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“看呀!赖镇长又来看望老刘家啦——”今年6月6日下午4点多钟,雨下个不停。在江西省信丰县小河镇兰坳村丁公岭村民小组,一辆粘满泥浆的农用车嘎然而止。65岁的刘秀伐老人闻讯后又惊又喜,立刻带领全家七口冒雨迎上前去。一时间,村里的200多名父老乡亲奔走相告。有的燃放鞭炮,有的敲锣打鼓,有的高举一块上书“共产党最亲”的大红字匾,聚集在刘秀伐的家门口。“刘大伯,我们看您来了!”在激动人心的气氛中,小河镇镇长赖允贵一走下车便亲手将5150元捐款送到刘秀伐老人手中。随行的几名镇干部则从车上卸下一个个装有棉衣、棉被、蚊帐、大米等生活物品的袋子搬进刘秀伐刚刚修建的“新家”。 相似文献
(一) 《三国志演义》(以下简称《三国》)是既表现思想也传达感情的。但是,多年来,人们过于注重其思想道德方面的研究,而忽略了传达感情方面的探讨。笔者以为,《三国》的主要人物之所以未变成道德的传声筒,人物个性未消融到共性中去的主要原因,就在于《三国》在表现思想道德的同时也传达了人物富有个性的感情。这二者在《三国》中是水乳交融般化合在一起的,并且又在相互作用下升华到了人格层次上,表现出了令人仰慕的超时空的人格美。这也正是《三国》具有追魂摄魄的艺术魅力和高度审美价值的主要原因之一。毋庸讳言,《三国》对人的情感世界中男女之间的情欲、情爱的领域采取了扭曲与净化的方式。对反面人物,便将凡是涉及男女之事均降至情欲的低层次去暴露,以加强道德上丑化批判的力度,如对曹操;对正面形象则将男女之事纳入符合道德规范的家庭伦理 相似文献
庄子美学的独特追求是无情,即消除喜怒情绪对于人的心神的扰动。这可以使人达到两方面的自由,一是免除外界刺激之干扰的自由,一是自主掌握生命的创造活动。达到无情的方法是用心若镜,即把外物化为形象,不留滞于胸中。这涉及一种审美的态度,使物的意义得以转换。 相似文献
新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,大陆方面高度重视台胞健康福祉,对台胞一视同仁,及时关怀照顾,同时为台企积极提供服务,确保疫情防控工作和生产经营活动正常有序开展。国台办发言人介绍说,对台工作系统和有关部门、地方深入贯彻落实习近平总书记在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上的重要讲话精神。 相似文献
郁达夫的旧体诗,游刃有余地描绘了新时代的哀乐,且更创新境界新面目,风格多样而主情深慷慨、自我煌煌、声韵浏亮和畅,诚为传统诗歌艺术在现代的美丽绽放,而远非“旧瓶装新酒”之所能概括,代表了传统文学形式在现代社会的继续生存与发扬光大,对于当下的我们特具研究借鉴之意义。 相似文献
《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(2):79-100
Abstract Although research and theory suggest that volunteers contribute to the quality of life of senior people whom they serve, rigorous empirical investigation is missing for senior Hong Kong Chinese. A project that recruits, trains, and matches volunteers for isolated and frail senior Hong Kong Chinese is good for the investigation because it represents a new approach. This study employed a two-wave panel design to collect data from 125 users of the volunteer networking project. Its results demonstrate that volunteer input, in terms of contact intensity and helpfulness, significantly contributed to Wave 2 quality-of-life outcomes, including reduction in worry, increase in community knowledge, and social integration given the control of their prior scores. Nevertheless, volunteer input had no significant effects on the senior visitee's health. 相似文献
To meet the growing social service needs of our societies, the social services and other Volunteer organizations need to understand the needs and motives of their volunteers to keep them retained. Although volunteer motivation scales are available and tested, different organizations have to amend and add volunteering motives to best fit their organization and environment. Furthermore, not much guidance is available to volunteer organizations to understand or measure motivation of their volunteers raising a need for a unified model that can be a guideline for managers. This study discusses different approaches to volunteering motivation and links them into four areas of affiliation using an ABCE model: affiliation (A), beliefs, (B) career development, (C) and (E) egoistic. Participants were 496 volunteers from a variety of NGOs including 239 (48.2%) from an international Faith Based Organization (FBO). Findings show that although differences exist in volunteering motivation the actual best fit was an ABCE model. Future research is needed on testing the scale with different cultures and different organizations. A deeper knowledge of volunteer motivations will enable organizations to prosper and utilize the continuous experience of the volunteers and their engagement, thereby ensuring enhanced quality social service delivery. 相似文献
近40年来,志愿服务的经济价值日益显著,其测算方法也迅速发展,并在世界范围内得到广泛应用.借鉴重置成本法构建出适用于中国的测算框架,以此为基础,利用大型家居调查数据,对北京市志愿服务的经济价值进行测算.结果表明:北京市2015年志愿服务的经济价值为83.77亿元,相当于全市GDP的0.36%;如果将志愿服务分为专业与普通两类,并适用不同的工资标准,经济价值则增加到116.52亿元,相当于全市GDP的0.51%,接近当年全市第一产业增加值. 相似文献
ABSTRACT While several studies have highlighted the negative consequences of trauma exposure on rescuers’ health, the psychological factors promoting rescuers’ well-being have rarely been investigated. The present study aimed at analyzing the quality of rescuing experience among professionals and volunteers of the Italian Red Cross. The experiences of 14 professional and 11 volunteer ambulance rescuers were examined through the repeated assessment of their subjective evaluations of daily activities and contexts in real time. Their experience fluctuation pattern was analyzed based on the levels of environmental challenges and personal skills perceived during daily activities. Both professionals and volunteers reported frequent exposure to highly challenging situations while rescuing and associated this activity with high concentration, involvement, and control. Perceptions of anxiety were significantly more frequent among volunteers. For both groups, first-aid activities were reported to provide optimal experience, a complex and rewarding condition characterized by the perception of high challenges matched with adequate skills. Results suggested that working as rescuers can promote well-being through optimal experiences. The potential for skill refinement and individual development embedded in rescuing activities, together with individual characteristics, should be taken into account in designing training programs for professionals and volunteers. 相似文献
《Journal of social service research》2013,39(1):45-68
AbstractThis study proposes and tests the Volunteer Satisfaction Index (VSI), a multi-faceted measure of job satisfaction specifically applicable to organizations which rely predominantly upon volunteer workers. Working within a framework differentiating paid from unpaid work environments, relevant literature was reviewed in order to develop the VSI. Using intent to remain as the dependent variable, the validity of the VSI was tested using a population of 327 volunteers. Factor analysis yielded four dimensions of volunteer job satisfaction: organizational support, participation efficacy, empowerment, and group integration. Regression results indicated that participation efficacy and group integration were significantly correlated with volunteer satisfaction and are predictors of intent to remain. Reliability and validity of the VSI were supported. 相似文献
文章认为,志愿者精神是中国社会转型过程中产生的一种新的用来增强社会整合的集体意识。志愿服务意识的形成能对公众的行为起到有效的导向作用,但意识的深浅将导致行为走势的连锁反映,而有我利他的深层志愿服务意识更有利于志愿者行动的持久化。本文在对志愿服务意识的含义和类型进行分析的基础上,建构了志愿服务意识的成长模型。 相似文献
文章认为,志愿者精神是中国社会转型过程中产生的一种新的用来增强社会整合的集体意识。志愿服务意识的形成能对公众的行为起到有效的导向作用,但意识的深浅将导致行为走势的连锁反映,而有我利他的深层志愿服务意识更有利于志愿者行动的持久化。本文在对志愿服务意识的含义和类型进行分析的基础上,建构了志愿服务意识的成长模型。 相似文献