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本文选取2006~2009年沪、深A股民营上市公司的数据作为研究样本,采用多元回归分析方法,对公司资本结构与经营业绩进行研究。研究结果表明:民营上市公司业绩与资产负债率呈正相关关系但不显著;公司业绩与公司规模显著正相关;公司业绩与长期借款负债率和短期借款负债率均呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

公司治理视角下的多元化经营与公司绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏锋 《管理科学》2007,20(6):2-10
以中国沪、深两市上市公司为研究对象,实证分析中国上市公司内、外部治理机制与多元化经营和价值效应之间的关系.结果表明,董事会特别是公司董事长和总经理两职合一以及独立董事比例是影响公司多元化经营决策的重要内部治理机制变量,外部治理机制对公司的多元化经营决策没有显著影响;多元化经营会导致价值溢价,但这种溢价不显著;内部治理机制中的资产负债率、外部治理机制中的审计意见和产品市场竞争程度是影响多元化经营公司业绩的重要因素,第一大股东的实际控制人身份、审计意见和产品市场竞争程度会显著影响专业化经营公司的经营业绩.  相似文献   

公司治理机制的效度不仅应该体现在提高公司业绩水平上,更应该体现在稳定公司业绩风险的作用上.本文选取2004-2008年深交所上市的374家上市公司为研究样本.以公司业绩的波动性分析为切入点,分析CEO权力强度、信息披露质量对公司横向和纵向业绩波动性的影响.研究发现:(1)CEO权力强度越大,公司的经营业绩越高但公司经营业绩的风险也越大,表明赋予CEO更多的决策权力是一把"双刃剑";(2)信息披露质量的提高能有效降低公司业绩的波动性,并且信息披露质量越高,越能有效降低CEO权力强度加大的经营风险;(3)通过对不同股权性质企业的分析,发现国有企业CEO的权力强度对公司业绩波动性的影响显著地高于非国有企业CEO权力强度对公司业绩波动性的影响.信息披露质量对于CEO权力强度下公司经营风险的抑制效应在国有企业表现得更为明显.  相似文献   

本文以2002-2007年沪深两市的ST公司为样本,实证研究了企业的政治关联对财务困境公司获取政府补助的影响.结果显示:(1)民营企业的政治关联对企业处于财务困境时获取政府补助有显著影响,但对国有企业作用不显著.(2)考虑企业所处的地区环境差异之后,本文发现民营企业的政治关联优势受到地区财政富余程度的显著影响,而地方政府干预要起作用也受到地区财政状况的制约.只有在地方财政有充足财力的情况下,民营企业才可能利用政治关联获得更多的政府补助.(3)从政府补助的效果来看,政府补助虽然可以在救助当年明显改善公司业绩,但对公司长期业绩的提升作用却因企业政治关联程度和企业性质的不同而存在差异:政治关联较弱的民营企业获得的政府补助对公司长期业绩的提高作用显著,但对于国有企业以及具有较强政治关联的民营企业作用则不显著,这在一定程度上说明政治关联导致了政府补助资金的低效运作.  相似文献   

以托宾Q值为被解释变量、股权结构为解释变量,从公司治理的角度考察了股权结构对公司业绩的影响.从电子、化工和公用事业三个行业中选取140家上市公司为样本,在将其划分为国有和民营两大类后,利用这些公司的数据进行实证分析.此研究的政策意义在于为提高公司绩效,国有企业的国有股减持应继续进行;增大民营企业的股权集中度将有利于其提高绩效;适度增大社会法人股对于改善治理结构意义重大;增大流通股比重对于提高公司绩效具有积极作用.  相似文献   

本文基于国有企业的高管变更视角分析了高管权力对公司治理效率的影响.以2004 -2008年的国有上市公司为研究样本,实证发现:(1)总体上高管变更与公司业绩呈负相关,而高管权力的增强会降低其因业绩低劣而被强制性更换的可能性,表明国企高管的权力在高管变更决策中发挥了显著的职位堑壕效应;(2)发生了高管变更的公司其未来业绩有明显的提高,但这一促进效应仅在权力较小的高管被变更后出现,而权力较大的高管被变更后公司业绩并没有得到改进;(3)进一步的研究显示,政府控制层级的提升和制度环境的改善能够抑制国企高管的权力寻租行为.本文的研究结果有助于我们理解国有企业高管权力的经济后果,并为当前有关国企公司治理和高管选聘体制改革的政策导向提供了经验启示.  相似文献   

沈华玉  王行  吴晓晖 《管理科学》2019,22(10):82-100
通过股份支付方式实施并购过程中签订业绩承诺条款是我国资本市场的特殊现象,近几年,业绩承诺成为学者和媒体关注的热点话题之一.目前,还鲜有文献研究并购中业绩承诺的影响因素.以并购双方的收益-成本为出发点,从博弈论和非上市公司视角,通过理论推导与实证检验发现:标的公司的信息不对称程度越高,并购中越可能签订业绩承诺协议,承诺的数额可能越高.上述结论在经过工具变量两阶段回归、PSM配对样本检验、自变量替代和双重聚类检验后仍然稳健.研究发现:当标的公司存在机构投资者时,信息不对称程度对并购中业绩承诺协议的签订概率和承诺数额的正向影响越不明显.希望研究结论能够给监管部门政策制定、上市公司并购行为、标的公司业绩承诺行为提供借鉴和指导.  相似文献   

总经理变更是公司内部治理的重要手段,其业绩敏感性受到多种因素的影响,以2002年~2007年沪深两市702家A股上市公司的数据为样本,探讨多元化经营对总经理变更绩效敏感性及其业绩改进效应的影响,为公司经营模式对公司治理效率的影响提供经验证据,利用传统的Logistic回归、边际效应分析以及面板数据随机效应回归对多元化和总经理变更的关系进行研究。实证结果表明,多元化降低了总经理变更的业绩敏感性,多元化公司总经理变更的概率与资产收益率代表的多元化公司业绩变化没有显著的关系,即使在公司业绩下降的条件下,股东替换总经理的动机也弱于集中化公司;多元化公司总经理变更后的资产重组行为规模显著弱于集中化公司,带来的业绩改进也小于集中化公司。  相似文献   

CEO过度自信、董事会结构与公司业绩的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在CEO过度自信的层面上研究CEO两职合一、独立董事比例与公司业绩的关系.以经理人持股比例变化作为衡量CEO过度自信的代理变量,通过建立全样本和CEO过度自信匹配样本两个样本组,在控制公司特征变量和治理结构变量的基础上,用 2007 年和 2008 年中国A股上市公司的数据,对两个样本组分别做回归分析.实证结果表明,在CEO过度自信的前提下,董事长与CEO两职分离有助于提高公司经营业绩,而在CEO非过度自信时则不存在这样的关系,这说明两职分离能够纠正由于CEO过度自信而导致的非理性决策行为,有利于改善公司的经营绩效;不论CEO是否过度自信,独立董事比例对公司业绩都没有显著影响.针对CEO过度自信衡量方法和样本容量的稳健性检验都表明研究结论具有较好的稳定性.  相似文献   

政治联系、银行贷款与公司价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以中国民营上市公司为样本,考察政治联系以及制度环境差异对民营企业获取银行贷款的影响,并进一步分析银行贷款对企业价值和社会资源配置效率的影响。研究结果表明:(1)民营企业的政治联系影响了银行的放贷决策,与政府建立政治联系的民营企业可以获取更多的银行贷款;(2)制度环境越差的地区,政治联系越有助于民营企业获取银行融资便利,构建政治联系是民营企业克服市场制度缺陷的一种非正式替代机制;(3)建立政治联系的民营企业,其背负的银行债务促进了企业价值的提升,能够发挥一定的债务治理作用,政治联系为企业带来的银行资金是有效率的资源配置。本研究为加深理解政治联系对公司价值和社会资源配置效率的影响提供了一个有意义的视角。  相似文献   

In this study, we draw upon insights from agency theory to examine the impact of managerial political ties on cost of debt and also to explore whether corporate governance mediates this impact. We hypothesize that political ties reduce financial reporting quality, disclosure of non-financial information and board independence, and are therefore associated with higher interest rates. We also hypothesize that the negative effect of political ties on the cost of debt will be stronger if firms borrow from privately-owned banks versus government-owned banks. Using data from Ghana, we find support for our direct and moderation hypotheses; political ties are associated with high interest rates and poor corporate governance. However, we do not find evidence of mediation. Altogether, the findings reveal the dark side of political connections and highlight the cost of political embeddedness in emerging credit markets.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the influence of corporate governance, specifically political connections and gender diversity, on board and managers’ remuneration in savings banks in Spain. We also analyze whether financial experience moderates the relation between political experience and board compensation. To the best of our knowledge, the effects of having politicians on remuneration levels of financial firm have not been studied. Connections are important in hiring decisions and in generating business so it is interesting to explore whether they are important when it comes to compensation policies. We use a panel data and financial and corporate governance information from 44 savings banks for the period 2004–2009. Our results show that the previous political activity of the chairperson positively influences board remuneration. Our study provides the first evidence for a link between political connection and compensation policy, showing that, in addition to the standard firm-level factors, political and financial experience are material determinants of economic significance in compensation policies. Specifically, we show that financial expertise may substitute for governance mechanisms that are lacking in firms with weak governance environments (e.g. saving banks with high politicization).  相似文献   

政治关联形式、制度环境与民营企业生产率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡强  曾勇  夏晖 《管理科学》2012,25(2):1-12
政治关联效果存在争议,从生产率角度考察政治关联的效果能够提供最直接的经验证据。以中国制造业民营上市公司数据为样本,采用面板数据和Heckman二阶段回归模型,实证检验政治关联及其形式、制度环境和生产率之间的关系。研究结果表明,政治关联有助于生产率的提升,董事长政治关联与生产率之间存在显著的正相关关系;制度环境影响政治关联的效果,政府干预较为严重、法律环境较差的地区,政治关联导致的生产率提升效应更为显著;制度环境差的地区,无论是董事长政治关联还是总经理政治关联对于提高企业生产率均具有更强的效果,这些研究结论在考虑政治关联内生性的情形下依然成立。相关研究结论为客观地认识民营企业复杂的政商关系提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102158
Research on corporate leaders' political connections has remained silent on the impact of heterogeneity of political resources on firm behaviors and of how strategic leaders differentially leverage these resources. We propose that a firm whose chair had ascribed bureaucratic connections as opposed to achieved political connections acquires different types of resources and chair differentially leverages the resources when making long-term investment. These effects are weaker when a firm is performing well. Our analyses of Chinese firms from 2003 to 2016 generally support these predictions. This study contributes to literature on political connections by providing greater specificity with respect to the heterogeneity of political resources and offering new insights into how strategic leaders leverage these resources. This study also contributes to the literature on board chairs and corporate governance by suggesting that when considering a firm's long-term plan, chair plays an important role and it is also important to monitor chair behaviors. Finally, it highlights the role of the interface between strategic leaders and state matters when considering the antecedents of long-term investment.  相似文献   

党组织参与公司治理是我国国有上市公司治理的重要特征。本文以2011-2016年国有上市公司为样本,研究了政治治理、高管权力与过度投资的关系。结果表明,管理层权力与过度投资显著正相关,政治治理对管理层权力起抑制效应,减小了管理层权力较大企业过度投资的可能性。党委书记或党委副书记兼任董事、党委书记或党委副书记兼任高管分别对管理层权力与过度投资的正向关系产生抑制效应,而党委书记任董事长与党委书记任总经理的政治治理模式则分别与管理层权力与过度投资的正向关系产生协同效应。分组检验结果表明,地方国有企业中管理层权力与过度投资的正向相关关系较之中央国有企业更为显著,政治治理的对于管理层权力与过度投资关系的抑制作用在中央国有企业中比在地方国有企业中更为显著;在2015年新文件发布之后,管理层权力与过度投资的正向相关关系不再显著,政治治理对管理层权力的抑制效应较新文件发布前更为显著,降低了管理层权力较高的企业过度投资的可能性。  相似文献   

Many initial assumptions about the appeal of global development and governance have run aground on the shoals of countervailing realities and interests. The overall trend of political despair and disillusionment, the loss of confidence in the markets as a unique arbiter of value creation and distribution, and the marketable appeal of governance best practices seem to have reached their nadir. Management literature has begun to question these issues and to call for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of political, social and corporate change. The question of (corporate) governance is plural and needs multilevel approaches to meet the new challenges of complex realities, especially the pressure of neoliberalism with two central consequences: financialization and globalization of economies. In this reflexive article, we aim to initiate avenues for new thinking at the institutional, corporate and academic levels. Institutional and regulatory frameworks need to be seen as local systems connected internationally and not global systems adapted locally. Theoretical frameworks need to be more integrated to grasp the same phenomena with multiple lenses. Methodological approaches and tools need also to be reinforced mutually to overlay the dichotomic examination of these complex realities.  相似文献   

Although the corporate governance model of Asian family firms has recently gained increased attention, it remains unclear how these firms’ corporate governance mechanisms (and their effectiveness) differ from those of family firms in the western world. Drawing upon a comparative institutional perspective, this paper systematically reviews 148 published articles in peer‐reviewed journals from 1980 to 2015. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of institutional complementarities that constitute informal governance mechanisms adopted by Asian family firms by considering a wider set of institutional factors (i.e. political environment, cultural values and social norms) embedded in the Asian context. The main findings suggest that: (i) given the lack of market‐supporting institutions and the presence of strong political control over Asian economies, family firms tend to cultivate political connections to respond to the failure of legal systems; (ii) Asian family firms still rely heavily on personal networks (e.g. guanxi) to reduce uncertainty, strengthen business ties, and gain access to external resources; and (iii) cultural values and social norms (e.g. ‘face’ saving, reputational concerns and adult child adoption) lead to functionally equivalent corporate governance mechanisms in Asian family firms. The downstream effects of such mechanisms are also discussed, and future research avenues are identified.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate social responsibility behavior on the sustainability performance of focal companies and their partners in fast fashion supply chains. The attributes of sustainability and the mechanism of sustainability governance of the fast fashion supply chain are also discussed. From the perspective of strategic corporate social responsibility, we first analyze the motives for adopting sustainability governance in fast fashion supply chains, and identify seven competitive sustainable attributes of the fast fashion product based on sustainable development theory. Then, by establishing a sustainability governance framework, we identify seven factors that affect the sustainability governance decision-making and evaluate the efficiency and legitimacy mechanism of sustainability governance from internal and external perspectives. Finally, we explore the application of the governance mechanisms via a case study based on H&M’s seven sustainability commitments. The findings suggest that the core influence and centrality of a corporation should be strengthened from the perspective of internal governance, and stakeholders should collaborate to achieve sustainability governance throughout the entire fast fashion supply chain from the perspective of external governance.  相似文献   

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