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This study uses data from a unique survey of the retirement planning behaviors of late middle-aged individuals living in New York State, to test hypotheses regarding the role of earlier life experiences on the demand for long-term care insurance. Our primary focus is on previous provision of informal long-term care, which some studies have found to be correlated with demand for long-term care insurance. We add to the literature by providing a test for causal relationships between previous care-giving and insurance demand, and by exploring the more generally the mechanisms through which previous life experiences are linked to insurance demand. Results are robust to a variety of empirical specifications and estimation methods, including consideration of current care-giving roles and endogenous selection into previous care-giving, and strongly support a causal relationship between previous long-term care-giving and demand for insurance. Our estimates also provide evidence that lifetime health trajectories and family relationships are associated with long-term care insurance demand, and suggest that both emotional and informational forces influence demand.  相似文献   

This study proposes and tests a systemic family decision-making framework to understand group long-term care insurance (LTCI) enrollment decisions. A random sample of public employees who were offered group LTCI as a workplace benefit were examined. Findings reveal very good predictive efficacy for the overall conceptual framework with a pseudo R2 value of .687, and reinforced the contributions of factors within the family system. Enrollees were more likely to have discussed the decision with others, used information sources, and had prior experience when compared to non-enrollees. Perceived health status, financial knowledge, attitudes regarding the role of private insurance, risk taking, and coverage features were additional factors related to enrollment decisions. The findings help to inform policymakers about the potential of LTCI as one strategy for financing long-term care.  相似文献   

Despite recent improvements in long-term care insurance (LTCI) policies, concerns have been raised regarding just how well LTCI benefits actually meet elderly consumers' health and financial needs. In this case study, we examined the quality assurance (QA) provisions in a state-sponsored LTCI program, the California Partnership for Long-Term Care (CPLTC). CPLTC invests the primary responsibility for QA with care management networks, which assure quality services through care monitoring, quarterly service record reviews, and annual documentation of care manager clinical competence. Study findings suggest a number of limitations in existing QA policies and procedures, which can undermine the ability of care managers and other third parties to identify and rectify potential unmet needs among LTCI policyholders. These findings, while based on an intensive analysis of QA provisions in a particular, state-sponsored LTCI program, are likely to have implications for other LTCI programs and policies, most of which have less well-developed QA provisions.  相似文献   

In substance abuse managed care, the number of treatment sessions that a provider can deliver is constrained by the policies and procedures of the specialized managed care organizations (MCOs) that typically administer the substance abuse portions of healthcare plans. Managed care organizations commonly are alleged to control treatment providers through rules, but they also might rely on a particular patterned authorization of discretion, whereby they determine when and how frequently to respond to providers' appeals of rule-based decisions. The current paper uses data from a national random sample of managed care contracts between MCOs and substance abuse providers to test the hypotheses that (1) managed care organizations' "logics" about the types of provider discretion to allow affect the rate to which they concede to appeals, and (2) the rate of conceding to appeals, in turn, affects the providers' duration of substance abuse treatment. Results from generalized linear estimation models support the hypotheses and suggest that many MCOs pattern discretion to balance strict rules with concern about the quality or cost of care. The results more generally suggest that MCOs use discretion in planned ways, and thus that the patterns of control are more complex and sophisticated than commonly described in the literatures on managed care, transaction cost economics, or other perspectives.  相似文献   

The way the nation provides for the financing and delivery of long-term care is badly in need of reform. The principal options for change are private insurance, altering Medicaid, and public long-term care insurance. This article uses the Brookings-ICF Long-Term Care Financing Model to evaluate each of these options in terms of affordability, distribution of benefits, and ability to reduce catastrophic out-of-pocket costs. So long as private insurance is aimed at the elderly, its market penetration and ability to finance long-term care will remain severely limited. Affordability is a major problem. Selling to younger persons could solve the affordability problem, but marketing is extremely difficult. Liberalizing Medicaid could help solve the problems of long-term care, but there is little public support for means-tested programs. Finally, universalistic public insurance programs do well in meeting the goals of long-term care reform, but all social insurance programs are expensive and seem politically infeasible in the current political environment.  相似文献   

Long-term care (LTC) for older persons is based on the wrong foundations. It is too wedded to protection and not directed enough to maximizing personal goals. Tinkering at the margins will not suffice. Bigger, bolder steps are needed. A first step is to re-examine the goals of such care and the tools we have at hand to meet them. We need to re-examine the major elements of what we have taken for granted. A number of forces must be harnessed, and in some cases effort must be redistributed. Effective collaboration will depend on shared goals. Unless LTC is viewed as something that is desired, we will never receive more than reluctant support from any quarter. Good care must be seen as making a difference; that difference can be in function or in quality of life; it may be as subtle as slowing decline, but it must be made apparent to be appreciated.  相似文献   

Ozok AF 《Work (Reading, Mass.)》2012,41(Z1):1797-1800
American Medical Institute reports that each year, because of the medical error, minimum fifty thousand people are dead. For a safety and quality medical system, it is important that information systems are used in health care systems. Health information applications help us to reduce the human error and to support patient care systems. Recently, it is reported that medical information systems applications have also some negative effect on all medical integral elements. The cost of health care information systems is about 4.6% of the total cost. In this paper, it is tried a risk determination model according to principles of fuzzy logic. The improvement of health care systems has become a very popular topic in Turkey recent years. Using necessary information system; it became possible to care patients in a safer way. However, using the necessary HIS tools to manage of administrative and clinical processes at hospitals became more important than before. For example; clinical work flows and communication among pharmacists, nurses and physicians are still not enough investigated. We use fuzzy modeling as a research strategy and developed sum fuzzy membership functions to minimize human error. In application in Turkey the results are significantly related with each other. Besides, the sign differences in health care information systems strongly effects of risk magnitude. The obtained results are discussed and some comments are added.  相似文献   

Anderson SG 《Child welfare》2006,85(4):715-736
Based on a survey of public assistance and child welfare agency staff, this article examines how state Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) policy decisions have affected kinship care providers. Findings indicate that most states have continued using TANF to provide income support to kinship caregivers, and some have used TANF to find related support services. These payments, however, are much lower than rates for licensed providers, and many kinship caregivers are subject to work, training requirements, and time limits.  相似文献   

Recent immigrants and workers in foreign countries are two groups frequently identified as potential sources of new workers for nursing positions in long-term care (LTC). Recruiting workers directly from other countries, either permanently or temporarily, is difficult because of restrictive visa classifications; is unlikely to impact significantly the worker shortage; and may have risks that outweigh the potential rewards. On the other hand, with targeted recruitment and retention efforts, the nation's rapidly growing immigrant population (the so-called "New Americans") can become an even more important source of labor for frontline LTC workers. To be successful employees in LTC, however, New Americans will have to overcome a variety of cultural and language barriers. Equally important, the institutions and agencies that comprise the LTC system must exhibit a higher level of sensitivity to cultural differences. Efforts to recruit, train, and retain New Americans for positions in LTC present win-win opportunities and should be expanded.  相似文献   

Taiwan reached the World Health Organization (WHO) benchmark of 7% aged 65 and over for defining an aging population only as recently as 1993. With this proportion projected to double to 14% by 2020, Taiwan faces a rapid increase in need for long-term care. This article presents an account of the current service delivery system, which is divided between health and social affairs administrations, with a substantial role also taken by the Veteran Administration, and growing provision of facilities that operate outside the government-registered system. While a basic level of both institutional and community care services has developed, they are not organized into an integrated service system. Problems arising from the divisions and overlaps in responsibility are identified in relation to competition for resources, differences in regulation and eligibility, funding arrangements and misallocation of resources, and divergent views about the philosophical basis of long-term care. Other aspects of services fall under each jurisdiction, but there is also some overlap. A case study of Taiwan's second largest city, Kaohsiung City, reports the outcomes of these divisions as a thin spread of a range of services rather than a coordinated service network. Several planning exercises have been undertaken in recent years to address these problems, and although at an early stage of implementation, the outcomes of these plans are seen as shaping the future directions of long-term care in Taiwan.  相似文献   

This article represents an effort to formulate an ethical framework for long-term care with the explicit purpose of providing a catalyst to promote further discourse and expand consideration of what an ethic of long-term care might entail. Grounding the discussion, an introduction to traditional ethical philosophy is presented, focusing mainly on the fundamentals of deontological and teleological ethical theories. Attention then shifts to a review of the more frequently cited principles found in the long-term care ethics literature, followed by a critique of the current reliance upon principlism to resolve ethical dilemmas in long-term care. In response to this criticism, an agent-driven ethical framework stressing dignity and respect for personhood, drawn from the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, is advanced.  相似文献   

This article describes five major factors that are affecting patterns of international migration among nurses who work in long-term care settings: DEMOGRAPHIC DRIVERS: The aging of the populations in developed countries and the low to negative growth in the working-age population will increase the demand for international workers to provide long-term care services. GENDER AND RACE: A dual labor market of long-term care workers, increasingly made up of women of color, is becoming internationalized by the employment of migrating nurses from developing countries. CREDENTIALING: The process of credentialing skilled workers creates barriers to entry for migrating nurses and leads to "decredentialing" where registered nurses work as licensed practical nurses or aides. COLONIAL HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY: The colonial histories of many European countries and the United States have increased migration from former colonies in developing countries to former colonial powers. WORKER RECRUITMENT: Efforts to limit the recruitment of health care workers from some developing countries have had little effect on migration, in part because much of the recruitment comes through informal channels of family and friends.  相似文献   

Long-term care policy has evolved with little attention to racial differences in the need for and use of services. Using 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey data on nursing home care, formal in-home personal care, and informal-only help, a model was created to show how different races would use each type of care if: (1) a universal home-care benefit was established, (2) existing Medicaid home-care benefits were ended, or (3) the income level for Medicaid eligibility was substantially reduced. Expanded community care benefits would primarily serve severely disabled older whites. Reductions in long-term care benefits or eligibility would disproportionately impede access to long-term care for severely disabled older African-Americans. These differences indicate that race must be taken into account in long-term care policy initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of a critical ethnographic research study conducted in an urban long-term care home. While our intention was to learn more about the culture of care, specifically as it relates to mental health care provision, the participants in the study consistently spoke with us about (what we have labeled as) a culture of compliance. In a context where new long-term care legislation is being implemented along with new, standardized resident assessment instruments, gaining a deeper understanding of the (un)intended consequences of government's efforts to ensure a high quality of care is of paramount importance. This research demonstrates how policy-driven structural mechanisms can (re)produce conditions that result in frontline staff being afraid and unable to care, and thus contributes to a better understanding of the lived experience of frontline long-term care staff who find that their caregiving responsibilities are displaced by caregiving accountabilities.  相似文献   

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