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Employing Dutch longitudinal information on 1250 second-generation Moroccan and Turkish migrants we investigate cultural assimilation using attitude questions on marriage and sexuality (including measures of homophobia). Two theoretical approaches guide our analyses. First, it is expected that the family of origin may push migrants in a more conservative direction. Second, it is expected that aspects of individual achievement in social, cultural and socioeconomic domains may pull migrants in more liberal directions. We find that Moroccan and Turkish migrants have considerably more conservative values about marriage and sexuality than natives, but there is also variation within the second generation. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses for migrants indicate that the role of parents is particularly important: migrant children of religiously more orthodox parents and children of parents who were poorly integrated socially and culturally in their youth, currently have more conservative values about marriage and sexuality, even when individual characteristics are controlled for. Of the various aspects of individual achievement, we find that especially social integration of the second generation is a relevant predictor of liberal values, and not socioeconomic indicators of integration. These results remain significant in a stringent longitudinal test which minimises the bias due to reverse causation.  相似文献   

Each generation of immigrants has its own challenges; for example, how to maintain already constructed identities among first generation immigrants and how to construct identities of the second generation of immigrants. Numerous literature suggests that the previous studies on these topics have been conducted within larger cities such as London, Glasgow or Edinburgh. This article examines how Muslim immigrants in a small city maintain and modify some aspects of their religious and cultural identities. The data consist of 30 interviews conducted with first and second generation of Muslim immigrants in Scotland, analysis of which suggests the size of the city does not appear to affect daily Muslim practices nor their ability to maintain Muslim identity. Rather, access to shared spaces, such as Inverness Masjid and the local halal meat shop, become critical to how Muslim's maintain and modify their identity in a new place.  相似文献   

International migration changed large West European cities dramatically. In only two generations’ time, their ethnic make-up is turned upside down. Cities like Amsterdam and Brussels now are majority–minority cities: the old majority group became a minority. This new reality asks for an up-to-date perspective on assimilation and integration. In this article, I will show why grand theories like segmented and new assimilation theory no longer suffice in tackling that new reality of large cities, and I will question critically whether using the perspective of super-diversity is more pertinent for our analyses. Children of immigrants nowadays no longer integrate into the majority group, but into a large amalgam of ethnic groups. Next to the diversification of ethnic groups, we see diversification within ethnic groups in the second and third generations. I will focus on intergenerational social mobility patterns given that they are key to existing grand theories of assimilation. I will argue that super-diversity theory can only partially show us the way. To further build an alternative theoretical perspective, we also need to borrow from the intersectional approach and the integration context theory.  相似文献   

福费廷是一种新兴的以无追索权为特点的国际融资服务项目。西方国家的绝大多数大银行都开展了此项业务,而我国银行和贸易商对此了解不多。中国在入世时承诺的五年过渡期即将结束,外资银行纷纷抢滩中国市场,凭借其丰富的管理经验和优质多样的服务品种积极争夺中国国内的优质客户,南京爱立信“倒戈”花旗银行便是例证。中国的银行业面临前所未有的严峻局面。福费廷的研究和利用能使中资银行在竞争中获得一席之地,更好地迎接挑战。  相似文献   

Since 1965, the latest immigration to Denmark has not only brought new groups to the country but also resulted in new organizations, associations and movements established by people with Muslim background. In order to understand this extension and renewal of Danish civil society I distinguish between forms of organizations and forms of diffusion. The outcome of the analysis reveals four distinct clusters of Muslim organizations in Denmark: The first generation of Muslim associations was characterized by centralized state sponsored organizations, governed and financed by Arab countries and Turkey. The second generation of Muslim organizations took the form of transnational social movements and were often set up as a counterpart to the state sponsored organizations. The third wave of organization building, the so-called homegrown organizations, tried to unite Muslims in Denmark and worked for a dialog with the Danish majority. Most of the Muslim youth organizations belong to this category. However, some political Islamic youth organizations and networks have chosen an alternative strategy that challenges mainstream Danish institutions and values. The reaction of the government has been to tone down cooperation with representatives from the immigrant population and especially representatives from the Muslim minority.  相似文献   

In the present global context, the ‘problem’ of religion in relation to gender has become predominantly about the situation of Muslim women and what this indicates about the state of our civilization. Thus, in such incidents as the death of Aqsa Parvez (age 16) in late 2007 in Toronto, Canada, Muslim women's bodies, as many scholars have argued, become the battlegrounds which clearly demarcate the line between the civilized secular modern nation and premodern religious fundamentalisms. In this paper, I want to extend this critical work by bringing in an analysis of the second or ‘homegrown’ generation as it is in this context, I will argue that national anxieties about Canada's global status as a tolerant multicultural nation are most pronounced. Drawing on the work of Asad (2003), Mahmood (2006) and Brown (2006), I will outline how conceptions of tolerance and secularism operate through culture to produce a racialized distinction between the civilized, modern citizen and premodern fundamentalist groups in the making of Canada as a white settler multicultural nation. In order to illustrate this concretely, I will carry out a critical content analysis of representations of Aqsa Parvez's death in the media, representations which clearly demonstrate the contemporary operation of secularism and tolerance in relation to multiculturalism and its particular intensity as it pertains to second generation Muslims. In the conclusion, I want to reflect on how we might rethink our understanding of violence against Muslim women in order to destabilize this powerful binaristic framing which continues to secure a white settler hegemony of ‘multiculturalism within a bilingual framework’ even as it obscures the power relations through which it sustains a racial hierarchy.  相似文献   

This paper aims to compare the educational outcomes of children of immigrants in France and in the United States to highlight the ethnic educational inequalities in both countries. The comparison focuses on children from two groups: North Africans in France and Mexicans in the United States. By using two longitudinal datasets, the French Educational Panel Survey and Add Health, we examine aspirations, expectations, and secondary attainment in the two contexts. We explore in particular the role of parental education on attainment. Immigrant families have high educational aspirations in both contexts. North-African families express higher aspirations than native French with similar background, while there are no significant differences between second-generation Mexicans and the majority group net of parental education. Second-generation children are disadvantaged in school in both countries; they are more likely to drop out and less likely to graduate from high school, but most of the disadvantage is related to their social background. Net of social background, the Mexican second generation does not differ from the majority group while the North African second generation is more likely to get the French high school diploma than their peers of French origins, in line with their high aspirations. However, North Africans are more likely to receive the technological baccalauréat than the general baccalauréat.  相似文献   

上海外国语大学中东研究所马丽蓉教授的新著《西方霸权语境中的阿拉伯—伊斯兰问题研究》,沿着从霸权到话语霸权再到认同的逻辑思路,辅以对西方"东方主义"心理状态的分析,对西方霸权语境之下的阿拉伯—伊斯兰问题进行了深刻的论述。对于以中东为核心的阿拉伯—伊斯兰世界的争夺和控制是西方霸权的重要体现,霸权必然发展为对话语权的争夺以获得话语霸权,从而形成以妖魔化伊斯兰为特征的"遮蔽的伊斯兰"。霸权与话语霸权的争夺是深层的认同政治的表现,如何在文明对话和文化自觉的基础上进行认同重构,则是当前包括阿拉伯—伊斯兰文明在内的各大文明体系面临的重大挑战。  相似文献   

Many immigrants in Western countries hail from countries where attitudes towards gender relations and sexual norms are considerably more conservative than in the host countries where they eventually settle. This paper assesses whether immigrants and their children acculturate in this dimension, and how migrants’ cultural practices and economic integration influence this process. Presenting a conceptual and methodological innovation, this paper treats acculturation as a process by which immigrants (and their children) shift from the attitude distribution in the origin country to the one of the host country. Using a cross-classified hierarchical regression model and data on attitudes towards homosexuality in 83 countries of origin and 23 destination countries, I model the relative influence of origin and destination contexts on the attitudes of 15,000 immigrants and children of immigrants in Europe. In line with previous work, I find considerable evidence for acculturation across and within generations, but also important variation: respondents who use the home-country language, who are religious, or who are economically marginalised, show less acculturation in attitudes, though these effects vary between immigrants and the second generation.  相似文献   

“第二代民族政策”没有新意;“第二代民族政策”观点举证严重失实;本文从理论到实际例证,对“第二代民族政策”提出了质疑.  相似文献   

Post-Socialist liberalisation has returned ethnic minorities in Central Eastern Europe to the spotlight. In border regions where inter-ethnic dialogue is burdened by historical conflicts that for over four decades were taboo, various developments now coincide. On the one hand, permeable borders and political transition have resulted in new legal rights for minorities coupled with vastly improved possibilities for contact and communication with their native country. On the other hand, historical antagonisms have re-emerged and are being debated again in the new sociopolitical climate. The eastern enlargement of the European Union is bound to spawn new challenges and threats for inter-ethnic dialogue. Against this background, this article addresses inter-ethnic issues at the Polish eastern border over the last decade. It highlights different forms of the integration and exclusion of minorities in the light of transition and European Union enlargement, taking as examples the Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Belarusian border regions.  相似文献   

《格萨尔》是藏族人民集体创作的一部伟大的英雄史诗,历史悠久,结构宏伟,卷帙浩繁,内容丰富,气势磅礴,流传广泛。从分布的格局上看,《格萨尔》的流传有若干个点,四条线和两个面。点连成线即东北线、东南线、南线和西线四条线。线铺成面,即东北线向北在蒙古草原驻足,又向四周辐射,形成以蒙古草原为中心的蒙古族《格萨尔》传播面,东南线、南线和西线铺成以青藏高原为中心的藏族《格萨尔》传播面。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature demonstrates important negative health effects from racial microaggressions for racial/ethnic minorities. However, at present, the bulk of the literature is focused on the case of black Americans with relatively little attention as to how this may play out for other racial/ethnic groups. Here, we examine the association of health and racial microaggressions in the case of Latinos. Furthermore, we disaggregate Latinos by language preference in order to see how acculturation to the USA may moderate the effect of racial microaggressions on health outcomes for the group. In a statistical analysis of the 2004 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, we examine the association between stress from racial microaggressions and self-rated health for Latinos of different levels of linguistic acculturation. We find that more acculturated Latinos (measured in terms of language preference) are more likely to experience physical stress from perceived racial microaggressions after accounting for social and demographic factors. Further, this stress is linked to overall poorer self-rated health for the group. However, we find no such association for less acculturated, Spanish-preference Latinos.  相似文献   


This article will discuss the meaning(s) of rituals among Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus in Denmark with special focus on the second generation. It will use Roy A. Rappaport's theory on ritual both as communication and as a basic social act, but it will also, in line with Jan Assmann and Hervieu Legér, understand the ritual as a storing place of collective memory. It will give a short outline of what can be called the institutionalisation but also the placemaking of the Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu tradition in Denmark, but the empirical focus will be on the chariot procession (Tēr), which attracts thousands of participants every year. The Tēr procession is an example of continuity and change. Continuity because the participants try to reproduce the ritual as they know it from Sri Lanka, however, changed so it fits into or communicates with the new setting.  相似文献   


The article surveys Tsarist, Soviet and Western historiography of Russia and how this affected the national identities and inter-ethnic relations among the three eastern Slavs. Western historiography of Russia largely utilised an imperialist and statist historiographical framework created within the Tsarist empire during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Although this framework was imperialist it was gradually accepted as 'objective' by the Western scholarly community. Yet, this historiography was far from being 'objective'. After 1934 Soviet historiography also reverted to the majority of the tenets found in Tsarist historiography. Within Tsarist, Western and Soviet historiographies of 'Russia' eastern Slavic history was nationalised on behalf of the Russian nation which served to either ignore or deny a separate history and identity for Ukrainians and Belarusians. In the post-Soviet era all 15 Soviet successor states are undertaking nation and state building projects which utilise history and myths to inculcate new national identities. The continued utilisation of the Tsarist, Western and Soviet imperial and statist historiographical schema is no longer tenable and serves to undermine civic nation building in the Russian Federation. This article argues in favour of a new, non-imperial framework for histories of 'Russia' territorially based upon the Russian Federation and inclusive of all of its citizens.  相似文献   

长期以来,国内学术界对西方人类学界研究伊斯兰教的学者及作品缺乏深入了解。曾有文章介绍过欧美和日本学术界对中国穆斯林社会的研究,但就宗教人类学对整个伊斯兰世界的研究介绍很少。本文是一篇总结最新欧美人类学界研究伊斯兰教的文章,作者梳理了学术史,分析了研究现状,提出了可供讨论的问题及研究空白点。人类学研究宗教具有深厚的传统,对伊斯兰教的研究也具有独特的视角,西方人类学学者从历史、社会、理论、知识、权利、性别、仪式等角度关注过这一宗教及信仰群体,包括埃文斯·普里查德、格尔兹、萨义德、艾克尔曼、费舍尔、安敦等著名学者。通过本文的介绍,国内学者不仅从中可以领略到他们对各种问题的研究范式,同时,这些理论和视角也能够给我国研究者提供新的视野,具有很高的参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

本文采用了实地调查法和问卷调查法,考察了刘家泰国和美国四代人的语言使用现状及其演变,并分析了不同国家及其社会文化对瑶族语言使用的影响。文章主要包括四部分:1.概括了世界瑶族的分布和历史迁徙,以及刘家四代人的居住地区;2.泰国和美国的刘家人的生活方式,以及泰、美社会文化对其语言使用的影响;3.刘家四代人的语言使用状况,包括:四代人的文化程度、年龄、家庭语言使用现状、周围的语言环境及四代人的语言使用条件和变化;4.刘家四代人的双语和多语言生活的发展和演变,总结了四代人母语与兼用语的关系。本文认为,刘家的前三代使用的语言形式是多语种类型,而第四代人的语言类型变为双语或单一语言,母语使用语言衰退,并转换成居住国的通用语;刘家四代人所使用的母语和兼用语相互竞争,但又和谐共处。  相似文献   

刘毅  郎玉屏 《民族学刊》2013,4(4):90-96,132-133
教育与经济的悖论源于贫困地区人才逆向流动的现实,然而从国家第一个连片开发的武陵山片区外出务工者的调研表明,务工是短期、直接、表面收益,教育是长期、间接、根本收益;优先发展教育甚至是教育第一发展是贫困地区根本改变落后状态的必然选择,现在是,将来也是。教育与经济相互促进,导致理论上出现教育与经济的悖论可能的原因是过分注重短期效益、直接效益、表面效益。  相似文献   

人类学视野中的旅游对目的地负面影响研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国旅游业在经历了几十年的发展后,显示了其越来越强大的发展潜力,同时也给我国各方面带来了深刻的影响,旅游对目的地的社会文化影响就是其中之一.多年来关于旅游的影响,国内外学者和科研院所等机构都做了不少的研究,但从新兴的西学东渐的旅游人类学理论来研究旅游对目的地社会文化负面影响的过程和结果,更有助于我们了解目的地的变化,尤其是对目的地传统文化的保护具有启示价值.  相似文献   

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