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杰西·谢拉,社会认识论和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
195 2年杰西·谢拉 (JesseShera)和玛格丽特·伊根 (MargaretEgan)第一次提出“社会认识论”之后 ,谢拉便经常提到这一概念 ,知识尤其是行动中的知识这一主题贯穿于他的作品之中。他和伊根将社会认识论定义为“关于过程的研究 ,社会作为一个整体 ,通过这些过程寻求达到一种与全部环境———物理的、心理的和知识的———相关联的理解或认识”。本文集中论述社会认识论对信息行业的预期结果。谢拉认为 ,“社会认识论能够为图书馆事业提供我们长久以来一直在寻找的知识基础”。简言之 ,谢拉是想联结理论和行动。谢拉这…  相似文献   

现代社会的漂浮:无根的现代性及其呈现   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
郭强 《社会》2006,26(4):1-22
现代社会作为一个漂浮的形态,其基本特性的现代性就表现为社会无根特性。现代社会的拔根状态所呈现的失根景况在日常生活中特别是在高度现代性的城市生活中有多种样态的层叠。社会扎根方案和社会寻根行动内涵了现代社会的可能。这表明了知识行动论的出场路径的打通。  相似文献   

郭强 《创新》2013,(3):5-9,15
行动的时空结构问题在吉登斯的结构化理论中占有非常重要的位置,吉登斯在其社会结构化理论中提出了关于社会行动的时空模型。研究在行动的结构中时间与知识的连接,必须对吉登斯的行动时间性模型进行改造,而改造其实质是知识化的结果。对吉登斯空间模型的知识社会学改造可通过三个学术追问来完成。  相似文献   

社会工作是一个多面体专、世,要求从业者具有相当丰富、全面的知识与技能。作为社会工作专业的学生,其核心专业素养在于敏锐的社会洞察能力和积极的行动能力两方面。  相似文献   

塔尔科特·帕森斯(1902—1979),主要著作:《社会系统》;《社会行动的结构》;《社会学理论论文集》;《社会系统》;《关于一般行动理论》(合著);《经济与社会》(合著);《现代社会的结构与过程》;《社会结构与人格》;《社会:比较观和进化观》;《现代社会的社会学理论》;《政治与社会结构》;《现代社会的系统》;《社会演化》;《社会系统与行动理论的演变》;《行动理论与人类状况》。  相似文献   

于尔根·哈贝马斯是一位知识渊博、著作繁多的作家。他的主要著作有《大学生与政治》,《公众社会结构的变化》,《理论与实践》,《认识与利益》,《作为意识形态的技术和科学》,《论社会科学的逻辑》,《社会理论或社会工艺学——体系研究有何成果?》,《哲学政治学的特征》,《晚期资本主义的合法化问题》,《论历史唯物主义的重建》,《政治小丛书》,《交往行动理论》等。哈贝马斯被认为是法兰克福学派第二代的代表。他的学说虽然涉及面很广,但主要  相似文献   

李权时 《探求》2022,(6):85-94
岭南价值哲学历史悠久,渊源流长,内容丰富。其主要范畴有:自然价值论、人的价值论、经济价值论、知识价值论、道德价值论、审美价值论、平安价值论、和谐价值论。岭南价值哲学的本质是行动哲学、实践哲学,理论属性为实用主义,主要特征是:重人、重用、重道、重利、重乐、重安、重和、重行。岭南价值哲学既有积极作用,也有消极影响。  相似文献   

大学生参与高校治理需要具备理论自信和行动自觉。理论自信来源于大学生参与高校治理有自我教育论、利益表达论和参与发展论作为其理论根基。行动自觉需要高校以制度设计为保障,其构成包括以转变参与观念为先导、以拓宽参与途径为基础、以构建参与机制为关键、以设计参与模式为中心和以遵循参与逻辑为目标。  相似文献   

美国著名华裔社会学家林南从理性选择行为出发 ,在个体行动和社会结构的互动基础上 ,把社会资本界定为个体为了从嵌入性资源获取回报而在社会网络中进行的投资 ,揭示了社会资本在微观、中观和宏观层面上的展开形式、矛盾运动和变化机制 ,提出了丰富的理论假设与理论命题 ,开拓了广阔的理论视野 ,不仅吸收了阶级资本、人力资本和文化资本等资本理论的成果 ,而且克服了关系论、功能论和集体论等方法论的局限 ,使社会资本研究进入了新的理论境界 ,对于在中国开展社会资本研究具有十分重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

王永平 《探求》2013,(6):16-27
陆学艺的社会建设理论是构建中国特色社会建设理论的一个重要的里程碑,其社会建设理论可概括为“十论”:社会主要矛盾论、社会建设重点论、社会建设目标论、社会建设任务论、社会建设阶段论、社会建设动力论、社会建设推进论、放手发动群众论、历史眼光和放眼世界论、社会学者责任论.  相似文献   

Please address requests for reprints to Professor F. M. Loewenberg, School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University, 52100 Ramat Gan, Israel. Summary More effective social work practice will require increased effortstoward knowledge building and theory development. Until a unifiedsocial work theory is available social workers will choose eclecticallyrelevant theoretical formulations from the large number of middlerange theories available to them from other professional disciplines.New middle range theories and innovative theoretical formulationsappear continually, resulting in a smorgasbord of theories,from which social work practitioners can choose. This articleexamines the effectiveness of an aclectic theory base for apractice profession. In the discussion of the findings noteis taken of the need for explicating social work's professionalideology as a next step in knowledge building.  相似文献   

The concept of "tacit knowledge" as the means by which individuals interpret the "rules" of social interaction occupies a central role in all the major contemporary theories of action and social structure. The major reference point for social theorists is Wittgenstein's celebrated discussion of rule-following in the Philosophical Investigations. Focusing on Giddens' incorporation of tacit knowledge and rules into his "theory of structuration", I argue that Wittgenstein's later work is steadfastly set against the "latent cognitivism" inherent in the idea of tacit knowledge and tacit rules. I also argue that the idea of tacit knowledge and tacit rules is either incoherent or explanatorily vacuous.  相似文献   

The paper compares John Dewey's pragmatism and cultural-historical activity theory as epistemologies and theories of transformative material activity. For both of the theories, the concept of activity, the prototype of which is work, constitutes a basis for understanding the nature of knowledge and reality. This concept also implies for both theories a methodological approach of studying human behavior in which social experimentation and intervention play a central role. They also suggest that reflection and thought, mediated by language and semiotic artifacts, serve the reorientation of activity and is vital in the development of new, alternative ways of action. That is why Dewyan pragmatism and activity theory supply means of understanding organizational behavior and change in human activities better than the concepts of practice based on rule following, routines or embodied skills.  相似文献   

赵立玮 《社会》2015,35(6):1-30
帕森斯的《社会行动的结构》体现了一种独特的探究,历史的、经验的和理论的研究在其中融为一体。在学科史的意义上,《结构》标志着“古典”社会理论的“现代”转变。不过,帕森斯是以一种典型的“美国式”方式完成这种转变的。囿于20世纪20、30年代、尤其是“新政”时期的语境,他给予处于世纪之交的一些重要的社会理论一种全新的阐述,把它们从其生身处境的“世纪末”中剥离出来,并暗中赋予其一种积极、乐观的“美国精神气质”,在很大程度上消解了这些理论和经验探讨中原本具有的同“世纪末”的社会、文化背景及其时代问题的复杂关联。悖谬的是,这种“美国化”的阐述在某种意义上恰恰体现了帕森斯试图建构社会(科)学一般理论的宏图,蕴含着某种普遍历史的取向。  相似文献   

Collective action is one of the core mechanisms of social change, and thus of major importance to social scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers. Our goal in editing this issue is to bring together recent advances on the social and psychological dynamics of collective action among members of disadvantaged as well as advantaged groups. This article introduces the contributions to this issue after a brief review of the major psychological perspectives on collective action (social identity, relative deprivation, and resource mobilization theories), and a discussion of the considerable diversity in collective action research in terms of contexts, populations, and measures. We hope that this issue contributes to a more multi-faceted and integrative understanding of the social and psychological dynamics of collective action in terms of theory, research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

Most sociologists are not content with merely relating macrosocial phenomena to preceding macrosocial causes in their causal explanations of social phenomena. Instead they are seeking to provide (non‐reductive) microfoundations with which they can corroborate and make understandable the connection between macrosocial phenomena. In order to do so a theory (or theories) of human action is required. One such theory, rational choice theory (RCT), has long been viewed with strong suspicion in sociology. I show such suspicion to be partially justified. RCT cannot be a general theory of social behaviour. Nonetheless, there are important insights in various versions of RCT that should not be discarded. In order to improve upon RCT and move toward a more unified or integrative theory of action social‐psychological research has to be taken note of. I demonstrate how dual‐process theories and the research on heuristics can help sociologists move beyond RCT without contradicting some of its more basic insights.  相似文献   

王彪 《社会工作》2011,(12):30-33
20世纪70年代以后,当代社会学理论的社会空间转向兴起。空间社会学的基本命题和方法论要求,实际上表达了对传统社会学知识范式的某种修正或理论拓展。社会空间的发展脉络,既可从西方经典社会学大师马克思、西美尔等寻找到源泉,更能在当下中国社会学本土化进程中看到背影。总之,空间社会学逐渐成为当代社会理论转向的新路径,将空间概念带回社会理论或以空间思维重新审视社会,对促进当代中国社会学理论本土化进程具有开拓性的时代意义。  相似文献   

John Paley. Department of Social Policy, School of Policy Studies, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL. Summary The research literature on social workers' use of theory suggeststhat social work, conceived as a form of knowledge in action,is amenable to a sociology of knowledge approach. This papertries to illustrate the relevant parallels, and uses both empiricaland philosophical themes in the recent sociology of scienceto identify a strategy for social work research.  相似文献   

Although a multitude of factors may be involved in the development of children's violent behavior, the actual aggressive act is preceded by a decision-making process that serves as the proximal control mechanism. The primary goal of this longitudinal study was to understand the nature of this proximal control mechanism involved in children's aggressive acts by focusing on two aspects of social cognitions: social information processing and stored knowledge (i.e., internal knowledge structures that are the latent memories of past events). It was hypothesized that: (1) children with hostile knowledge structures will display more biased patterns of aggressive social information processing than children whose knowledge structures are less hostile and negative; (2) children who display hostile knowledge structures will behave in chronically aggressive ways; and (3) the development of hostile knowledge structures and hostile patterns of social information processing contribute to the stability of aggressive behavior and thus partially mediate the relation between early and later aggressive behavior. 585 boys and girls (19% African-American) were followed from kindergarten through eighth grade. Results from this investigation support the hypotheses and are discussed in terms of the significance of the inclusion of knowledge structures in our theories of the mental processes involved in children's violent behaviour.  相似文献   

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