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广州地区非洲人社会支持的弱化、断裂与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许涛 《南方人口》2009,24(4):34-44
本文通过实地研究发现,非洲人离开非洲到广州来,这一行为导致其正式社会支持网络全面断裂。非正式支持网络也因空间的区隔而出现弱化。另一方面,在目前广州这一场域下,他们无法获取像中国公民一样的正式社会支持。于是,他们面临了本国社会支持断裂和弱化以及移人地社会支持缺失的困境,面对这一困境,非洲人通过延续和加强既有社会关系、结交新朋友,通婚和加入宗教和志趣团体等方式重构了他们的社会支持网络。  相似文献   

山东省人口老龄化空间分异及其形成机制研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究人口老龄化的区域差异及解释其成因,对合理制定人口发展战略具有重要意义。本文从时空角度探讨山东省人口老龄化进程,构造模型分析老龄化空间分异变动的制约因素,采用两种分布比较方法定量研究各制约因素的影响程度,最终揭示老龄化程度区域差异扩大的动力机制。结果表明,山东省老年人口比重出现极化现象的主要原因在于人口自身的惯性作用,包括人口年龄结构和出生率的共同作用,此外还受到经济社会诸多因素的制约。  相似文献   

非洲的人口动态与分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李仲生 《西北人口》2009,30(5):23-26
非洲的人口动态长期以来具有高出生率、高死亡率的特点,20世纪90年代以后,非洲的人口动态由高出生高死亡模式向高出生中死亡模式转变.死亡率的持续下降在很大程度上是由于数种过去危害最严重的急性传染病基本上得到有效控制的结果。正是死亡率的下降和持续的高出生率导致非洲人口迅速增长。在非洲人口增长的过程中.人口分布是极不平衡的。非洲人口分布的变化与经济因素的人口定期迁移是密切相关的,大致可分为三种情况.这种独特的迁移模式均与经济活动和生产方式直接相关。  相似文献   

叶育登  胡记芳 《西北人口》2008,29(4):88-92,97
本文从群际传播视角出发。探讨民工社会认同形成机制,并结合作者相关社会调查研究,对民工社会认同危机现象进行了较为深入的分析,并提出了化解民工社会认同危机的方法与对策。  相似文献   

文章通过对692位老人调查数据的分析发现:(1)中国城乡老年人的居住安排呈现多样化特征,有67.8%的老年人独立居住;(2)大多数老年人居住的社区针对老年人的服务和设施相当欠缺,尤其是针对残疾老人的设施更是奇缺;(3)老年人在使用社区设施上群体性差异较小;(4)老年人居住上获得包括单位在内的机构的帮助已经很少;(5)住房条件和财产权利构成了中国老年人社会分层的基本尺度。具有与西方发达国家老年人住房安排和选择不一样的特征,这些特征蕴含着中国特色。  相似文献   

本文从统筹解决人口问题的角度出发,对计划生育补偿机制与导向机制的关系定位进行深入探讨,并针对现有制度中存在的一些问题提出对策建议。  相似文献   

按照国家人口计生委的统一部署,2011年,四川省全面开展了全员人口信息采集机制创新试点工作。目前全省有4个县纳入国家试点,有69个县市区纳入省级试点,涉及除三洲外的18个市。经过近一年的实践,我们按照国家人口计生委的要求,结合四川省的实际,对全员人口信息采集机制创新的目的及意义、现行全员人口信息采集机制的现状、新机制建设的方向和着力点等问题进行全面思考和探索。  相似文献   

随着21世纪的到来,我国人口与计划生育事业进入了一个新的重要发展时期。近年来,我县在积极抓好经常性计生工作的同时,从计生工作的领导机制、利益导向机制和工作机制三个方面着力,进行探索和创新,努力实现计生工作方式的“两个转变”,积极向全省一类地区的目标迈进,取得一定成效。  相似文献   

合理的人力资本空间结构是实现区域人力资本可持续发展的重要因素。本文选取山东省人均GDP、GDP增速、非农产业比重、每万人医生数、每万人病床数、平均受教育年限、教育投入占GDP的比重、人均教育投入、每万人学校数、高中入学率、每万人科技人员数等对人力资本影响较大的指标 ,利用GIS方法分析了山东省 1 990~ 2 0 0 0年人力资本空间结构的重心转移过程 ,揭示了人力资本空间差异的形成机制。  相似文献   

为改变计划生育工作“急在县里、热在镇里、冷在村里”的状况 ,大丰市大中镇在“以村为主、村民自治”工作中 ,既发挥了领导齐抓共管的作用 ,又发挥以群管群 ,以群教群的作用 ,挖出了村级自治的内在潜力 ,保证村民“自我教育、自我管理、自我服务”的经常性、规范性、群众性 ,这些成功做法和经验值得推广和总结  相似文献   

广州老年家庭与老年人口居住安排的空间差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文运用人口普查汇总数据分析表明,1990—2000年广州老年家庭持续较快增长;老年家庭在各区、县级市的分布不均匀。2000年广州老年人口居住安排的最主要类型是与成年亲属同住,其次是独居、老年夫妇同住。居住安排存在城乡、区、街道等空间上的差异。  相似文献   

本文通过广州市不同时期、不同社区老年人口的研究 ,提出广州市社区人口老龄化的特征 :人口老龄化不但存在城乡差别 ,而且城市内部也存在差异 ;不同时期形成的社区以及不同地理区位的社区的人口老龄化也有不同之处。根据广州老龄化社区的现状 ,认为共享社区的构建要通过生存资源、发展机会、社会成果等方面的共享实现  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):121-138

This article is an attempt to present some of the historical and political contexts of older women in general and to communicate pieces of the lives of African American older women, in particular. It presents some of the present day distortions as well as a sense of the historical, economic, and political realities of older African American lives, while trying to limit the use of the usual comparison approach to this topic.  相似文献   

Finding a modest yet statistically significant correlation between skin tone and vocabulary test scores among African Americans, Lynn (2002) concludes that intelligence in African Americans is significantly determined by the proportion of Caucasian genes (p. 365). In this reanalysis of Lynn's data, I demonstrate that his bivariate association disappears once childhood environmental factors are considered. Therefore, a genetic link between skin color and intelligence among African Americans cannot be supported in his data. Investigators seeking to establish a genetic connection between racial ancestry and intelligence must move beyond simple bivariate results to address the confounding influence of environmental conditions that affect cognitive development.  相似文献   

Mean levels of three characteristics—verbal IQ, number of sexual partners, and birth weight—were examined in African American, White (European-descent) Americans, and Black/White mixed race American adolescents. The sample came from Wave 1 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The mean age was 16 years. According to their interviewers, the mixed race children had an African American physical appearance. The African American adolescents had a lower birth weight, a lower verbal IQ, and a higher number of sexual partners than did White adolescents. For each characteristic, the mixed race mean fell between the means of the two parental populations. Design extensions were proposed that include: (1) directly genotyping for individual racial admixture, (2) including parents of the mixed race children, and (3) including their cousins.  相似文献   

Openness to experience has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health in the general population, but there is a dearth of information both about why this is the case and on LGB populations in this area. The present article explores the relationship between openness to experience, LGB identity development, and mental health. The results revealed a full mediation model, where the positive impact of openness to experience on mental health is fully mediated by positive LGB identity development. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

城市老年人社区参与的现状及原因探析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在社区参与的实践中,老年人已成为积极而重要的力量。在社区自治程度较高、社区居委会等社区组织能够发挥核心组织力量的社区,老年人社区参与的积极性较高,而且社区参与的形式也丰富多样,主要包括文体娱乐性参与、志愿性参与和自治性参与。老年人社区参与的积极性较高,其中存在多方面原因。可以从老年人的社区参与所具备的个人条件、社区参与的收益以及社区认同感与归属感等角度进行分析。  相似文献   

Because marriage has been denied to same-sex couples, it is likely that the meaning and significance ascribed to non-marital cohabitation may be unique. Further, it is unclear whether same-sex couples view marriage as important to their relationships, and if they do, why. Using qualitative data from 526 individuals in cohabiting same-sex relationships across 47 states, we explored (1) the meaning and significance of cohabitation and (2) the perceived importance of legal marriage to the relationship. Participants viewed cohabitation as significant, most commonly because it indicates long-term commitment, provides emotional support, makes the couple a family, and allows them to share life together. Marriage was perceived as important to a majority (90%), most commonly because it confers financial and legal benefits, relational legitimacy, and demonstrates the same commitment as different-sex couples. Overall, findings highlight the symbolic significance of cohabitation and importance of access to legal marriage to adults in same-sex relationships.  相似文献   

本文采用人口普查数据分析了1990-2010年广州青年人口数量增长与受教育程度、婚姻状况和职业构成变动特征.广州青年人口绝对规模扩大、增速下降和相对规模收缩.人口迁移流动是青年人口增长变化的最主要因素.青年人口的受教育程度构成由中低层次向中高层次转变,未婚为主、已婚有配偶居次的婚姻构成更趋向未婚状况,职业以体力劳动者为主、正逐步向高级化转变.这些社会构成存在性别和年龄差异.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of women's residential district in the process of family formation in western Germany during the 1980s and 1990s. Our analysis of the transition to first marriage and motherhood is based on the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), which we merge with a rich set of district-level data. The estimated multilevel discrete-time logit models suggest that (1) basically all regional heterogeneity in women's entry into parenthood is due to differences in the respondents' marital status, while there is (2) a constant and significant regional variation in women's first marriage probabilities, which cannot be explained by population composition or by structural contextual effects. Thus, regional influences on fertility behavior do not have an autonomous quality, but are merely mediated through a latent contextual effect on women's risk of entering first marriage, which we attribute to regional socio-cultural milieus.  相似文献   

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