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The Portuguese judicial system has attracted considerable criticism in recent years and demands for reforms have gained prominence. By using the Data Envelopment Analysis technique and focusing on the performance of 223 Portuguese first instance courts during the period of 2007–2011, this research has found evidence that supports some of this criticism and justifies the calls for reforms, better performance and accountability of the judicial system. In particular, our results found a sector with considerable scope for improvement with less than 16% of the 223 courts analysed making an efficient use of their resources in each year and with only one third of the courts being considered efficient in at least one of the five years assessed. Whilst the results suggest that improvement can be achieved with better case management, scale factors also seem to play an important role in explaining inefficiency, with most of the inefficient courts being smaller than optimal and with smaller courts being, on average, less efficient than larger ones. The existence of a statistically significant relationship between courts׳ efficiency and size was confirmed by the Mann–Whitney test. These results indicate considerable scope for improvement and that some of the planned reforms are timely and seem well targeted. However, the results also suggest that efficiency increases matching peers׳ best practices are not enough to sustainably reduce the prevailing judicial backlog and length of court proceedings in a considerable number of courts. Major changes in the capacity and/or functioning of the Portuguese judicial system might also be required.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to combine productivity analysis at the “firm-level” and the “industry-level” so that a novel, fuller decomposition of the sources of productivity change can be undertaken. Productivity change is decomposed into technological progress, technical, mix, and scale efficiency effects. Specifically, our decomposition allows us to capture changes in productivity due to the reallocation of inputs or outputs across productive units. In practice, such reallocation might take place across plants operated by the same firm, across regions within a country, or via mergers and acquisitions. The new decomposition of the aggregate Luenberger productivity indicator is illustrated using data at both the provincial and regional levels for China's healthcare sector over the period 2009–2014. Our results indicate that the growth of the aggregate Luenberger productivity indicator varied across both time and regions. We find that China's regional productivity growth in healthcare was primarily driven by technological progress, while the contributions of the other components of productivity change were smaller and more varied across regions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of public involvement on firm inefficiency. Public involvement is defined as the actions taken by governments to control firm management, as expressed in regulation and public ownership. We make the following three contributions. First, we show public involvement is an important determinant of the inefficiency of private firms. Although public involvement has been shown to influence firm behavior in public or regulated sectors, existing studies in the private sector tend to ignore its effects. Second, we analyze firm inefficiency rather than firm performance by focusing on cost factors. Previous work tends to use performance measures such as return on assets or return on equity rather than inefficiency measures to judge a firm’s management level. Performance measures are problematic, however, in that they are affected by not only cost factors but also demand factors. Therefore, we must separate these factors when we analyze a firm’s management. Third, we use a stochastic cost frontier model for the estimation. Although this is a suitable approach for estimating firm inefficiency, it is rarely used for private firms. Our results suggest that public ownership increases firm inefficiency while regulation decreases firm inefficiency. It is also clear that the effect of public ownership is not significant in the manufacturing industry, while it is strongly significant in the nonmanufacturing industry. This shows the importance of studying the effect of public involvement in the private sector.  相似文献   

The efficiency and effectiveness of local governments has become one of the main points of interest in public sector administration, as decision and policy making gradually move from the central to the local level. This paper introduces an efficiency analysis framework based on accrual accounting data obtained from the local governments’ financial statements. Data envelopment analysis is used to obtain efficiency estimates, which are analyzed through a second stage regression against a set of efficiency explanatory factors. Furthermore, the optimal reallocation of the municipalities’ inputs and outputs is explored to provide policy recommendations that a central government could implement in a budget reduction context. Detailed empirical results are presented from a panel data set of Greek municipalities over the period 2002–2009.  相似文献   

While the existing studies on globalization widely cover the realms of economy, politics, society, and culture, the discourse is hardly extended to the domain of public governance. Although there are studies on the globalization or cross-national convergence of contemporary neoliberal models of governance – that is, the New Public Management (NPM) model and its revisionist post-NPM alternatives – there is a relative lack of research on how the globalization phenomenon itself has been a major cause of the emergence of such a neoliberal public sector management. In explaining the main causes of these neoliberal reinventions, most scholars highlight issues like fiscal crisis, state failure, and public sector inefficiency. They rarely consider how the dominant actors of globalization may constitute a major force causing the recent neoliberal transformation of the state and market-led reinvention in state policies and management. This article explicates these linkages – between globalization, state formation, and public sector reform – with specific reference to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

In this paper the efficiency assessment of general networks of processes that produce both desirable and undesirable outputs is addressed. This problem arises in many contexts (e.g. transportation, energy generation, etc.). A general networks slacks-based inefficiency (GNSBI) measure can be computed using a simple linear program that takes into account the weak disposability of the bad outputs. The slacks-based inefficiency (SBI) of each process is also calculated. Target values for all inputs, outputs (both desirable and undesirable) and even intermediate products are also provided. The proposed approach is rather general and can accommodate many different network topologies and returns to scale assumptions. Two applications to the banking sector are presented: one to assess banks efficiencies and another to assess bank branches.  相似文献   

Determining the least distance to the efficient frontier for estimating technical inefficiency, with the consequent determination of closest targets, has been one of the relevant issues in recent Data Envelopment Analysis literature. This new paradigm contrasts with traditional approaches, which yield furthest targets. In this respect, some techniques have been proposed in order to implement the new paradigm. A group of these techniques is based on identifying all the efficient faces of the polyhedral production possibility set and, therefore, is associated with the resolution of a NP-hard problem. In contrast, a second group proposes different models and particular algorithms to solve the problem avoiding the explicit identification of all these faces. These techniques have been applied more or less successfully. Nonetheless, the new paradigm is still unsatisfactory and incomplete to a certain extent. One of these challenges is that related to measuring technical inefficiency in the context of oriented models, i.e., models that aim at changing inputs or outputs but not both. In this paper, we show that existing specific techniques for determining the least distance without identifying explicitly the frontier structure for graph measures, which change inputs and outputs at the same time, do not work for oriented models. Consequently, a new methodology for satisfactorily implementing these situations is proposed. Finally, the new approach is empirically checked by using a recent PISA database consisting of 902 schools.  相似文献   

In addition to being held accountable for judicial decision, courts, like other public agencies, can and should be evaluated in terms of their administrative efficiency. This paper illustrates how courts can be evaluated in terms of their relative administrative efficiency, using a new approach—data envelopment analysis (DEA)—first proposed by Charnes et al. [1]. The DEA is based upon the economic notion of Pareto optimality which states that a given decision making unit (DMU) is inefficient if some other DMU, or some combination of other DMUs, can produce at least the same amounts of all outputs with less of some resource input and not more of any other resource. Conversely a DMU is said to be efficient if the above is not possible. Charnes et al. [1] generalized the usual input/output ratio measure of efficiency for a given unit in terms of a fractional linear program with fractional constraints. In the case of courts, the efficiency of any particular court is calculated by forming the ratio of a weighted sum of outputs to a weighted sum of inputs, where the weights for both outputs and inputs are to be selected in a manner that calculates the Pareto-Koopmans efficiency of the court. This paper reviews the DEA method and illustrates its application to a data base for 100 criminal superior courts in North Carolina.  相似文献   

阻塞是指企业的过量投入引起生产效益下降的经济现象,近年来已经受到实业界与学术界的广泛关注。现有的决策单元阻塞问题研究普遍假设产出均是期望指标,然而,在实际生产中很多产出属于非期望指标。本文构建了同时存在期望产出和非期望产出决策单元的阻塞度量模型,该模型不仅可以判别决策单元是否存在阻塞,而且可以测算各项投入的阻塞程度,并给出了决策单元阻塞和技术无效之间的关系。最后,运用所提出的模型对我国上市商业银行的效率和阻塞情况进行了测算与分析,验证了本文模型的实用性与可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we measure and decompose revenue inefficiency over time while accounting for all sources of technical inefficiencies. Our proposed decomposition exploits the dual relationship between the weighted additive distance function and revenue inefficiency in Aparicio et al. [1]. With the aid of the Luenberger indicator, we decompose this indicator into productivity change, and overall allocative change components. The importance of such decomposition is that it provides a complete picture of the sources of productivity change, thus obtaining a slack free allocative component. Finally, the model is applied to the French wine sector to illustrate its practicality: we track how revenue inefficiency evolves in French wine regions over the 2004–2013 period, before and after the implementation of Common Market Organization policies in Europe in 2008.  相似文献   

We extend a recently developed DEA methodology for cost efficiency analysis towards profit efficiency settings. This establishes a novel DEA toolkit for profit efficiency assessments in situations with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. A distinguishing feature of our methodology is that it assumes output-specific production technologies. In addition, the methodology accounts for the use of joint inputs, and explicitly includes information on the allocation of inputs to individual outputs. We also establish a dual relationship between our multi-output profit inefficiency measure and a technical inefficiency measure that takes the form of a multi-output directional distance function. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical usefulness of our methodology by an empirical application to a large service company.  相似文献   

The growth of the public sector has been accompanied by an increased interest in this sector among economists and non-economists alike. Much of this interest has been directed towards the overall size of the public sector, and the efficient allocation of resources within the public sector has remained comparatively neglected. This paper outlines some of the problems of resource allocation facing decision-makers in the public sector, and reviews the actual and potential uses of one decision-making tool—programme budgeting—in improving resource allocation. The health care sector is chosen to illustrate the technique of programme budgeting, the practical and conceptual problems of implementation, and the limitations as well as the possibilities offered by this approach.  相似文献   

By developing a two-stage model the paper examines the cost inefficiency levels of Turkish banks during the period from 2007 to 2016. Using the notion of Koopmans input efficiency we deconstruct the estimated Nerlovian cost inefficiency to the sum of slack-based allocative and technical inefficiency levels. Alongside the traditional inputs, intermediates and outputs used to model banks’ performance measure we additionally use their labor education quality factor as a non-discretionary input. This allows us to model how human capital factors affect a bank's revenue generation stage. Our findings suggest that cost inefficiency levels are driven mainly by a bank's ability to control its allocative inefficiency levels. The empirical evidence also shows that foreign banks perform better, suggesting that bank ownership structures matter when measuring cost performance. Finally, it is evident that the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) had a negative effect on banks’ ability to minimize their cost inefficiency levels. However, the post-crisis findings demonstrate that Turkish banks have started to recover from its negative effects, mainly by improving their allocative performance.  相似文献   

The British public service is respected for its efficiency and objectivity. But it has a music hall reputation for bureaucracy and lack of initiative. As with many long-acquired reputations, nothing nowadays could be further from the truth. A revolution has swept through the corridors of Whitehall and the many other places throughout the UK where the public service is alive and well. This revolution has been described in Morley,1 and other articles2 have shown how strategic planning and management have been adopted by individual parts of the public sector. Having set the scene in ‘Building a New Organization for Nature Conservation’,2 the author now describes how English Nature moved on to reflect its new strategic approach in a different organization structure which broke many of the traditional mores of the public sector.  相似文献   

Operational processes of banks in China can be divided into productivity and profitability stages. Within this, non-performing loans can be treated as a carry-over variable, an undesirable output of the profitability stage in the previous period but an input to the profitability stage in the current period. Using this framework, this paper proposes a dynamic two-stage slacks-based measure model to evaluate the efficiencies of Chinese banks. Based on the proposed model, the measures of stage, period and period stage efficiencies are defined. The proposed approach is applied to evaluate the operational efficiency of banks in China during 2008–2012. Key findings are that banks in China show both technical and scale inefficiency during 2008–2012, which results from the inefficiencies of both the productivity stage and profitability stage; city-owned commercial banks are more overall technically efficient than state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks although state-owned commercial banks show best practice for pure technical efficiency, and city-owned commercial banks perform better than joint-stock commercial banks for pure technical efficiency.  相似文献   

The process of developing strategic plans in the public sector is regarded as one indicator of positive reform in the system. The assumption is that strategic planning ensures that (just like in the private sector) public sector organizations’ operations should cost less but deliver better service. Ultimately the argument is that public sector institutional governance and responsiveness to the citizenry is not only seen but felt. However, strategic planning has to be done in an appropriate manner for it to deliver. For instance an analysis of the underlying motives, the role of leadership in the process as well as the relevance or viability of the guiding strategic planning model significantly affect the nature of expected results. In the early 2000s, the Malawi public sector embarked on a serious drive towards strategic planning process as part of its reform package. In order to ascertain it’s potential to transform the Malawi public service, this paper focuses at critically analyzing the strategic planning process in the Malawi public sector by among other things asking: who initiated and led the process? What approach determined the process? What is the possible potentiality of the adopted strategic planning approach in enhancing the reform agenda in Malawi? Based on interviews with senior officers in key Malawi public sector institutions, the paper concludes that the strategic planning process is ‘transitional and fluid’ hence lacks the clout to effectively enhance reforms in this sector. Another finding is that lack of effective leadership has largely contributed to the status quo.  相似文献   

Firm-level data usually show that a large portion of firm-level investment takes place in a few investment episodes. This paper assesses productivity growth and its components in production framework that accounts for the dynamics of capital adjustment and relates this to investment spikes using firm-level data of the Spanish meat processing industry over the period 2000–2010. Using the method of impulse responses by local projections, it is shown that investment spikes produce a significant productivity change loss of 0.7% in the first year after the spike. The worsening of technology is the main cause of the reduction of productivity growth in the first year. Technology then improves in the fifth year as a result of investment spike, resulting in the U-shape pattern of relationship. Scale inefficiency significantly improves by 0.4% and 0.5% in the first and second year after the spike has occurred, respectively. All these effects, however, largely depend on the firms׳ size. In particular, it is shown that the loss of technology in the first year mainly pertains to smallest firms, while larger firms experience a negative impact on the contribution of technical inefficiency change to productivity growth.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of the respondent's reference point with regards to distributive and procedural justice in an R&D setting in Korea. The two characteristics: (1) the rewards difference between Korean public and private R&D institutes (the outcome level at the public R&D institutes is much less than that at the private ones), (2) and the similarity of procedures being used to determine R&D professional's rewards at both types of research institutes, provide an excellent real-life setting for studying the role of reference point. To avoid common method variance, we measured distributive and procedural justice separately. Consistent with the previous experiments, R&D professionals at the public R&D institutes indicated differentiated distributive justice levels according to R&D professionals' reference points. Results also showed that the presence of a social comparison other (suggested reference point) leads the R&D professionals at public R&D institutes to perceive procedural injustice. Finally, several theoretical and managerial implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Despite their increasing relevance, employees' psychological contracts have attracted little research attention in Australia. The present paper presents two studies, which examined the psychological contracts of specific cohorts of professional employees and those in a managerial career track. The first study was an in-depth qualitative investigation of research scientists in an Australian public sector research organisation. They were found to have a strong professional affiliation and had developed psychological contracts that were best understood by reference to the ‘ideological currency’ of the scientific community. The second study was a quantitative examination of 156 MBA students at an Australian university, and how their psychological contracts could be related to perceptions of the contextual variables of organisational justice, perceived organisational support and external employability. Organisational justice and perceived organisational support were found to be related to the nature of the psychological contracts measured, but perceptions of external employability were not.  相似文献   

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