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流动人口心理层面的社会融入和身份认同问题研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
崔岩 《社会学研究》2012,(5):141-160,244
在我国城市化进程加快的背景下,大量人口从农村涌向城市,从中西部地区流入东部发达地区。在这一过程中,外来人口通过与本地居民互动,形成对自己社会身份的认同,而这一认同又会对外来人口的社会行为产生相应的影响。本文通过对外来人口是否认同其属于本地居民身份,藉以研究外来人口在居住地心理层面的社会融入问题。在建立多层次广义线性模型(GHLM)基础上,本文对制度排斥、社会歧视、相对剥夺感和社区融合等因素对外来人口社会融入的影响进行了讨论,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

国家"十二五"规划明确提出,特大型城市要合理控制人口规模,同时要坚持因地制宜、分步推进,把有稳定劳动关系并在城镇居住一定年限的农民工及其家属逐步转为城镇居民;对暂时不具备在城镇落户的农民工,要改善公共服务,加强权益保护。上海作为外来人口规模庞大的特大型城市,必须高度重视解决"新二元结构",既要积极改善来沪人员的公共服务,促进符合条件的来沪人员不断融入上海,又要合理控制人口规模,防止"城市病"。  相似文献   

赵德余 《科学发展》2013,(8):109-112
居住证积分管理已成为广东珠江三角洲地区城市户籍改革的重要模式。积分制政策的公开、透明特性为外来人口融入本地社会生活提供了稳定的预期以及相应的归属感和安全感,这有助于政府对流动人口的动态管理与城市安全体系的建设。对于上海而言,借鉴广东的积分管理制度模式,有助于进行制度设计和制度实施上的改良和完善。  相似文献   

城镇化为三农问题的解决创造了条件,但也为三农问题的解决增加了困难。城镇化对三农问题的不良影响主要表现为,提高了农民的准入门槛、阻碍农民城市融入。因此,需要降低城镇准入门槛,为农民工社会融入创造条件,大力发展第三产业吸纳剩余劳动力。  相似文献   

融入城市、辐射农村的新移民──深圳市宝安区1500名外来青年心态变化的调查分析谭建光,高伟光,廖运滨改革以来,山区青年和内地青年流动到沿海发达地区打工谋生的现象日益普遍。深圳市宝安区是全国最早兴办"三资企业"和吸纳外来青年的地区之一,从1979年到1...  相似文献   

进城务工青年的城市融入是我国城市化进程中的重要现象。传统城市融入研究主张心理融入是城市融入的最高阶段,但这一结论对没有区分心理融入的表层和深层,即心理期待和社会认同。对全国29个省市地区1652个进城务工青年的问卷调查发现,社区层面的社会距离感和城市层面的归属感构成的城市融入期待,远远高于由收支状况、社会网络、社区参与、城市复杂系统和公共服务参与构成的城市融入客观状况,说明心理期待是导致心理融入高于经济融入的独立因素。因此,应该正视进城务工青年的城市融入客观水平还很低的社会事实,努力缩小其与城市融入心理期待的巨大差距,真正提升人的城镇化质量。  相似文献   

易颚清 《职业》2011,(15):81-82
"新生代农民工"主要是指"80后"、"90后"农民工,这个群体大部分由大、中专院校毕业生组成。他们受过一定的高等教育,具有一定的知识技能。他们渴望进入、融入城市社会,  相似文献   

胡琪 《科学发展》2012,(8):56-64
从基本生存状态、对城市的文化和心理认同、定居意愿等方面来考察,在沪外来劳动力在上海定居的态势可以确认。融合外来劳动力,是上海城市持续发展的需要,也是全国城乡一体化协调发展的需要。应综合考量外来人口的融入意愿、融入能力,以及城市发展的接纳动机、接纳条件,按照"小幅度、持续化、结构性"的原则,实行部分优先性融合和全面基础性融合相结合,逐步解决新二元结构问题。  相似文献   

社会发展讲求和谐的社会环境,讲求人与自然、人与人、人与社会的和谐,社会生态的平衡。如外来人口,有的工作了十几年了,不能融入上海的主流社会,认为上海对他们不认同,这不利于社会和谐。上海的独生子女基本上和游戏机打交道,  相似文献   

青年农民工处在一个身份认同和自身定位的转型期,他们已经成为独立于城市之中的新的阶层和利益团体,本文着重研究青年农民工融入城市这一问题.首先从理论层面上,分析青年农民工融入城市的已有研究成果、研究方法和相关定义,然后,具体分析W市的抽样调查数据,从经济融入、社会融入和心理融入三个层面来探讨他们融入城市的情况,并且得出结论:他们的城市社会融入只是"嵌入"式和"失范"性的融入,最后提出解决问题的相关途径和政策建议.  相似文献   

李庆 《城市观察》2013,25(3):138-147,177
中国巨大的发展成就吸引越来越多的外国人来到中国,这种趋势既是外籍人员趋利行为的结果,也是中国更多融入国际劳动力市场的表现,外籍人口问题将逐渐从社会边缘性问题向社会重大问题转变,广州的非籍人口问题就是这种转变的初现端倪,中国崛起必将迎来外籍人口问题的挑战。从美国民族融合的历程看,老移民把自己看作正统美国人,从维护自身利益出发,以偏见和歧视对待新移民,力图强迫新移民按照他们的要求进行"美国化",这种做法使种族矛盾越演越烈,历经多年仍然余毒未消。预见到我国外籍人口问题的发展趋势,有必要反思美国的移民社会融合教训,结合具有代表性的广州外籍人口问题,把广州在推进外籍人口社会融合方面的探索和创新上升到国家战略试点的高度予以重视,从经济融入、社会融入、文化融合、结构融合和身份认同的角度入手,探索符合中国经济社会状况的外籍人口社会融合的方式。  相似文献   

In March 1980 the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) adopted guidelines for the further development of migration policy in which the social integration of 2nd- and 3rd-generation foreigners was a priority of migration policy in the future. However, there was no corresponding information and education for the German population on the envisaged integration of foreigners. At the end of 1981 the FRG was still not a country of immigration. From 1980-1982 the pressure of public opinion to restrict the number of incoming foreigners and the latent hostility towards foreigners constantly increased. In February 1982, the Federal Government adapted the following principles for their immigration policy: 1) to limit effectively further immigration of foreigners into the FRG; 2) to strengthen the desire of foreigners to return to their native countries; and 3) to improve the economic and social integration of foreigners who have lived in the FRG for many years and to define their rights of residence more precisely. In 1982, migration policy became an important aspect of German domestic affairs. The 1st decision on migration policy taken by the Federal Government (Christian-Democrats and Liberals) was to offer financial incentives for foreigners to remigrate. An opinion poll conducted in late 1981 showed that 1/2 the German population was hostile to foreigners, 58% of Germans wanted to see the number of foreigners limited or reduced, and 62% disapproved of foreign workers being allowed to bring their families into Germany. The Remigration Assistance Act of 1983 has had the following effects: 1) foreigners have become uncertain about their plans for the future, and 2) it gives the German population the illusion that the "problem caused by foreigners" will be automatically solved by their return. Young foreigners encounter unfavorable situations in the training and employment sectors. Another obstacle in their way is hostility to foreigners. A survey in 1985 showed that most older foreigners planned to return to their native country, while most younger ones did not. It is essential for the 1-sided emphasis on remigration assistance to be abandoned in the FRG's migration policy. The commission on migration set up by the Federal Government has also emphasized that the integration of foreigners is a fundamental element of migration policy.  相似文献   

张运红 《城市观察》2014,(5):125-133
中国农民工社会融合有自己独特的国情,因此研究中国农民工社会融合要把握中国的实情。中国已经具备社会融合的条件,社会融合也已成为广泛共识。但流动人口社会融合中遭遇到二元社会的整体性排斥,自下而上的社会融合之路不通,社会融合必然要求自上而下地推动。这要求政府首先解决"公平悖论",从体制上为社会融合疏通障碍。此外,社会融合受制于诸多因素,其中经济因素是基础,政治因素是保障,社会因素反映融合广度,心理(文化)因素反映融合深度。只有全方位推进社会融合,和谐社会才指日可待。  相似文献   

陈阳 《职业时空》2012,(4):134-136
当今社会人口问题已成为世界三大难题,尤其在我国十分突出。为解决日益严重的人口问题、建设人口均衡型社会,促进人口均衡发展已成为我国发展道路上的重要战略。马尔萨斯《人口论》中的适度人口思想与人口均衡有着一定的联系,其中一些思想对我们实现人口均衡和可持续发展具有借鉴作用。通过阐述《人口论》中一些积极因素,以期为构建人口均衡型社会提供新的思路。  相似文献   

社会结构的实质是一种资源性的结构,这决定了个体社会发展必将形成对资源的追求,并以此作为参与社会的物质基础。在决定个体获取相应发展资源的因素中,教育作为后致性因素的作用日益突出。广州市萝岗区在流动人口社会融合的实践中,积极发挥教育的促进作用,找到了流动人口社会融合的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on the internal migration patterns of the foreign‐born by analyzing the situation in Spain, a country affected by recent but very significant migratory flows. We utilize a standard theoretical framework in order to assess the relative importance of human capital, economic, and social capital indicators. To this end, we take advantage of a new micro database, the National Immigrant Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes– ENI‐2007). Our findings suggest that the main theories explaining internal migration patterns of the foreign‐born are at least partly true. Evidence is presented in support of the importance of education and knowledge of the native language, income, and networks based on the sharing of social capital among family members, though less so for those based on friends and acquaintances. Spanish citizenship and employment status seem to be less important in explaining the propensity to move within the country. We argue that the lack of significance of some indicators is due mainly to the fact that Spain has become a major destination only very recently as well as to the way different immigrant groups tend to implement strategies for promotion and integration.  相似文献   

The growing tendency in Europe and other countries to introduce return migration as an element of migration policy has provoked a number of migration studies. Some of the problems faced by returning migrants and their families have been identified and are outlined here. First generation returning migrants face problems with social and economic assimilation: 1) returnees often practice conspicuous consumption which is resented by local people as the behavior of the new rich; those without the opportunity to migrate are particularly resentful. 2) The receiving country most often views the returnee as identical to the migrant who left years ago; problems with sociocultural reintegration are not recognized and no action is taken in that direction. 3) The homeland's economic situation and employment situation may not be strong enough to introduce social programs for returnees. 4) Returnees may have trouble finding new friends and community support. 5) Returnees are often underutilized in their home countries because the economic system is unable to absorb them. The second generation's problem in remigration may be classed into problems with social adjustment, integration into the educational system, and integration into the labor market. 1) Adolescent girls are likely to encounter difficulties because they are forced more frequently than boys to conform to traditional behavior patterns. 2) Youngsters have to learn that everyday life is heavily family-oriented, and that social control is very strong. 3) Lack of compatibility between the educational systems in the 2 countries disfavors the returnees; they may be barred from the school system because of language deficiencies or because priority is given to local students. 4) Many countries receiving youngsters have extremely high unemployment rates and cannot absorb these returnees into their labor force. 5) Although girls are generally better educated than boys, they work in lower-ranking jobs. The return movement calls for cooperation between the countries of immigration and remigration. More detailed research and observation are needed, particularly in defining differences between returnees and nonreturnees, between the sexes, and among age groups.  相似文献   

上海的人口总量和结构一直与其独特的工业化、城镇化进程密不可分。工业化带动人口发展,人口发展推动城市发展。改革开放以来,上海正处于第四波工业化时期,人口增长较快。在人口结构上,户籍人口老龄化,而外来人口具有就近流动、城城流动、定居化特点,且教育水平逐年提高。从承载力上看,上海人口总量合理,但人口分布的不合理影响了人口结构的发展、城市社会的融合,带来了核心区人口过密、产城融合不畅的问题,以及偏好"人脑"、排斥"人手"的问题。面对人口老龄化和可能的人口逆流,上海应稳定人口总量,建设整体推进的多中心发展人口分布格局,完善户籍制度改革,破解"新二元结构",推动社会保障和公共服务均等化,同时结合政府改革,完善相关配套改革措施。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper analyzes geographic patterns of population concentration and deconcentration among the foreign‐born population during the 1990–2000 period. A goal is to examine whether the foreign‐born population, including recent arrivals, are dispersing geographically from metro gateway cities into rural and other less densely populated parts of the country. The paper also evaluates the so‐called balkanization hypothesis, which is that immigration flows run counter‐cyclical to the redistribution trends of the native‐born population, while reinforcing spatial isolation and immigrant segregation. Data for U.S. counties or county equivalents come from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census (Summary Files 1, 3 and 4). Our results suggest that America's immigrant population is dispersing spatially. Immigrants are less concentrated today than in the past and they are less segregated from other population groups, including their own racial group and whites. However, changes over the past decade have been modest. The immigrant population, even in 2000, remained considerably more concentrated than the native‐born population. The empirical results provide little evidence of geographic balkanization.  相似文献   

In the late 19th century, the US population included a large number of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from European countries, often with relatively high fertility levels. This article investigates the degree to which fertility behavior changed as a result of social structural characteristics of the environment such as urbanization and children's role, the diffusion of fertility values and information from the native population, and the role of cultural values or resistance to change. By 1900 nationality groups within urban and rural environments in the US were showing amazingly similar degrees of adaptation in fertility patterns. Distinctive fertility patterns were being maintained over generations, but there appeared to be little inherence in the national culture or mentalities of the various European populations which retarded the speed of reproductive change, or even the legitimacy of smaller families. The clear continuing variations by nationality in fertility were geared to reflect social structural differences such as agricultural background and the functional role of children, rather than unique cultural outlooks. Even within the 1st generation, fertility variation across states responded in a regular manner to social structural factors, such as the agricultural orientation of the population and the importance of child labor. Other evidence suggests that some diffusion of fertility values must have been occurring from the native white to the foreign born population, especially within the urban parts of the US where greater contact was probably facilitated. The foreign born seemed particularly resistant to adoption of low fertility behavior in rural states where they comprised a significant segment of the population, and thus were probably able to isolate themselves more easily. These results do not support the notion of relative unique cultural adaptation. It may be that studies of the European transition have placed too much emphasis on cultural mentalities within various populations as a cause of different reproductive trends.  相似文献   

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