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正一、山东省人口城镇化的地域特色(一)我国的人口城镇化模式城镇化的核心是人的城镇化,人口的流动趋势决定了城镇化的空间格局。就人口流动而言,目前我国有3种代表性的城镇化模式:一是外来人口聚集推动的城镇化。以北京、上海、广东等发达省市为代表。比如,北京2013年以户籍人口统计的城镇化率是  相似文献   

在"以人为本"的新型城镇化语境下,传统城镇化分析框架与沿海经验并不能有效适用于山地民族地区的城镇化问题。有必要从"人的视角"出发,重新审视其城镇化的特征与机制。本文以重庆渝东南地区为例,通过实地调研与问卷访谈,以"人的城镇化"为主线,对其人口城镇化特征与机制进行了深入分析。研究发现,在山地民族地区特殊的经济社会、人口流动背景下,其人口流动具有"乡村老龄人口广泛兼业、非制造业带动城镇就业、公共服务集聚非就业性人群"等重要特征,进而形成了面向不同人口来源的、不同于沿海经验的复合型人口城镇化模式。在此基础上,研究对渝东南未来城镇化趋势进行判断,并对未来城镇化进程中的人口转移路线进行了模拟,继而提出了相应的人口城镇化政策建议。  相似文献   

新型城镇化是国家当前的重要发展战略。在城镇化进程中,人口在各区域间的大规模流动对教育质量产生了剧烈的冲击。不同区域的义务教育质量水平、效率、持续性遭受到了不同程度的挑战。在城镇化进程中,义务教育应在保证教育公平的基础上因地制宜地倡导教育多元化,以此来应对义务教育在城镇化进程中面临的各种挑战。  相似文献   

人的城镇化是新型城镇化的根本,本文着眼于新型城镇化背景下的川东中小城市人口流动态势,总结本地城镇化的特征与路径。以四川省开江县人口本地城镇化为例,从特征与问题"表""里"两方面对开江县人口流动过程中的人口转移、产业集聚进行实证研究,分析了川东中小城市人口本地城镇化面临的经济发展缓慢和人口大量外流,资金缺乏而难以支撑相当数量人口的本地城镇化等主要问题。结合这些问题,对新时期川东中小城市人口"本地城镇化"的路径展开论述,探索出主承载地选择、层次引导和次区域引导等多种方式相结合的路径。  相似文献   

湖南的快速城镇化与全国一样,都是一种"压缩型"的城镇化模式。这种模式固然提高了发展效率,但也浓缩了快速城镇化所带来的诸多问题和矛盾。因此,在国家新型城镇化与区域发展战略的实施过程中,必须从土地城镇化向人口城镇化转变,从粗放城镇化向精细城镇化转变,从"非均衡型"格局向"均衡型"城镇化格局转变,从单元城镇化向集群城镇化转变,从"投资驱动"向"创新驱动"转变,实现科学跨越发展。  相似文献   

运用《中国城市统计年鉴》等数据,检验了长三角城市群、珠三角城市群和京津冀城市群的产业结构升级对人口城镇化的影响。结果显示:①三大城市群城镇化水平逐渐提高,且表现为(超)特大城市城镇化水平高于大城市,大城市高于中小城市。②产业结构升级对人口城镇化的影响存在明显的城市规模等级差异。③产业结构升级对人口城镇化存在显著的促进作用,但各个城市群的促进作用也表现出明显差异。  相似文献   

试论我国城镇化过程中的资源经济发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、“城镇化”的含义及我国的城镇化发展水平什么是城镇化(国际通用的提法叫城市化,两者的含义基本一致)?一般认为,城镇化是人们的经济、政治、文化等社会活动,为节约时间向特定空间集聚的过程。在这个过程中,农业人口比重下降,工业、服务业人口比重上升,人口和产业向城市集聚,生产方式、交换方式和生活方式向规模化、集约化、市场化和社会化发展。城镇化是工业化发展的客观要求,城镇化水平是一个国家社会经济发展水平的重要标志。建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,我国城镇化水平随着经济发展不断提高,从1978年的17.92…  相似文献   

发展小城镇在实施城镇化战略中占有重要的地位.城镇化就其实质而言,是在人口的非农化和农村人口的城镇化前提下的经济社会现代化.我国自改革开放以来,从1978年到1999年的21年间,城镇人口增加了2.1亿人,扣除城镇人口自然增长部分,城镇共吸纳农村人口1.4亿人,其中小城镇吸纳了8000万人,约占转移农村人口的57.1%.鉴于我国经济发展水平及制度转型的障碍等实际问题,大中市场吸纳人口的能力大幅度提高有一个较长的过程,因此,发展小城镇作为当前人口城镇化的重要途径,应给予高度的重视.  相似文献   

正一、引言党的十八大报告明确提出"城镇化质量明显提高"、"加快改革户籍制度,有序推进农业转移人口市民化"的发展目标和发展方略,将新型城镇化作为着力解决制约我国经济持续健康发展重大结构性问题的重要抓手,显著提升了新型城镇化的地位和作用。十八届三中全会则进一步明确要求,推进农业转移人口市民化,必须建立、完善相应的体制机制,特别是在户籍制度方面,全面放开建制镇和小城市落户限制,有序放开中等城市落户限制,合理确定大城市落户条件,严格  相似文献   

江伟涛 《城市观察》2016,(5):147-164
市镇是江南地区城镇化水平研究的重要考察对象.解放初期江南市镇的“政区实体化”使得我们必须考察乡镇区划中“镇”的非农业人口情况,以确定其是否为城镇,并重视大量湮没于县以下行政区划的市镇是否有符合城镇标准的情况.1953年江南浙北地区20县共有500人以上城镇78个,城镇人口420697人,城镇化水平9.94%;2000人以上城镇54个,城镇人口388680人,城镇化水平9.18%.若将杭州、嘉兴、湖州三个城市的人口计入,则浙北地区的城镇化水平分别达到21.95%与21.31%.由此得出当时当地最接近于真实情况的城镇化水平.  相似文献   

推进城镇化健康发展须处理好:非农产业与人口集聚的关系;非农产业发展、人口集聚与城市基础设施建设的关系;人口集聚与公共服务提供的关系;城市化与生态环境的关系;城镇建设中规模、结构和质量的关系。实现城镇化的健康发展,关键是要在正确认识城镇化本质、内涵和基本要求的基础上深化改革,构筑有利于新型城镇化发展的体制机制,最主要的是推进4个方面的改革:规划制定、土地制度、户籍制度、城乡统一市场建设。  相似文献   

Impacts of urbanization on biodiversity are commonly studied using urbanization gradients which provide a space-for-time substitution in estimating consequences of urban expansion. Rates of urbanization and human population growth are high in tropical countries of the developing world, which also hold most of the world’s biodiversity hot-spots, yet few studies have considered biodiversity trends along urban gradients in these regions. Bird communities across a gradient of nine sites in Uganda, from the city centre of Kampala to outlying rural locations, were studied over a six year period. These sites were ordered along an urbanization gradient using Principle Components Analysis based on habitat variables estimated at each site. Bird species richness showed a decrease from rural to urban sites, a trend especially evident in forest birds. There was no clear pattern in total abundance, total biomass or biomass per individual along the gradient. However, this latter result was heavily influenced by a colony of Marabou Storks at one site. When this species was omitted, there was evidence of a positive trend with urbanization, showing that as species richness decreased, the bird community was increasingly dominated by larger species with increasing urbanization, which were mainly scavengers able to exploit human refuse. These results provide further support for the negative impacts of urbanization on species richness, but also demonstrate trends in abundance and biomass are variable across different regions. In particular, the increasing dominance of larger species in urban areas may be relevant to certain geographic and/or socioeconomic contexts.  相似文献   

Oo N 《Sojourn (Singapore)》1989,4(2):233-260
"Since British colonial rule in Burma [Myanmar], urban centres have emerged and grown. This has continued with independence in 1948. Urbanization has proceeded apace, first primarily because of rural-urban migration and then mainly because of natural growth in cities and towns, leading to a host of urban problems exacerbated by an ailing economy which has not permitted adequate levels of investment in, and development of, urban infrastructure. This article examines these issues in urbanization and economic development and concludes that long-term solutions to these problems can only be arrived at if population growth and urbanization are given sufficient attention in economic policies which must, necessarily, seek to restructure the economy. The urban future of Burma, otherwise, remains bleak."  相似文献   

Explosive population growth and increasing demand for rural homes and lifestyles fueled exurbanization and urbanization in the western USA over the past decades. Using National Land Cover Data we analyzed land fragmentation trends from 1992 to 2001 in five southwestern cities associated with Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites. We observed two general fragmentation trends: expansion of the urbanized area leading to fragmentation in the exurban and peri-urban regions and decreased fragmentation associated with infill in the previously developed urban areas. We identified three fragmentation patterns, riparian, polycentric, and monocentric, that reflect the recent western experience with growth and urbanization. From the literature and local expert opinion, we identified five relevant drivers ?C water provisioning, population dynamics, transportation, topography, and institutions ?C that shape land use decision-making and fragmentation in the southwest. In order to assess the relative importance of each driver on urbanization, we linked historical site-specific driver information obtained through literature reviews and archival analyses to the observed fragmentation patterns. Our work highlights the importance of understanding land use decision-making drivers in concert and throughout time, as historic decisions leave legacies on landscapes that continue to affect land form and function, a process often forgotten in a region and era of blinding change.  相似文献   

In the late 19th century, the US population included a large number of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from European countries, often with relatively high fertility levels. This article investigates the degree to which fertility behavior changed as a result of social structural characteristics of the environment such as urbanization and children's role, the diffusion of fertility values and information from the native population, and the role of cultural values or resistance to change. By 1900 nationality groups within urban and rural environments in the US were showing amazingly similar degrees of adaptation in fertility patterns. Distinctive fertility patterns were being maintained over generations, but there appeared to be little inherence in the national culture or mentalities of the various European populations which retarded the speed of reproductive change, or even the legitimacy of smaller families. The clear continuing variations by nationality in fertility were geared to reflect social structural differences such as agricultural background and the functional role of children, rather than unique cultural outlooks. Even within the 1st generation, fertility variation across states responded in a regular manner to social structural factors, such as the agricultural orientation of the population and the importance of child labor. Other evidence suggests that some diffusion of fertility values must have been occurring from the native white to the foreign born population, especially within the urban parts of the US where greater contact was probably facilitated. The foreign born seemed particularly resistant to adoption of low fertility behavior in rural states where they comprised a significant segment of the population, and thus were probably able to isolate themselves more easily. These results do not support the notion of relative unique cultural adaptation. It may be that studies of the European transition have placed too much emphasis on cultural mentalities within various populations as a cause of different reproductive trends.  相似文献   

杨长明 《城市观察》2014,(1):139-145
建设中国特色的社会主义,必须坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路,完善城镇化健康发展的体制机制。要着力推进以人为核心的城镇化,着力推动大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,着力推进区域城市协调发展,着力推进城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

潘孝军 《城市观察》2011,(6):173-180
由于中西方语言环境的不同,对“urbanization”一词缺乏有效的中译词,进而导致中国对“urbanization”的理解之争。对“urbanization”的“训诂”研究,探究其拉丁词源及英文相关词语的文化内涵,使我们得以全面认识这一概念,即:“urbanization”就是人类生产方式、生活方式由传统农业社会向现代工业社会,社会联系由分散孤立式向集中密切式,社会化程度日益提高的过程。  相似文献   

The discourse on habitat and human settlements is increasingly dominated by that of the global, mega-city. If the aim of those of us in the human settlements field are to improve our understanding of and action on habitat and human settlements, this, often exclusive, focus is a mistake. Our habitat is better understood and acted upon as a network of interwoven settlements and surrounding countryside, large and small, themselves interwoven within our larger ecosystem. In this network the habitat of our smaller settlements (smaller cities, towns, villages) and rural areas and our global village also plays a critical role. The assumption can be challenged that urbanization and the mega-city are the critical issues of habitat and human settlements. Evidence suggests that with some rurbanization there is also counter urbanization, the ruralization of cities, and, perhaps most important, a growing urbanization as city-country interactions intensify. Habitat for all and habitat for a healthy, sustainable planet demands our openness to these new concepts and realities. It demands an integrated, balanced, approach which helps a wide range of living settlement nodes, large and small, to nurture each other. Global City and Global Village must go hand in hand. Our planetary and human health depends on it.  相似文献   

城市化既是“人口的城市化”,也是“空间的城市化”。随着城市化发展,城市内部空间结构重组明显,社会分层现象明显体现在居住空间分化上,城市居住空间分异程度加剧。通过上海人口城市化的发展历程分析,对城市化进程中的上海市城市居住空间结构演变及特征进行剖析,进而对农民工居住空间演变、特征及存在问题进行分析和研究,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文研究首先从人口总量、人口分布以及城镇化格局变动三个方面分析了长三角地区的城市化发展现状。其次剖析了人口、资源、环境协调发展问题,区域中心城市培育问题,浅度城市化问题,以及城市社区管理转型问题。最后就城市群整体实力提升、城市间协作分工以及城市社区管理提升等三方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

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