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处于改革关键期的当前中国社会,面临着前所未有的多层面、多领域、多原因的社会安全问题的严重威胁,极大地影响着中国的社会质量状况.这些问题能否得到妥善处理,不仅关系到“高质量社会”的实现,而且会直接影响改革的走向及社会建设的成败.从社会质量的视角来看,中国社会建设的取向应包括:在理念上,要确立社会安全是一种福祉的理念;在政策取向上,要实现从关注经济政策到关注社会政策的转变;在治理上,要实现从管理到治理的转变;在价值取向上,要实现从关注民生到关注公平正义的转变.而贯穿上述四个层面的核心是强化制度的基础性规范作用,重建制度权威.  相似文献   

徐倩 《社会工作》2013,(5):113-119
目前,我国已经形成了相对健全的社会救助体系,但也应清醒的认识到,现行救助制度不仅高度依赖于财政状况、面临着“低保制度养懒汉”、“福利依赖”等道德风险问题,“贫困代际传递”现象依旧存在。这亟需从制度的救助理念、目标定位、救助主体以及实施方式四个逻辑层次对我国现行救助制度进行反思与重构。为了使救助制度更好地发挥作用,需要实现构建理念从消极到积极,从下游干预到上游干预的跨越,救助主体从一元到多元的转型,救助目标取向从消除收入贫困到消除能力贫困的过渡,救助方式从款物援助到物质救助与非物质救助相结合的整合。  相似文献   

转型期社会群体的价值取向有以下几个变化:从崇尚集体价值观向张扬个人价值追求的变化,从价值取向的趋同性向多元化转变;从制度决定选择到主客双向选择转变;从单一的服从权力向尊重法律的转变;从审美趣味简单、整齐划一到百花齐放、丰富多彩的转变;从提倡节俭到鼓励消费的转变。传媒的文化价值取向,就是传播者在进行传播活动中,通过传播内容、传播方式、传播效果所呈现出来的价值取向。  相似文献   

建立覆盖城乡的救助工作组织体系 通榆县属国家级贫困县,弱势群体数量较多,流浪乞讨问题影响了城市的整体形象.这些问题如果不及时解决和妥善处理,极易引发社会矛盾.该县进一步转变救助工作的价值取向,由传统的救助观念向现代权利观念转变,明确救助弱势群体是国家和社会应负的责任,获得救助是公民享有的受法律保护的基本权利.  相似文献   

贫困治理阶段性变迁的过程也是我国社会救助政策不断调适的过程。迈入后扶贫时代,治理主动性的冲突、治理助力的削弱、治理失灵的出现,进一步加剧了贫困治理的复杂性、多变性。因此,在面对后扶贫时代的四重转变即扶贫向防贫的转变、绝对贫困向相对贫困的转变、物质需求向发展需求的转变、农村为主向城乡协同的转变时,当前的社会救助政策就会表现出四大不适即功能不适、标准不适、需求不适、城乡不适。需要通过一系列的政策调适来增强社会救助的政策弹性,将"安全网"变为"助跳网"。在顺应后扶贫时代转变的基础上,增强社会救政策的适应性,进一步提升贫困治理的效能。  相似文献   

在社会救助中,社会工作应充分发挥其预防性功能。专业的社会工作能够在价值理念、理论模式、实务技巧及救助效果等四个方面指导、协助社会救助工作的展开,并使得社会救助的服务工作有效实施。社会救助与社会工作两者之间的有机衔接,将使得社会救助真正实现"从救济到救助、从保障到共生"的转变。  相似文献   

在社会救助中,社会工作应充分发挥其预防性功能。专业的社会工作能够在价值理念、理论模式、实务技巧及救助效果等四个方面指导、协助社会救助工作的展开,并使得社会救助的服务工作有效实施。社会救助与社会工作两者之间的有机衔接,将使得社会救助真正实现“从救济到救助、从保障到共生”的转变。  相似文献   

贫困救助是我国社会服务的永恒主题,城市最低生活保障制度和农村五保制度为解决贫困问题提供了制度保障。但是,贫困是一个复杂的持续性的社会问题,社会保障政策的公共性与弹性要求以及社会的不断变迁,使得贫困救助需求的差异性和变化性难以得到有效满足。社区志愿服务以其贴近居民生活的服务特点,可以有效地填补社会救助政策的漏洞。本文描述了社区贫困家庭的现状及其特点,揭示了当前社区服务和社会政策存在的缝隙;立足社区贫困家庭的需要,提出了社区贫困家庭志愿服务应该提供的主要服务内容,寄望建设一个符合中国社会文化情境和具体家庭需求的社区贫困家庭志愿服务。  相似文献   

贫困救助是我国社会服务的永恒主题,城市最低生活保障制度和农村五保制度为解决贫困问题提供了制度保障。但是,贫困是一个复杂的持续性的社会问题,社会保障政策的公共性与弹性要求以及社会的不断变迁,使得贫困救助需求的差异性和变化性难以得到有效满足。社区志愿服务以其贴近居民生活的服务特点,可以有效地填补社会救助政策的漏洞。本文描述了社区贫困家庭的现状及其特点,揭示了当前社区服务和社会政策存在的缝隙;立足社区贫困家庭的需要,提出了社区贫困家庭志愿服务应该提供的主要服务内容,寄望建设一个符合中国社会文化情境和具体家庭需求的社区贫困家庭志愿服务。  相似文献   

近十多年来,基于传统救助制度的内在缺陷,国家亦进行了一些改革,以使之能够适应中国社会经济的发展变化。如在贫困救助方面,民政部门开始建立最低生活保障制度;在救灾体制方面,民政部门进行过救灾保险改革,并开始推行政府分级负责制;此外,国家还面向贫困地区开展了大规模的扶贫工程,等等。经过上述改革试验,新型社会救助制度的基本原则正在确立,并在改革试验中已经取得了一定的成果;但就整体而言,社会救助作为当代中国社会保障体系中的重要子系统,其改革、发展进程较社会保险子系统等却要迟缓得多,体系结构和内容的不规范、不稳定影响了社会救助子系统的定型,经费严重不足和运行中的非程序化、非  相似文献   

乔榛 《学术交流》2001,(4):43-45
我国在计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转换过程中建立的社会保障制度,目前尚存在内容不健全、法制化程度低、实施机制脆弱的不足.比较国外较为成熟的传统型、福利型、储蓄型三种社会保障制度模式,我们可以从中吸取经验,受到启发,进而建立具有中国特色的、保障面宽、保障程度适中的社会保障制度.为此目的,我们必须加强社会保障立法,既要健全社会保障法律体系,又要严格社会保障执行的法律监督.  相似文献   

本文通过中国儿童福利示范区项目探讨了在区域性贫困地区如何建立儿童福利服务的递送体系。文章从项目背景、对于儿童福利的理解、项目设计理念以及儿童福利服务体系的内容设计安排几个方面,以实际的项目运行为依托,清晰地描述了区域性贫困地区儿童福利服务递送体系在岗位设置、人员培训、硬件配套和管理制度方面的思路。  相似文献   

Why has the political and economic transformation in Russia and central and eastern Europe been accompanied by deteriorating living standards? Many of the reform programmes have contained social elements, but these have been neglected in the implementation process. Certain barriers to change – mental, cultural, political and economic – have made the implementation difficult. Russia and central and eastern Europe have to pass through a problematic dual transformation, from authoritarianism to democracy and from centrally planned economies to market economies. Experiences from Latin America show that such transitions are virtually impossible. The social results from the transformations in central and eastern Europe have been disappointing, which has been documented by scholars in this field. Nevertheless, if the political and economic transformation processes continue, the prospectes for the future are relatively bright. But there is also a negative scenario with authoritarianism and civil war as endpoints. A more cautious transition to a market economy might improve social welfare and living standards.  相似文献   

We develop an OLG model with realistic assumptions about longevity to analyze the welfare effects of raising the retirement age. We look at a scenario where an economy has a pay-as-you-go defined benefit scheme and compare it to a scenario with defined contribution schemes (funded or notional). We show that, initially, in both types of pension system schemes the majority of welfare effects comes from adjustments in taxes and/or prices. After the transition period, welfare effects are predominantly generated by the preference for smoothing inherent in many widely used models. We also show that although incentives differ between defined benefit and defined contribution systems, the welfare effects are of comparable magnitude under both schemes. We provide an explanation for this counter-intuitive result.  相似文献   

Summary The Post-Fordist welfare state thesis locates contemporary socialwelfare change within a wider analysis of the transformationof capitalist accumulation regimes. Whilst this analysis isuseful in directing attention to macro socio-economic change,it has for the most part contained three shortcomings. First,the Post-Fordist thesis has overemphasized the role of historical'breaks' in the development of social welfare as it purportedlypasses from Fordism to Post-Fordism. Second, the thesis hasassumed a degree of convergence between welfare states as aresult of global economic forces. In doing so, it has underemphasizedthe mediating impact of existing institutional arrangementswithin nations. Third, the thesis has assumed, rather than demonstrated,the specific changes which are alleged to be taking place invarious fields of social welfare. As a consequence, aspectsof continuity in social welfare have been neglected. These threelacunae are addressed through a comparative analysis of developmentsin the personal social services in Australia and Britain. Servicesto older people are employed as the specific context of comparisonin relation to three dimensions of measuring transformationalong a Post-Fordist trajectory: a shift from a unitary economyto a mixed economy of service provision; changes in the modelof service delivery and consumption; and strengthening the governancefunction of the central state. This comparative analysis suggeststhe need for refinement of the Post-Fordist welfare state thesisconcerning the restructuring of social welfare and its impacton the personal social services.  相似文献   

This article examines changes to non-government social welfare, their impact on service delivery and on the social work profession. To redress the legacy of the past and the consequent inequalities in social welfare, in the first decade of democracy the government allocated the bulk of its welfare resources to transforming the social security system at the expense of social service delivery. As a result, South Africa has a costly social security budget with social services on the brink of collapse, leaving social workers and other social service professionals with low morale in the face of the huge challenge of providing welfare services with scarce resources, especially in the non-government sector. Nevertheless, social work remains an important role player in social development. From its marginalised position in the first decade of democracy, in the second decade it is repositioning itself as a recognised contributor to reconstruction and development in South Africa.  相似文献   

The Korean welfare system has grown over the past 40 years from a limited and selective developmental system into a relatively comprehensive universal system. What explains this dynamic is the interplay between South Korea's global economic integration and its political transition from authoritarian rule to democratic governance. While the corporatist consensus under the authoritarian government limited social welfare to an instrument to promote economic growth and industrialization, the social democratic corporatist consensus under economic globalization has enabled the democratic regime to introduce a relatively universal welfare system.  相似文献   

For the past two decades, in many Western industrialized states, problems of their welfare systems have become more and more obvious. Three common complaints about welfare systems are high taxation, minimal effectiveness and impersonal bureaucracy. Various measures (such as budget cuts, decentralization and privatization) have been undertaken in order to overcome these problems by many welfare states. In any case, public welfare systems in many Western industrialized states do not cover the affective element which is inherent in the Korean welfare system. In Korea, where the public welfare system is in the formative stage, mutual aid, which is based on a long tradition of personal and voluntary networking, has played an important role in meeting citizens' welfare needs not only by material aid but also by psychological support. To understand welfare in society, it is necessary not only to study the welfare provided by the state and the market but also to consider the welfare provided by mutual aid networks.  相似文献   

民政部提出社会福利由"补缺型"向"适度普惠型"转变的战略决策,为我国社会福利发展趋向奠定了政治基础。此后,适度普惠社会福利成为国家和学界共同关心和关注的重要议题,也逐渐成为我国当前和接下来一段时期内的主导社会福利模式。在这种背景下,回顾和评价我国儿童社会福利发展取得的成效和存在的不足,从福利对象、原则、理念、内容、政策体系、以及责任主体等六个方面建构我国适度普惠儿童社会福利体系,并进一步提出其实施路径,具有重要的战略意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

The erosion and dismantling of the post‐war welfare settlement has entailed an expanded role for the community sector, as a complex ‘mixed economy of service provision’ has developed. Critiques from both right and left have undermined the legitimacy of a statist model of welfare; state funding of non‐government community organisations is one aspect of the move away from centralised delivery. Despite their important role in this process, the distinctive perspectives of community sector organisations are rarely considered in broader theoretical and political debates. These organisations face significant dilemmas in struggling to maintain their viability and independence. Analysis of three major arguments for funding shows how organisations challenge the state's legitimacy by insisting on their own independent role but precariously rely on traditional sources of welfare state funding. This analysis draws into question the possibility of satisfactory non‐statist theories of welfare. It also suggests that the community sector might need to reposition itself as part of a broader public system of welfare, rather than in opposition to government, but that this strategy entails obvious risks for organisations' independence.  相似文献   

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