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In all cases of newborn adoption where placement is made directly into the permanent adoptive home, the adoptive parents become the psychological parents for that child. While birth parents give the gift of birth, they do not experience the developmental process of being a parent because in reality they are emotionally unprepared for this responsibility. We discuss the clinical meaning of a voluntary termination of parental rights, the appropriate grieving of the real narcissistic loss of the baby, and the meaning of adoption for a birth parent.There is a new trend in the field of child welfare toward openness in adoption which purports to change traditional confidential adoptions. We discuss the crucial aspects of the intrapsychic difference for a birth parent experiencing an open or confidential adoption.This paper was presented to the National Committee for Adoption, Convention, October, 1982: the First International Conference on Pediatric Social Work, August, 1982 and to the Child Care Association of Illinois Convention, April, 1982. All authors have the M.A. degreeThis paper is the first of a four-part series to appear in this journal  相似文献   

Psychological self-awareness is as essential to the maturation of one's professional self as is the development of theoretical and clinical expertise in child placement. This paper represents a first published attempt at examining countertransference in adoption. The focus is within the context of confidential adoptions, which the authors believe is more child-focused and intrapsychically based than the current experimentation with open adoptions. A distinction is made between countertransference and non-countertransference issues. Countertransference responses are divided into Racker's three categories: the concordant; the complementary; and the disjunctive. Clinical data illustrates these responses in actual practice from the perspective of confidential adoptions.This paper was presented in 1985 before the Illinois Infant Mental Health Association, National Society of Clinical Social Workers, and the National Association of Social Workers National Professional Symposium.This is the last of a series. Parts I, II, and III were published in Vol. 2, Nos. 1, 2, and 3.  相似文献   

In all cases of newborn adoption where placement is made directly into the permanent adoptive home, the adoptive parents become the psychological parents for that child. While adoptive parents enter the development phase of parenthood, the task is complicated by the fact that the child they are about to raise is not their biological child. We discuss the biological and psychological foundations of parenthood and examine the tasks that adoptive parents face when confronted with either an open or confidential adoption. We focus on the ways in which either procedure may assist or disrupt the adoptive parents' ability to form and maintain an on-going healthy attachment to the child.There is a new trend in the field of child welfare toward openness in adoption, which purports to change traditional confidential adoptions. We discuss the crucial aspects of the intrapsychic difference for an adoptive parent experiencing an open or confidential adoption.And so they wrangled before the King ... Kings II, Ch. VThis paper was presented to the National Committee for Adoption Convention, October, 1982; the First International Conference on Pediatric Social Work, August, 1982 and to the Child Care Association of Illinois Convention, April, 1982. All authors have the M.A. degree and are affiliated with St. Mary's Services, an Episcopal Child Welfare Agency, est. 1894, 5725 North Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660.  相似文献   

赵洪才  严嫣 《城市》2003,(6):27-29
一、问题的提出 进入20世纪90年代以后,我国城市污水处理事业的发展速度加快.排水管道由1990年的5.78万公里猛增到2001年的15.81万公里,增长了1.74倍.城市污水日处理能力由1301.9万立方米增加到6215.5万立方米,增长了3.77倍,平均每年新增446.7万立方米.其中污水处理厂日处理能力相对增长较快,日处理能力由1990年的277.3万立方米增加到1998年的3106.3万立方米,增加了10.2倍;城市排水行业设施建设投资占整个市政公用设施建设投资比例从5.74%增加到8.6%.而在整个市政公用设施建设的投资中,来自政府投入的比例从1986年的80.31%降到了2001年的29.02%;来自市场的投入比例则由19.68%增加到70.98%.  相似文献   

Parent loss and childhood bereavement: some theoretical considerations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to review critically the major psychoanalytic positions on the impact of parent loss during childhood. An effort is made to review systematically the issues of the loss of a parent as a love object, the loss of a parent as a narcissistic injury, children's cognitive understanding of death, and the relationship between loss and trauma. Two questions are raised by our efforts to understand the impact of the loss of a parent through death on children under ten years of age. First, what psychological tasks do children confront and what modes of coping do they use to deal with such an event? And, second, does such an event invariably lead to some pathological result for the child, or may its effects be normalized in the course of time? Although these questions may be seen as empirical questions needing to be answered through the collection of data that would confirm or negate the hypotheses generated, the questions are always posed within the context of a theoretical framework that colors how data is collected and which data is collected. By reviewing the theoretical positions, we come to the conclusion that no single approach is sufficient to explain the complexity of the impact of the death of a parent on a child. We propose that since no integrated conceptual framework presently encompasses all that needs to be explained, it is necessary to use a multivariant approach. Such an approach may be helpful in generating hypotheses and in beginning the task of systematic data collection.  相似文献   

Methodologically, the most advanced social science discipline is considered economics, especially its neoclassical version. A number of practitioners in the other social sciences, especially sociology and political science, perceive economics as a scientific exemplar in methodological (and theoretical) terms. This methodological exemplar has been, particularly in the last decades, attempted to emulate by some of these social scientists. The outcome of this emulation, by adopting and extending its methods, of neoclassical economics in parts (but not all) of sociology, political science, and elsewhere has been rational choice theory as a general social paradigm. This paper tries to show that many misapplications of the methodology of neoclassical economics in rational choice theory have ensued from such methodological emulation. That neoclassical economics does not necessarily contain or lead to a mathematical rational choice model is the core argument of this paper. The paper fills in a gap created by the current literature’s focus on the methodological bases of mathematical rational choice theory in neoclassical economics.  相似文献   

The question of how individual memory fits, or more accurately, does not fit with history is at the heart of this paper on Maryse Condé’s novel Heremakhonon about Veronica Mercier, a character who was born in Guadeloupe, lived in Paris and travels to West Africa in search of an ancestry that was interrupted by slavery. Suggesting that readings that focus on Mercier as a character are limited in approach, it reads the novel as a staging of time and is attentive to the gaps between thought and speech, between memory and history, between Guadeloupe and Africa, and between women’s personal sexual pleasure and the impersonal reproductive body that interrupt the narrative. The central character’s personal quest for her African roots – for ‘niggers with ancestors’, for Africa as a singular lost object, which necessarily involves ignoring the subaltern – is nuanced by the novel’s deployment of heterogeneous time.  相似文献   

成建 《城市》2005,(6):43-45
党的十六大明确指出:"国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱.要深化国有企业改革,进一步探索公有制的多种有效实现形式",并指出:"除极少数必须由国家独资经营的企业外,积极推行股份制,发展混合所有制经济,实行投资主体多元化."  相似文献   

城市经济学性质的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓玲 《城市》2004,(1):18-21
城市经济学诞生于20世纪60年代,是与经济理论从微观经济学到宏观经济学再到中观经济学这一发展历程一脉相承的.1965年美国汤姆逊的《城市经济学导言》问世,标志着城市经济学在美国首先诞生.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to collect some experience and some research concerning racial dimensions in current social work practice. It also grapples with the problem of fear. It is written from the perspective of social services workers, who distinguish themselves from other professional colleagues concerned with child abuse in two important respects. Firstly, they carry specific statutory responsiblity for the welfare of children, and therefore have extensive powers over the lives of family members. Secondly, as part of local government, Social Services Departments are at the forefront of conveying societal and political as well as professional attitudes and values into their work with some of the most disadvantaged people in the communities they serve. In urban areas these communitities contain many people with little or no clout, or people who do not realize that they could have a say in how services are delivered.  相似文献   

刘星  谭春晓  王秀存 《城市》2007,(1):67-69
一、天津市水资源现状 天津市是资源型缺水城市,人均水资源占有量约180立方米,为全国人均占有量的1/17,世界人均占有量的1/50,远远低于世界公认的人均占有量1000立方米的缺水警戒线,属重度缺水地区.  相似文献   

邹积新 《城市》2005,(1):22-25
现代城市规划的制度体系,在城市化快速发展的过程中,由于产业和人口快速地大规模集中,遭遇了域市社会和环境如公共卫生和住房等诸多问题.这些问题引起了一些社会学者和经济界的关注,并提出了新的城市规划理念,同时进行了尝试性的实践.  相似文献   

李树琮  欧阳东 《城市》2004,(3):23-25
改革开放以来,我国民营经济得到长足发展.对国民经济的快速发展和所有制改革都作出了应有的贡献.在新的形势下,如何进一步发展民营经济,是城市综合改革和可持续发展的重大课题.本文仅就此谈点认识,敬请同仁和实业家指正.  相似文献   

石林 《城市》2007,(4):26-28
城市基础设施既是生产条件又是生活条件,还是投资环境,是一切城市活动的载体.  相似文献   


This paper reflects on an empirical, retrospective study of juvenile prostitution. It aims to explore the ways in which the practical constraints, practical difficulties and ethical considerations that are inevitably encountered in a 'sensitive' area of research, such as young people who are exploited through prostitution, are intrinsically linked to choice of methods and the process of the research. It argues that in such research pragmatism in choice of methods is necessary to achieve the epistemological aims, of allowing the voices of disadvantaged young people who are exploited through their involvement in prostitution to be heard, while maintaining ethical integrity. In addition the paper reflects on the emotional impact of research such as this on researchers and suggests ways in which research design and the collaborative efforts of research teams may minimise potentially negative impacts on researchers. The author suggests that by anticipating problems posed by research into young people who are sexually exploited through prostitution, ethical and practical difficulties might be negotiated to enable research in this field to be taken forward in the future.  相似文献   

张宗潮  魏春军 《城市》2010,(9):46-48
一、对国标的理解《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》(简称“国标”)自1991年3月1日开始实施,在城市规划中起到了不可替代的作用,但随着社会的发展和进步,笔者认为在规划设计和管理的实践中还有些问题值得深入思考。2008年由中国城市规划设计研究院主编的《修改(城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准)征求意见稿》对用地的分类进行了细化,但并未成稿。因此,在国标修编迫在眉睫之时,笔者提出一些意见,为国标的修编和完善尽一点力。  相似文献   

单国雁 《城市》2007,(7):48-50
国际化大都市的建设经验表明,都市工业对推进城市现代化建设、促进经济发展具有积极作用,新世纪前20年是我国全面建设小康社会的战略机遇期,也是都市型工业发展的重要历史时期.  相似文献   

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