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Factors affecting dispersal and recruitment in animal populations will play a prominent role in the dynamics of populations. This is particularly the case for subdivided populations where the dispersal of individuals among patches may lead to local extinction and 'rescue effects'. A long-term observational study carried out in Brittany, France, and involving colour-ringed Black-legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) suggested that the reproductive success of conspecifics (or some social correlate) could be one important factor likely to affect dispersal and recruitment. By dispersing from patches where the local reproductive success was low and recruiting to patches where the local reproductive success was high, individual birds could track spatio-temporal variations in the quality of breeding patches (the quality of breeding patches can be affected by different factors, such as food availability, the presence of predators or ectoparasites, which can vary in space and time at different scales). Such an observational study may nevertheless have confounded the role of conspecific reproductive success with the effect of a correlated factor (e.g. the local activities of a predator). In other words, individuals may have been influenced directly by the factor responsible for the low local reproductive success or indirectly by the low success of their neighbours. Thus, an experimental approach was needed to address this question. Estimates of demographic parameters (other than reproductive success) and studies of the response of marked individuals to changes in their environment usually face problems associated with variability in the probability of detecting individuals and with nonindependence among events occurring on a local scale. Further, very few studies on dispersal have attempted to address the causal nature of relationships by experimentally manipulating factors. Here we present an experiment designed to test for an effect of local reproductive success of conspecifics on behavioural decisions of individuals regarding dispersal and recruitment. The experiment was carried out on Kittiwakes within a large seabird colony in northern Norway. It involved (i) the colour banding of several hundreds of birds; (ii) the manipulation (increase/decrease) of the local reproductive success of breeding groups on cliffpatches; and (iii) the detailed survey of attendance and activities of birds on these patches. It also involved the manipulation of the nest content of marked individuals breeding within these patches (individuals failing at the egg stage were expected to respond in terms of dispersal to the success of their neighbours). This allowed us to test whether a lower local reproductive success would lower (1) the attendance of breeders at the end of the breeding season; (2) the presence of prospecting birds; and (3) the proportion of failed breeders that came back to breed on the same patch the year after. In this paper, we discuss how we dealt with (I) the use of return rates to infer differences in dispersal rates; (II) the trade-off between sample sizes and local treatment levels; and (III) potential differences in detection probabilities among locations. We also present some results to illustrate the design and implementation of the experiment.  相似文献   

Let f be the spectral density function of a purely nondeterministic stationary stochastic process and be the optimal (canonical) fator of f. The role of the coefficients cn and dn (n ≥ 0) of φ and φ?1 respectivey, in prediction, filtering and control theory is well-knwn. We show that the cn's and dn's can be obtained recursively in terms of the Fourier coefficients of log f. Also, recursive and updating formulae fr the kolmogorovwiener predictor similar to those Box-Jenkins are provided..  相似文献   

By their very nature, statistical models are constructed on the basis of a number of simplifying assumptions. It is usual to assume that all the individuals in a 'group' or 'cohort' have similar survival, recovery or reporting probabilities. From a number of earlier studies of the Cape Griffon Gyps coprotheres in southern Africa, it is clear that there have been many violations of these assumptions of homogeneity. To get a better understanding of the process whereby a dead ringed bird is found and reported, an analysis was undertaken of 575 recoveries from 7130 individuals ringed as nestlings. From a series of univariate generalized linear models, it was found that the proportion of ringed birds reported dead varied with the following factors: (1) ring prefix (representing different grades and thicknesses of aluminium): there was considerable variation in reporting rate between cohorts fitted with different ring prefix series used; (2) metal type: birds fitted with monel metal rings were reported at a rate twice that of those bearing aluminium rings; (3) colour rings: recoveries of birds with colour rings were much more likely to be reported than birds with only a metal ring; (4) epoch: the reporting rate has increased steadily from the 1950s through to the mid-1980s. All of these factors are confounded and so a number of multivariate generalized linear models were constructed. It was found that the variations in the cohort-specific reporting rate could be described well by a model including factors for metal-ring type and the presence or absence of colour rings. Using the tougher monel metal ring along with a set of colour rings more than doubles the reporting rate and their continued use is strongly recommended for future studies. The year-to-year variations could be accounted for by this model but the colony of ringing did not enter the model. The models used were based on two assumptions: (i) the reporting rate was constant for all individuals within a given cohort and (ii) the recoveries were complete. It is argued that the results are congruent with these assumptions. There is now a clearer model of the manner in which the ring-recovery reporting process proceeds and this has opened the way to building a more realistic statistical model to estimate survival in the Cape Griffon.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the Odeh and Fox (1975) charts is much enhanced by having φ for v2 = ∞, a value quickly found from a table of Haynam, Govindarajulu and Leone (1970).  相似文献   

Significant population declines in landbird species have been documented recently from many areas of the earth, including Europe and North America. Identification of the major causes of these declines and effective management actions to reverse them is difficult, especially for populations of long-distance migrants that winter in tropical areas. Key-factor and sensitivity analyses of critical population parameters in the context of integrated population models provide one promising approach to solving these problems. Key population factors may include breeding productivity, first-year survival, recruitment of young, adult survival and permanent emigration of adults; each of these can be indexed or estimated using data from cooperative ringing programmes, but the usefulness of the indices or estimates is limited by deficiencies in the available data and limitations of the available models. Future methodological directions for ringing studies should include efforts to: (1) develop and implement techniques to distinguish young from adult birds through the first breeding season of the young birds; (2) implement radio-tracking to determine characteristics of dispersal of young birds and transient adults; and (3) implement increased ringing, DNA fingerprinting and stable-isotope analysis to determine correspondence of breeding and winter ranges. Future programme-related directions should include efforts to: (1) integrate multiple methods at individual sites to compare and validate the indices and estimates produced by the different methods; (2) develop cooperative programmes of winter-season mist-netting to generate mark-recapture data to estimate the seasonal components of survival; and (3) develop mutually compatible banding programmes in tropical countries. Future theoretical and analytical directions should include efforts to continue to develop, refine and utilize: (1) key-factor and sensitivity analyses to determine the major causes of population changes; (2) models for dispersal of young birds and transient adults to improve the usefulness of indices of the number of hatch-year and second-year birds; (3) models to determine the proportions of transients in Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) mark-recapture analyses and to eliminate their effects on estimates of survival rate, population size and recruitment of residents; (4) integrated models of population processes that utilize data from multiple methods to provide estimates of first-year survival, recruitment rate of young and permanent emigration rate of adults, parameters that are difficult to obtain from a single method; (5) models to estimate seasonal components of survival to provide insights into the timing and causes of mortality; (6) models incorporating environmental variables and species-specific characteristics as covariates in CJS mark-recapture and key-factor analyses; (7) models for pooling and weighting data obtained from multiple sites in cooperative ringing projects; (8) models for identifying long-term trends in demographic parameters; and (9) techniques for selection of appropriate models. Finally, assumptions implicit in the use of indices of various demographic parameters need to be tested and field techniques need to be improved to increase the numbers of individuals marked and recaptured in order to allow more precise parameter estimation; this will increase the ability to test competing hypotheses of population dynamics from data gathered in ringing programmes.  相似文献   


Trade of United States: The History of Trade between the United Kingdom and the United States. By Sydney J. Chapman. London. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. 1899. Reviewed by Worthington C. Ford.

Natality: Sur les variations du taux de natalité et sur l'âge moyen des époux, suivant les conditions économiques. By Enrico Raseri. Bulletin de l'Institut International de Statistique. Vol. xi; 149. Reviewed by C.-E. A. Winslow.

Natality: La natalité selon le degré d'aisance. By Jacques Bertillon. Bulletin de 1'Institut International de Statistique. Vol. xi; 163. Reviewed by C.-E. A. Winslow.

Study of Charity Statistics: The Labor Bulletin of Massachusetts (October, 1899. No. 12) contains a very valuable “Study of Charity Statistics” (pp. 119-155).

Notes on Vital Statistics: Les naissances et les décès suivant les heures de la journée. By Enrico Raseri. Bulletin de l'Institut International de Statistique. Vol. xi; 144. Reviewed by C.-E. A. Winslow.

State Publications: State Publications: a Provisional List of the Official Publications of the Several States of the United States from their Organization. Compiled under the editorial direction of R. R. Bowker, Part I: New England States. New York. Office of the Publishers' Weekly. 1899. Pp. 99.

Notes: Report of the Director of the Twelfth Census to the Secretary of the Interior. 1899. Washington. Pp, 5.

Notes: Report to the Legislature of New York by the Joint Committee on Taxation. January 15, 1900. Pp. 19. Tables 6.  相似文献   


The problem of obtaining the maximum probability 2 × c contingency table with fixed marginal sums, R  = (R 1R 2) and C  = (C 1, … , C c ), and row and column independence is equivalent to the problem of obtaining the maximum probability points (mode) of the multivariate hypergeometric distribution MH(R 1; C 1, … , C c ). The most simple and general method for these problems is Joe's (Joe, H. (1988 Joe, H. 1988. Extreme probabilities for contingency tables under row and column independence with application to Fisher's exact test. Commun. Statist. Theory Meth., 17(11): 36773685. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Extreme probabilities for contingency tables under row and column independence with application to Fisher's exact test. Commun. Statist. Theory Meth. 17(11):3677–3685.) In this article we study a family of MH's in which a connection relationship is defined between its elements. Based on this family and on a characterization of the mode described in Requena and Martín (Requena, F., Martín, N. (2000 Requena, F. and Martín, N. 2000. Characterization of maximum probability points in the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett., 50: 3947.  [Google Scholar]). Characterization of maximum probability points in the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett. 50:39–47.), we develop a new method for the above problems, which is completely general, non recursive, very simple in practice and more efficient than the Joe's method. Also, under weak conditions (which almost always hold), the proposed method provides a simple explicit solution to these problems. In addition, the well-known expression for the mode of a hypergeometric distribution is just a particular case of the method in this article.  相似文献   

The density level sets of the two types of measures under consideration are l 2, p -circles with p = 1 and p = 2, respectively. The intersection-percentage function (ipf) of such a measure reflects the percentages which the level set corresponding to the p-radius r shares for each r > 0 with a set to be measured. The geometric measure representation formulae in Richter (2009 Richter , W.-D. (2009). Continuous l n, p -symmetric distributions. Lithuanian Mathemat. J. 49:93108.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is based upon these ipf's and will be used here for evaluating exact cdf's and pdf's for the linear combination, the product, and the ratio of the components of two-dimensional simplicial or spherically distributed random vectors.  相似文献   

There are numerous situations in categorical data analysis where one wishes to test hypotheses involving a set of linear inequality constraints placed upon the cell probabilities. For example, it may be of interest to test for symmetry in k × k contingency tables against one-sided alternatives. In this case, the null hypothesis imposes a set of linear equalities on the cell probabilities (namely pij = Pji ×i > j), whereas the alternative specifies directional inequalities. Another important application (Robertson, Wright, and Dykstra 1988) is testing for or against stochastic ordering between the marginals of a k × k contingency table when the variables are ordinal and independence holds. Here we extend existing likelihood-ratio results to cover more general situations. To be specific, we consider testing Ht,0 against H1 - H0 and H1 against H2 - H 1 when H0:k × i=1 pixji = 0, j = 1,…, s, H1:k × i=1 pixji × 0, j = 1,…, s, and does not impose any restrictions on p. The xji's are known constants, and s × k - 1. We show that the asymptotic distributions of the likelihood-ratio tests are of chi-bar-square type, and provide expressions for the weighting values.  相似文献   

Let X be a normally distributed p-dimensional column vector with mean μ and positive definite covariance matrix σ. and let X α, α = 1,…, N, be a random sample of size N from this distribution. Partition X as ( X 1, X (2)', X '(3))', where X1 is one-dimension, X(2) is p2- dimensional, and so 1 + p1 + p2 = p. Let ρ1 and ρ be the multiple correlation coefficients of X1 with X(2) and with ( X '(2), X '(3))', respectively. Write ρ2/2 = ρ2 - ρ2/1. We shall cosider the following two problems  相似文献   

Barnacle geese ( Branta leucopsis ) make annual migrations between breeding colonies in northern Europe and Eurasia to wintering grounds in Holland. During the migration, they sojourn for several weeks in five areas on the northern coast of Germany. Observers traverse these areas during the course of studying the flocks. Previous belief was that there was little exchange of birds among the five areas; however, some banded birds were observed in more than one area indicating that some movement takes place. In this presentation, we estimate the movement rates among the areas using open- and closed-population models.  相似文献   

Barnacle geese ( Branta leucopsis ) make annual migrations between breeding colonies in northern Europe and Eurasia to wintering grounds in Holland. During the migration, they sojourn for several weeks in five areas on the northern coast of Germany. Observers traverse these areas during the course of studying the flocks. Previous belief was that there was little exchange of birds among the five areas; however, some banded birds were observed in more than one area indicating that some movement takes place. In this presentation, we estimate the movement rates among the areas using open- and closed-population models.  相似文献   

We compared estimates of annual survival rates of tawny owls ( Strix aluco ) ringed in southern Finland from several different sampling methods: recoveries of birds ringed as young; recaptures of birds ringed as young; recoveries of birds ringed as adults as well as young; combined recoveries and recaptures of birds ringed as young, and combined recoveries and recaptures of birds ringed as adults and young. From 1979 to 1998, 18 040 young owls were ringed, of which 983 were recaptured as breeders in subsequent years during this period, and 1764 were recovered dead at various locations. In addition, 1751 owls were ringed as adults, of which 612 were later recaptured and 199 were recovered dead. First-year survival rates estimated using only recoveries of birds ringed as young averaged 48%, while apparent survival rates estimated using only recaptures from birds ringed as young averaged 10-13%. Use of combined recapture-recovery models, or supplementary information from recoveries of birds ringed as adults, produced survival estimates of 30-37%. Survival estimates from young-recoveries-only models were biased high, because of violation of the assumption of constant recovery rates with age: birds dying in their first-year were one-third less likely to be found and reported than older birds. In contrast, recaptures-only models confounded emigration with mortality. Despite these differences in mean values, annual fluctuations in estimated first-year survival rates were similar with all models. Estimates of adult survival rates were similar with all models, while those for second-year birds were similar for all models except recaptures-only. These results highlight the potential biases associated with analysing either recaptures or recoveries alone of birds ringed as young, and the benefits of using combined data.  相似文献   

Recent changes in British hunting legislation have protected the stock dove Columba oenas since 1 October 1982, and removed protection from the collared dove Streptopelia decaocto after 1 April 1977; the woodpigeon Columba palumbus has remained legal quarry throughout. Ringing recoveries offer a means of comparing annual survival rates before and after the change in legislation. Care is needed in the construction of the recovery matrices to remove inhomogeneities in the data and ensure that each 'year' runs from the day of legislative change. Annual survival rates were estimated by maximum likelihood using multinomial models conditioned on the recoveries; there was no evidence of age- or time-related variation in reporting rates. The annual survival rate of the stock dove was constant, at 54 +/- 3%. For both the collared dove and the woodpigeon, estimates of survival rates in the first year after ringing were not consistent between birds ringed as young and those ringed as adults, but nevertheless averaged less before 1977 than after 1977; annual survival rates of birds that survived the first year after ringing did not differ between time periods, and were 64 +/- 2% for the collared dove and 61 +/- 2% for the woodpigeon. The proportion of recoveries reported shot or trapped was only 14% for the collared dove, compared with 79% for the woodpigeon, and remained constant before and after 1977 for both species; in the case of the stock dove, the proportion reported shot or trapped before and after 1982 fell from 70% to 34%. The change in quarry status had no effect on annual survivorship or population size of either the stock dove or the collared dove, while the woodpigeon has increased regularly in abundance despite heavy shooting.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a new stratified randomized response model based on Kuk's [Biometrika (1990), 77, 2, pp.436–438] model that has Neyman allocation and considerable gain in precision. It has been identified that the stratified randomized response models due to Kim and Warde (2004 Kim, J., Warde, W. (2004). A stratified Warner randomized response model. J. Stat. Plan. Inference 120:155165.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Kim and Elam's (2005), and Kim and Elam's (2007) are members of the proposed model. It is shown that the proposed model is more efficient than Kuk's (1990) model both theoretically and empirically. The results of this paper are also extended in the situation when trials are repeated.  相似文献   

In this article, an attempt has been made to settle the question of existence of unbiased estimator of the key parameter p of the quasi-binomial distributions of Type I (QBD I) and of Type II (QBD II), with/without any knowledge of the other parameter φ appearing in the expressions for probability functions of the QBD's. This is studied with reference to a single observation, a random sample of finite size m as also with samples drawn by suitably defined sequential sampling rules.  相似文献   


This article provides a brief introduction to the open source software (OSS) movement in libraries from a serialist's perspective. After defining what the open source software movement is about, the article highlights three examples of OSS applications in libraries: jake (Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment); Koha and OpenBiblio, two open source library systems; and MyLibrary@NCState.It concludes by suggesting some sources for further research and study and encourages serialists to get involved in this worthwhile movement. Serials Review 2003; 29:36–39.  相似文献   

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