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美国当代女诗人乔伊·哈荷蜚声美国诗坛,是美国土著民族的代言人。她致力于表现现代工业文明所造成的人与自然的异化,并在自己的诗歌中探索人与自然的和谐共处之路。本文将着重分析其新作《疯狂·勇敢:回忆录》收录的诗歌《鹰之歌》蕴含的印第安人的生态思想,为解决现代社会的环境矛盾提供有益的思想借鉴。 相似文献
16世纪末期到17世纪初期,世界戏剧史上迎来了两位风格迥异的戏剧大师——来自东方的汤显祖与来自西方的威廉·莎士比亚,在他们二人的作品中我们可以十分轻易地看到东西方文化之间存在的差异以及各自文化的优秀之处。虽然在创作风格上存在着不小的差异,但是不能否认这两部作品留给世界戏剧史发展的重要意义。通过探讨这两部作品在情感表达手段上的迥异之处,我们可以看到这两部作品背后所代表的东西方两种思维方式影响下的不同文化,这对于研究当今世界日益密切的文化交流具有重要作用。 相似文献
在20世纪70年代末,微观史学在整个西方史学界形成为一种独特的史学趋势,微观史学注意个别的、具体的事实,一个或几个事实,或地方性事件。较之西方微观史学成就斐然,名家辈出,著作宏富,研究中国历史的微观史学著述就显得拙陋和简单了。尤其《王氏之死》这样的精品之作,仔细品读,对于我们的史学研究深有裨益。 相似文献
薛婧 《青春岁月:学术版》2014,(22)
黄宗羲是明清改朝换代之际,仍坚守自己文化道德底线的少数“遗民”之一.所谓“明夷待访”指黄宗羲在时势中无法实现抱负,将理想寄托于书,待日后明君圣主来访采行.其《原臣》一篇从君臣共治天下、君王不等同于国家、君臣关系非父子关系等几个方面重塑了为臣之道,把君臣关系向近代的民主政治方向推动了一大步. 相似文献
自1869年苏伊士运河开通埃及报纸第一次进入阿拉伯联合酋长国至今,该国的新闻业已有130余年的历史了。随着海湾与通向海外的航道开通以及该地区与大马士革、巴格达陆上交往的日益频繁,从20世纪30年代初开始,印度、叙利亚、伊拉克等文化相对发达国家和地区的报刊也纷纷进入阿联 相似文献
说起新中国五六十年代的长篇小说,有口皆碑的是“三红一创”和“山青保林”八部,前四部即由中国青年出版社出版的《红日》《红旗谱》《红岩》《创业史》,后四部则是由人民文学出版社出版的《山乡巨变》《青春之歌》《保卫延安》《林海雪原》。我们不难发现,在毛泽东提倡文艺“为工农兵而创作和利用”的年代, 相似文献
1976年2月开始,中央召开了一系列“批邓打招呼会”。这年1月8日周恩来总理因病去世,2月2日党中央决定华国锋任国务院代总理。根据毛主席的意见,“批邓”会上只要华国锋一个人讲话。早前,毛主席在看望各省、市、自治区负责同志时,曾明确地说:“江青讲话不能代表中央,也不能代表我。总而言之,她只能代表她自己。”但是,江青在会议期间,根本不听招呼,四处活动。3月2日,她背着毛主席在京西宾馆会议楼东大厅私自召集12个省市的领导同志开会,张平化参加了这次会议。一开始,江青就气势汹汹,指名道姓地攻击邓小平。也许是想起什么,… 相似文献
为了促进电影服装设计效果的提升,在进行电影服装设计的过程中,要通过设计师不断的完善电影服饰的设计方案,以便于有效加强观众和电影角色的相互理解,进而提升电影的艺术表现力。电影服装设计要充分的利用好服装的表达形成和电影内容的有机融合。针对这样的情况,本文结合电影《倾国之恋》的实际案例,进行对于电影服装设计的解读分析研究工作。 相似文献
莎士比亚作为英国文艺复兴时期优秀的文学创作者,其中很多深受读者喜爱的文学作品都蕴含着丰富的爱情观。忠贞不渝、男女平等、人性的关怀是作者文学作品以及现实生活中对爱情的追求与渴望。本文通过对《仲夏夜之梦》中爱情观的分析从而加深读者对莎士比亚爱情观的理解。 相似文献
海湾经济一体化及其成果与问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自1981年5月海合会成立以来,经20多年的努力,在经济集团化,一体化的道路上已迈出了可喜的一大步,取得很大成果。但也面临不少问题,要达到预期目标,还有很长的路要走。 相似文献
《Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series》2017,54(4):21414A-21414B
《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):323-334
This article presents a composite biography of an orphaned girl and her mother in Medieval London. Though the mother was sound in mind and body, she had no control over her daughters inheritance and place of residence. In addition, her underage daughter was married without her consent. The composite biography can bring to life the otherwise dry renditions of families experiences that are present in court records and other historical documents. 相似文献
Through an analysis of Hosni Mubarak's speeches made over the course of the Arab Spring, this study examined Mubarak's response to criticism about his role in the crisis and the resultant attempt to repair his image. The study thereby draws attention to the image repair strategies of an individual with a negative prior reputation in a crisis. Data indicate that Mubarak's negative prior reputation resulted in his attempting not just an image repair as image repair discourse theory would suggest but rather a more complex image makeover. The cultural significance of his rhetorical choices and the implications for theory are discussed. 相似文献
Today's European Union was founded in a 1950s marked by its member states' involvement in numerous colonial conflicts and with the colonial question firmly entrenched on the European and international agenda. This notwithstanding, there is hardly any scholarly investigations to date that have examined colonialism's bearing on the historical project and process of European integration. In tackling this puzzle, the present article proceeds in two steps. First, it corroborates the claim that European integration not only is related to the history of colonialism but to no little extent determined by it. Second, it introduces a set of factors that explain why the relation between the EU and colonialism has been systematically neglected. Here the article seeks to identify the operations of a colonial epistemology that has facilitated a misrecognition of what postwar European integration was about. As the article argues, this epistemology has enabled colonialism's historical relation to the European integration project to remain undetected and has thus also reproduced within the present EU precisely those colonial or neo-colonial preconceptions that the European partner states, in official discourse and policy, falsely claim that they have abandoned. 相似文献
Based on archival and ethnographic data from the Polish case, this article argues that national mythology is structured by
historical events and embodied in visual and material cultures, which in turn frame national subjects’ understanding of the
present. It suggests that the convergence and exchange between diverse sites of material expression and sensory perception,
and their compression into trans-temporal nodes—what I call the “national sensorium”—makes them especially resilient. Even
so, as historically constructed, contingent and contested systems of myths, the extent to which national mythologies can shape
national identity or mobilize toward nationalist action depends on the specific historical contexts in which they are deployed.
Theoretically, this article joins historical and phenomenological approaches to propose a framework for thinking about the
constitution, persistence and shifting social and political valences of national mythologies. 相似文献