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中国老年人口收入差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
伍小兰 《人口学刊》2008,8(1):54-58
老年人口是一个弱势群体,但是也有很强的异质性,老年人口的收入差异是一个值得关注的问题。基于中国老龄科研中心2000年"中国城乡老年人口一次性抽样调查"的数据,采用"五分法"对中国老年人口的收入差异进行分析,发现老年人口内部的收入差异较大,总收入的一半以上集中在20%收入最高的老年人群当中。文章还分别考察了不同收入组的收入结构以及不同特征老年人口的收入差异情况,并根据这些发现提出若干政策建议,以缩小老年期的收入差异,建设一个和谐的老龄社会。  相似文献   

家庭结构与老龄人口生活指数的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人到了青年,是从家庭走向社会;而当人到了老年时,却又从社会回到家庭。随着人的生命过程所经历的不同年龄阶段,人与家庭间也便形成了各种内在的相应关系。本文通过以成都地区的城市及农村的有关调查资料为基础,就家庭与老龄人口间的诸种关系进行研究,借以认识老龄人口在从社会回到家庭以后所引起的、亦为当今社会所关注的有关问题。  相似文献   

刘欢 《人口学刊》2017,(6):71-80
伴随人口老龄化加速和养老模式的变迁,农村人口养老问题越来越成为学术界关注的重要议题。农村老龄人口在养老上不仅面临较大的经济压力,同时由于成年劳动力的外流,在养老服务上也面临着供给不足。农村老龄贫困家庭尤为值得关注,老龄人口的自理能力是否会对家庭贫困产生影响?家庭贫困与老人自理能力及服务需求存在什么样的关系?这些问题都急需解决,基于此,文章以精准识别家庭贫困成因为思路,以老龄化为视角,探析农村老龄人口自理能力、服务需求与家庭贫困三个变量之间的关联性。具体方法是基于CHNS数据库19892011年9次调查面板数据,通过建立联立方程模型分别对各个假设进行面板Logit回归估计检验。检验结果表明,农村老人自理能力与服务需求显著正相关,与低收入家庭、家庭规模呈现显著负相关;老人服务需求与家庭收入、生活质量呈显著负相关,自理能力对服务需求有显著的正向作用;服务需求满足程度、个人收入与医疗保险对老年家庭贫困有显著的负向作用,自理能力对农村老人家庭贫困影响并不显著。进一步的研究发现非老人家庭中自理能力、服务需求与家庭贫困也有显著的关联性。因此,自理能力、服务需求与家庭贫困存在显著的相关性,针对农村老年贫困家庭,应优先满足其经济和健康需求,从而为精准识别老年贫困和精准帮扶贫困家庭提供支持,在此基础上,逐步改善农村老龄人口养老服务状况,提升其生活质量。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的细胞,是人们日常生活的基本单位。是老龄人口养老的基本场所。而家庭的存在表现为有多种结构类型,且老龄人口对养老生活的需求又是多方面的。因此,通过对家庭结构与老龄人口生活指数的探讨,认识家庭结构类型的特征,当代老龄人口对生活指数的需求以及两者间的内在联  相似文献   

人口老龄化过程中家庭代际关系的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭代际关系是家庭幸福,社会稳定为重要关系之一。在中国传统的家庭关系中,十分注重家庭亲子关系、即上下代之间的关系,养儿防老,父母养育子女,子女赡养父母,尊老爱幼。社会学家把这代际关系称为双向反馈模式,作为传统美德而在中国社会,家庭中世代相传。社会主义建设更是把文明的家庭代际关系放在首位。在人口老龄过程中,随着家庭中老年人口比重的增加,代际结构发生了大的变化;同时,家庭外部环境经济环境的变化和由此而来的人们的思想、观念、行为的变化,综合起来促使传统的家庭代际关系发生了深刻的变化,传统的模式受到了严…  相似文献   

本文基于20世纪下半叶至21世纪人口年龄结构发展现状及变化趋势,分别讨论年轻型人口结构、人口老龄化过程以及静态老龄社会人口结构之下的老年社会保障筹资模式。笔者认为现收现付制是年轻型人口结构的产物,目前受到人口老龄化的冲击,但在将来可能出现的静态老龄社会中,现收现付制与积累制相比,不存在明显的缺点,因此不宜轻易加以否定。中国目前采取的部分积累制只是一种过渡形态,最终可能向现收现付制的目标模式演进。  相似文献   

人口年龄结构与老年社会保障筹资模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文基于20世纪下半叶至21世纪人口年龄结构发展现状及变化趋势,分别讨论年轻型人口结构、人口老龄化过程以及静态老龄社会人口结构之下的老年社会保障筹资模式。笔者认为现收现付制是年轻型人口结构的产物,目前受到人口老龄化的冲击,但在将来可能出现的静态老龄社会中,现收现付制与积累制相比,不存在明显的缺点,因此不宜轻易加以否定。中国目前采取的部分积累制只是一种过渡形态,最终可能向现收现付制的目标模式演进。  相似文献   

当今世界的老年妇女问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界的老年妇女问题刘书鹤老龄问题已成为当今世界注目的重大社会经济问题。在老年人口中,老年妇女不但占多数,而且由于历史和现实中多方面的原因,老年妇女的问题尤为突出。一、老年妇女经济、社会和家庭地位比较低几乎所有国家的老年妇女在收入上均处于不利地位。...  相似文献   

浅谈我国社区养老的可行性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、社区养老的必要性20世纪末我国跨进了老龄型人口国家的行列。老龄型人口的到来恰逢我国处在社会主义市场经济和现代化的转变时期,社会和家庭的变迁对老年人群体的影响比以往任何时期都大。因此,能否使老年群体的晚年生活得到保障,使之公平地享受社会发展的成果,平等地参与社会发展。这一问题将是关系到社会的稳定、发展与进步的大问题,也是社会精神文明建设的重要内容。作为发展中国家,中国又是一个很特殊的国家,人口众多,老年人口也多,经济很不发达。由于我国人口老龄化程度与经济发展的时间差,有限的资金不可能在短期内大量投入到老年…  相似文献   

我国老龄产业发展与导向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国老龄产业发展的必要性在于21世纪我国人口老龄化的严峻形势和提高老龄人口生活质量的基本目的。可行性在于未来家庭养老功能的弱化、老龄人口购买力水平的上升和市场发育。我国老龄产业的发展受到老龄人口收入水平较低、市场开发程度较低等的影响。发展我国老龄产业应纳入社会经济发展规划,立足于社区,采取多渠道形式,走市场化发展之路。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代开始,欧盟逐步把社会性别平等的内在涵义纳入其社会政策,发展了由指令、建议和行动项目构成的相互关联又递进发展的就业男女平等政策。研究欧盟解决就业性别差异的政策与法律法规,对欧盟在解决就业性别差异的措施效果进行评价,进一步提出我国解决两性就业性别差异的建议。  相似文献   

欧盟国家的中国大陆新移民述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅义强 《南方人口》2008,23(3):50-58
1978年改革开放以来,中国大陆新移民大量涌入欧洲,尤其是欧盟国家(本文专指前欧盟15国),形成了自中国人移民欧洲以来,人数最多、持续时间最长,分布最广泛的一次移民潮,显示出与以往欧洲的华侨华人移民不同的特点与规律。由于新移民的增加,给欧洲华侨华人社会注入了新的血液,成为欧洲华侨华人新的增长点。  相似文献   

An Index of Child Well-being in the European Union   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
While the living conditions of children and young people in the European Union have gained increasing recognition across the EU, the well-being of children is not monitored on the European level. Based on a rights-based, multi-dimensional understanding of child well-being we analyse data already available for the EU 25, using series data as well as comparative surveys of children and young people. We compare the performance of EU Member States on eight clusters with 23 domains and 51 indicators and give a picture of children’s overall well-being in the European Union. The clusters are children’s material situation, housing, health, subjective well-being, education, children’s relationships, civic participation and risk and safety.  相似文献   

In 2010, EU adopted a new growth strategy which includes three growth priorities and five headline targets to be reached by 2020. The aim of this paper is to investigate the current performance of the EU member and candidate states in achieving these growth priorities and the overall strategy target by allocating the headline targets into the priorities and the priorities into the strategy by the use of a composite indicator methodology. The paper determines how far away each member and candidate state is from the targeted levels of the priorities and the strategy by making a distinction between EU 15 and relatively new member states as well. The developed composite indices enable the observation of the performances of the member and candidate states in a single indicator for the overall strategy and each growth priority. The results of the strategy index and three growth priority indices show that Nordic states possess the highest index scores already having reached many of the targets; many new member states performed as good as EU 15 and some EU 15 states are placed at the bottom of the ranking with quite poor performance in reaching the EU 2020 strategy.  相似文献   

At risk of poverty indicators based on relative income measures suggest that within the enlarged EU societies located at quite different points on a continuum of affluence have similar levels of poverty. Substantial differences in levels of income between societies do not in themselves invalidate this approach. However, the relative income approach fails to capture the fact that, if countries are grouped in terms of level of GDP, between economic cluster differences in life-style deprivation are sharper at lower income levels. Support for the argument relating to restricted reference groups is found in relation to the contrast between the twelve most affluent EU countries and all others. The limitations of relative income poverty lines have little to do with the process of enlargement as such. Instead the major problem involves the weak association between income and deprivation in the more affluent countries. However, as a consequence of such difficulties, such indicators do not provide entirely meaningful comparisons of levels of disadvantage across economic clusters. The current analysis, rather than supporting the alternative of a focus on absolute income or an EU wide poverty line, suggests that we should take the argument for adopting a multidimensional approach to the measurement of poverty more seriously.  相似文献   

欧盟区域政策的作用及对中国东北老工业基地振兴的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧盟区域政策有效地解决了欧盟成员国之间的经济差距,其中欧盟针对老工业基地和资源型城市发展推出了一系列区域政策,这些政策的制定和实施对欧盟老工业基地的改造起到了重要的推动作用。欧盟运用各种不同的区域政策支持落后地区的发展,目的是消除地区间发展的不平衡,加速落后地区产业结构调整,从而提高欧盟整体竞争力。欧盟区域政策对老工业基地转型的推动作用表现在经济效益和社会效益两个方面,其中德国鲁尔老工业区改造中政府的作用尤其明显。对比我国东北老工业基地的振兴,既需要各级政府的共同努力,同时也需要加大科技、教育和培训力度,通过科技应用和职工培训挖掘老企业的潜力,提高生产效率,最终实现经济、社会和环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

In this article employment quality in the EU27 is investigated by means of a typological approach, based on several features of the employment conditions and relations characterising jobs. The analyses are drawing on data from the 2005 European Working Conditions Survey. Results of Latent Class Cluster Analyses show that it is empirically and theoretically possible to reduce a multitude of factors determining the quality of employment into five different types of jobs regarding their employment quality: SER-like jobs, instrumental jobs, precarious unsustainable jobs, precarious intensive jobs and portfolio jobs. These five types of jobs are strongly related with important covariates such as the socio-demographic profile of workers, organisation level features and indicators of the intrinsic nature of work tasks. Moreover, they are clearly distributed differently between countries within the EU27. The findings from this innovative approach towards the quality of employment are discussed in terms of the implications for the measurement of contemporary employment arrangements in Europe.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual‐based discussion dealing with social and geo‐political concerns associated with the tourism experiences and travel encounters of ethnic minority citizens living in member‐states of the European Union (EU). Although EU legislation emphasises that its citizens have freedom of movement throughout member‐states, the prevalence of racialised situations transpiring within, across and beyond EU borders suggests that this commitment is socio‐politically ambiguous. The popular hysteria that has developed towards increased immigration from non‐EU countries extends to those minorities who have legal status of entry, residency and/or citizenship – as they too are visibly different from Europe's white majorities. The paper thus reflects on ways in which the 11 September 2001 attacks in America have had a detrimental impact on people's tourism and travel experiences, particularly in instances where individuals have been treated with high levels of suspicion from institutional bodies and ethnic (white) majorities. The work firmly emphasises that racial prejudice, institutional racism and xeno‐racist practices restrict ethnic minority citizens from appreciating cosmopolitan‐based tourism experiences and engaging in congenial exchanges with other European cultures and societies. One of the main contentions asserts that racialised movements limit ethnic minority citizens from achieving full rights to social and (multi)cultural forms of citizenship. The conclusion suggests ways in which researchers ought to respond to the study of tourism and racism within the EU.  相似文献   

With EU membership, politicians aswell as citizens in the accession countrieshope to achieve improvements in livingconditions and – at least in the long run –to catch up with the West European societies.Catch-up modernization of the less advancedmember states is also an ``official' goal of EUpolicy. Expert opinions about the prospects forsuccess, however, vary widely. In this paper, ageneral model for how EU policy influencesquality of life in less well-off membercountries is presented. An analysis of formerenlargements – the cohesion countries Ireland,Greece, Portugal, and Spain – reveals that EUintegration obviously facilitates processes ofcatch up but does not guarantee them. This isdemonstrated by using indicators coveringdifferent aspects of quality of life, percapita income (material living conditions),social protection ratios (general quality ofsociety), and life satisfaction (subjectivewell-being). Bearing in mind their particulareconomic and social conditions and theirheterogeneity, the prospects of the futuremember states are discussed.  相似文献   

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