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读者主导式采购是指在图书馆设定的一定条件下,由图书馆的读者来决定要采购的文献资源。这种模式在纸质图书采购中的应用将是解决纸质图书滞架问题的一剂良方,需要图书馆和书商或出版社之间开创全新的合作关系。  相似文献   

毛春妮 《经营管理者》2013,(23):202-202
供应链采购转变了市场竞争方式,供应链之间的竞争成为市场竞争的主要方面,在供应链采购模式下,企业要注意搜索采购信息,保证信息的准确、沟通畅通,拓展企业的经营范围、扩大销售量,增大企业的市场份额。  相似文献   

<正> 采购对企业的效益起着重要作用。通常而言,企业在各类外购上的开支占总支出的50%以上,因此采购方面1个百分点的节约,就能明显改善利润。在欧洲国家,采购所带来的利润增值在整个利润增值中所占的份额正不断上升。1970年为20%,1984年上升到46%,1992年上升到60%。西方有管理者评论说, “采购是现代企业的最后一座金矿!”四川省电力公司改革采购模式,以集中采购为主,扩大招标采购范围,取得了较好的绩效。 一、采购模式创新  相似文献   

采购模式分为招标、比价、独家采购三种,三种采购模式的采购成本不同,采购到的产品的性价比也不相同,企业要根据采购对象的特征,来选取合适的采购方式。  相似文献   

阐述价格管理在物资采购中的重要性,介绍物资采购中常用的定价方法  相似文献   

目前,我国医院的高值医用耗材招标采购模式主要分为以医院为主的招标采购模式和以政府为主的招标采购模式,本文简述以政府为主的高值医用耗材集中采购模式,分析集中采购的优越性:有利于控制流通环节的不合理高利润、有利于医疗服务的公平性、有利于医疗行业的有序管理、有利于医疗体制改革的顺利进行等,以供广大读者参考。  相似文献   

宋凯 《经营管理者》2012,(1X):309-309
在通讯企业格局发生巨大变化的时代,认真地研究销售策略是必要之举。该文分析了通信行业的生存现状,并在此基础上分析如何根据市场需求制定合理的销售策略。  相似文献   

正推荐度指数★★★★★"从采购清单发出,到供应商报价,到筛选,再到签约支付,全部都在线上进行,每一个步骤每一个节点的信息都会公布在网上,实现越来越透明阳光。"——3月10日,浙江省财政厅、省政府采购中心与阿里巴巴集团联合宣布,浙江省政府采购将与阿里巴巴集团旗下采购批发平台1688进行全面战略合  相似文献   

刘艳梅 《经营管理者》2013,(16):179-179
在生产型企业中,内部控制尤为重要,是企业管理治理的必要手段之一。近年来,国内外众多企业集团发生财务舞弊案件,无不与企业内部控制有着一定关联。采购和销售作为生产型企业经营中非常重要的环节,加强其内部控制有助于企业控制成本、提高效率、增加收益,是生产型企业在日益激烈的竞争中获取不败之地的重要策略。  相似文献   

李乐清 《经营管理者》2013,(16):203+191-203
随着经济全球化和信息技术时代的到来,市场竞争也越来越激烈,作为集团企业发展的重要环节,集中采购不仅仅是企业降低生产成本,提高市场竞争力的有力保障,也是集团企业进行中央集权管理的重要方法。集中采购是指通过对同一类型的材料进行集中化采购来降低采购成本,可以避免重复采购,能够减少企业集团内部的各部门及下属二级单位的竞争和冲突,也可以杜绝暗箱操作,保证采购质量。  相似文献   

我国工业创新分布模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对我国工业创新分布模式进行了实证分析和研究,在此基础上指出U-A模式在解释我国工业创新分布上存在一些缺陷,揭示了发展中国家以及处于创新踉随状态企业工业创新分布存在的独特性,即"二次创新模式"的成因及其与"U-A模式"之间的转换条件.  相似文献   

文章以教育部博士点基金项目(2011年)为依托,将企业增加价值在其主要利益相关者之间分配份额(分配结构)作为研究对象,构建了非竞争市场因素影响增加价值分配结构结的结构方程模型框架,并以2003-2010年上市公司微观数据为样本,运用结构方程分析方法对相关假设进行实证检验。实证结果表明:1、目前国企相对民企、欠发达地区相对于发达地区以及商业相对于工业和地产对增加员工所得份额、降低政府所得份额有显著影响,表现为对分配结构存在显著的负向影响;2、股权集中度与经营绩效对增加员工所得份额、降低政府所得份额有影响,表现为对分配结构有正向影响,但统计上不显著;3、研究发现政府所得率与员工所得率之间呈反向变动关系。结论表明:非竞争市场因素对我国增加价值分配结构存在重要影响,在解决分配结构问题的时候,应尽量消除非竞争市场因素的不利影响。  相似文献   

供应链管理的新模式—第四方物流   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
徐建新 《管理科学》2002,15(1):11-15
企业与企业之间的竞争究其本质是供应链与供应链之间的竞争,而这种竞争中,物流扮演了一个非常重要的角色,物流的效率直接影响到企业的竞争地位.探讨了物流思想的演进,并结合我国实际,分析了第三方物流和第四方物流的思想及其应用.  相似文献   

Lack of data on daily inhalation rate and activity of children has been an issue in health risk assessment of air pollutants. This study aimed to obtain the daily inhalation rate and intensity and frequency of physical activity in relation to the environment in Japanese preschool children. Children aged four–six years (n= 138) in the suburbs of Tokyo participated in this study, which involved three days' continuous monitoring of physical activity using a tri‐axial accelerometer and parent's completion of a time/location diary during daily life. The estimated three‐day mean daily inhalation rate (body temperature, pressure, saturated with water vapor) was 9.9 ± 1.6 m3/day (0.52 ± 0.09 m3/kg/day). The current daily inhalation rate value of 0.580 m3/kg/day proposed for use in health risk assessment in Japan is confirmed to be valid to calculate central value of inhaled dose of air pollutants in five‐ to six‐year‐old children. However, the 95th percentile daily inhalation rate of 0.83 m3/kg/day based on measurement for five‐year‐old children is recommended to be used to provide an upper bound estimate of exposure that ensure the protection of all five‐ to six‐year‐old children from the health risk of air pollutants. Children spent the majority of their time in sedentary and light level of physical activity (LPA) when indoors, while 85% of their time when outdoors was spent in LPA and moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity. The results suggest the need to consider variability of minute respiratory ventilation rate according to the environment for more refined short‐term health risk assessment.  相似文献   

We apply transaction cost economic theory and perspectives in an empirical test regarding purchasing performance using electronic marketplaces. Basically, buyers can purchase products either by hopping across multiple electronic marketplaces or maintaining close relationships with a particular electronic marketplace. We investigate which is more beneficial for a buyer organization's purchasing performance in terms of price reduction and purchasing efficiency. We undertake this task by developing hypotheses and a research model and subjecting them to testing and analysis using the purchase of maintenance, repair and operations products in a large and important market, South Korea.  相似文献   

A government agency commissioned a baseline study of how its customers view the agency's risk information. The 70% response rate to a mail survey allows analysis by subgroups representing customers'primary interests. Although this agency traditionally has been responsible for ensuring plant and animal health at the farm gate (or where imported), responses emphasized emerging customer concerns about the environment and human health. Customers think many risk communication activities are important, but that the agency is not especially effective in conducting those activities. Customers are moderately satisfied with much of the risk information they receive, although many have little contact from or interaction with the agency. Customers identified other sources they use, which suggest potentially effective channels for this agency's risk messages. The study provides a baseline for measuring change in the agency's risk communication effectiveness. It also can be a model when other organizations plan their own risk communication evaluations.  相似文献   

Obvious spatial infection patterns are often observed in cases associated with airborne transmissible diseases. Existing quantitative infection risk assessment models analyze the observed cases by assuming a homogeneous infectious particle concentration and ignore the spatial infection pattern, which may cause errors. This study aims at developing an approach to analyze spatial infection patterns associated with infectious respiratory diseases or other airborne transmissible diseases using infection risk assessment and likelihood estimation. Mathematical likelihood, based on binomial probability, was used to formulate the retrospective component with some additional mathematical treatments. Together with an infection risk assessment model that can address spatial heterogeneity, the method can be used to analyze the spatial infection pattern and retrospectively estimate the influencing parameters causing the cases, such as the infectious source strength of the pathogen. A Varicella outbreak was selected to demonstrate the use of the new approach. The infectious source strength estimated by the Wells‐Riley concept using the likelihood estimation was compared with the estimation using the existing method. It was found that the maximum likelihood estimation matches the epidemiological observation of the outbreak case much better than the estimation under the assumption of homogeneous infectious particle concentration. Influencing parameters retrospectively estimated using the new approach can be used as input parameters in quantitative infection risk assessment of the disease under other scenarios. The approach developed in this study can also serve as an epidemiological tool in outbreak investigation. Limitations and further developments are also discussed.  相似文献   

制造型企业采购流程经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将ABC/ABM方法应用于企业流程再造,从企业整体系统协调运作出发,对企业采购环节的资源动因与作业动因进行了分析,在作业层次上通过对流程的经济分析来进行企业传统采购流程再造,从而实现了企业采购流程的整体优化.  相似文献   

Previous research has argued that debt financing affects equity‐holders' investment decisions, producing substantial inefficiency. This paper shows that the size of this inefficiency depends on the degree of investment reversibility. In a dynamic model of financing and investment, the paper provides an upper bound for the inefficiency produced by debt financing. The upper bound is decreasing in the degree of investment reversibility and is zero when investment is perfectly reversible.  相似文献   

我国烟叶收购价格问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由于我国烟叶收购价格不合理,导致农民的种烟积极性下降,对我国烟叶生产的平稳发展带来很大影响。长期以来采用的烟粮比价定价法存在严重的缺陷,无法真正调动农民的种烟积极性。本文从我国烟叶生产的实际出发,把DEA方法、多元回归方法与完全信息动态博弈模型结合起来,提出了制定烟叶收购价格的新思路。该定价方法以烟粮比较收益为基础,制定的烟叶收购价格能够充分调动农民的种烟积极性。  相似文献   

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