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作为传媒人,我想未来我会充分利用自己的特长为奥运做贡献,把一些奥运知识、历史带给国内的观众,同时,我也要把中国的文化展示给海外的观众。让北京的奥运会给每一个人留下深刻的印象。杨澜说。  相似文献   

王玉珍,女高音歌唱家,歌剧演唱家:14岁进入湖北歌剧团。1959年因在歌剧《洪湖赤卫队》中扮演主角韩英扬名全国。她的演唱清脆婉转、优美甜润,吐字清晰,受到观众的欢迎。  相似文献   

ACWF Leaders Meet Former Senior Policy Advisor on Culture to Mayor of London伦敦市前副市长谈中国Judith Woodward,former Senior Policy Advisor on Culture to Mayor of London,met members of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF) to discuss friendly exchanges between British and Chinese women in Beijing on July 28. During her term,Woodward participated in some major events as part of the China-UK Women's Cultural Festival, held in London in February,and she organized the London  相似文献   

在距苏州市区20多公里的太湖之滨,有一个白墙黛瓦、碧水环绕的别致小镇叫镇湖。据说,早在战国时期,这里就已经是一片“闺阁家家架绣绷,妇姑人人巧习针”的兴旺景象。目前,镇湖有绣女8000多人,在镇上形成一条1600多米长的“绣品街”,300多家绣庄鳞次栉比,精美绝伦的绣品远销海内外。  相似文献   

手工刺绣,作为一种古老的传统手工技艺,已有千百年的历史。随着传统刺绣融入现代人的生活,手绣的时装、服饰、居家装饰等逐渐成为人们时尚生活的一部分。时尚也为手绣这种传统工艺带来了新的活力。  相似文献   

中国文化中"家"的概念远不止一栋房子那样简单,而一定需有"人"——家人之间的交流,无时无刻不在流露的情感维系……无论生活在同一屋檐下还是分居两地,父母与子女间,"情"在便是"家"。  相似文献   

Visits Promote Friendship Between Chinese, Russian Families家庭互访增进中俄民间友谊The women's federation in Suifenhe,in China's Heilongjiang Province, and the local government of Partizansk,a city in Primorsky Krai,Russia, organized several visits between Chinese and Russian families to promote  相似文献   

'Left-behind Children' Enjoy Happy National Day"留守儿童"与"爱心妈妈"欢度国庆A get-together,with the theme Celebrate National Day and Care for"Left-behind Children,"was held in Kaijiang County,Sichuan Province,on  相似文献   

Health Consultants Visit Village"保健顾问"进农家"Hurry up! Health consultants are coming,"Chen Jinhua,a woman who lives in Sishisan Hu Village of Huanghekou Town,Kenli County,Shandong Province, yelled to her neighbors.It was the afternoon of February  相似文献   

常禹香的及膝白裙在山风中舞动,脚上的金色高跟凉鞋在阳光下闪闪发光。3年前,这位时尚的女性曾在大城市里拥有一份薪水颇丰的工作,然而她却毅然放弃了优越的白领职位,回到了家乡云南兴街,她开创了一份经营壮族刺绣的生意,尽管那时亲友们都认为没有人会对这种老传统的东西感兴趣。事实证明他们错了,常禹香的刺绣生意去年带给她100万元的经营收入。常禹香心中有这样一个抱负:让当地的妇女都能有机会赚到属于自己的钱。  相似文献   

居住在宁夏吴忠市的她引人注目——不仅因为她拥有当地人少见的西方面孔,更因为她是一位支教宁夏的英语教师。  相似文献   

This article examines why the study of popular culture has taken off as a subject of university course offerings and as a topic of scholarly inquiry since the 1980s. Placing the current explorations of popular culture in historical context, the article argues that popular culture's study and studies in the sociology of culture can illuminate many of the classic concerns that animate sociology and related fields, such as the social organization and power of institutions, debates about public life and the formation of public opinion, concerns about the relationship between consumption, social status, and politics of the privileged elite, and the role of media in the development of social movements and in individual and subcultural understandings. The article considers how popular cultural studies are currently shaping the study of social life, and concludes by considering trends that might be encouraged among students and emergent scholars seeking to study in this area.  相似文献   

Why, in the current geo-political and strategic context seemingly in stark contrast to the “War on Terror,” does the emphasis on women in US foreign policy persist? Why the repeated references to the vulnerability of women who “need” US help to become “empowered” in the countries of the Arab Spring? An examination of US policymakers’ discourses indicates a neo-orientalist biopolitical construction of the (Muslim) female population as one in perpetual need of “empowerment,” presumably by American or western benefactors. Public statements by US foreign policy officials, discussions of government programs and Congressional testimony add to the repertoire of a western-constructed archaeology of neo-orientalist knowledge of Islam. Further, these gendered discursive “imperial encounters” create open-ended possibilities for US interventionist policies in the region for years to come. The Arab (Muslim) woman may have participated in sparking and sustaining revolutions and even bringing down dictators, but she must still be trained and taught – by Americans or westerners. The sometimes didactic, often foreboding “concern” for her empowerment is more nuanced, but no less significant, than the professed commitment to “saving” her as justification for military operations in the heyday of the War on Terror.  相似文献   


Childhood trauma can have a lasting effect on personality and daily functioning, leading to dissociative changes in behavior and identity. How these are interpreted and handled usually depends on local culture and beliefs. This article presents the case of a Mauritian woman with a history of childhood abuse who was exorcised to “dispel an evil spirit.” An in-depth interview exploring her experiences and meaning-making was transcribed and subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. This article discusses possession as a culturally accepted metaphor for incomprehensible behaviors. It shows that help-seeking pathways are determined by symptom interpretation models that are reinforced by the local environment. It also demonstrates that exorcisms are potentially retraumatizing by the enactment of painful memories and emotions during this ritual. The authors stipulate that exorcism seekers could benefit from additional clinical assessment by professionals experienced in the dissociation field.  相似文献   

This study examines whether family of origin characteristics (i.e., type, parent–child relationship quality, and socioeconomic status) relate to interest in childbearing among 18- to 34-year-olds. Data from 1,436 respondents to the 2003 National Survey of Families and Households and 15,555 high school seniors in the 1992 wave of the National Educational Longitudinal Study were analyzed by ordinal logistic regression models. Results suggest that parent–child relationship quality and socioeconomic status positively predict interest in childbearing. For men only, variations in family type also predict interest.  相似文献   

Every spring, a grand fair full of folk tastes is held at the Temple of Earth in Beijing. The powerful gong and drums are the most popular program. The actors and actresses hail from all parts of China.  相似文献   

Research for more than 60 years has shown that entry into occupations can be predicted from scores on interest inventories at a rate better than chance (Donnay, 1997 ). The psychometric scoring methodologies used today by a majority of vocational interest inventories were developed in the 1920s and 1960s. Researchers are challenged with improving the theory and science behind vocational interest inventories to align them with current vocational constructions. In this study, validity comparisons were made between person matching and standard scoring based on 5,143 medical students who had taken a vocational interest inventory and had entered their medical residency. Person matching was found to improve differentiation between occupational groups and increase the amount of information offered in the scoring report; in addition, it could potentially increase occupational group assignment to advance vocational interest inventory validity.  相似文献   

Infants (n = 24, mean age 13 months and n = 24, mean age 19 months) were tested on an extension of the method introduced by Tomasello and Haberl (2003) to examine the understanding of another person’s interest in a novel object. Four objects were presented serially. For two objects, infants played with an experimenter. The infant played with one object alone, and the experimenter played with one object alone. Finally, all four objects were presented together, and the experimenter excitedly asked for one without indicating which. Results showed that younger infants tended to chose the object that they had not yet played with, whereas older infants were significantly more likely to choose the object that the experimenter had not yet played with. These results are discussed in the context of research on the development of understanding diversity of simple object‐directed attitudes in the second year of life.  相似文献   

Interest development is not an easily studied process. There are at least 4 methods for examining the process of stability and change over time: relative stability, absolute stability, profile stability, and structural stability. A program of research that focuses on examining these 4 types of stability is summarized relative to the issues pertinent to the development of vocational interests in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

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