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高职旅游人才的职业素养培养是我国人才建设的目标,更是提升学生职业竞争力的关键。全国职业技能大赛是由国家教育部发起的面向国内高职院校师生的技能比赛,它在考验选手的专业技能技巧的同时,也对参赛者的职业素养进行了全方位的考察。因此,参加职业技能大赛,对于高职旅游专业人才的培养有积极的影响。职业技能大赛的发展,为我国高职院校旅游专业的人才培养提供了检验的标准,也推动了高职院校根据职业技能大赛的导向而改进自己的教学培养方式。  相似文献   

薛新巧 《职业时空》2012,(5):127+129
论述了全国职业技能大赛对学生的学习能力与学习积极性培养的推进作用,对相关课程实验技能标准化建设、对师资队伍建设、对专业教材建设的促进作用,认为职业技能大赛有助于提升学生的职业综合素质。  相似文献   

于波  王凤云 《职业》2013,(17):53-53
本文重点分析高职院校学生职业素质培养现状及成因,研究职业技能大赛在学生职业素质培养中的积极意义和消极影响,并论述了如何构建技能大赛长效机制,让大赛真正成为全面提升学生职业素质的助推器。  相似文献   

杨珩 《职业》2013,(23):135-136
本文以广东省为例,分析了营销专业职业技能大赛状况以及营销专业实践教学现状,并从实践上证明营销专业职业技能大赛能够起到提供实践教学平台、促进实践教学改革、提升学生学习专业技能的积极性和主动性以及促进相关院校之间的交流与沟通、加强校企合作、培养教师“双师素质”等作用。  相似文献   

主要讲述职业技能大赛对职业教育的促进作用。以吉林铁道职业技术学院为例,提出职业院校应充分发挥职业技能大赛在人才教育方面的优势,通过多种手段来提高学生的综合实践能力,培养出适应时代要求的应用型高技术人才。  相似文献   

骆潇 《职业》2012,(9):10
近日,人力资源和社会保障部公布了2012年全国职业技能大赛暨第42届世界技能大赛选拔赛计划安排,对2012年职业技能竞赛活动作出了全面部署。2012年全国职业技能竞赛活动以"对接世界技能大赛,提升国内竞赛质量"为主题,着眼于我国职业技能竞  相似文献   

为贯彻全国高技能人才工作会议精神,落实《中共中央办公厅国务院办公厅关于进一步加强高技能人才工作的意见》,劳动和社会保障部于4月26日在京举行启动仪式,拉开了2007年全国职业技能竞赛系列活动的帷幕,同时启动了第二届全国技工院校技能大赛、全国保安员职业技能竞赛、2007年中央企业职业技能大赛、第三届“振兴杯”全国青年职业技能大赛和第三届全国残疾人职业技能竞赛5项主要赛事。  相似文献   

为贯彻全国高技能人才工作会议精神,落实《中共中央办公厅国务院办公厅关于进一步加强高技能人才工作的意见》,劳动和社会保障部于4月26日在京举行启动仪式,拉开了2007年全国职业技能竞赛系列活动的帷幕,同时启动了第二届全国技工院校技能大赛、全国保安员职业技能竞赛、2007年中央企业职业技能大赛、第三届"振兴杯"全国青年职业技能大赛和第三届全国残疾人职业技能竞赛5项主要赛事.……  相似文献   

第四届全国职工职业技能大赛总结表彰大会召开日前,第四届全国职工职业技能大赛总结表彰大会在北京召开,21名选手获"全国五一劳动奖章",28名选手获"全国技术能手"荣誉称号。第四届全国职工职业技能大赛于2012年3月启动,历时6个月,设车工、铣工、钳工、焊工、维修电工、数控机床装调维修工、计算机程序员7个比赛工种。全国4000多万名职工参加了各个层次的职业技能比赛,946名代表参加各工种决赛。  相似文献   

根据主办方级别不同将职业技能大赛分为国家级、省级和校级。国家级职业技能大赛级别最高,对高职院校教学具有导向和示范作用,但参赛的院校相对数量少,对在校生的具体影响小;省级职业技能大赛虽然能够覆盖本省所有高职院校,但不能覆盖到每个专业和每个学生;校级职业技能大赛尽管级别最低,但能够覆盖每个专业和每个学生,因此,对学生的影响最显著。  相似文献   

Practice skills, such as communication and interviewing skills, are an integral part of every undergraduate course that aims to provide professional qualification for social workers. While there is substantial literature about the skills required to be a proficient social work practitioner, there is a dearth of literature about how to teach such skills and particularly how students experience such a course. By critically reflecting on the design, implementation and evaluation of a social work practice skills course, this article is offered as a contribution toward filling an identified gap in social work education literature. The course evaluation particularly highlights the importance of face to face interaction between students and teachers to the process of learning.  相似文献   

《会议管理》课程实行技能抽考,是在湖南省文秘专业技能抽考的基础上.根据与专业技能模块对应的课程教学内容和能力目标,设计《课程技能抽考标准》,确定技能考核范围、合理设计考核模式和考核内容,开发课程抽考试题库,完成技能抽考与课程考核的有效衔接,使课程技能抽考成为课程教学目标完成情况检验的重要依据。通过《会议管理》课程的技能抽考,保证文秘专业学生会议管理能力的整体提高。  相似文献   


This use of web-based video clips for counsellor skills training is used in the Campus Alberta Applied Psychology Counselling Initiative which provides Master's-level counsellor education at a distance. The core counselling skills course is delivered through the Web using digital video clips of counselling skills demonstrations, chat room skills practice and weekly discussion forums. A follow-up face-to-face Summer Institute allows learners to receive live feedback on their skill development. Course content is grounded in the construct of the working alliance (Bordin, 1979). Course activities use Bloom's taxonomies of learning objectives. Program evaluation suggests that learners are meeting competencies as they move from this course to practicum placements.  相似文献   

This empirical study examined the association between social work students' ratings of teaching ability and several course, student, and instructor variables. Over 5,000 standardized evaluation forms rating instructors' specific skills and overall effectiveness were collected between 1991-93 at a school of social work in a large urban university. The results showed strong positive relationships between ratings of teaching effectiveness and ratings of skills reflecting course organization, rapport with students, and fair grading. This study supports the legitimacy of student ratings in assessing faculty, and the authors discuss implications for faculty development of the strong relationship between effective teaching and organizational skills.  相似文献   

李锐 《职业时空》2012,(7):84-85,89
高职院校是培养高素质技能型人才的重要阵地,应充分认识到职业技能竞赛在高职人才培养中的正负功能,扬长避短。将职业技能竞赛与专业建设相结合,训练项目和企业项目融合,构建"赛教结合,以赛促教"的人才培养模式,建立完善的竞赛运行和管理机制,以此更好地发挥职业技能竞赛促进高职教育教学改革,提高高职生人才培养质量的积极作用。  相似文献   

从高职院校工程测量专业的教学特点出发,根据多年的教学经验,结合铜仁职业技术学院工程测量专业的实际情况,对工程测量类专业《测量学基础》课程在教学内容、教学方法、技能水平的培养及项目评价等方面进行了有关探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines the use of student debates to promote substantive knowledge and policy practice skills. The authors present a pedagogical rationale for student debates, describe the incorporation of debates into a child welfare policy course, and report the results of an evaluation. Students demonstrated significantly greater increases in self-reported knowledge of course topics when they participated in debates than when they observed debates or learned through standard forms of instruction. The majority of students reported satisfaction with the debates, reported that participation improved their policy skills and knowledge, and rated the educational value of debates higher than traditional assignments.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development of an innovative family policy practice course for direct practice students that emphasizes experiential learning to develop policy practice skills. The course uses a policy practice framework to understand the creation and implementation of major family legislation. A semester-long project provides students with opportunities to develop skills in advocacy, policy development, and planning by working for social change in the community. The article discusses examples of projects that have been implemented by students, discusses challenges to teaching experiential methods for skill building, and provides critical evaluation of the projects and their relevance for macro practice research.  相似文献   

GIS技术应用于直饮水公共取水器选址的初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文论述了GIS技术在直饮水公共取水器选址中的应用。着重介绍了直饮水公共取水器的综合因子评价指标体系及选址模型的建立,论述了科学选址的过程。指出了问题的所在及发展趋势。  相似文献   

It is often maintained that contemporary foreign labour recruitment programs have taken an increasingly selective stance and that skills are increasingly crucial in granting migrants easier access and stronger welfare and residency rights in receiving countries. The paper provides a retrospective account of the evolution of Italian labour migration management, paying attention to the changing selection criteria reflected in some of its “front, back and side doors”. It will be shown that Italian labour migration management is increasingly embracing a bifurcated regime of deservingness. Despite some recent tentative signs of change towards an increased evaluation of high skills as a selection principle embedded into a competitiveness‐driven frame, over the last decades labour migration management has been largely dominated by the recruitment of a low‐skilled workforce. The paper discusses the emergence of a specific construction migrants’ deservingness placing Italy in a peculiar position in a European context.  相似文献   

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