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6月28日,美英联军当局提前向伊临时政府移交权力,标志着伊拉克历时14个月的被占领状态在法律意义上正式结束,为实现"伊人治伊"目标迈出了重要一步.但临时政府将会遇到重重阻力和挑战,交权后,美对伊的控制地位不变,因此,未来的伊政治格局仍是美为幕后导演,登台主演的是伊临时政府.  相似文献   

伊战结束至今已一年多了,但战后的伊经济重建却进展缓慢,原因是伊经济重建是一项庞大系统工程,美国事先对其难度估计不足,也缺乏具体计划;伊资金严重缺乏,债务负担沉重;伊安全形势严峻,重建工作雪上加霜;美独家主导重建的做法使许多国家对参与重建的兴趣不高;伊政治过渡进程一波三折,且各派利益斗争激烈.尽管这种局势对伊经济重建产生了一定的消极影响,但考虑到重建额大、周期长、利润丰厚,且伊石油储量丰富,各国对伊重建前景仍然看好.  相似文献   

海湾战争结束以来,美国采用武器核查、禁飞区轰炸、石油换食品计划及分化伊拉克盟国等手段,想方设法对伊进行制裁,使伊拉克人民处于水深火热之中。伊拉克针锋相对,在国内国际采取了一系列艰苦卓绝的反制裁斗争并取得成效。阿拉伯国家因形势变化重新分合。从当前看,国际社会解除对伊制裁尚须时日。伊拉克仍存有不测因素。  相似文献   

韩志斌  李铁 《阿拉伯世界》2004,(5):22-24,33
6月28日,美英联军当局提前向伊临时政府移交权力,标志着伊拉克历时14个月的被占领状态在法律意义上正式结束,为实现“伊人治伊”目标迈出了重要一步。但临时政府将会遇到重重阻力和挑战,交权后,美对伊的控制地位不变,因此,未来的伊政治格局仍是美为幕后导演,登台主演的是伊临时政府。  相似文献   

在新中国成立早期的中伊关系中,政治意识形态、谋求主权利益在中国对伊政策中成为重要考量;进入20世纪八十年代后,政治、经济等其他利益考量开始出现在中国对伊关系中,这一现象一直持续到美国等外部力量对伊拉克的军事介入。而中国在伊战前后所采取的立场,则充分显现了中国的国家利益取向。  相似文献   

在新中国成立早期的中伊关系中,政治意识形态、谋求主权利益在中国对伊政策中成为重要考量;进入20世纪八十年代后,政治、经济等其他利益考量开始出现在中国对伊关系中,这一现象一直持续到美国等外部力量对伊拉克的军事介入。而中国在伊战前后所采取的立场,则充分显现了中国的国家利益取向。  相似文献   

美英于3月20日对伊发动了战争,5月1日,布什总统宣布在伊的"大规模战斗"已经结束.至此,美结束了其"改造"伊拉克的第一阶段行动;第二阶段的工作是重建和掌控伊拉克,从中获取丰厚的经济利益;第三阶段是在伊建立美式民主制度,作为样板供中东各国效仿.但战后,伊社会状况混乱,民不聊生,伊重建将面临诸多困难.  相似文献   

一、伊临管会欢迎中国公司参与伊重建 2004年3月26日下午2时,来华访问的伊拉克临时管理委员会成员及伊驻华使馆商务参赞侯赛因·沙尔汗一行,在百忙中,专程出席了由中国对外承包工程商会和中国机电产品进出口商会在北京  相似文献   

战后伊拉克教派暴力冲突不断,国家濒临内战边缘,重建深陷安全困境,折射出伊国家认同的严重缺失。伊各派势力的利益纷争、美国强力改造伊拉克、某些周边阿拉伯-伊斯兰势力的介入等内外因素导致伊重建的严重受挫。伊加强中央政府权威,美调整对伊政策,以及有关各方回到联合国框架下推动伊重建,才有可能解除伊重建中的安全困局,而重构国家认同更是伊拉克的当务之急。  相似文献   

战后伊拉克教派暴力冲突不断,国家濒临内战边缘,重建深陷安全困境,折射出伊国家认同的严重缺失.伊各派势力的利益纷争、美国强力改造伊拉克、某些周边阿拉伯-伊斯兰势力的介入等内外因素导致伊重建的严重受挫.伊加强中央政府权威,美调整对伊政策,以及有关各方回到联合国框架下推动伊重建,才有可能解除伊重建中的安全困局,而重构国家认同更是伊拉克的当务之急.  相似文献   

Many universities in different parts of the world are seeking to enhance the cultural diversity of their staff and student body and yet repeated studies have shown that good integration can be difficult to achieve. Although several studies have examined the reasons why such integration is difficult, there has been very little research into the actual process of social integration. This paper addresses this gap through a qualitative study of intercultural learning. Students were asked to focus on a behaviour that was personally or professionally important to them but that they were having difficulty adapting to. The paper reports the varying, unfolding experiences of six of these students as they faced the affective, behavioural and cognitive challenges of adjusting to different greeting patterns and the strategies they used for gradually overcoming them. Drawing on the literature and the findings, an intercultural growth model is proposed. The paper ends with a discussion of the implications of the findings for enhancing social integration at university.  相似文献   

Sharon's story was collected as part of a study of parents combining employment with the care of disabled children in Britain. Sharon is a lone parent with three daughters, one of whom, Helen, has severe epilepsy. Here she explains to researcher, Trish Heaton why work is important to her but also why it is so difficult for her to sustain work and caring in the context of minimal formal or informal support from within the community. The practical and emotional difficulties of negotiating with inflexible services can drive working parents to crisis point. Sharon describes one such crisis point where all her arrangements had broken down. The supports she needed were minimal, but their absence had a profound impact.  相似文献   

Language learners rapidly acquire extensive semantic knowledge, but the development of this knowledge is difficult to study, in part because it is difficult to assess young children's lexical semantic representations. In our studies, we solved this problem by investigating lexical semantic knowledge in 24‐month‐olds using the Head‐turn Preference Procedure. In Experiment 1, looking times to a repeating spoken word stimulus (e.g., kitty‐kitty‐kitty) were shorter for trials preceded by a semantically related word (e.g., dog‐dog‐dog) than trials preceded by an unrelated word (e.g., juice‐juice‐juice). Experiment 2 yielded similar results using a method in which pairs of words were presented on the same trial. The studies provide evidence that young children activate of lexical semantic knowledge, and critically, that they do so in the absence of visual referents or sentence contexts. Auditory lexical priming is a promising technique for studying the development and structure of semantic knowledge in young children.  相似文献   

This article reports on a small study exploring students' accounts of ethically difficult situations. Participating students were studying professional qualifying programmes in social education and social work at three higher education institutions in Finland, France and the UK. Variations in how students describe ethically difficult situations are noted—including whether they feature the student as an active moral agent facing a difficult ethical decision and the extent to which they utilise recognisably ‘ethical’ language and concepts. The types of situations reported as ethically difficult are identified as focusing on: the difficulties of challenging service users and colleagues; the power and responsibility of the worker; and defining the boundaries of the professional relationship. Similar types of situations were raised by students in the different countries, although there is some variation in how they describe their ethical difficulties and the specific concerns they raise. Implications for teaching include the need to develop skills and qualities in students that enable them to recognise the ethical dimensions of difficult situations and to develop the courage to act on their decisions.  相似文献   

While it is difficult to gauge the effect of multicultural policies within countries, it is even more difficult to measure them across countries. In this article, I use fundamental multicultural changes that have occurred in Israeli society in recent decades as a case study, and track their effect on how Israelis who reside in the USA identify with Israel. Analysing the US census and the American Community Survey, I have focused my research on three groups of Israeli‐born migrants in the USA – Israeli Arabs, ultra‐Orthodox Jews and the Jewish majority. Findings indicate that originating from a minority community in the homeland predicts not only a different rate, but also different longitudinal trends of Israeli identification. I offer several possible explanations for these variations, but an in‐depth analysis of the Israeli case indicates that the transnational effect of the changing multicultural agenda in Israel is the leading mechanism at play.  相似文献   

This case examines the difficult choices facing a domestic violence shelter in crisis. Beth George had been on the run from her estranged husband with her two sons for three years. When the shelter hired Beth rather than another former resident (her roommate at the shelter) for a staff position, the roommate called Beth's ex‐husband and told him where they were. Police arrested Beth, sent the children back to their father, and began an investigation of whether shelter staff had knowingly harbored a fugitive. The shelter had just begun a fundraising campaign for a new building, but all financial contributions immediately stopped, throwing the organization into financial crisis. The executive director and staff were under enormous pressure and faced possible criminal sentences. The board had to try to minimize the damage to its reputation in the media, figure out how to keep the organization from failing financially, decide whether to continue to employ Beth George and the executive director, who were under criminal investigation, and fend off attacks from fathers' rights activists. The case explores the difficult management issues facing an organization and individuals in crisis. It examines how class, sexual orientation, race, and feminist ideology structure services to battered women. It also provides a window into the difficult job of front‐line workers skating on the edge of the law as the law begins to recognize and protect victims of intimate violence. It invites readers to consider how one should decide what and whom to believe. Finally, it considers the significance of grass‐roots feminist mobilizing to support feminist organizations.  相似文献   

In order to prevent the over-representation of young drivers in car crashes, France instated an early driver training from the age of 16, but the positive effects of this opportunity have not yet been proven. Three groups of male drivers (12 subjects each) were confronted with some prototypical accident scenarios introduced in a simulated urban circuit. The first and second groups were composed of young drivers having less than one month of driving licence; twelve have had a traditional learning course, and twelve had followed, in addition to the initial course, an early driver training under the supervision of an adult. The third group was composed of experienced drivers. Strategies of the three groups were analyzed through their response time, speed and maneuvers. No difference appeared across groups regarding obstacle detection. But traditionally-trained drivers' position control was more conservative than the two others groups, which were more likely to involve efficient evasive action. The exposure gained during early training could thus increase the development of visuo-motor coordination and involve better skills in case of difficult situations. Others accidents' scenarios could be used to confront young drivers with difficult situations not commonly encountered in natural driving.  相似文献   

Establishment of a goal is crucial to therapy, but identification of therapeutic goals may be difficult in conjoint therapy because each participant may identify a different problem. We examined the influence of gender on ability to successfully introduce therapeutic topics in marital and family therapy by conducting two studies. The first study evaluates the ability of therapists to identify therapeutic goals that matched goals prioritized by both women and men clients on pretherapy questionnaires. The second study examines the process of initial therapy sessions to see whether gender influences a client's ability to introduce a therapeutic topic. Results suggest that therapeutic topic is influenced by the interaction of gender and treatment modality. Specifically, therapists were better able to match women's pretherapy stated goals in marital therapy than family therapy, men were more successful at introducing topics in family therapy, and women were more successful at introducing topics in marital therapy.  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of the difficult patient from a two person perspective. Patient characteristics and behaviors may be problematic but the degree of difficulty is also related to therapist expectations, affective responses and needs, and capacity for tolerance. Suggestions for enhancing tolerance are offered. The shift from a one person to a two person perspective is illustrated by a case presentation.  相似文献   

Studies have linked parents' employment, work hours, and work schedules to their own sleep quality and quantity, but it is unclear whether these associations extend to children. The authors used data from the 5‐year in‐home survey of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 1,818) to examine the associations between maternal work hours and schedule and insufficient sleep among disadvantaged mothers and their young children. They found that mothers who worked more than 35 hours per week were more likely to experience insufficient sleep compared to mothers who worked fewer hours, whereas children were more likely to experience insufficient sleep when their mothers worked between 20 and 40 hours. Nonstandard work schedules were associated with an increased likelihood of insufficient sleep for mothers but not their children. The results highlight a potentially difficult balance between work and family for many disadvantaged working mothers in the United States.  相似文献   

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