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This paper explains how social capital activates the accumulation of human capital within a Diaspora context. Our study focused on migrants in the Lithuanian Diaspora and revealed unexpected differences in the way low- and high-skilled migrants developed and applied social capital in order to accumulate human capital. Namely, despite a less privileged point of departure, low-skilled Lithuanians appeared stronger in developing new social networks, and were more driven to strengthen their human capital than high-skilled migrants. The study provides novel empirical and theoretical insights by explaining the significance of social capital in the accumulation of human capital among Diaspora communities. In so doing, the study provides important insights for integration policy development for immigrant-receiving countries, offering a different perspective on high- and low-skilled migrant mobility and integration intentions.  相似文献   

This paper addresses several less-explored dimensions of current scholarship on globalisation, migration and transnationalism: north–south migration streams, the role of second-generation ‘heritage migrants’ and the importance of social capital within unequal transnational social fields. We compare two circuits of second-generation migrants, Turk-Germans and Turk-Americans, engaged in ‘intensive transnationalism’ having independently moved to reside in their parents’ homeland. Istanbul becomes the site of homeland return for these distinct streams of educated heritage migrants. Cross-national comparison of the children of the more stigmatised Turk-German ‘guest workers’ with the socially less salient Turk-Americans of middle-class backgrounds offers insight into the way class networks and national capital are distinctly leveraged by adult children with immigrant parents of distinct contexts of homeland exit.  相似文献   


This paper aims to contribute to understanding of difference and knowledge on the analysis of the concepts of identity, Othering and belonging not only from a theoretical perspective, but more importantly by relating them empirically to the Australian context in a way that sheds a better light on the experiences of African immigrants to Australia. It draws on data from interviews conducted with 30 black Africans living in South East Queensland. Their racialized identities impacted on how they felt, were defined, related to and constructed, in Australia. Their accounts suggest that Othering practices can marginalize, exclude and affect migrants and refugees’ ideas and sense of belonging. The findings indicate the need for a more inclusive Australia, the accommodation of difference, the fostering of new identities, the rejection of negative representations and stereotypes of the Other, and the recognition that Othering is one of the important factors to understanding the marginalization, exclusion and challenges of ethnically and racially marked people in Australia.  相似文献   

Ten years after Poland joined the European Union (EU), a sizable number of the once considered short-term migrants that entered the United Kingdom (UK) post-2004 have remained. From the literature, it is known that, when initially migrating, social networks composed of family and friends are used to facilitate migration. Later, migrants’ social networks may evolve to include local, non-ethnic members of the community. Through these networks, migrants may access new opportunities within the local economy. They also serve to socialise newcomers in the cultural modalities of life in the destination country. However, what if migrants’ social networks do not evolve or evolve in a limited manner? Is cultural integration still possible under these conditions? Using data collected from three case studies in the South Wales region – Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfil and Llanelli – from 2008–2012, the aim of this article is to compare Polish migrants’ social network usage, or lack thereof, over time. This comparison will be used to understand how these social networks can be catalysts and barriers for cultural integration. The findings point to the migrants’ varied use of their local social networks, which is dependent upon their language skill acquisition and their labour market mobility in the destination country.  相似文献   

本文关注的是新疆龟兹地区居民唐宋之际语言上从吐火罗语转为突厥语,所奉主要宗教从佛教转为伊斯兰教的进程.笔者通过对史料中所录新疆地区的地名的分析认为,今这一地区突厥化浪潮自汉代已经开始,其高潮是公元840年回鹘的西迁.文章通过对长安"七宝台"佛寺的研究,提出高丽僧慧超所见之龟兹汉僧大云寺的建立,当与长安的大云寺有关.笔者通过对蒙元时代初期史料的研究,认为迟至13世纪中叶,即在伊斯兰时代的早期,佛教在新疆南部地区可能仍有一定影响.  相似文献   

本文通过对西北弓村"转灯"仪式的实地研究与描述,分析了仪 式在社区社会资本创建中的意义,认为社区民间仪式促进了居民之间的交往与沟通,有利于提高居民的参与、合作水平和自组织能力.文章同时指出,社区仪式的衰退会造成社区社会资本的缺失,只有通过仪式创新或创建其他形式的组织或活动,才能从一定程度上弥补这种缺失所造成的影响.  相似文献   

石德生 《西藏研究》2008,(4):93-103
文章通过急促城市化过程中三江源生态移民生活状态和社会适应的分析,讨论了制度性急促城市化带给生态移民观念的影响与变迁.认为虽然两年多的城市化进程导致生态移民的"心理振荡"和"边际人格",但由于生态移民的社会流动与分化现象较少,职业分化与异质性不深,观念的理性化、世俗化进程较慢,生活方式的现代性、多元化特征尚未成型,移民的生活方式仍然有着浓郁的传统性特征,城市化进程尚处于初级状态.  相似文献   

Low-wage migrant workers in wealthy nations occupy an ambiguous social and legal status that is inseparable from global economics and politics. This article adds to the growing and diverse literature on temporariness in labour and citizenship by reviewing Canada’s internationally recognised ‘model’ programme, the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP). Specifically, we present research on a small but rapidly growing peripheral pocket of workers in Nova Scotia, a less populated and more economically depressed province. Interview with former SAWP participants demonstrate how the uncertainty characterising the legal, immigration, and employment status of seasonal agricultural workers is socially practised and individually experienced. In particular, we show how specific elements of current migrant labour regulation have everyday effects in organising and delimiting non-work dimensions of migrant workers’ lives. In attending to the spatio-temporal dimensions of migrant workers’ lives we develop the concept social quarantining as a characteristic feature of former workers’ experiences ‘on the contract’.  相似文献   

王英  单德朋  庄天慧 《民族学刊》2020,11(1):32-43, 127-129
本文利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,研究了金融知识对民族地区贫困主体稳健脱贫的作用。使用工具变量控制了金融知识可能存在的内生性问题,并考虑了民族地区社会网络的特性对金融知识减贫效应的影响,发现金融知识对民族地区贫困减缓具有显著促进作用。但民族地区贫困主体的基本金融知识还较为匮乏,实施金融教育项目改善金融知识,是民族地区现有帮扶措施的有效补充。此外,社会网络也能够通过同伴效应对民族地区金融知识的行为转化产生影响,但要规避社会网络较高维系成本带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

社会工作视野下的城市少数民族流动人口问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市少数民族流动人口问题正逐渐成为社会关注的一大热点,文章主要对城市少数民族流动人口的现状、特点,对城市发挥的积极功能和城市少数民族流动人口问题的具体表现作一概述,并从社会工作这一新的视角分析了城市少数民族流动人口问题的成因,在此基础上就社会工作如何介入此问题提出一些建议.  相似文献   

本文指出 ,加拿大原住民自治政府虽然具有道德正义性而且其合法性与加拿大联邦主义的原则不冲突 ,但其作为一个在联邦制度内的制度构建与加拿大的主导政治文化和政治权力结构却有一种背离矛盾关系。这种主导共同体与亚集体认同矛盾的现象在多民族国家的政治制度构建中是带有普遍性的问题 ,如何在宪政建设中解决这个问题对加拿大联邦制的前景至关重要 ,而且对中国这样的多民族国家将来的宪政建设也有很大的启示作用  相似文献   


This article contends examines how racialization – the strategic employment of racial discourses to both define- and legitimize-specific social and spatial changes – serves as an adaptive and strategic means for city leaders and developers to control, define, plan and implement efforts to reshape impoverished neighborhoods. The deployment of racial tropes and narratives, such as diversity and ‘social mix’, organize and make legible redevelopment and its consequences of displacement for communities of poor minority residents. Urban development initiatives are imagined, worked out, legitimated and reconciled in an urban politics that relies on the deployment of racialized discourses of colorblindness, inclusivity and diversity. Drawing on a case study of redevelopment of Regent Park in Toronto, Canada, the paper examines how minorities are placed in the position of combatting socioeconomic and spatial inequalities, including displacement, on racial terms set by white elites.  相似文献   

本文以残疾人福利实践逻辑为视角,试图通过探究社会支持与权能感之间的关系,达致透视福利行为效能之目标。实证分析的结果表明,虽然以公民权利为核心理念的残疾人福利制度体系基本建构起来,但残联福利实践的传统色彩还比较浓厚,残疾人福利的制度逻辑与实践逻辑之间的裂痕有待弥合。  相似文献   

穆斯林积极进取和乐观向上的生活态度对宋代社会风俗的变化产生了深刻的历史影响,这个影响不仅体现在物质的方面,而且还体现在精神的方面。因为在宋代社会文明的发展进程中,穆斯林作为一支特殊的社会力量,他们把伊斯兰教“以人为本”的重商意识和道德理念融入到宋代的社会生活之中,从而使宋代的社会风俗出现了许多新的面貌和特点。故此,认真研究和总结穆斯林与宋代社会风俗之间的内在联系,对于进一步确认穆斯林在中国古代文明发展史中的历史地位,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Utilising indigenous Filipino psychology methods, this study examines the experiences of Filipino migrants in Poland, with a specific focus on the nature and function of their co-ethnic ties. The study is framed against the conceptual notion of bonding and bridging capital and strong and weak ties. Analysis of interview and focus group data suggests that respondents conceptualise co-ethnic ties in ways consistent with scholars’ definitions of bonding capital; however, there is substantial complexity in the nature, function, and strength of such ties. Furthermore, co-ethnic ties are dynamic and their form and function change with time as migrants integrate and adapt to their host countries.  相似文献   

藏传佛教僧尼是特殊群体,通过社会保障使他们老有所养、病有所医、体面地生活,是依法管理宗教事务在社会保障方面的体现,是以人为本政治理念的体现,也是构建和谐社会和实现社会公正的要求。本文基于实地调研材料研究了甘青藏传佛教僧尼医疗和养老保险、社会救助及其寺院社会化管理实施情况,并简要评析了僧尼社会保障实施的效果。  相似文献   

加强社会实践 ,是高校教学的重要内容和环节。通过社会实践有利于培养和提高少数民族大学生的综合素质、创新意识、创新能力 ;有利于培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人  相似文献   

周浩宇 《民族学刊》2021,12(10):73-78, 125
根据《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020年)》要求,西北地区城镇化建设进入了全新的转型期。一方面,在国家“一带一路”、西部大开发、向西开放等规化与举措的推动下,西北地区新型城镇化发展迅速。另一方面,因利益等因素导致的社会矛盾和冲突时有发生,潜在的新型城镇化问题依旧存在。本文在介绍西北地区城镇化概况基础上,总结了西北地区在新型城镇化建设中存在土地征收补偿标准偏低、利益非均衡化、群体性事件等问题,从发挥地方政府在新型城镇化中的社会保障作用、用文化认同引领农民市民化过程、多管齐下解决新城镇市民就业等几方面提出西北地区新型城镇化进程实践路径。  相似文献   

西部大开发已实施几年,相关法律体系的建设仍显滞后。本文从法律运作的角度,探讨了促进西部民族发展的几个重要的法律问题及制订相关法律的必要性,以期为西部的发展提供可行的法律依据。  相似文献   

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