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13世纪以来,阿姆斯特丹、伦敦、纽约、中国香港和新加坡等公认的国际航运中心的变迁与发展史实表明,国际航运中心的变迁与发展模式主要受到社会信息技术条件的影响,具体表现为20世纪50年代之前基本遵循以货物为基础的传统国际航运中心发展模式,其后在伦敦国际航运高端服务业锁定与辐射效应的影响下,其他各地航运产业的发展呈现出不同的发展模式,而特定地区的航运中心发展模式则与当地的区位条件与腹地制造业基础、政府的决策逻辑及船东企业活动三者有关。因此,上海国际航运中心建设应遵循以政府宏观政策推动为主导,以"航运"管"航运"为行业治理准则,以企业家精神为微观动力的发展模式,集中优势资源,有序促进航运产业核心要素的差异化集聚。  相似文献   

以航运高端服务为特征的伦敦和以航运基本服务为标志的新加坡、汉堡等国际航运中心都具有完善的航运服务信息整合能力,本质上也是国际航运信息整合中心。与发达国家相比,上海在国际航运中心航运信息整合范围、信息平台集成水平、权威信息发布和政策自由度等方面存在明显差距,未来需要尽快明确整合路径、落实保障措施。  相似文献   

在梳理航运服务业定义及构成的基础上,笔者对天津航运服务业可持续发展面临的问题进行了深入分析,并结合小白楼国际航运集聚区特征以及当前和平区发展航运服务业所具有的优势和面临的挑战,提出了和平区助推小白楼国际航运服务集聚区建设的对策建议,即加大保护和鼓励创新,变现和平区深厚航运文化;以高端航运业为支柱产业,完善制度和政策支撑;实现精准化的扶持,而非平均支持;积极探索,创新利用好先行先试;合纵连横,达到共赢发展。  相似文献   

科学分析结果表明,国际航运中心建设为上海创造的直接、间接和波及贡献占全市GDP总量的15%以上,对上海的经济发展做出了重要贡献。上海在未来的国际航运中心建设中,应保持航运装备中心事业的优势,完善高端生产服务业;发展航运金融,加强国内航运金融衍生品研发;拓展航运服务产业链,优化航运市场发展环境;加强综合试验区建设,发挥航运中心的辐射效应;加强长三角地区港口合作,提高航运中心对区域经济的贡献度。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化使世界经济与世界航运市场紧密相连,国次级贷引起的金融危机已经席卷全球,并对各国实体经济产生负面影响,其作为经济形势变化风向标的航运业亦受到严重冲击。文中主要分析了金融危机对航运业的影响,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

国际航运发展综合试验区是具有综合服务功能的先行区和示范区,其功能定位主要包括口岸功能、产业功能、贸易功能、金融功能、物流功能、信息功能、辅助功能等。探索建立国际航运发展综合试验区是上海国际航运中心建设的一项主要任务和措施。要逐步形成功能完善、结构优化的航运服务产业体系和航运辐射体系,大型国际航运企业和知名国际航运组织区域总部集聚,使上海成为全球航运资源配置中心和全球离岸金融贸易中心。为实现上述目标,要探索形成有特色的管理体制和经营模式,分步骤、有重点地推进"两个体系、五大区域"建设。  相似文献   

国际重要的经济中心城市大多同时也是重要的国际航运中心,如中国香港、新加坡、伦敦、纽约、鹿特丹等。"十二五"期间,上海处在一个发展的关键时期。"创新驱动、转型发展"成为上海建设国际航运中心的迫切要求,因此,处于城市经济转型时期的上海必须建设具有全球航运资源配置能力的国际航运中心,实现上海国际航运中心与上海城市的协调发展。本文结合世界主要国际航运中心的实际,分析国际航运中心与城市协调发展可供借鉴的经验,提出目前上海国际航运中心建设与城市发展之间面临的矛盾与问题,并从集疏运体系和港城一体化角度提出上海国际航运中心与城市实现协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

改善上海国际航运中心船舶登记服务的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海国际航运中心建设进入改善软环境的关键阶段,其中船舶登记服务的改善是重要方面之一。良好的船舶登记服务有利于上海国际航运中心对船舶要素聚集及其相关航运资源配置能力的提升,是实现上海国际航运中心建设向航运服务发展转型的重要途径。在探讨改善船舶登记服务的重要意义的基础上,分析上海国际航运中心的船舶登记服务的现状和存在主要问题,结合当前最新政策动态提出上海国际航运中心船舶登记服务发展的对策。  相似文献   

陈恭 《科学发展》2012,(6):105-107
航运金融,通常是指航运企业在运作过程中发生的融资、保险、货币保管、兑换、结算等虚拟经济活动。航运业是资金密集型产业,投资周期长,风险程度高,这些特性决定了航运企业难以单靠自身力量进行正常的经济活动。航运金融的出现,可以帮助化解航运企业资金不足和风险等问题,从而促进航运实体经济的发展。因此,发展航运金融是国际航运中心软环境建设的一项重要内容,也是国际航运中心建设的关键环节。  相似文献   

上海国际航运中心深化发展不仅是顺应时代变化、服务国家战略、促进贸易增长,更是巩固航运中心建设已有优势、打造新竞争优势、探索制度突破,使上海国际航运中心成为支撑新发展格局的重要载体。上海国际航运中心深化发展,应提升协同效能,强化对区域产业经济的保障和引领带动作用;提升服务能级,构建高效率、高品质、全方位的航运服务产业体系;提升数字、绿色新赛道动能,全面参与构建航运新秩序,打造上海国际航运中心升级版。  相似文献   

World Cities are acknowledged to be a key aspect of globalization. In many accounts, these cities are depicted as rivals in a global marketplace, their economic success a result of their competitive advantage. However, what has not been fully acknowledged is their connectivity and, in addition, the time and effort taken by specific ‘attendants’ to produce the World City network. Accordingly, this article aims to advance understanding of World City network formation by developing a conceptual model that focuses on four major attendants (firms, sectors, cities and states) that enact network formation through two nexuses —‘city‐firm’ and ‘statesector’— and two communities —‘cities within states’ and ‘firms within sectors’. The utility of this model is demonstrated by drawing upon interviews conducted in offices of 39 advanced producer service firms in banking and law. These interviews were undertaken in three World Cities (London, New York and Singapore) in the wake of the East Asian financial crisis, an event that challenged the consistency of the World City network. Showing how attendants sought to maintain and transform the World City network at this key moment of crisis, we conclude that studies of city competitiveness ultimately need to focus on the cooperative work that sustains global networks.  相似文献   

董鹏  卓元 《科学发展》2013,(8):50-59
当前,全球金融危机深层次影响正逐步显现,全球经济和金融体系的风险还在积聚,经济复苏的基础仍很脆弱,危机远远没有结束。在全球金融危机持续发酵的过程中,按照G20峰会确定的改革方向,金融稳定理事会、巴塞尔委员会等国际组织正共同努力推动金融监管改革,但金融体系长期积累的问题短期内难以消化,还需要全球政策制定者和监管当局加强政策协调,凝聚共识,在刺激经济增长和实施长期结构化改革之间寻求平衡。针对金融领域存在的风险隐患,中国为坚守不发生系统性和区域性金融风险的底线,必须完善相关配套政策,全面构建中国银行业的审慎监管体系。  相似文献   

Ed. Dept. 《交通与港航》2011,25(5):10-11,58
2008年年末,国际金融危机在全球爆发,航运市场首当其冲,遭受巨大打击。作为国际化竞争最为激烈的航运企业之一,中国海运集团面对国际航运市场的“严寒”局面,如何化解和规避风险、实现企业稳健发展?为此,本刊专访了中国海运集团总裁李绍德先生。  相似文献   

In this paper I propose an analysis of interaction among global economies by focusing on the regional financial markets of Asian countries during and after the Asian financial crisis in 1997, in order to study the dynamic relationship between stock returns and exchange rate changes. In addition, the impact of the Asian financial crisis is also examined. For the methodology, the bivariate EGARCH (exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) and EGARCH-X models are used to examine the interrelationship of stock markets and foreign exchange markets. The empirical results show that a two-way feedback relationship exists between the volatility of stock returns and exchange rate changes during the recovery period of the Asian countries. This result is important because the effect of volatility transmission between global financial markets can still be observed today. Furthermore, when comparing the volatility transmission during the crisis period with that during the recovery period, it shows that the spillover effect has increased during the recovery period, indicating that the strength of the transmission mechanism has increased after the Asian financial crisis. This result also suggests that the interactions of the stock and foreign exchange markets of Asian countries were affected by the Asian financial crisis, and the impact is greater for Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, and especially Thailand, which were more vulnerable during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper explores the problem of the current global financial crisis, using a behavioral perspective. Particularly, the main objective of this paper is to test whether overconfidence bias can explain excessive volatility witnessed during global financial crisis in developed and emerging equity markets. Empirical results of EGARCH estimated models show an asymmetric effect of volatility for all equity market indexes. The relation between excessive trading volume of overconfident investors and excessive prices volatility is then estimated. The results indicate that conditional volatility is positively related to trading volume caused by overconfidence bias. This finding provides strong statistical support to the presence of overconfidence bias among investors in developed and emerging stocks markets. This cognitive bias contributes to the exceptional financial instability that erupted in 2008. However, during the subprime financial crisis period overconfidence bias cannot explain volatility because of the loss of confidence by investors in financial markets.  相似文献   

金融与航运之间关系是互融、互动和互推关系。金融政策、投资、创新、服务等推动航运发展。上海国际航运中心的金融服务领域由环节向整个产业链不断拓宽,手段由传统方式向新方式不断创新,区域由上海向长三角地区不断延伸,政策由限制性向鼓励性不断深化,市场由单一向全面综合不断扩大,机构由"点"向"团"不断集聚。要抓住中央给予上海的先行先试政策和国际航运金融等服务业向上海转移的机遇,创新金融体制机制和金融服务手段,大力发展航运金融、物流金融,着眼于服务整个航运产业链,努力在离岸金融、保险与再保险等领域中有所突破,在提升金融综合服务水平中推动上海国际航运中转和高端航运服务业发展。  相似文献   

Jeb Sprague 《Globalizations》2013,10(4):499-507
In an interview, Leslie Sklair, author of The Transnational Capitalist Class (2001) and Professor Emeritus in Sociology at the London School of Economics, discusses his thoughts on today's global financial crisis, its connections to a globally dominant social class—the transnational capitalist class—as well as his views on the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, and clarifications on his theoretical approach.

En una entrevista, Leslie Sklair, autor de La clase capitalista trasnacional (2001) y profesor emérito en sociología de la Facultad de Economía de Londres, discute tanto sus pensamientos sobre la crisis financiera global actual, y sus conexiones con una clase social global dominante—la clase capitalista trasnacional—como sobre su punto de vista sobre la invasión y ocupación de Iraq por los E.E.U.U., y las aclaraciones sobre su enfoque teórico.


Since the beginning of the economic crisis in Spain young people have migrated abroad looking for job opportunities. In the meantime, after the 15-M movement in 2011, Spanish society created various social movements hoping to make change happen, as well as the pro-independence movement in Catalonia that gathered strength as a response to the Spanish economic and political crisis. This paper analyses how Spanish young people in London, as transmigrants rooted in two different countries, engage with the politics of their home country through two transnational social movements in London: ANC England and the Maroon Wave London. The article describes both local movements (comparing their goals, structure and activities), showing the reasons that young Spanish migrants get involved and their experiences within them. It also rethinks the nature and modalities of young diasporic identities and political engagement in the global age through the experiences of the young people interviewed.  相似文献   

The existing economic model leads developed and developing countries to a stalemate. The global financial crisis of 2008–2009 revealed the instability and fragility of the current economic model. We can observe the consequences of the crisis (and its continuation) up to the present time. The problem is worse in those economies where the real sector of the economy has been steadily declining during recent years. The great dependence of developed countries on the global financial system, and, in particular, the IMF, causes unemployment to increase, deskills the working-age population, reduces the level of social welfare and aggravates problems of social tension. As for developing countries, they face the problem of attracting investors to the real sector of the economy. The latest economic and social crisis shows the high level of interdependence and demonstrates that all national economies are a united economic system, and that sustainable development is possible only if all work together.  相似文献   

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