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针对当前高校反腐倡廉工作中出现的新情况、新动向,分析其特点,并从加强调查研究、教育引导、制度预防、监督和奖惩等四个方面提出相应的应对策略。  相似文献   

1917年京直水灾与赈济情况略述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1917年,京直地区出现了数十年未遇的大水灾,一百多个县被淹,几百万人口受灾,灾情十分严重。水灾发生后,北洋政府和社会各界予以高度重视,施行了一系列赈灾措施,使灾民的困苦得到一定程度的缓解。但是,在赈灾过程中也存在着不少的弊端,使赈灾效果大打折扣,这是由当时的社会政治环境所造成的。  相似文献   

王莉娟 《社会》2001,(7):33-35
随着经济发展的突飞猛进 ,上海市民的经济生活发生了巨大的变化 ,消费水平大大提高。家庭消费的变化是城市经济变迁的缩影。本文从城市居民家庭收入及消费的角度探讨家庭经济生活的变化以及家庭消费中的夫妇关系与地位。家庭成员收入差距拉大经济体制改革给家庭带来的最大变化是家庭成员经济收入的增加及其收入分化的加剧。家庭收入是家庭消费的基础 ,而家庭收入的高低与家庭成员的职业状况直接相关。随着社会就业渠道的拓展 ,从事不同职业的人群收入水平发生了极大的差异。首先是行业之间的工资收入水平差距拉大。最高行业的收入和最低行业…  相似文献   

国家人口计生政策的调整,使高校人口计生工作的管理对象、工作重点都有重大变化,原有管理工作机制、管理方法已与新的任务和要求不相适应。本文就如何在新形势下做好高校的人口和计生工作提出创新管理模式、创新教育方式、创新服务手段的对策。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Gill Mclvor, Social Work Research Centre, Department of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland. Summary In the last five years major changes have occurred in the provisionof social work services to the Scottish criminal justice system.The present article charts recent developments in statutoryand voluntary community-based social work services to offenders,locating them in the context of contemporary penal policy. Thecontribution of social work at various points in the criminaljustice process is discussed with particular reference to theintroduction of national standards and full central fundingof statutory social work services. The new funding arrangementshave, it is suggested, provided an impetus to the developmentof statutory services but at the expense both of services notcurrently subject to the 100 per cent funding mechanism andof increased central government control. The article concludesby outlining the challenges to be faced by social work departmentsover the next few years, including an ever-widening remit andthe uncertainties surrounding local government re-organization.  相似文献   

This paper describes the emotional labour and befriending of families in East London by Family Support Workers (FSWs). The study is derived from an evaluation of the Family Welfare Association's Tower Hamlets Family Support Service. A key finding is that engaging the emotions of families enables high quality and effective support in the family home. FSWs win trust and elicit narratives from families, particularly from mothers and children. The narratives of families are a rich source of informing better practice. In line with Government objectives, the participatory work of FSWs helps to balance understanding on family support, health and child protection. According to Government and research, the early identification of child protection issues is particularly important in mitigating their worst effects. FSWs gain trust and early disclosure on child protection cases. This prevents child care problems from deteriorating into child protection issues. FSWs also act as informal advocates and help to balance social service assessments with the views of families. FSWs take a proactive, non‐stigmatizing, non‐intrusive approach to families. FSWs are sensitive and responsive to the emotions, ethnicity and specific needs of families.  相似文献   

近些年来,我国城乡居民的收入分配已经有了比较明显的改善,基尼系数呈回落趋势,但数值仍然偏高,如何继续改善中国居民家庭的收入水平和分配差异,是我国在全面建成小康社会进程中应该高度关注的问题。通过对城乡居民之间、城镇居民内部、不同国民经济行业间以及不同地区间各种收入的动态和静态比较,指出通过鼓励民营经济的发展,扩大非农产业就业是当前中国改善居民收入和分配的重要途径。  相似文献   

汉唐历史变迁中的南方与北方   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟发松 《学习与探索》2008,1(1):203-210
汉唐同为中国古代盛世,其历史进程不无相似之处,其历史变迁亦显而易见.汉唐间的差异,都渊源于汉唐之际的魏晋南北朝.从大一统的秦汉皇朝,中经魏晋南北朝的动荡分裂,到重归一统的隋唐帝国,构成中国历史上第一个完整而典型的"朝代循环".这不仅在中国历史发展进程中具有划阶段的意义,而且还使中国中古历史与罗马帝国灭亡后的欧洲中世纪历史发展路径迥异.汉唐间历史发展的这种取向,实质上是与当时的南北区域背景,特别是与六朝时期特定的南北关系,有着密切的关联.其中,南方在汉唐历史变迁中发挥了独特而重要的作用.首先,东汉以来南方经济文化的发展进步及其地位的提高,为孙吴及东晋南朝政权的建立和维持提供了基础,使中国历史的发展由东西相抗,中经三国鼎立过渡,最终形成为数百年的南北对立之局.其次,永嘉之乱后北人的大规模南迁,使汉魏西晋的传统文化随着晋室南渡而迁移、保存于江南,并与南方文化兼融混合,最后演化形成一种新的文化,成为当时中国文化的主流和代表.而后,随着隋唐帝国的建立,天下重归一统,政治中心重建于北方,在东晋南朝得到新的发展的汉魏文化又被回馈给北方,中国历史又重新走上从汉魏西晋到东晋南朝一脉相承的发展道路.再次,代表中国传统文化的东晋南朝政权的存在,推动了十六国北朝内迁北族的汉化进程,进而推动了南北统一的进程.贯穿于南北朝时期激烈的南北正统之争,恰恰表明了南北朝在文化上的趋同,而南北政治统一实以南北文化的交流和统一为先导.可以说,文化是南北统一的凝结剂和催化剂.  相似文献   

一、对两大史诗的初步译介印度两大史诗《摩诃婆罗多》和《罗摩衍那》,卷帙浩繁 ,内容包罗万象 ,堪称古代印度的百科全书 ,在印度文化史、文学史上具有崇高的地位。后者以罗摩和妻子悉多的悲欢离合为中心情节 ,前者以两族堂兄弟为争夺国土和政权而爆发大战为主线 ,广泛描绘了古代印度历史、政治、宗教信仰、家庭、习俗、民族心理等各个方面。两大史诗作为印度文学的两块基石 ,集印度神话、传说之大成 ,为后来的戏剧、诗歌、小说等文学作品提供了丰富的题材来源。它们还是婆罗门教—印度教的神圣经典 ,其中的主要人物一直受到教徒们的虔诚崇…  相似文献   

International literature on community care tends to focus on the national level of welfare institutions and policies. However, community care is largely a locally tailored service and this paper makes a case for local comparisons of community care policies. Using local case studies from Finland and Britain, the paper argues that focusing on the local level contributes to the comparative study of community care in two ways. First, local comparisons highlight the often distinctively local nature of community care policies and thereby add to our understanding of community care. Second, local comparisons extend existing cross‐country explanations of community care by showing that community care is largely shaped by local politics, together with indirect structuring by national contexts. As such, the local case studies highlight the importance of the relationship between policy and politics, which has often been neglected in comparative research.  相似文献   

吴崇伯 《创新》2013,7(1):60-63,127
随着世界能源消耗量的日益增加,缅甸丰富的油气资源吸引了各国的关注,加上其特殊的地理位置,亚太地区主要国家都在围绕缅甸能源展开激烈的博弈。当前,缅甸新政府实施了一系列引资新政策,鼓励外国企业在缅甸投资发展,缅甸能源开发有加速的趋势。  相似文献   

刘淑霞 《唐都学刊》2011,27(1):93-97
近十余年来,国内相当一部分高校在思想政治教育与中华传统文化的融合方面进行了一系列探索,取得了一定的成就,但就整个中国高校而言,两者的融合仍然处在低层次、低水平状态,仍然存在许多较为突出的问题。因此,继续深入探索实现思想政治教育与中华传统文化的融合模式,构建具有民族特点、体现时代精神的高校思想政治教育体系,就成为思想政治教育者和相关理论工作者义不容辞的责任。  相似文献   

Empathy and Observed Anger and Aggression in Five-Year-Olds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In Roberts and Strayer (1996 ), we reported that emotional expressiveness and anger were important predictors of empathy for school‐age children, and that empathy strongly predicted prosocial behaviors aggregated across methods and sources. In this paper, we report how empathy was associated with direct observations of anger and aggression in peer play groups. Twenty‐four initially unacquainted five‐year‐old children (50% girls) were randomly assigned to six same‐sex groups; each group met for three one‐hour play sessions. Physical and verbal aggression, object struggles and anger were coded from videotapes, as were prosocial and social behaviors. As expected, empathy (aggregated across methods and sources) was negatively associated with aggression and anger, and positively associated with prosocial behaviors. Although children who were more angry were also more aggressive, anger and aggression did not covary across play sessions as a simple causal model requires. These results suggest further directions for research in emotions and aggression.  相似文献   

Recent Changes in Adoption and Fostering in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As in many other countries, adoption and foster-care have seenimportant changes in Spain. Adoption of healthy Spanish babieshas now become the exception, while special needs and inter-countryadoptions have become much more common. Foster-care, in itsturn, has also changed, and now there are new types of fosteringarrangements and new professional practices substituting oldones. This article presents a summary of the main changes thatoccurred in recent years in the context of adoption and foster-carein Spain.  相似文献   

This article discusses how religion can substantively influence the manifestation and resolution of conflict in marital and parent-child relationships. Religious systems of meaning are proposed to influence conflict by promoting which goals and values should be sought in family life and the appropriate means to achieve these ends. Conflict can be amplified or inhibited based on the extent to which family members differ and agree about such religiously based parameters. Religion also offers families strategies that may facilitate or hinder the resolution of conflict after it erupts. The limited amount of empirical research on how religion shapes the manifestation and resolution of marital and parent-child conflict is highlighted, and suggestions are made to advance research and clinical practice on this topic.  相似文献   

Sincethe1980s,theChinesegovernmenthasgraduallydecentralizedcontroloverthefinancingandmanagementofbasiceducationtothelocalauthorities.Itwasclearlypointedoutin"TheCentralCommitteeoftheChineseCommunistParty'sDecisionsonReformoftheEducationSystem,"promulgatedinMay1985,thatresponsibilityforthedevelopmentofbasiceducationwastobeshiftedtolocalgovernmentsandnine-yearcompulsoryeducationgraduallyintroduced.Sincethistime,thedevelopmentofChina'sbasiceducationhasbecomemoreandmorereliantuponthefinancial…  相似文献   

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