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巴勒斯坦的居民除穆斯林外,还有不少基督徒,约占巴总人口的4%,有4.3万多人,他们是巴勒斯坦的宗教少数派,形成相对独立的政治、文化、经济实体.巴勒斯坦的基督徒受教育程度较高,大都是商业、金融界和传媒的白领阶层,属城市中产阶级.由于信仰基督教,他们和西方社会及教会有着千丝万缕的联系,但在漫长的历史发展中,他们在巴勒斯坦虽处于边缘化地位,但也在夹缝中求生存,为巴勒斯坦问题的解决做出了他们的贡献.  相似文献   

巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人和以色列人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、古代 1.巴勒斯坦的最早居民 公元前20世纪后期,海上民族腓力斯丁来到现在的巴勒斯坦定居。在希腊语中,“巴勒斯坦”意思是腓力斯丁人的地方。 在此之前,巴勒斯坦地区有多种民族存在,主要有迦南人。喜克索斯人,哈卑路人,腓力斯丁人等,他们在这里建立村落,有自己的文化,这在《圣经》的“民数记”与“出埃及记”两章中均有记载。 2.希伯莱人进入巴勒斯坦 前20世纪中叶,一支“渡河而来”的游牧部落先于腓力斯丁人来到巴勒斯坦,他们是希伯来人的祖先,《圣经》中说:希伯来人进入巴勒斯坦时,曾遇到迦南人的抵抗,但最终还是与迦南人融合并逐渐定居下来,住在死海以西山区南部的称为犹太人,住在巴勒斯坦土地上的称为以色列人。所以严格地讲,以色列的祖先是古代巴勒斯坦的外来移民。 3、现在的巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人是土生土长的原有居民 现在巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人的祖先是古代迦南人,腓斯丁人及其他早期部落的后裔。 7世纪时,阿拉伯帝国崛起,阿拉伯穆斯林来到时,当地人改信了伊斯兰教,并与阿拉伯人同化,少数外族穆斯林则被当地居民同化,成为阿拉伯民族的一部分。  相似文献   

除埃及和沙特阿拉伯外,巴勒斯坦是阿拉伯国家中拥有大学最多的国家之一.巴现有6所大学,即毕尔宰特大学、纳加赫大学、希伯伦大学、伯利恒大学、加沙大学和耶路撒冷大学.其中毕尔宰特大学为世俗学校,希伯伦大学、加沙大学为伊斯兰学校,伯利恒大学为基督教学校,耶路撒冷大学由彼此独立的3所学院 (耶路撒冷伊斯兰学院、阿拉伯医学院和阿布达伊斯科学技术学院) 联合而成.纳加赫大学是巴规模最大的大学.  相似文献   

举步维艰的巴勒斯坦经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于饱受磨难的巴勒斯坦人民而言,加沙和约旦河西岸实现自治已使20世纪的最后10年成为一个非同寻常的时代,而随着巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(自治政府)的正式成立,在致力于巩固和谈成果、确立其国际政治地位的同时,如何振兴和发展  相似文献   

“当我用眼泪、用墨水书写祖国历史的时候,我记载的将是黑暗、屈辱的一页,痛若、悲惨的一页,腐朽、堕落的一页,可耻、背叛的一页。  相似文献   

巴以冲突久拖不决,不仅使巴勒斯坦局势风云变幻,同时也使巴勒斯坦非政府组织的生存和发展的环境变得复杂。本文试图从巴勒斯坦非政府组织的产生、作用以及未来的发展趋势等方面展开研究,以期对巴勒斯坦非政府组织有一个比较深刻和全面的认识。  相似文献   

Family characteristics in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Egypt are examined using census data from the period 1965 to 1975. A distinction is made between rural and urban families. The results suggest that the prevalence of the extended family has been exaggerated in previous studies and that most households are predominantly nuclear in type.  相似文献   

While both aversion therapy and psychotherapy can claim considerable success, they also fail occasionally. In view of this experience an attempt has been made to intergrate these therapies. Two cases are discussed in which such collaboration of representatives of both schools was achieved. After successful termination of the treatment, the patients filled out questionnaires in which they evaluated the contribution of each of these therapies.  相似文献   

Skeldon discusses the main issues to be resolved when designing questions and strategies to collect migration-related data. The strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches are assessed in the light of the data collected by countries in the Asia-Pacific region during the 1980 round of Censuses. Each country has its own particular needs and must devise its questions accordingly. However, there are a few general principles that are likely to improve the quality of the basic data collected. Some of these principles follow. 1) Detailed information on migration can only be collected through specialized surveys. The census data must be able to provide information on the basic spatial and temporal structures of migration and only upon these can detailed subsequent work proceed. 2) De facto enumeration will not only provide a better quality of information, but will also capture a higher proportion of total human mobility than de jure enumeration. A question of last previous residence and a finely coded duration of residence question are likely to generate the most useful migration data. For reasons of simplicity, continuity, and utility, the question on birthplace is a fundamental census question. 3) In order not to overload census questionnaires, additional information on migration is best collected either through specialized census sample modules or through separate sample surveys.  相似文献   

This study examines several approaches linguists have taken to explain native language attrition. Five attitudinal factors linked to ethnolinguistic vitality are examined: minority status, access to, and participation in, institutions and markets, cultural strength, education, and migration. Each factor was quantified into proxy variables using information compiled from the 1994 Guatemalan national population census. After constructing the data set, the author used regression analysis of the proxy variables to determine the significance of each attitudinal factor. Minority status, participation in institutions and markets, education, and migration all showed statistically significant correlations with language attrition among Maya speakers in Guatemala. Cultural strength, however, did not show a statistically significant correlation to language loss in the country.  相似文献   

The numbers of children in kinship care in England has been thought to be substantial, but it is only recently that research has begun to illuminate the circumstances and needs of carers and children. This paper describes the findings of an analysis of the 2001 UK Population Census. For the first time, the numbers of children in kinship care were estimated, as was the proportions of children living in formal and informal kinship care. As expected many children were being brought up by grandparents but surprisingly, large numbers of children were living with an older sibling. This group of kinship carers has not been previously identified by researchers or policy makers and their circumstances and needs may differ from grandparent kinship carers.  相似文献   

造成巴以和解政策困境的原因极为复杂,在耶路撒冷被国际与地区势力政治化的博弈中,耶路撒冷问题衍化为巴以和解政策困境的关键:两个耶路撒冷话语体系的冲突、两个耶路撒冷圣城之子的身份冲突、从“异教徒”到“敌人”意象的相互构建及美欧耶路撒冷政策的博弈等.因此,进一步加强“耶路撒冷共识”的话语建设、在中东“四方机制”基础上加强巴以和解机制建设,以及在“劝和促谈”基础上构建中国式治理模式等均成为破解巴以和解政策困境的应因举措.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this...paper is three-fold: (a) to identify the discrepancies in the 1970 census figures [for the Spanish-origin population in the United States], (b) to suggest alternative strategies for correcting the original figures and briefly report on an estimate of the possible 'correct' figures for 1970, and (c) to briefly summarize the implications of the corrected figures for past and present research." The revised figures lower the total Spanish-origin population by about one million and increase the relative importance of specific groups, such as Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans. The results also indicate that the rate of growth for the Spanish-origin population from 1970 to 1980 was higher than previously estimated. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

如何解决巴以冲突,已经成为关注的热点话题。普通妇女对于和平的渴望在巴以冲突地区越来越强烈地表现出来。她们的行动代表了一种新的政治理念。  相似文献   

Durkheim's doctoral dissertation can justifiably be called sociology's first classic. Rereading it 100 years later enables us to see major domains of the contemporary world where its analysis remains, of actuality, heuristic or yet to be fully appreciated: for example, its themes of anomieas economic deregulation and corporatism as an institutional arrangement to deal with anomie.At the same time, Durkheim's discourse reflects its historical embeddedness, such as his discussion of the sexual division of labor, which needs to be reworked. A second feature of emergent contemporary social solidarity unforeseen by Durkheim (and the great majority of theorists of change) is what may be termed the return of mechanical solidarity.  相似文献   

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