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有关调查研究表明,心理障碍已成为影响青年学生深化创新实践、提高创新效能的重要因素。加强和改进青年学生创新教育,克服创新心理障碍,全面培养青年学生的创新心理素质,这是高校教育必须认真面对并积极研究解决的新课题。 相似文献
人的思想品德是在一定的环境里形成和发展的,思想政治教育活动也是在一定的环境里进行的。环境对人的思想品德的形成和发展以及思想政治教育活动有着重要的影响。本文着重分析自然环境对青年学生的影响。 相似文献
保护性价值观是拒绝与其他价值进行交换的价值观念,其具有绝对性、数量不敏感性、对象相关性、道德责任感、拒绝交易和愤怒等特征。对已有研究的分析发现,我国青年学生的保护性价值观具有知行不一致、受多种因素影响、对传统文化中保护性价值观念的认同存在模糊性和矛盾性等特点。对于教育工作者来说,应加强对青年学生个体性保护性价值观的教育;应针对青年学生的不同特点进行有针对性的价值观教育;应注重挖掘中国传统文化中所蕴含的积极的保护性价值观念。 相似文献
高校思想政治教育工作开展的重要性是不言而喻的,其旨在引导青年学生树立正确的思想观念,实现全方位发展,并促进教学任务的高效完成,对社会稳定发展也可起到一定的促进作用。新时代下的青年学生,意识形态逐步朝着多元方向发展,这也相应地提升了思想政治教育工作难度。在此情况下,必须要积极创新思想政治教育路径,突破教学工作的困境,才可引领学生实现更好的成长发展。基于此,本文对高校青年学生思想政治教育创新必要性进行探究,指出思想政治教育创新需遵从的原则,提出思想政治教育的创新路径。 相似文献
青年农民为农民工群体中的主力军,在全球产业链中扮演着越来越重要的角色,他们越来越受到社会的关注.本文通过对浙江省杭州、温州和宁波三地青年农民工的问卷调查,试图从生活、职业、认同和交往四个维度去探究青年农民工的社会适应议题.研究结果表明:第一,青年农民工的社会适应呈现生活工作的适应性.总体上已基本适应城市的生活和工作,群体内部具有较强的趋同性--不同性别、年龄、文化程度的个体之间并没有显著的差别.第二,认同存在混沌性.他们认为除了农村户口自己已经是城市人,当中的大部分觉得大多数事情自己可以和城里人做的一样好,城市生活没有紧张感,还愿意或很愿意让别人知道自己来自农村.第三,交往的两重性.他们在初次社会化时习得了社会交往的农村特点,再次社会化时则获得了城市特点,传统与现代兼而有之. 相似文献
随着经济全球化的发展,多元文化冲突对我国高校学生的思想产生了强烈冲击.本文从多元文化冲突带来的大学生信仰危机、伦理道德困惑、爱国主义情感淡漠和对发达国家认识片面四个方面进行阐述,提出高校思想教育工作者应建立新的思维模式,开拓新的工作思路. 相似文献
七十年前中国工农红军进行的长征,成为中华民族宝贵的精神财富,具有丰富的时代内涵。新时期,针对青年学生的一些思想问题,我们需要继续弘扬长征精神,切实加强青年学生思想政治教育。 相似文献
思想政治教育的主要目的在于提高人们的思想道德素质,促进人的全面发展,信仰教育则是思想政治教育理论的核心内容。对于青年学生来讲,信仰教育是以引导受教育者树立正确、合理的价值观并要求始终坚守积极、合理价值观为出发点和落脚点的。本文主要对青年学生信仰认识的现状、影响、产生原因以及解决途径等方面进行阐述。 相似文献
Scott Grills 《Symbolic Interaction》2020,43(4):615-636
This paper joins earlier interactionist projects in advocating for an analytical attentiveness to generic social process (GSP). This dynamic form of theorizing is indebted to the thought of Herbert Blumer and the extended phenomenological and pragmatist traditions. Rather centrally, the study of GSPs draws upon the foundational concepts of duration, intersubjectivity, and the self. Such concepts have contributed to some of symbolic interactionism's most enduring, empirically grounded and theoretically robust work. Drawing on a series of ethnographic research projects, this paper offers a research agenda for engaging GSPs transcontextually. Specifically, I argue for extending the study of GSPs through the examination of management in everyday life, the creation of subcultural value, and the social construction of doubt. 相似文献
社会适应与道德适应——青年进入社会之角色转换的要素 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
青年适应社会是指青年独立进入社会,通过劳动或再劳动不断地在新的社会关系中合理调节自己的行为模式,以实现自身与社会和谐的角色转换过程.青年在劳动态度上的道德虚无与道德缺损表现会引发角色转换滞后、角色错位常现、角色紧张易生等适应社会不良的症状.而"立志-立业"、"唯实-务实"、"求新-创新"等道德因素的自觉内化与践履是青年克服不良症状,从而实现社会适应的必要方剂. 相似文献
大学毕业生的素质与社会适应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大学毕业生是青年的佼佼者 ,是国家和社会的栋梁之才 ,他们素质水平的高低、社会适应能力的强弱 ,不仅关系到本人的前途和命运 ,而且也影响到社会的繁荣与发展 ,因此 ,研究这一问题具有非常重要的现实意义。大学毕业生的素质与社会适应是紧密相连的 ,素质水平的高低直接影响着社会适应状况 ,而社会适应状况也在一定程度上反映出他们的素质水平 ,因此 ,本文把二者结合起来进行研究。通过对大学毕业生素质及社会适应状况的研究 ,一方面为毕业生进一步的社会适应指明方向 ,另一方面也为在校大学生学习目标的确立提供依据。为了了解大学毕业生的… 相似文献
Gabriela Spector-Mersel 《Journal of Social Work Education》2013,49(2):286-299
ABSTRACTDrawing from the practice-oriented conception of reflection in social work, its applications in social work education typically focus on students’ encounters with the field. Recognizing the value of practice-oriented reflection yet aware of its limitations, complementing it with life story reflection (LSR) is urged. The importance of LSR in social work education is discussed, and a three-phased application is proposed, which encourages reflection and reflexivity. First, future professionals recount their life stories, subsequently they analyze them, and eventually they explain them. LSR might be doubly beneficial in forming social workers as reflective practitioners. It is valuable in its own right, encouraging students’ “big” self-understanding, and when combined with the customary modes of reflection in and on action, potentially deepening insights attained through them. 相似文献
Sociology gives almost no consideration to the imagination. Yet, as this study seeks to demonstrate, the imagination plays an important role in social life. This article examines the question of how the imagination enters into ongoing interpersonal relations, taking as a case study cross-national couples and their discussions about where to live. Findings from semi-structured interviews with thirty-seven individuals in cross-national relationships suggest that the imagination enters into the lives of couples in four ways: imaginings suggest to partners where they would like to live; partners use the imagination as a tool to access and advance a preference, either together or individually; partners frame the desires of the other as fantasy as a way of countering these desires; and lastly, spouses tolerate an undesirable situation by engaging in escapist fantasies. Finally, this study suggests that the imagination permeates our decision-making, routinely enters our thoughts, is a domain in which individuals immerse themselves regularly, and, in the form of collective imaginings, can inspire social change. 相似文献
Simulating Real Life: Enhancing Social Work Education on Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Victoria A. Osborne Kalea Benner Debra J. Sprague Ivy N. Cleveland 《Journal of Social Work Education》2016,52(3):337-346
Social work students typically use role play with student colleagues to practice clinical intervention skills. Practice with simulated clients (SCs) rather than classmates changes the dynamics of the role play and may improve learning. This is the first known study to employ the SC model in substance use assessment in social work education. Social work students completed a questionnaire assessing attitudes, knowledge, and perceived skills (AKS) regarding substance misuse prior to completing an online screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment training, and then following role plays with SCs. Paired t-tests indicate increased confidence in substance use assessment and intervention ability, and stronger feelings that routine screening is critical to practice. Incorporating SCs with didactic learning increases students’ self-perceived ability to assess and change client behaviors and reduce substance misuse. 相似文献
As a part of designed human intervention against social problems, social policy has to respond and adapt to social changes. In this article, the author aims to discuss social changes that occurred in the past decade in China (including economic, demographic, and cultural changes) and relate them to relevant social policies formulated by the Chinese government to address the concerned social issues. To interpret the roles of the state, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the community in tackling social problems in the changing context of the market economy and globalization, the author attempts to provide a theoretical explanation on the emergence of social policy in China in a new era and to further re-assess the concept of the welfare regime in East Asian countries. 相似文献