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基于环境政策内生模型,建立联立方程模型,应用GMM估算方法,以二氧化硫排放量作为环境指标,就国际分工、环境规治对我国工业污染的影响进行了实证研究。研究结果表明国际生产分工有助于清洁生产技术在我国的推广使用,从而技术效应对于减少二氧化硫的排放量有积极作用。同时,国际生产分工使得我国产业结构陷入低端过度制造业的陷阱,从而促进了我国二氧化硫排放量的增加。我国环境管理机构采取的税收政策和污染治理措施,都有助于我国二氧化硫排放量的减少,由于排污费过低,未能有效增加排污成本,使得污染治理效应高于环境税收效应。因此,促进产业服务业化,提高在国际生产分工地位,加强排污税收力度,是减少我国工业污染的关键。  相似文献   

本文借鉴法国经济学家F 鲁佩的“发展极”理论并通过对西部“电子城”———绵阳市城乡的实证调查 ,探索西部欠发达地区农村劳动力非农化与人口城市化的有效道路。绵阳市的经验事实表明 ,由长期“刺激性投资”建立起来的“刺激性产业” ,即电子通讯制造业能够吸引周边大量农村人口和劳动力 ,从而导致城市非农产业和就业不断扩张的“发展极”。西部城市化成功的关键在于寻找“发展极”影响下的非农就业空间  相似文献   

Popular culture representations and negotiations of HIV/AIDS have fluctuated over the last several decades, and awareness of the illness and its causes has grown due to better education and extensive cultural dialogue. The following examines two contemporary HIV/AIDS public health campaigns in the New York City area. Although there have been limited improvements in the portrayals of HIV-positive individuals, advertising focused on HIV awareness still does not directly address prevention. These two campaigns encourage two distinct messages; one that reinforces the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS and one that promises salvation.  相似文献   

Aesthetic indicators of landscapes, expressedas individual scenic beauty estimates, may beused as proxies of individuals' specificaesthetic values, and improve the properties ofwelfare estimates produced by contingentvaluation models. This work presents resultsfrom an interdisciplinary study where forestscenic beauty indicators are utilized in aneconomic valuation study approximating welfareestimates from increased forest fireprotection. The omission of scenic beautyindicators from the economic valuation ofenvironmental resources produces biased andoverestimated welfare measures. Combiningeconomic and environmental indicatorssignificantly improves the explanatory power ofeconomic valuation models and of the producedwelfare measures. Such a combination, however,is only possible when carried out byinterdisciplinary research teams. The resultsof such research are significant toenvironmental and natural resource policymakers and planners.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市经济人口容量动态仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用系统动力学动态仿真方法,根据乌鲁木齐市历年统计资料,以现实性与合理性为前提,按不同的经济发展速度、投入水平分为三个不同的方案,对乌鲁木齐市经济人口容量从2000年到2050年的50年内的变动趋势进行动态仿真运算,从而了解乌鲁木齐市经济人口容量系统内外因素的相互关系,探索其中主导因素及相关因素的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

城市农民工市民化问题研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
城市农民工市民化是健康城市化的要求,也是建设社会主义和谐社会的要求。社会资本缺失是农民工市民化进程受阻,进而引发许多社会问题的主要原因。因此,要促进农民工市民化进程就必须增加农民工的社会资本存量。主要对策有:转变城乡分割思想,在全社会确立一种城乡开放、平等、统筹观念;打造促进农民工与城市市民进行互动和交往的文化环境;积极进行制度改革,创建农民工同城市融合的制度平台;建立健全公平、共享的社会保障机制,消除人为差别,增强农民工对城市社会的认同感;加强对农民工就业培训,积极增加农民工的人力资本存量;加强和发挥民间志愿性组织的作用,增强人们的社会参与意识。  相似文献   

城市新移民是城市化过程中的一个新兴事物,通过对我国城市贫困救助及社会保障制度现状的考察,重新构建了城市新移民的贫困救助和社会保障机制。对于不同类别的城市新移民,社会保障机制的目标不同,对于长期在城市工作,已经有了相对固定住所和工作的城市新移民,社会保障机制的作用应该是通过规范的、系统的制度来保障他们与城市居民一样享受正常的社会保障。对于短期务工、常年流动的城市新移民,社会保障机制的作用是进行贫困救助,帮助他们在没有收入、没有工作、发生意外伤害的时候得到援助。  相似文献   

徐建华 《南方人口》2006,21(2):12-20
本文以TZ市2004年全年所发生的678件特大抢劫案件的资料为载体,探讨抢劫案件中犯罪人与被害人的人口特征。研究发现,男性是抢劫犯罪的绝对主体,同时男性又是抢劫犯罪的最大被害人;流动人口是抢劫犯罪的绝对主体,同时流动人口又是抢劫犯罪的最大被害人;在抢劫被害人中,常住人口遭受的经济损失最为严重,而流动人口遭受的人身伤害最为严重。本研究还在一定程度上证实了美国犯罪学家Emilie A.A和Darrell J.S.提出的工作机会和工作质量对于犯罪率影响的理论。  相似文献   

This paper was a result of an analysis from various data sources with a purpose to develop a better understanding of the level of socio-economic well being of young people in South Africa. Such understanding is aimed at enabling government to plan and implement well-structured and integrated development programmes that are relevant to the socio-economic needs of the youth and that will enable them to fully participate in all aspects of society. Two main sources of data were used for this analysis. The first is the Status of the Youth (SYR) data set. The second data set used in this study is the South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) which is a national representative sample of 5,000 households. The study shows that the quality of life among majority of young people remains low, reflecting the historical racial cleavages of South African society. This is mainly due to the emergence of the AIDS pandemic in South Africa, and the fact that many young people remain outside the labour market.  相似文献   

荆门市掇刀区是湖北省户籍制度改革的试点区之一。本文对荆门市掇刀区一元户籍改革中的农民态度及影响因素进行调查与分析,得出三个方面的结论:其一,农村居民普遍支持户籍制度改革;其二,影响农民态度的因素主要有政策因素、保障因素、经济因素和城市吸引因素;其三,农民最关心的是政策因素的影响,改革不是一蹴而就的,需要一个渐进式的发展过程。本文提出相关政策建议,以期深化一元户籍改革,推动城乡一体化建设。  相似文献   

Siblings play a key, supportive role in the lives of many lesbian and gay adults. Yet siblings are rarely considered in the literature regarding the coming-out process (D’Augelli et al., 1998; Hilton & Szymanski, 2011; LaSala, 2010; Savin-Williams & Dubé, 1998). To fill this gap in the research literature, we carried out a comparative case study in the country of Belgium between two sets of siblings—three Romani brothers with one sibling identifying as a gay male and three White sisters with one sibling identifying as a lesbian. These two cases were pulled from a larger qualitative study (Haxhe & D’Amore, 2014) of 102 native French-speaking Belgian participants. Findings of the present study revealed that siblings offered critical socio-emotional support in the coming out of their lesbian and gay sibling, particularly with disclosing to parents and with fostering self-acceptance.  相似文献   

失地农民内涵与数量估算——以广东省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,由于缺乏一致认可的"失地农民"内涵界定,导致失地农民数量的估算较为混乱。文章提出,应从时间、身份、土地面积、土地用途或权属4个维度把握失地农民内涵,并在此4个维度下分耕地、农用地、集体土地3种口径对广东省截至2008年的失地农民数量进行了估算。研究结果表明,失地农民数量被低估,耕地总量动态平衡政策的实施效果不尽如人意。失地农民问题远比预计的严重,政府应及时提供妥善安置失地农民的制度供给。  相似文献   

实践与思考:计划生育利益导向机制——以阳江市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平 《南方人口》2006,21(4):1-6
计划生育利益导向机制,是指政府从宏观社会经济政策的制定上采取综合措施,充分利用经济杠杆的宏观调控作用,使实行计划生育的家庭得到多方面的优惠、优待和照顾,使不符合法定条件而生育多子女的公民受到多方面的限制和制约,激励生育主体从切身利益出发,衡量生育孩子的成本与效益之间的利弊得失,从而达到使人们自觉实行计划生育,以调节人口规模的目的。这种从经济利益、价值取向、个人及家庭社会地位及荣辱出发引导群众自觉调节生育行为,自愿实行计划生育的工作机制,被称为计划生育利益导向机制。本文对阳江市计划生育利益导向机制的实践加以…  相似文献   

Urban Quality of Life: A Case Study of Guwahati   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper studies quality of life (QOL) in urban environment. The term environment has been used in broader sense, which includes physical, social and economic environment. A framework has been proposed which posits that QOL comprises objective condition of living and satisfaction from such living condition constitutes QOL. Such objective condition refers to objective QOL and satisfaction refers to subjective QOL. Dimension of QOL has been found to be multi dimensional. It has been found that both objective and subjective condition is important dimension of QOL. But correlation between objective and subjective QOL has been found not to be high. At the same time it has been found that satisfaction from condition of traffic is the lowest among all satisfaction variables.  相似文献   

Yang  Hao  Wang  Shaobin  Ren  Zhoupeng  Liu  Haimeng  Tong  Yun  Wang  Na 《Social indicators research》2022,162(3):979-994
Social Indicators Research - This paper investigated the dynamic relationship between ife expectancy (LE) and its inflencing factors including, health care, socioeconomic, and environment factors...  相似文献   

长春市城乡人口老龄化与老年社会保障问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李辉 《人口学刊》2006,(4):9-13
依据国际人口年龄结构类型判断标准,目前长春市正从初步人口老龄化向全面老年型转变。长春市人口老龄化的特征是:人口老龄化速度快,未来人口老龄化形势严峻;老龄化程度在吉林省内属于较高水平;人口老龄化超前于社会经济发展水平;高龄老年人口增长迅速。人口老龄化问题对长春市社会经济发展,以及全面建设小康社会的影响作用日益显著。通过对长春市老年社会福利保障、城乡养老保险制度改革、特殊老年群体问题的深入分析,提出健全与完善长春市养老保障体制,解决老年社会保障问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

重视城市化过程中的人口分布变化——以上海市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上海几十万、上百万户籍人口从内环线以内迁到内环线以外 ,这给迁出地、迁入地的社会、经济、教育、卫生、治安等各方面带来一系列新的变化和问题 ,是一个带有全局性影响的大问题。这种数公里数十公里范围内的人口分布变化 ,必将影响上海整个城市形态、城市结构 ,有利于新型的城乡结合型的新城的建成。上海有六千多平方公里冲积平原 ,有广阔的发展空间 ,应不断扩大城市化地域范围 ,与其国际经济中心城市之一相匹配。  相似文献   

Quality of urban life (QOUL) has become an important field within urban studies. The increased level of attention to this topic is due to the increasing importance of QoL studies in monitoring public policies and in the role they can play as effective tools in urban management and planning. The main objective of this study is to measure the QOUL in the town of Noorabad in Iran, using subjective and objective indicators. In addition to secondary datasets, this study relies on a perception survey of households in the selected city. Based on an 11-point Likert scale, the mean of the overall life satisfaction of the respondents was found to be 6.06. At the same time, it has been found that satisfaction from employment opportunities is lowest among all other indicators. The comparison between the subjective and objective QoL in Noorabad indicated that 25 % of the households are in a state of well-being, 30.1 % are in a state of deprivation, while 24.4 % are in dissonance and 20.4 % are in a state of adaptation. Although correlation between objective and subjective dimensions of the QoL has not been found to be high, in general, the findings of this study reveal the importance of simultaneous studying of both objective and subjective dimensions of QoL. Results and findings of this study will be useful in designing and implementing future policies in the town of Noorabad.  相似文献   

受恶劣的自然条件和落后的社会经济状况制约.安定区形成了低水平“核心-边缘”、低层次行政管理和明显河谷交通指向的城镇体系特征。未来应通过加快城区建设步伐、发挥中心城镇优势、提升重点城镇地位完善规模等级结构:通过准确定位城镇职能、大力调整产业结构、加强基础设施建设完善职能类型结构;通过建设生态适宜的发展环境和构筑多层次开放格局完善地域空间结构。以期形成合理的城镇体系,带动县域经济社会的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

肖云  吕倩  漆敏 《西北人口》2012,33(2):27-30,35
高龄老人入住养老机构的意愿主要受个人特征、家庭特征和对养老机构认知等因素的影响,通过对重庆市主城九区实地调研,采用Logistic二元回归模型进行分析。结果表明居住地、年龄、家庭规模、家庭年净收入、设施完善程度、服务质量好坏等因素对高龄老人入住养老机构的意愿影响显著。在此基础上提出应重视农村地区机构养老模式发展、加快养老机构建设等建议。  相似文献   

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