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Some new identities among the m oments of order statistics are derived. These are more general in nature and are applicable when moments of Some extreme order statistics do not exist.  相似文献   

In this paper, recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics (gOSs) from linear exponential distribution (LE) are derived and characterizations of this distribution based on the conditional moments of the gOSs are given.  相似文献   

We derive the best linear unbiased interpolation for the missing order statistics of a random sample using the well-known projection theorem. The proposed interpolation method only needs the first two moments on both sides of a missing order statistic. A simulation study is performed to compare the proposed method with a few interpolation methods for exponential and Lévy distributions.  相似文献   

In this note, we derive two simple identities involving order statistics from a sample of size n in the presence of an outlier. These generalize the results of Joshi (1973). These identities will be quite useful in checking the computation of the single moments of order statistics from an outlier model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review several recurrence relations and identities established for the single and product moments of order statistics from an arbitrary continuous distribution. We point out the interrelationships between many of these recurrence relations. We discuss the results giving the bounds for the number of single and double integrals needed to be evaluated in order to compute the first, second and product moments of order statistics in a sample of size n from an arbitrary continuous distribution, given these moments in samples of sizes n-1 and less. Improvements of these bounds for the case of symmetric continuous distributions are also discussed  相似文献   

The last 20 years have seen an increasing emphasis on statistical process control as a practical approach to reducing variability in industrial applications. Control charts are used to detect problems such as outliers or excess variability in subgroup means that may have a special cause. We describe an approach to the computation of control limits for exponentially weighted moving average control charts where the usual statistics in classical charts are replaced by linear combinations of order statistics; in particular, the trimmed mean and Gini's mean difference instead of the mean and range, respectively. Control limits are derived, and simulated average run length experiments show the trimmed control charts to be less influenced by extreme observations than their classical counterparts, and lead to tighter control limits. An example is given that illustrates the benefits of the proposed charts. parameters; see, for example, Hunter (1986) and Montgomery (1996). On the other hand, EWMA charts have been shown to be more efficient than Shewharttype charts in detecting small shifts in the process mean; see, for example, Ng & Case (1989), Crowder (1989), Lucas & Saccucci (1990), Amin & Searcy (1991) and Wetherill & Brown (1991). In fact, the EWMA control chart has become popular for monitoring a process mean; see Hunter (1986) for a good discussion. More recently, EWMA charts have been developed for monitoring process variability;  相似文献   

Control charts based on linear combinations of order statistics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The last 20 years have seen an increasing emphasis on statistical process control as a practical approach to reducing variability in industrial applications. Control charts are used to detect problems such as outliers or excess variability in subgroup means that may have a special cause. We describe an approach to the computation of control limits for exponentially weighted moving average control charts where the usual statistics in classical charts are replaced by linear combinations of order statistics; in particular, the trimmed mean and Gini's mean difference instead of the mean and range, respectively. Control limits are derived, and simulated average run length experiments show the trimmed control charts to be less influenced by extreme observations than their classical counterparts, and lead to tighter control limits. An example is given that illustrates the benefits of the proposed charts. parameters; see, for example, Hunter (1986) and Montgomery (1996). On the other hand, EWMA charts have been shown to be more efficient than Shewharttype charts in detecting small shifts in the process mean; see, for example, Ng & Case (1989), Crowder (1989), Lucas & Saccucci (1990), Amin & Searcy (1991) and Wetherill & Brown (1991). In fact, the EWMA control chart has become popular for monitoring a process mean; see Hunter (1986) for a good discussion. More recently, EWMA charts have been developed for monitoring process variability;  相似文献   

In a wide subclass of generalized order statistics, representations of marginal density and distribution functions are developed. The results are applied to obtain several relations, such as recurrence relations, and explicit expressions for the moments of generalized order statistics from Pareto, power function and Weibull distributions Moreover, characterizations of exponential distributions are shown by means of a distributional identity as well as by* an identity of expectations involving a subrange and a corresponding generalized order statistic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive several new recurrence relations and indentities satisfied by the single and the product moments of order statistics from a sample of size n in the presence of an outlier. These recurrence relations involve the first two single moments and the product moments in samples of sized n?1 and less. By making use of these recurrence relations we show that it is sufficient to evaluate at most two single rerents and (n?2)/2 product moment when n is even and two single moments and (n?2)/2 product moments when n is odd, in order to evaluate the first and second single moments and product moments of all order statistics in a sample of size n comprising an outlier, given these moments for the all sample of size less than n. These generalize the results of Govindarajulu (1963), Joshi (1971), and Joshi and Balakrishnan (1982) to the case when the sample includes a single outlier. We also establish some simple identitites involving linear combination of convariances of order statistics. These results can be effectively used to reduce the amount of numerical computation considerably and also to check the accuracy of the computations while evaluating means, variances and covariances of order statistics from an outlier model.  相似文献   

Let Xj,…, X be i.i.d random variables with common distribution function F(x-0), and let a(u) be a function defined on [0,1], For each t$$$R define the t-order statistics as: X. (t) = X. if there in k exist exactly (i- 1) X. !s such that |X.-t|greater|X.-t| and define the variable T (t) = n 2. , a(i/n) X, (t) . We consider estimates of 8 defined as solutions of the eauaticn T (8) =6 , and  相似文献   

Sufficient conditions are established under which a (properly normalized) trimmed linear combination of order statistics admits a Cramer type large deviation theorem in the range I-A o(n )]. A ? (?)0, 0 λo λ  相似文献   

The order statistics from a sample of size n≥3 from a discrete distribution form a Markov chain if and only if the parent distribution is supported by one or two points. More generally, a necessary and sufficient condition for the order statistics to form a Markov chain for (n≥3) is that there does not exist any atom x0 of the parent distribution F satisfying F(x0-)>0 and F(x0)<1. To derive this result a formula for the joint distribution of order statistics is proved, which is of an interest on its own. Many exponential characterizations implicitly assume the Markov property. The corresponding putative geometric characterizations cannot then be reasonably expected to obtain. Some illustrative geometric characterizations are discussed.  相似文献   

In this note we show that the Markov Property holds for order statistics while sampling from a discrete parent population if and only if the population has at most two distinct units. This disproves the claim of Gupta and Gupta (1981) that for geometric parent, the order statistics form a Markov chain.  相似文献   

This article gives a simple result for the expression of the Fisher information in order statistics. This result enables us to calculate easily the Fisher information in any set of order statistics whose details have been known to be messy and complicated. We consider here its application in the optimal spacing problem where the exact Fisher information in order statistics has been approximated with the asymptotic information or the reciprocal of the variance of a suitable estimator. This work was supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant(KRF-2000-015-DP0056)  相似文献   


Let (Xi, Yi), i = 1, …, n be a pair where the first coordinate Xi represents the lifetime of a component, and the second coordinate Yi denotes the utility of the component during its lifetime. Then the random variable Y[r: n] which is known to be the concomitant of the rth order statistic defines the utility of the component which has the rth smallest lifetime. In this paper, we present a dynamic analysis for an n component system under the above-mentioned concomitant setup.  相似文献   

A modification of Schucany's (1972) method for generating order statistics is given which allows for efficient generation of certain subsets of order statistics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on stochastic comparisons of extreme order statistics from heterogeneous independent/interdependent Weibull samples. Specifically, we study extreme order statistics from Weibull distributions with (i) common shape parameter but different scale parameters, and (ii) common scale parameter but different shape parameters. Several new comparison results in terms of the likelihood ratio order, reversed hazard rate order and usual stochastic order are studied in those scenarios. The results established here strengthen and generalize some of the results known in the literature including Khaledi and Kochar [Weibull distribution: some stochastic comparisons. J Statist Plann Inference. 2006;136:3121–3129], Fang and Zhang [Stochastic comparisons of series systems with heterogeneous Weibull components. Statist Probab Lett. 2013;83:1649–1653], Torrado [Comparisons of smallest order statistics from Weibull distributions with different scale and shape parameters. J Korean Statist Soc. 2015;44:68–76] and Torrado and Kochar [Stochastic order relations among parallel systems from Weibull distributions. J Appl Probab. 2015;52:102–116]. Some numerical examples are also provided for illustration.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate parameters of generalized Pareto distribution based on generalized order statistics. Some non-Bayesian methods, such as MLE, bootstrap and unbiased estimators have been obtained to develop point and interval estimations. Bayesian estimations have also been derived under LSE and LINEX loss functions. To compare the performances of the employed methods, numerical results have been computed. To illustrate dependence and association properties of generalized order statistics, correlation coefficient and some informational measures in closed form have been obtained.  相似文献   

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