C., and Passeron, J-.C., 1968. Le métier de sociologue: Préalables épistémologiques. Paris: Mouton de Gruyter. [Google Scholar]) typique de la sociologie, mais elle est aussi une fabrication sociale née de jeux d’acteurs et de leurs légitimités respectives. Pour illustrer cette nouvelle forme de circulation régulatrice, le terrain choisi est celui de l’association Regards Citoyens et de son ‘lobbying citoyen’ revendiqué. Il s’agira d’étudier ici les forces et les limites d’une telle approche.  相似文献   

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