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应对公共卫生突发事件,全面实施线上教学,对高职院校来说是一个重大挑战.实践和调查显示,为尽早统一全体教职员工的思想,学校领导高度重视各部门协同推进,及时出台极具针对性的保障措施和激励机制,强化线上教学的过程管理和质量监控.高职院校有能力在短时间内汇集资源,凝聚力量,全面开展线上教学工作,并实现线上学习和线下课堂教学质量实质等效的目标.  相似文献   

从高职教师培训学习行为分析角度出发,分析了学习行为与高职教师培训效果之间的关系,梳理了高职教师培训的特点和线上培训相关研究的现状,以学习行为分析的视角为切入点构建了以问题解决为导向的高职教师任务驱动线上培训模式和以技能为核心的高职教师线上授导互动培训模式,以期为高职教师线上培训的组织、管理提供参照。  相似文献   

章文艳  罗燕 《江右论坛》2007,8(3):23-25
面对社会对高等技术型、应用型人才需求的不断增加,高等职业教育越来越被人们所关注,信息技术与学科教学的整合这一新型教学类型也在高等职业教育中广泛应用.本文讨论了信息技术与高职语文教学整合的性质、作用和意义,还以实践为例着重探讨了信息技术与高职语文教学整合的两个实验,最后谈了引发的几点思考.  相似文献   

趣味教学是调动学生学习积极性、主动性,激发良好学习动机,培养学习兴趣的有效措施。在应用写作教学中恰当运用趣味教学这一方法,适时生“趣”,可以达到较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

余世民  胡海  罗燕 《江右论坛》2007,8(4):12-14
本文通过叙述多媒体技术在高职语文教学中的应用案例分析,阐述了高职语文教学活动中多媒体技术能够激发学生创新意识和创新能力的理论观点,其激发效应值得我们进一步研究和探讨.  相似文献   

罗燕 《江右论坛》2007,8(8):21-22
成绩考核是高职语文教学的重要组成部分,是评价教学目标实现与否的重要途径,也是督促学生加强学习的重要方法之一.文中分析了高职语文教学考核中存在的问题,论述了建立考核体系的必要性及具体做法.  相似文献   

周建辉 《江右论坛》2007,8(8):19-20
随着市场经济的进一步发展,社会对人才的需求也不断增大,在就业竞争日趋激烈的令天,为了使学生更好地适应社会,教师应该掌握高职语文教学创新的概念,积极探索教学创新的方法,创新教学内容,提高学生就业素质,凸显职业教育特色.  相似文献   

田甜 《江右论坛》2007,8(2):28-29
语文教学最基本的任务便是通过语文基础知识的教学和基本技能的训练,教会学生理解和运用祖国的语言文字,形成扎实的基本功,进而内化为学生的良好素质,成为学习其他学科的基础.尽管如此,语文教学的现状却不容乐观,语文学科在中专教学中的地位十分尴尬.如何改善这种现状,让语文课走出困境,这值得所有语文教学者深思.本文试着从激发学习兴趣、正确使用教学方法、培养学习方法等三个方面出发,探索改变语文教学的方法.  相似文献   

石松 《江右论坛》2007,8(7):32-33
在体育课教学中,教师往往忽视学生的心理素质的锻炼,如果这长期得不到纠正,会严重影响学生对体育课学习的兴趣,降低教学效果,还会阻碍学生心理的健康发展.本文通过对体育课中学习紧张心理产生的原因情况的分析,找准消除学生紧张心理的方法,以便能更好地运用这些方法.  相似文献   

影响目前实践教学教材匮乏的一个重要因素是对实践教学教材的构成要素了解不清,要求不明。以高职教育中常见的实践教学形式工科实训和应用性文科类实务训练为例,对教材构成要素进行了分析,认为工科实训教材的要素包括设备与器材、操作步骤、技能要求、考核内容等;实务类实践教学教材的要素包括:实务知识、操作过程、操作环境以及练习与考核方式等,并对如何组织这些要素提出了具体的要求。  相似文献   

文章通过对几本在高职教育教学领域运用较广的实践教学教材的分析,认为实践教学教材在编写上应具备可操作性、简约性,在内容上要注重贴近技术、贴近生产、贴近工艺,在形式上要多样,并据此提出了实践教学教材的编制原则。  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore childcare social workers' attitudes towards female victims of domestic violence in England. The study discusses the concept of “mothering” and the processes through which mothers are potentially denigrated rather than empowered. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with social workers in a single child protection agency to investigate their perceptions of domestic violence, its gendered nature, and the implications for their practice. Participants' responses were coded using thematic analysis. The results demonstrated social workers' cognisance of the challenges domestic violence poses for abused mothers in terms of the ability to safely parent their children. Although the study is not without its limitations, it nevertheless indicates the need for a more holistic approach to safeguarding children within domestic violence settings. Moreover, it underscores the necessity for improving awareness about the prevalence and importance of domestic violence as a child safeguarding concern within social work training. Indeed, improved training would help to develop social workers' knowledge and understanding of service provisions and partner agencies, thus potentially improving practice in this critically important area.  相似文献   

Despite the introduction of guidelines and procedures aimed at encouraging and supporting children and young people to complain about the services they receive, children in care still face barriers to doing so in practice. This paper explores what happens when children in care are dissatisfied with the services they receive. Specifically, this study examines the complaints procedure for children in care. The findings are based on semistructured interviews with children in care, social workers, senior managers, and independent reviewing officers from one English local authority. Thematic analysis of these data identified five emergent themes: (a) complaints by children in care are managed at the lowest possible level, (b) senior managers have an overly optimistic view about children in care being informed of complaint procedures and being encouraged to do so, (c) children in care are worried about complaining, which is recognized by professionals, (d) children's voices are often not heard, and (e) when issues are clearly defined, independent reviewing officers have some degree of success in resolving complaints from children in care.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a qualitative study of the practices and experiences of people working in multidisciplinary child sexual exploitation (CSE) partnerships in three coastal towns in England. The study is based on focus groups conducted with 36 practitioners from a range of professional groups, including police, social work, substance misuse, education, specialist youth workers, sexual health, and statutory and non-statutory children's services. The article begins with an overview of the three towns and the structure of their responses to CSE. It goes on to explore a range of factors, which contribute to the local issues around CSE and which affect and direct multiagency working. These include practitioner perspectives on CSE vulnerability, the discrepancy between young peoples' and practitioners' views about “exploitation”, a discussion of how CSE perpetrators initiate and develop contact with young people and the role of incentives—including drugs and alcohol—as part of CSE exploitation. We finish by drawing out some general conclusions.  相似文献   

This study examines the experiences of disabled people in Sri Lanka as they make the transition out of vocational training programmes into employment. This study was carried out using purposive sampling method to select ‘good practice’ cases and semi-structured interviews with 12 disabled people. The study applied thematic analysis to the qualitative data using NVivo software. The disabled people were found to have distinctive employment experiences following vocational training such as gaining work satisfaction, earning and spending income, presenting workability, expanding social relationships, and facing challenges. This study also identified key factors related to the transition process, including skills acquired through training, job opportunities, participants’ strengths and empowerment, supportive environments, and suitable work. These findings have important implications for both policy and practice.  相似文献   

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