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An estimate of the mean residual life function of a complex system of k independent identically distributed components is proposed and studied with emphasis being on the order of normal approximation.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables {Xi,i?1}{Xi,i?1} with a common absolutely continuous distribution function F  . Let X1:n?X2:n???Xn:nX1:n?X2:n???Xn:n be the order statistics of {X1,X2,…,Xn}{X1,X2,,Xn} and {Yl,l?1}{Yl,l?1} be the sequence of record values generated by {Xi,i?1}{Xi,i?1}. In this work, the conditional distribution of YlYl given Xn:nXn:n is established. Some characterizations of F   based on record values and Xn:nXn:n are then given.  相似文献   

Bounds on the latest root of the C-matrix and the number of blocks for a variance-balanced block design are given. These results contain the well-known results as special cases.  相似文献   

Discrete discrepancy has been utilized as a uniformity measure for comparing and evaluating factorial designs. In this paper, for asymmetrical factorials, we give some linkages between uniformity measured by the discrete discrepancy and other criteria, such as generalized minimum aberration (Xu and Wu, 2001) and minimum projection variance (Ai and Zhang, 2004). These close linkages show a significant justification for the discrete discrepancy used to measure uniformity of factorial designs, and provide an additional rationale for using uniform designs. This research was partially supported by the NNSF of China (No. 10441001), the Key Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (No. 105119) and the Project-sponsored by SRF for ROCS (SEM) (No. [2004]176).  相似文献   

The relative performance of a component of a series system in two different environments is considered. The conditional probability of the failure of the system due to the failure of the specified component given that the system failed before time t is regarded as a measure of relative importance of the component to the system. A U-statistic test for checking the equality of the relative importance of the component to the system in two different environments against the alternative that the relative importance is smaller in one of the environments, is proposed. Some simulation results for estimating the power of the test are reported. The proposed test is applied to one real data set and it is seen that a different aspect of the data is brought out by this comparison than that by the comparisons of the absolute importance functions such as the subsurvival functions, considered in earlier studies.  相似文献   

A subfamily of exponential distributions is considered and it is shown that the variance of the UMVU estimator of an estimable function g(θ) having power series expansion is the limit of Bhattacharya bounds.  相似文献   

This note investigates the negative dependence in frailty models. First, we show that the frailty variable and the overall population variable are negatively likelihood ratio dependent and derive an upper bound for the survival function of the population with higher frailty. Secondly, we prove that the DFR property and the logconvex hazard rate of the baseline variable imply the DLR property of the population variable. Finally, we further prove that the likelihood ratio order, hazard rate order and reversed hazard rate order between two frailty variables imply the likelihood ratio order, reversed hazard rate order, and hazard rate order between the corresponding overall population variables, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the more realistic aspect of accelerated life testing wherein the stress on an unfailed item is allowed to increase at a preassigned test time. Such tests are known as step-stress tests. Our approach is nonparametric in that we do not make any assumptions about the underlying distribution of life lengths. We introduce a model for step-stress testing which is based on the ideas of shock models and of wear processes. This model unifies and generalizes two previously proposed models for step-stress testing. We propose an estimator for the life distribution under use conditions stress and show that this estimator is strongly consistent.  相似文献   

Let X be a discrete random variable the set of possible values (finite or infinite) of which can be arranged as an increasing sequence of real numbers a1<a2<a3<…. In particular, ai could be equal to i for all i. Let X1nX2n≦?≦Xnn denote the order statistics in a random sample of size n drawn from the distribution of X, where n is a fixed integer ≧2. Then, we show that for some arbitrary fixed k(2≦kn), independence of the event {Xkn=X1n} and X1n is equivalent to X being either degenerate or geometric. We also show that the montonicity in i of P{Xkn = X1n | X1n = ai} is equivalent to X having the IFR (DFR) property. Let ai = i and G(i) = P(X≧i), i = 1, 2, …. We prove that the independence of {X2n ? X1nB} and X1n for all i is equivalent to X being geometric, where B = {m} (B = {m,m+1,…}), provided G(i) = qi?1, 1≦im+2 (1≦im+1), where 0<q<1.  相似文献   

Tsukanov (Theor. Probab. Appl. 26 (1981) 173–177) considers the regression model E(y|Z)=Fp+Zq, D(y|Z)=σ2In, where y(n×1) is a vector of measured values,F(n×k) contains the control variables, Z(n×l) contains the observed values, and p(k×1) and q(l×1) are being estimated. Assuming that Z=FL+R, where L(k×l) is non-random, and the rows of R (n×l) are i.i.d. N(0,Σ), we extend Tsukanov's results by (i) computing E(detHp), where Hp is the covariance matrix of p?, the l.s.e. of p, (ii) considering ‘optimality in the mean’ for the largest root criterion, (iii) discussing these equations when the matrix R has a left-spherical distribution.  相似文献   

This paper deals with nonnegative random variables having Laplace transforms as their reliability functions. We study a new stochastic order based upon Laplace transform. Some applications in actuarial science, frailty models and reliability are presented as well.  相似文献   

This paper suggests some distribution-free methods for testing hypothesis of parallelism and concurrence of two linear regressions. We assume that the independent variable x is equally spaced. The proposed procedures are compared with nonparametric competitors and the normal theory t-test.  相似文献   

In the usual two-way layout of ANOVA (interactions are admitted) let nij ? 1 be the number of observations for the factor-level combination(i, j). For testing the hypothesis that all main effects of the first factor vanish numbers n1ij are given such that the power function of the F-test is uniformly maximized (U-optimality), if one considers only designs (nij) for which the row-sums ni are prescribed. Furthermore, in the (larger) set of all designs for which the total number of observations is given, all D-optimum designs are constructed.  相似文献   

We compare results for stochastic volatility models where the underlying volatility process having generalized inverse Gaussian (GIG) and tempered stable marginal laws. We use a continuous time stochastic volatility model where the volatility follows an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic differential equation driven by a Lévy process. A model for long-range dependence is also considered, its merit and practical relevance discussed. We find that the full GIG and a special case, the inverse gamma, marginal distributions accurately fit real data. Inference is carried out in a Bayesian framework, with computation using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). We develop an MCMC algorithm that can be used for a general marginal model.  相似文献   

An iterative solution to the problem of maximizing a concave functional ø defined on the set of all probability measures on a topological space is considered. Convergence of this procedure and a rapidly converging algorithm are studied. Computational aspects of this algorithm along with the ones developed earlier by Wynn, Fedorov, Atwood, Wu and others are provided. Examples discussed are taken from the area of mixture likehoods and optimal experimental design.  相似文献   

An Edgeworth expansion with remainder o(N?1) is obtained for signed linear rank statistics under suitable assumptions. The theorem is proved for a wide class of score generating functions including the Chi-quantile function by adapting van Zwet's methodand Does's conditioning arguments.  相似文献   

S. Zhou  R. A. Maller 《Statistics》2013,47(1-2):181-201
Models for populations with immune or cured individuals but with others subject to failure are important in many areas, such as medical statistics and criminology. One method of analysis of data from such populations involves estimating an immune proportion 1 ? p and the parameter(s) of a failure distribution for those individuals subject to failure. We use the exponential distribution with parameter λ for the latter and a mixture of this distribution with a mass 1 ? p at infinity to model the complete data. This paper develops the asymptotic theory of a test for whether an immune proportion is indeed present in the population, i.e., for H 0:p = 1. This involves testing at the boundary of the parameter space for p. We use a likelihood ratio test for H 0. and prove that minus twice the logarithm of the likelihood ratio has as an asymptotic distribution, not the chi-square distribution, but a 50–50 mixture of a chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom, and a point mass at 0. The result is proved under an independent censoring assumption with very mild restrictions.  相似文献   

Families of Repeated Measurements Designs balanced for residual effects are constructed (whenever the divisibility conditions allow), under the assumption that the number of periods is less than the number of treatments and that each treatment precedes each other treatment once. These designs are then shown to be connected for both residual and direct treatment effects.  相似文献   

The exact D-optimal first order saturated design with 17 observations is given. The upper bound of the determinant of the information matrix is established and a design attaining this value is constructed. The information matrix is proved to be unique and the optimal design contains the B.I.B. design (16, 16, 6, 6, 2).  相似文献   

Discrete time periodically correlated (PC) processes are viewed as the processes with time-dependent spectra. This, together with an auxiliary operator which is defined here is employed to apply classical results on the asymptotic distribution of the periodogram of the univariate white noise (innovations) to derive the asymptotic distributions of the periodograms for the PC processes and also for the multivariate stationary processes. We assume only the continuity and positive definiteness of the spectral densities together with the independence of the innovations.  相似文献   

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