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潘岳:推行环境经济政策期待珠三角地区率先垂范日前,由中田环境文化促进会与商界环保协会(香港)联合主办的“环境经济政策与珠三角地区可持续发展——绿色中国第十四届论坛“在深圳召开,环境保护部副部长潘岳在论坛上向新闻界通报了半年以来环境经济政策取得的阶段性进展,并表示对珠三角地区率先推行环境经济政策,实现绿色发展充满了期待。  相似文献   

谭玲 《职业时空》2008,4(9):92-92
“双转移”,就是广东省发达的珠三角地区和欠发达的山区、东西两翼之间形成的一种双向交流。即珠三角的劳动密集型产业转移到欠发达地区,同时欠发达地区的高层次、具有一定素质的劳动力转移到珠三角地区来,从而实现全省共同富裕、共同繁荣。即通过“腾笼换鸟”,真正实现了“双赢”。随着形势的不断发展,社会对高层次、高素质人才的需求量也日益增加,对人才的要求也从单一型、理论型向复合型、应用型和国际型转化。  相似文献   

最近各种媒体都在报道各地出现的农民工荒现象,这种现象的出现也折射出国家近年经济发展的喜人情形。民工荒的重灾区主要分布在珠三角和长江三角地区,这些地区的农民工主要来自于经济欠发达的中西部地区,而目前随着各地经济建设的飞速发展及国家开发西部政策的引导,  相似文献   

周立群 《城市》2007,(10):12-14
一、环渤海地区发展提速,第三个增长极作用凸显 2006年环渤海区域五省市的地区生产总值达到了54775.4亿元,占全国国内生产总值209407亿元的26.2%,接近于长三角和珠三角的总和.从增长态势看,环渤海地区在近年来保持了经济快速增长的势头,和全国平均增长速度比较,这三大经济区的发展速度均远远高于全国经济的平均增长速度,2006年全国平均GDP增长率为10.7%,而环渤海、长三角和珠三角地区均在16%以上.  相似文献   

冯俏冰  梁宇鸿 《城市观察》2009,1(1):158-164
本文结合地方实际发展情况,对东江下游沿岸发展较为滞后的穗莞惠城际协调地区提出未来协调发展的初步建议,加强其空间整合和产业链接关系,促进其社会经济全面发展,从而有利于珠三角区域一体化的全面、均衡推进。  相似文献   

陈敏  马晓冬 《城市》2011,(4):22-28
边界地区的协调发展一直是经济地理学关注的重要问题。我国对省际边界区域的重视始于1980年,学者多从内涵、界定、发展的影响因素、空间结构模型与开发模式、区域管制、发展战略与对策等角度出发进行研究,但往往比较关注拥有大核心城市的经济发达地区(如长三角、珠三角等)的边界区域发展,忽略了在一些后发地区(如成渝经济区、淮海经济区),这种竞争性或者对抗性可能更为明显,尤其是在国家开始重视落后地区发展并有很多跨区域规划出台的情况下,对后发地区边界区域的研究显得更加重要。  相似文献   

周立群  夏良科 《城市》2008,(4):13-17
一、环渤海的崛起与“外资北流” 中国渐进式的改革开放经历了一个从南到北.从沿海到内地逐步推进的过程。20世纪80年代.改革开放政策从南方沿海城市开始试点.市场导向的外向型经济极大地推动了该地区的发展.珠三角和长三角地区相继成为推动中国经济跨越式发展的引擎。  相似文献   

覃剑 《城市》2016,(12):44-48
在经济全球化和区域一体化浪潮中,开放合作是提升城市综合竞争力的必由之路.基于经济发展水平、阶段和特征的分析发现,韶关与珠三角地区产业经济发展存在明显梯度差,具备较强的融合互补发展潜力."十三五"及未来一段时期,韶关可通过强化与珠三角地区产业链分工,善用珠三角地区优质资源推动产业发展和城市发展转型升级,深度分享珠三角地区经济发展红利,发展成为环珠三角地区经济发展新高地.  相似文献   

李慧慧  肖周燕 《城市观察》2021,75(5):96-107
人口、经济与环境耦合协调是高质量发展的重要体现.以珠三角城市群为研究对象,探究2005-2018年人口、经济和环境发展格局及耦合协调趋势,为推动城市群高质量发展提供借鉴与方向.'结果表明:①珠三角城市群发达城市之间的人口、经济与环境方面的协调发展差异有所减小,但与欠发达城市间的差异不断扩大;②城市群人口、经济与环境耦合协调性有所增强,但近年来耦合性降低,协调性增速放缓,部分城市出现人口、经济与环境无法相互促进,反而出现了相互制约;③城市群人口、经济和环境耦合协调的空间分布呈现核心—边缘格局.提升珠三角城市群发展质量应从人口、经济与环境耦合协调性入手,因地制宜采取针对性提升措施.  相似文献   

赵丽洁 《职业时空》2012,(7):102-103
在珠三角经济产业升级与结构调整的背景下,高职院校实施创业教育是自身改革与发展的迫切需要。在探索珠三角高职院校创业教育的优势基础之上,阐述其创业教育开展的良好态势,并提出促进珠三角高职院校进一步发展的建议。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This article discusses the implicit psychological theories of parents, viewed as being related to the culture and analysable in term of ideology and world view. In a study in Sweden, parents of four year old children were interviewed concerning their ideas of child development Contrasting images of the child could be seen, sometimes co-existing in one and the same person. It is argued that parents adopt contrasting ideas of child as a means of dealing with conflicting demands of parenthood - creating a free zone for individuality while helping one's child adapt to the environment.  相似文献   

新型毕业生就业指导服务体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春灿 《职业时空》2007,3(4):30-31

魏宪超 《现代妇女》2014,(7):284-284
本文以小说《谁是凶手》为例,探讨了事件得不到圆满解决、侦探没有被塑造成英雄人物的玄学侦探小说中,无解也是一种解决方式以及警察或侦探为了让事件朝向自己希望的方向发展而采取凌驾于法律之上的做法从而把读者推到侦探的位置上的现象。  相似文献   

高校财务风险的现状、成因及对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任喜雨 《职业时空》2007,3(8):62-63

国际重要的经济中心城市大多同时也是重要的国际航运中心,如中国香港、新加坡、伦敦、纽约、鹿特丹等。"十二五"期间,上海处在一个发展的关键时期。"创新驱动、转型发展"成为上海建设国际航运中心的迫切要求,因此,处于城市经济转型时期的上海必须建设具有全球航运资源配置能力的国际航运中心,实现上海国际航运中心与上海城市的协调发展。本文结合世界主要国际航运中心的实际,分析国际航运中心与城市协调发展可供借鉴的经验,提出目前上海国际航运中心建设与城市发展之间面临的矛盾与问题,并从集疏运体系和港城一体化角度提出上海国际航运中心与城市实现协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Trust as risk and the foundation of investment value   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trust is an essential ingredient of the investment process because investing is complex, the world contains irreducible uncertainty, and humans are naturally predisposed to cooperate. Traditional financial models inappropriately treat trust as probability or implicitly ignore it. This paper argues that trust has both cognitive and affective attributes that make it an important determinant of perceived investment risk. Specifically, perceived risk varies inversely with trust. This paper also discusses how trust offers a logical and parsimonious explanation for many financial asset pricing anomalies. Trust is the unseen faith underlying investment value.  相似文献   

It is argued that deviance should be analyzed as a relative phenomenon in different and changing cultures, vis-a-vis change and stability in the boundaries of diverse symbolic-moral universes. Deviantization and criminalization are interpreted as the outcomes of negotiations about the nature of morality and legitimization to use, and the use of, power. The legitimization of power is conceptualized in terms of a moral order that in turn defines the boundaries of symbolic-moral universes. Problematic behavioural acts, which take place at the realm of the seams, where boundaries of different symbolic-moral universes meet and touch, or which are directed from the periphery of a symbolic-moral universe towards its centre and vice versa, and which involve challenges (use or abuse) of power and morality would fall in the area of deviance. A distinction is made between regular deviance where the element of power is typically implicit and the element of morality is much more salient, and political deviance where the elements of power and morality are both explicit. Political deviance is further divided into three categories: challenges to the rulers, challenges from the rulers and contests between symbolic-moral universes from different cultures. Conceptualizing deviance in this way enables us to interpret processes of deviantization and criminalization within the context of central social processes. The November 1944 assassination of Lord Moyne is used to demonstrate how the above theoretical approach can be utilized to develop a sociological interpretation of the case.  相似文献   


What tends to be represented when talking about homosexuals is not the diversity of people who have sex with others of the same sex-gender, but a kind of group or a defined collective with some identifiable characteristics and specific identities: a collection of others, a historically oppressed minority, a community. As a result, not all people who practice homosexuality are included in the representations of homosexuals, nor do all included in these conform to the images projected onto them. This involves a series of social and political consequences, related to the reproduction of hegemonic gender and power structures. Therefore, I question the use of these representations in social sciences and propose to consider, as the analysis element, sexual practices and not the identities and categorizations created around them, showing the power relations that exist between them.  相似文献   

This article highlights contrasts between the identity and values of sociology faculty members versus the identity and values of college administrators. Some of these contrasts include: questioning authority and speaking truth to power versus being in a position of authority and engaging in political compromise; taking a critical, reflective, and independent stance as a scholar versus a dean taking a stance of positive attitude and setting direction in the organization; and acting in an egalitarian and democratic fashion versus acting in a discriminating manner and making executive decisions. This article also explores the ways in which being a sociologist can inform a dean’s understanding of the structure and organizational life of the college and the group dynamics among faculty, students, administrators, and other constituents.  相似文献   

An emphasis on theoretical ideas and analysis in graduate education highlights the contributions that sociologists can make to the major issues of the modern world. Such a strategy will bring sociology into a dialogue with the intellectual community and policy makers and will provide a greater degree of focus to a now disparate enterprise. Sociologists can make a distinctive contribution in addressing major social issues if they recognize the rightful relationship between theoretical ideas and research procedures. They have collaborated for several years on issues relating to bureaucracy, higher education, and social theory, with recent publications on a sociologically informed theory of human rights.  相似文献   

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