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This paper applies Frechet derivatives to derive asymp-totically D-optimal statistical designs where the designmatrix is a (O,l)-matrix having exactly one run [of length at most k(, the number of parameters) of l's in each row. These asymptotic results have been utilized in dealing with the more intractable design problem with a finite number of observations. The problemof E-optimality has also been considered.  相似文献   

This paper develops an approximate theory for D- and A-optlmal statistical designs with a circular string property. It is shown how the problems of deriving optimal designs can be reduced to non-linear programming problems involving small numbers of decision variables. The results are seen to be helpful in dealing with the exact design problem with a finite number of obser vations.  相似文献   

A linear model with one treatment at V levels and first order regression on K continuous covariates with values on a K-cube is considered. We restrict our attention to classes of designs d for which the number of observations N to be taken is a multiple of V, i.e. N = V × R with R ≥2, and each treatment level is observed R times. Among these designs, called here equireplicated, there is a subclass characterized by the following: the allocation matrix of each treatment level (for short, allocation matrix) is obtained through cyclic permutation of the columns of the allocation matrix of the first treatment level. We call these designs cyclic. Besides having easy representation, the most efficient cyclic designs are often D-optimal in the class of equireplicated designs. A known upper bound for the determinant of the information matrix M(d) of a design, in the class of equireplicated ones, depends on the congruences of N and V modulo 4. For some combinations of parameter moduli, we give here methods of constructing families of D-optimal cyclic designs. Moreover, for some sets of parameters (N, V,K = V), where the upper bound on ∣M(d)∣ (for that specific combination of moduli) is not attainable, it is also possible to construct highly D-efficient cyclic designs. Finally, for N≤24 and V≤6, computer search was used to determine the most efficient design in the class of cyclic ones. They are presented, together with their respective efficiency in the class of equireplicated designs.  相似文献   

A linear model with one treatment at V levels and first order regression on K continuous covariates with values on a K-cube is considered. The D-criterion is used to judge the ‘goodness’ of any design for estimating the parameters of this model. Since this criterion is based on the determinant of the information matrix M(d) of a design d, upper bounds for |M(d)| yield lower bounds for the D-efficiency of any design d in estimating the vector of parameters in the model. We consider here only classes of designs d for which the number N of observations to be taken is a multiple of V, that is, there exists R≥2 such that N=V×R.Under these conditions, we determine the maximum of |M(d)|, and conditions under which the maximum is attained. These conditions include R being even, each treatment level being observed the same number of times, that is, R times, and N being a multiple of four. For the other cases of congruence of N (modulo 4) we further determine upper bounds on |M (d)| for equireplicated designs, i.e. for designs with equal number of observations per treatment level. These upper bounds are shown to depend also on the congruence of V (modulo 4). For some triples (N,V,K), the upper bounds determined are shown to be attained.Construction methods yielding families of designs which attain the upper bounds of |M(d)| are presented, for each of the sixteen cases of congruence of N and V.We also determine the upper bound for D-optimal designs for estimating only the treatment parameters, when first order regression on one continuous covariate is present.  相似文献   

Several definitions of universal optimality of experimental designs are found in the Literature; we discuss the interrelations of these definitions using a recent characterization due to Friedland of convex functions of matrices. An easily checked criterion is given for a design to satisfy the main definition of universal optimality; this criterion says that a certain set of linear functions of the eigenvalues of the information matrix is maximized by the information matrix of a design if and only if that design is universally optimal. Examples are given; in particular we show that any universally optimal design is (M, S)-optimal in the sense of K. Shah.  相似文献   

Some recursive constructions are given for Bhaskar Rao designs. Using examples of these designs found by Shyam J. Singh, Rakesh Vyas and new ones given here we show the necessary conditions λ≡0 (mod 2), λυ(υ?1)≡0 (mod 24) are sufficient for the existence of Bhaskar Rao designs with one association class and block size 3. This result is used with a result of Street and Rodger to obtain regular partially balanced block designs with 2υ treatments, block size 3, λ1=0, group size 2 and υ groups.  相似文献   

It is shown that the minimal covering designs for v=6t+5 treatments in blocks of size 3 are optimal w.r.t. a large class of optimality criteria. This class of optimality criteria includes the well-known criteria of A-, D- and E-optimality. It is conjectured that these designs are also optimal w.r.t. other criteria suggested by Takeuchi (1961).  相似文献   

A-optimal and mv optimal repeated measurments designs for comparing serveral test treatments with a control are considered. the models considered are basically of two types: without preperides and the cirular model. It is shown known that some known strongly balanced uniform repeated measurements designs can be modified to obtain optimal designs for this problem. Some other methods of finding optimal designs are also given.  相似文献   

In this paper the analysis of the class of block designs whose C matrix can be expressed in terms of the Kronecker product of some elementary matrices is considered. The analysis utilizes a basic result concerning the spectral decomposition of the Kronecker product of symmetric matrices in terms of the spectral decomposition of the component matrices involved in the Kronecker product. The property (A) of Kurkjian and Zelen (1963) is generalised and the analysis of generalised property (A) designs is given. It is proved that a design is balanced factorially if and only if it is a generalised property (A) design. A method of analysis of Kronecker product block designs whose component designs are equi-replicate and proper is also suggested.  相似文献   

Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981) proposed a new class of incomplete block designs called BTIB designs for comparing p ≥ 2 test treatments with a control treatment in blocks of equal size k < p + 1. All BTIB designs for given (p,k) can be constructed by forming unions of replications of a set of elementary BTIB designs called generator designs for that (p,k). In general, there are many generator designs for given (p,k) but only a small subset (called the minimal complete set) of these suffices to obtain all admissible BTIB designs (except possibly any equivalent ones). Determination of the minimal complete set of generator designs for given (p,k) was stated as an open problem in Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981). In this paper we solve this problem for k = 3. More specifically, we give the minimal complete sets of generator designs for k = 3, p = 3(1)10; the relevant proofs are given only for the cases p = 3(1)6. Some additional combinatorial results concerning BTIB designs are also given.  相似文献   

Families of Repeated Measurements Designs balanced for residual effects are constructed (whenever the divisibility conditions allow), under the assumption that the number of periods is less than the number of treatments and that each treatment precedes each other treatment once. These designs are then shown to be connected for both residual and direct treatment effects.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a robustness property of partially balanced incomplete block designs based on association schemes with m classes (PBIBD(m)) against the unavailability of data in the sense that, when any t (a positive integer) observations are unavailable the design remains connected w.r.t. treatment. We characterize the robustness property of PBIBD(m) completely for m=2 and partially for m=3.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the queue size distribution of an Mx/G/1 queue with a random set-up time and with a Bernoulli vacation schedule under a restricted admissibility policy. This generalizes the model studied by Madan and Choudhury [Sankhyá 66 (2004) 175–193].  相似文献   

We consider the two-sample t-test where error variances are unknown but with known relationships between them. This situation arises, for example, when two measuring instruments average different number of replicates to report the response. In particular we compare our procedure with the usual Satterthwaite approximation in the two sample t-test with variances unequal. Our procedure uses the knowledge of a known ratio of variances while the Satterthwaite approximation assumes only that the two variances are unequal. Simulations show that our procedure has both better size and better power than the Satterthwaite approximation. Finally, we consider an extension of our results to the General Linear Model.  相似文献   

The wrap-around (WD) L2-discrepancy has been commonly used in experimental designs. In this paper, some lower bounds of the WD L2-discrepancy for asymmetrical U-type designs are given and the expectation and variance of midpoint Latin hypercube designs (LHD) are also obtained. Relationships between midpoint LHD and uniform designs for symmetrical and asymmetrical cases are discussed in the sense of comparing the lower bound and the expectation of squared wrap-around L2-discrepancy of U-type designs. Some comparisons between simple random sampling and the lower bounds of U-type designs are given.  相似文献   

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