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Hospitals and other health care organizations are adding physician executives at such a rate that demand is outstripping supply-there are more opportunities for seasoned physician executives than there are physicians with track records as medical managers. It is possible that hiring management will have to consider the employment of a physician who wants to be in management but has no track record as a physician executive. In some cases, it may even be preferable to employ a neophyte physician executive, especially when the physician is a respected clinician already on the organization's medical staff. In selecting such a physician, however, an evaluation must be made of the probability that the physician will be successful in the new role. The author points to 10 criteria that the hiring organization should observe in hiring inexperienced managers.  相似文献   

How does one fire a physician? In a word, carefully! Most of the legal protections for other employees apply just as well to physicians. And physicians have access to an expanded realm of protections because of the nature of their profession and because of its role in the health care delivery system. The ordinary employee cannot raise antitrust; the fired physician may very well raise just that issue. And yet the need to terminate a physician will sometimes, even though rarely, occur. How can the organization be certain that it has treated the physician fairly, has documented any and all offenses in a defensible fashion, and has generally followed accepted practices in all aspects of dealing with the physician? The author provides some guidelines for dealing with the problem or the incompetent physician.  相似文献   

If the cost of health care is to be curtailed, it is necessary to understand physician behavior and decision making. Not only is physician decision making critical from a clinical perspective, but, as the number of physician executives increases, they must be able to integrate their clinical expertise and management skills into the business context. This article explores differences in decision making methods between physician and nonphysician managers.  相似文献   

This article examines the communicator style choices of physician executives when attempting to persuade a superior whose own style of communication is attractive and unattractive. In the November-December 1990 issue of Physician Executive, the author reported on persuasive strategies physician executives use to influence such targets of influence. Whereas the earlier study focused on what physician executives communicate to be persuasive, the present investigation treated the way physician executives communicate to persuade attractive and unattractive superiors. The results suggest that the way physician executives communicate in upward influence situations is affected by the way their superiors communicate with them.  相似文献   

Providers recognize the critical role of physician/hospital partnerships in the newly emerging health care delivery system. However, the possibilities available for establishing such partnerships can be overwhelming. The authors provide a critical review of the options for physician/hospital business relationships. They emphasize the need to match physician/hospital strategies to local market characteristics, develop market-based business objectives, and structure physician/hospital relationships to support the achievement of business objectives.  相似文献   

In summary, physician managers have a bright future. They are working on one of the most exciting professional interfaces--medicine and management. The future of medicine is both high-tech and low-tech. It will challenge all physician executives. For a few years, health care organizations will experience turbulence and stress. The name of the game for physician managers will be organizational survival. The nation will then move into an era of abundance in medical care, and the management game will switch from survival to thrival. Managers are key players in the world of tomorrow. The physician executive is a manager and therefore a key player. One of the best things about the future of the physician is that he has one.  相似文献   

In late 1993, ACPE and Tyler & Company, a national health care executive and physician search firm based in Atlanta, Ga., jointly conducted a survey of physician executives to determine their most likely behavioral patterns. It is the first of a two-part survey that, when complete, will create a multifaceted profile of the "ideal" physician executive as seen through physician executives' eyes and through the eyes of hospital management. Questionnaires based on the DiSC method of behavioral analysis were mailed to 750 randomly selected members of ACPE. More than 170 responses were received. The survey results showed that the majority of physician executives have strong communications skills, are people-oriented, and are strong leaders. The majority of respondents are self-motivated and industrious and are driven by accomplishments. The second part of the survey, which will be conducted later this year, will poll hospital CEOs and boards of directors about their preferences for behavioral patterns in their executives. Comparisons and consistencies will be analyzed between the two surveys to develop a comprehensive profile of the "ideal" physician executive, and the results will be reported in Physician Executive.  相似文献   

In general, utilization of health care resources translates into physician income. In both a capitated and a fee-for-service environment, the physician is reimbursed for patient care. The reimbursement structures of these two systems is quite different, however, and this difference creates a perplexing reward system for the physician. This article has two goals: To focus on the decision-making process of physicians in a mixed fee-for-service/HMO environment and the potential for cognitive dissonance in this system. To propose an approach for physician leaders in this setting to not only manage and minimize cognitive dissonance, but also strategically position their group for a successful future.  相似文献   

The rapid rise in health care costs during the 1980s has led to a growing demand for utilization management companies, supported by teams of physician advisors. The increasing involvement of physician advisors in day-to-day case review has also led to a growing necessity for their being hired on an in-house basis. This article attempts to show a basic process for developing a functional and efficient in-house physician advisor program.  相似文献   

The role of the senior physician executive is well established in American hospitals and health systems. There is little research, however, on overall physician executive job satisfaction, their perceptions of their organizational role and job performance, or their views of the medical staffs with which they work. A recent survey of physician executives examined these and other areas. It found physician executives to be quite satisfied with their jobs. What follows is a summary of the findings. An article based on the survey will be featured in a future issue of The Physician Executive.  相似文献   

This monograph reports on a survey of physician executives who are members of the American College of Physician Executives. The survey emphasized four areas--factors in an individual's move into management as a career choice; satisfaction with management as a career or as an element of a career; factors that prepare a physician to manage; and factors in future development of physician managers.  相似文献   

If physician executives are to be effective in confronting the environmental turbulence and uncertainty facing their organizations, they must effectively manage their stakeholders. This article extends the stakeholder approach described in the May-June 1989 issue of Physician Executive as a tool for the physician executive in the development of practical strategies to cope with turbulence and uncertainty. We suggest four generic strategies physician executives can use: involve supportive stakeholders, monitor marginal stakeholders, defend against nonsupportive stakeholders, and collaborate with mixed-blessing stakeholders. As an overarching strategy, a physician executive should try to change the organization's relationships with a stakeholder from a less favorable category to a more favorable one. The stakeholder can then be managed using the generic strategy most appropriate for the category.  相似文献   

Medical staff commonly want to know if a prospective physician executive will serve as their advocate to management. A successful physician executive must like and respect physicians. But the question of advocacy must be answered thoughtfully, because the candidate must not imply that he or she will defend any action by any physician. A three-part conditional response is advisable.  相似文献   

Developing a network of physicians into a high-performing group requires a cultural transformation. The hallmarks, as well as the obstacles, to achieving this are reviewed by two experienced consultants. The requirements of highly successful physician organizations range from sharing a common mission, vision, and values to developing an effective infrastructure to having visionary leadership. Barriers to successful physician groups include a lack of clarity of purpose and goals, lack of quality standards, and an absence of shared learning. A blueprint on how to become a successful physician group is provided.  相似文献   

The hallmarks of successful health care organizations include: A positive physician culture; meaningful physician involvement in governance and top management; and stability and strong community roots. Success is most likely where physicians in the facilities are having professional fun, where freedom from negativity allows them to perform at their highest level of quality. When a positive physician culture takes hold, remarkable things can occur. In the best scenarios, physicians are deeply involved in strategic direction, as well as in practice. They are part of making the decisions, instead of merely grumbling about decisions made by others. The column provides suggestions for creating a positive physician culture.  相似文献   

Comments on the 2004 survey identified that physicians thought it was too early to judge whether the new structure itself was successful. This year, the survey will be repeated to measure the effectiveness of the new structure and to help administrators set goals to further improve physician engagement levels. Meanwhile, Mercy & Unity is using the tenets of the physician compact, elements of physician culture, and elements of administrative culture to inform new process-improvement activities. More study is needed to identify whether Mercy & Unity's techniques of reorganization contributed to the higher rates of physician satisfaction and engagement, but it is our belief that incorporating physician cultural norms into the process helped prevent the change process from turning the horse into the proverbial camel.  相似文献   

The DRG dilemma     
Government agencies and insurance companies are increasingly utilizing diagnosis-related group databases to evaluate physician and hospital practices. However, the average practicing physician and physician executive has little or no knowledge of his own or his institution's profile.  相似文献   

Selecting a physician executive can be a complex task. The process is complicated by the explosive demand for qualified physician executives. Although the number of physician managers has grown since 1979, the demand still outstrips the supply of physicians with track records. Also, many organizations have never had a full-time person serving in the capacity of Medical Director or Vice President of Medical Affairs, so the process of recruiting this person is new to them.  相似文献   

Few managers have the training or the expertise to terminate a physician. Some managers are uncomfortable with this process and may even subvert, delegate, or fumble the process. A properly performed termination will leave the physician with understanding of the termination and may assist in his or her development. A poor termination can cause ill effects not only with the involved physician, but also with the organization terminating the physician. Many physicians are leery of working for an organization that has the reputation of unfairly terminating physicians. They are also concerned with their job security. Potential legal ramifications make the process even more difficult.  相似文献   

Because the stakes in health care are high, physician executives are challenged to meet high expectations set by their CEOs and boards. These may be unrealistic--for example, demanding that physician executives possess expertise in finance or strategic planning. Job stresses for physician executives are specific to the role, but are not unlike those faced by other senior executives. It's a fact that professionals leave jobs for any number of reasons; sometimes, not through their own choice or fault. Thus, every time a physician executive leaves a job, it should not be characterized as "being fired," and not every job-leaving should be taken as a failure. Accept that you may make mistakes while doing the best job you can. Rely on your own value system and integrity to see you through.  相似文献   

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