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As the Indian gaming industry has experienced unprecedented growth over the past two decades, tribes have pursued different paths regarding the utilization of gaming revenues within parameters established by the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. Since 1993, more than 100 tribes have received approval through the Department of the Interior to distribute revenues directly to tribal members through per capita payments governed by a Tribal Revenue Allocation Plan (RAP). This paper improves our understanding of nations with payment plans by exploring whether socio-economic tribal features are associated with the successful adoption of a RAP. We find that tribes who gained approval of a RAP in the 1990s have higher per capita incomes, while also having smaller populations and lower levels of educational attainment. Population is the strongest predictor of RAP adoptions in both the 1990s and 2000s, with the impact of other tribal features being less meaningful in explaining adoption in the second decade.  相似文献   

This research reports on the link between feelings of spirituality and how Navajo police officers tend to enforce European-based law. Previous research suggests that a link exists between the officers’ depth of feeling of spirituality and the officers’ attitude toward the effectiveness traditional methods of social control; however, this research goes a step further and examines the impact of cultural dissonance on the stressors faced by Navajo police officers. The enforcement behavior of the Navajo officers was used as a proxy for the intensity of their feelings concerning the usefulness of traditional versus European-based forces of social control; the underlying assumption being tested is that self-determination is not only a state of law but a state of psychological being. A snowball method of sample development was used to select officers for intensive interviews. The findings suggest that the officers’ feeling of spiritual connectedness to his/her culture is inversely related to the strictness of the enforcement of European-based laws. In other words, the more spiritual the officer, the less likely the officer is to rely solely on European-based laws, and the greater the reliance on other methods of problems solving. The finding also suggest that in addition to the stressors normally encounter by all police officers, Navajo officers faced additional stressors that are specific to indigenous officers policing in indigenous communities.  相似文献   

We explore the experience of Navajo communities living under the shadow of nuclear age fallout who were subjects of five decades of research. In this historical analysis of public health (epidemiological) research conducted in the Navajo lands since the inception of uranium mining from the 1950s untill the end of the 20th century, we analyze the successes and failures in the research initiatives conducted on Navajo lands, the ethical breaches, and the harms and benefits that this research has brought about to the community. We discuss how scientific and moral uncertainty, lack of full stakeholder participation and community wide outreach and education can impact ethical decisions made in research.  相似文献   

We explore the experience of Navajo communities living under the shadow of nuclear age fallout who were subjects of five decades of research. In this historical analysis of public health (epidemiological) research conducted in the Navajo lands since the inception of uranium mining from the 1950s untill the end of the 20th century, we analyze the successes and failures in the research initiatives conducted on Navajo lands, the ethical breaches, and the harms and benefits that this research has brought about to the community. We discuss how scientific and moral uncertainty, lack of full stakeholder participation and community wide outreach and education can impact ethical decisions made in research.  相似文献   

How and why do American Indian tribal governments support political office-seekers? Using results from an extensive survey of tribal governments in Arizona and Oklahoma, our findings suggest that issues, rather than cultural ties or political party affiliation, are the primary impetus for American Indian tribal government support of candidates. Additionally, we examine several ways in which American Indians support candidates for office other than voting. This includes official endorsement, financial contributions, get out the vote efforts (GOTV), and volunteering for a candidate. Ultimately, our findings begin to uncover how and why American Indian tribal governments seek to influence the political process in the current era of evolving “government-to-government” relationships.  相似文献   

As the identification of Scheduled Tribes (STs) is left to the state government – which bases decisions on political considerations rather than the established criteria for identification of STs – there are bound to be emerging demands for inclusion in the list of STs. Meanwhile, in the name of extending welfare projects and affirmative action to tribal people, the state is legitimizing its control over tribal resources. For STs, the important issue is not integration into mainstream society, nor development by any outside agency, but recognition as peoples in their own right, treatment as equal partners, and control over their lands and livelihoods and, through this, the ability to develop themselves.  相似文献   

陈博 《唐都学刊》2011,27(5):76-80
"黄老"作为一个学术名称,从字面意义上看,是指传说中的原始社会部落酋长黄帝与道家创始人老子的合称。而这两个本不相干的人物,是在何时、何地、以怎样的方式结合起来的?其结合的缘由又何在?廓清这些问题,对理顺中国传统文化的脉络、特别是道家学派的来龙去脉及演进历程,无疑有着不可替代的意义和作用。  相似文献   

陕北长城沿线属黄土高原与鄂尔多斯沙地交接地带,也是北方农牧交错地带,历史上经常是游牧民族与农耕民族争夺的地域。明延绥长城及沿线39营堡就是在蒙汉争战过程中构筑起来的。由于营堡与交通走廊互为一体,带动了经济发展,历明清两代三百多年,发挥了重要的政治、经济与交通中心作用。它的废毁是在晚清民国时期, 今天大多已沦为废城。究其原因,城址选择上过多考虑军事防守需要是主因,而边疆内地化及沿边经济结构变动加速了其衰亡。因此,北方农牧交错地带城堡的兴衰与王朝的政治、军事行动相关联,与民族、部落流转迁徙及文明演进过程相一致,其中的历史成因极其复杂,地址废弃往往是多方面因素造成的。  相似文献   

Objectives. About 11 percent of American Indians did not report their tribal affiliation on the 1990 U.S. Census form. I use several theoretical perspectives as tools to explore the reasons behind this surprising omission. Method. Logistic regression analysis is the method employed. Results. American Indians living with someone who speaks an American Indian language are very likely to report a tribal affiliation, as are those living in “Indian states” (states with historically high numbers of American Indians). Those who are least likely to report a tribal affiliation are Hispanic women with low education who report no American Indian ancestry, do not live with other American Indians, and live in a metropolitan area of a “non‐Indian state.” Conclusions. Lack of knowledge of family history appears to be one of the primary causes of tribal nonresponse. Salience of tribal identity also affects responses.  相似文献   

The complexity of the relationship between gambling and crime make empirical establishment of a relationship between the two difficult. Focusing on one state, we examine the impact of Indian gaming on crime in New Mexico. Specific crime rates in New Mexico counties with tribal gaming are discussed. Comparisons of the rates of specific crimes are made between New Mexico counties with tribal gaming and those without.  相似文献   

Objectives. The primary goal of this article is to examine factors associated with grandparent care giving within the American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) population. Methods. Data from the 2000 Census of Population, 5% Public Use Microdata Sample, are used to evaluate a multivariate logistic regression model focusing on living with and caring for grandchildren. Particular emphasis is placed on characteristics that may reflect culturally‐based ideas about grandparents' responsibility for the care of their grandchildren. Results. Indicators related to Native‐American identity—specifically, reporting race as AIAN only rather than mixed race, reporting tribal membership, and living in a nonmetropolitan area of an “Indian” state—increase the likelihood of being responsible for a grandchild among Native‐American singles and couples aged 45 and over. Conclusions. Cultural and resource characteristics combine to produce high levels of grandparent care giving within the AIAN population. Inasmuch as those with lower educational and economic resources are especially likely to have responsibility for a grandchild, special attention should be directed toward ensuring adequate support for these caregivers.  相似文献   

The roots of the conflict between Moscow and Grozny lie in the history of Chechnya's relations with the Russian state. When Russia conquered Chechnya in the second half of the last century, the Chechens were, in terms of civilizational development, in a pretraditional stage characterized by the absence in practice of a stable state form capable of subordinating clan and tribal relationships to itself. The expansion of the Russian Empire was directed at regulating local conflicts among various clan and tribal groups and individual princes; however, this "civilizing mission" contained an incipient conflict between the center of the empire and these peoples. The Russian Empire's policy of annexation, implemented in a highly traditional country, predetermined the rise of conflict, manifested in the Caucasian war between Chechnya and Russia in the nineteenth century and the state of oppression that followed, in which Chechnya has now lived for more than a century and a half. Along with conflictual relations, a certain collaboration also developed and groups neutral to the conflict began to appear. This, in turn, stirred up conflict among the Chechens themselves.  相似文献   

陕北长城沿线属黄土高原与鄂尔多斯沙地交接地带,也是北方农牧交错地带,历 史上经常是游牧民族与农耕民族争夺的地域。明延绥长城及沿线39营堡就是在蒙汉争 战过程中构筑起来的。由于营堡与交通走廊互为一体,带动了经济发展,历明清两代 三百多年,发挥了重要的政治、经济与交通中心作用。它的废毁是在晚清民国时期, 今天大多已沦为废城。究其原因,城址选择上过多考虑军事防守需要是主因,而边疆 内地化及沿边经济结构变动加速了其衰亡。因此,北方农牧交错地带城堡的兴衰与王 朝的政治、军事行动相关联,与民族、部落流转迁徙及文明演进过程相一致,其中的 历史成因极其复杂,地址废弃往往是多方面因素造成的。

关键词: 明清?鄂尔多斯南缘?农牧交错带?城址?环境

The area along the Grear Wall in northern Shaanxi between the Loess Plateau and the Ordos Desert is one of the major agrarian‐pastoral regions of northwest China. Historically, the land was fought over by the nomadic and the agrarian peoples of the region. The Yansui section of the Ming Great Wall and thirty‐nine fortified encampments along it were built during fighting between the Mongols and the Han people. As all of them were located along communication lines vital to economic development, they played an important role in politics, the economy and transport over three hundred years of Ming and Qing rule. However, they fell into disuse in the late Qing and the Republican period and are now in ruins. The main reason underlying their decline was that the sites had been chosen for their defensive value, so the subsequent northern expansion of China's borders and structural changes in the border economy hastened their decline. Thus the rise and fall of these fortified towns at the intersection of the agrarian and the pastoral regions was closely related to imperial political and military activity and was in line with ethnic and tribal movements and migrations and the evolution of civilizations. In sum, the reasons behind the demise of these fortified towns and camps were highly complex and usually involved multiple factors.  相似文献   


Alongside the better known repudiations of truth that have risen to prominence since the 1970s—known variously in terms of postmodernism, identity politics, democratic materialism or simply university discourse—this article seeks to estimate the significance of the reactions against truth that are characteristic of finance. Finance is a collective subject or social movement in its own right, composed of a set of actors, devices, technologies and platforms which together constitute an apparatus that reacts against truths whenever and wherever they arise. This operates most clearly in the logic of risk management, a generalised technology that accompanies the financialisation of economy, politics and culture. The process of financialisation or rather what will be called here the ‘biofinancialisation’ that seeks to code life in the terms of finance, bears austere lessons about truth and resistance and these, in conjunction with new resistances from below, provide new prospects for radical politics and progressive social change today. These lessons we will learn from, among others, the 38th Prime Minister of New Zealand.  相似文献   

连瑞枝 《社会》2018,38(3):170-202
明代中央王朝以违背伦理与礼仪原则为由废除西南土官。正统年间,革除鹤庆土官,改派流官。官员将佛寺改建为庙学,打击活佛信仰,士人也莫不以毁淫祀、诫僭越之名倡议正统祀典。此时,邻近土官开始谨慎处理身份与仪式的政治问题,并在经学传统中寻找身份、仪式的合法性基础。本文以云南丽江府与蒙化府的两位土官为主要研究对象,讨论他们如何以古代诸侯的身份,致力于建置相应的仪式和祠宇,如:(1)修建家寺、宦祠乃至勋祠与报功祠等;(2)将神话转为符合仪式正统的山川祭祀,成为土官领地的守护神;(3)建立宦谱,以文字书写的方式将氏族神话、传说系谱纳入正统历史叙事,并强化边境土官世系的优越性。通过分析在这一过程中土官的一系列作为,本文探究了土官在维护地方声望与地方利益时所采取的文化策略。  相似文献   

American Indian Nations share many common issues with nations in the non-Western world which are developing contemporary economic and political systems after a period of colonialization by Western European countries. Native American students can gain greater understanding of the historical process of nation building in which they are engaged and insight into strategies for integrating the contemporary economics and technology with traditional values and practices from the experiences of some of these non-Western nations. College level courses on American Indian government should utilize nation building examples from the non-Western world in addition to examples from contemporary native nations in North America to broaden students' understanding of tribal government development as part of the process of national regeneration being undertaken by formerly colonized peoples throughout the world.  相似文献   

This paper discusses ways in which social group work can be implemented in behalf of American Indian clientele. Social workers should be aware of the value that American Indians have placed on the use of groups within their own culture, and the importance of understanding the impact of American Indian culture on each individual Amcrican Indian client and tribal group. A number of current issues facing American Indian people are identified. Suggestions are offered for consideration in planning specific group experiences.  相似文献   


Shared mobility is being advanced as a novel, technologically sophisticated approach to reducing the environmental impacts of high levels of car ownership. However, communities have long shared modes of transport for reasons other than environmental quality. We describe the shared mobility practices undertaken in a Māori community in the East Cape region of New Zealand. They reveal long-established ways of sharing that are underpinned by, and support, cultural principles. Shared mobility provides an appropriate and comfortable environment for people to share vital and sacred information and to strengthen social bonds. It also reflects the desire of tribal members to retain cultural practices that benefit the collective. The findings make it clear that sharing transport has far more than economic and environmental benefits. We suggest that it is time for the social and cultural benefits of sharing transport to become part of the global narrative on twenty-first-century collaborative consumption.  相似文献   

This article discusses the socio-cultural dynamics that interact with ethno-racial identity experiencing in a previously under-researched group. A qualitative interdisciplinary study with 40 Native American academics from 28 mainstream universities across the U.S. served as a case example with findings that contrasted with historically influential theoretical frameworks postulating identity confusion and conflicts at the intersection of one’s mainstream education and profession versus one’s ethno-racial community grounding. Instead of feeling pressure to identify with only one worldview, the contextual, dynamic identities associated with the inclusive and flexible self-concept of tribal participants allowed them to in turn take advantage of two divergent cultural meaning systems pertaining to their distinct socio-cultural contexts. These shifts were experienced as not endogenous but rather exogenous variables, which did not cause the historically theorized issues. Participants felt their tribal identities instead facilitated meaningful integration of the existing incongruences, which resulted in unexpectedly resilient subjective experiencing.  相似文献   

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