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Bayesian analysis of panel data using an MTAR model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bayesian analysis of panel data using a class of momentum threshold autoregressive (MTAR) models is considered. Posterior estimation of parameters of the MTAR models is done by using a simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Selection of appropriate differenced variables, test for asymmetry and unit roots are recast as model selections and a simple way of computing posterior probabilities of the candidate models is proposed. The proposed method is applied to the yearly unemployment rates of 51 US states and the results show strong evidence of stationarity and asymmetry.  相似文献   

Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive (SETAR) models are a non-linear variant of conventional linear Autoregressive (AR) models. One advantage of SETAR models over conventional AR models lies in its flexible nature in dealing with possible asymmetric behaviour of economic variables. The concept of threshold cointegration implies that the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) at a particular interval is inactive as a result of adjustment costs, and active when deviations from equilibrium exceed certain thresholds. For instance, the presence of adjustment costs can, in many circumstances, justify the fact that economic agents intervene to recalibrate back to a tolerable limit, as in the case when the benefits of adjustment are superior to its costs. We introduce an approach that accounts for potential asymmetry and we investigate the presence of the relative version of the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for 14 countries. Based on a threshold cointegration adaptation of the unit root test procedure suggested by Caner & Hansen (2001), we find evidence of an asymmetric adjustment for the relative version of PPP for eight pairs of countries.  相似文献   

We propose a regime switching autoregressive model and apply it to analyze daily water discharge series of River Tisza in Hungary. The dynamics is governed by two regimes, along which both the autoregressive coefficients and the innovation distributions are altering, moreover, the hidden regime indicator process is allowed to be non-Markovian. After examining stationarity and basic properties of the model, we turn to its estimation by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and propose two algorithms. The values of the latent process serve as auxiliary parameters in the first one, while the change points of the regimes do the same in the second one in a reversible jump MCMC setting. After comparing the mixing performance of the two methods, the model is fitted to the water discharge data. Simulations show that it reproduces the important features of the water discharge series such as the highly skewed marginal distribution and the asymmetric shape of the hydrograph.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new test for coefficient stability of an AR(1) model against the random coefficient autoregressive model of order 1 neither assuming a stationary nor a non-stationary process under the null hypothesis of a constant coefficient. The proposed test is obtained as a modification of the locally best invariant (LBI) test by Lee [(1998). Coefficient constancy test in a random coefficient autoregressive model. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 74, 93–101]. We examine finite sample properties of the proposed test by Monte Carlo experiments comparing with other existing tests, in particular, the LBI test by McCabe and Tremayne [(1995). Testing a time series for difference stationary. Ann. Statist. 23 (3), 1015–1028], which is for the null of a unit root process against the alternative of a stochastic unit root process.  相似文献   

One way that has been used for identifying and estimating threshold autoregressive (TAR) models for nonlinear time series follows the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach via the Gibbs sampler. This route has major computational difficulties, specifically, in getting convergence to the parameter distributions. In this article, a new procedure for identifying a TAR model and for estimating its parameters is developed by following the reversible jump MCMC procedure. It is found that the proposed procedure conveys a Markov chain with convergence properties.  相似文献   

The finite-sample size properties of momentum-threshold autoregressive (MTAR) asymmetric unit root tests are examined in the presence of level shifts under the null hypothesis. The original MTAR test using a fixed threshold is found to exhibit severe size distortion when a break in level occurs early in the sample period, leading to an increased probability of an incorrect inference of asymmetric stationarity. For later breaks the test is also shown to suffer from undersizing. In contrast, the use of consistent-threshold estimation results in a test which is relatively robust to level shifts.  相似文献   

Real-time monitoring is necessary for nanoparticle exposure assessment to characterize the exposure profile, but the data produced are autocorrelated. This study was conducted to compare three statistical methods used to analyze data, which constitute autocorrelated time series, and to investigate the effect of averaging time on the reduction of the autocorrelation using field data. First-order autoregressive (AR(1)) and autoregressive-integrated moving average (ARIMA) models are alternative methods that remove autocorrelation. The classical regression method was compared with AR(1) and ARIMA. Three data sets were used. Scanning mobility particle sizer data were used. We compared the results of regression, AR(1), and ARIMA with averaging times of 1, 5, and 10?min. AR(1) and ARIMA models had similar capacities to adjust autocorrelation of real-time data. Because of the non-stationary of real-time monitoring data, the ARIMA was more appropriate. When using the AR(1), transformation into stationary data was necessary. There was no difference with a longer averaging time. This study suggests that the ARIMA model could be used to process real-time monitoring data especially for non-stationary data, and averaging time setting is flexible depending on the data interval required to capture the effects of processes for occupational and environmental nano measurements.  相似文献   

We consider modeling the real exchange rate by a stationary three-regime self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) model with possibly a unit root in the middle regime. This representation is consistent with purchasing power parity in the presence of trading costs. Our main contribution is to provide statistical tools for testing unit root versus a SETAR. First, we show that a SETAR with a unit root in the middle regime is stationary and mixing under reasonable assumptions. Second, we derive analytically the asymptotic distribution of our unit-root test under the null. Using monthly real exchange rate data, our test rejects the null of unit-root against a threshold process for five European series.  相似文献   

We generalize the Gaussian mixture transition distribution (GMTD) model introduced by Le and co-workers to the mixture autoregressive (MAR) model for the modelling of non-linear time series. The models consist of a mixture of K stationary or non-stationary AR components. The advantages of the MAR model over the GMTD model include a more full range of shape changing predictive distributions and the ability to handle cycles and conditional heteroscedasticity in the time series. The stationarity conditions and autocorrelation function are derived. The estimation is easily done via a simple EM algorithm and the model selection problem is addressed. The shape changing feature of the conditional distributions makes these models capable of modelling time series with multimodal conditional distributions and with heteroscedasticity. The models are applied to two real data sets and compared with other competing models. The MAR models appear to capture features of the data better than other competing models do.  相似文献   

The rjmcmc package for R implements the post‐processing reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm of Barker & Link. MCMC output from each of the models is used to estimate posterior model probabilities and Bayes factors. Automatic differentiation is used to simplify implementation. The package is demonstrated on two examples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we obtain the asymptotic properties of the modified model selection criteria proposed by Hurvich et al. (1990. Improved estimators of Kullback-Leibler information for autoregressive model selection in small samples. Biometrika 77, 709–719) for autoregressive models. Second, we provide some highlights on the better performance of this modified criteria. Third, we extend the modification introduced by these authors to model selection criteria commonly used in the class of self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) time series models. We show the improvements of the modified criteria in their finite sample performance. In particular, for small and medium sample size the frequency of selecting the true model improves for the consistent criteria and the root mean square error (RMSE) of prediction improves for the efficient criteria. These results are illustrated via simulation with SETAR models in which we assume that the threshold and the parameters are unknown.  相似文献   

Three linear prediction methods of a single missing value for a stationary first order multiplicative spatial autoregressive model are proposed based on the quarter observations, observations in the first neighborhood, and observations in the nearest neighborhood. Three different types of innovations including Gaussian (symmetric and thin tailed), exponential (skew to right), and asymmetric Laplace (skew and heavy tailed) are considered. In each case, the proposed predictors are compared based on the two well-known criteria: mean square prediction and Pitman's measure of closeness. Parameter estimation is performed by maximum likelihood, least square errors, and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).  相似文献   


The three parameters involved are scale a , shape 𝜌 , and location s . Maximum likelihood estimators are (\hata, \hat\rho, \hats) . Using recent work on the second order variances, skewness, and kurtosis we establish the facts, that if the location parameter s is to be estimated, then the asymptotic variances only exist if 𝜌 >2, asymptotic skewness only exists if 𝜌 >3, and 2nd order variances and third order fourth central moments only exist if 𝜌 >4. The result of these limitations is that in general very large sample sizes may be needed to avoid inference problems. We also include new continued fractions for the asymptotic covariances of the maximum likelihood estimators considered.  相似文献   

The reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler (Green in Biometrika 82:711–732, 1995) has become an invaluable device for Bayesian practitioners. However, the primary difficulty with the sampler lies with the efficient construction of transitions between competing models of possibly differing dimensionality and interpretation. We propose the use of a marginal density estimator to construct between-model proposal distributions. This provides both a step towards black-box simulation for reversible jump samplers, and a tool to examine the utility of common between-model mapping strategies. We compare the performance of our approach to well established alternatives in both time series and mixture model examples.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data analysis in epidemiological settings is complicated by large multiplicities of short time series and the occurrence of missing observations. To handle such difficulties Rosner & Muñoz (1988) developed a weighted non-linear least squares algorithm for estimating parameters for first-order autoregressive (AR1) processes with time-varying covariates. This method proved efficient when compared to complete case procedures. Here that work is extended by (1) introducing a different estimation procedure based on the EM algorithm, and (2) formulating estimation techniques for second-order autoregressive models. The second development is important because some of the intended areas of application (adult pulmonary function decline, childhood blood pressure) have autocorrelation functions which decay more slowly than the geometric rate imposed by an AR1 model. Simulation studies are used to compare the three methodologies (non-linear, EM based and complete case) with respect to bias, efficiency and coverage both in the presence and in the absence of time-varying covariates. Differing degrees and mechanisms of missingness are examined. Preliminary results indicate the non-linear approach to be the method of choice: it has high efficiency and is easily implemented. An illustrative example concerning pulmonary function decline in the Netherlands is analyzed using this method.  相似文献   

A non-stationary integer-valued autoregressive model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is frequent to encounter a time series of counts which are small in value and show a trend having relatively large fluctuation. To handle such a non-stationary integer-valued time series with a large dispersion, we introduce a new process called integer-valued autoregressive process of order p with signed binomial thinning (INARS(p)). This INARS(p) uniquely exists and is stationary under the same stationary condition as in the AR(p) process. We provide the properties of the INARS(p) as well as the asymptotic normality of the estimates of the model parameters. This new process includes previous integer-valued autoregressive processes as special cases. To preserve integer-valued nature of the INARS(p) and to avoid difficulty in deriving the distributional properties of the forecasts, we propose a bootstrap approach for deriving forecasts and confidence intervals. We apply the INARS(p) to the frequency of new patients diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. during the period of 108 months from January 1993 to December 2001.  相似文献   

Even though integer-valued time series are common in practice, the methods for their analysis have been developed only in recent past. Several models for stationary processes with discrete marginal distributions have been proposed in the literature. Such processes assume the parameters of the model to remain constant throughout the time period. However, this need not be true in practice. In this paper, we introduce non-stationary integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) models with structural breaks to model a situation, where the parameters of the INAR process do not remain constant over time. Such models are useful while modelling count data time series with structural breaks. The Bayesian and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures for the estimation of the parameters and break points of such models are discussed. We illustrate the model and estimation procedure with the help of a simulation study. The proposed model is applied to the two real biometrical data sets.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for fractionally integrated exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (FIEGARCH) models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods is described. A simulation study is presented to assess the performance of the procedure, under the presence of long-memory in the volatility. Samples from FIEGARCH processes are obtained upon considering the generalized error distribution (GED) for the innovation process. Different values for the tail-thickness parameter ν are considered covering both scenarios, innovation processes with lighter (ν > 2) and heavier (ν < 2) tails than the Gaussian distribution (ν = 2). A comparison between the performance of quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) and MCMC procedures is also discussed. An application of the MCMC procedure to estimate the parameters of a FIEGARCH model for the daily log-returns of the S&P500 U.S. stock market index is provided.  相似文献   

First order stationary autoregressive (AR(1)) models are introduced for which there exists a linear relation between the expectations of the observations, and where it is readily possible to arrange the marginal distributions to be other than normal.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider the problem of multistep-ahead prediction in time series analysis by using nonparametric smoothing techniques. Forecasting is always one of the main objectives in time series analysis. Research has shown that non-linear time series models have certain advantages in multistep-ahead forecasting. Traditionally, nonparametric k -step-ahead least squares prediction for non-linear autoregressive AR( d ) models is done by estimating E ( X t + k  | X t , …,  X t − d +1) via nonparametric smoothing of X t + k on ( X t , …,  X t − d +1) directly. We propose a multistage nonparametric predictor. We show that the new predictor has smaller asymptotic mean-squared error than the direct smoother, though the convergence rate is the same. Hence, the predictor proposed is more efficient. Some simulation results, advice for practical bandwidth selection and a real data example are provided.  相似文献   

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