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Although trust is fundamental to social and organizational functioning, the media often portray managers as distrusting, suggesting that distrust of others is a typical personality variable of successful leaders. This study puts the cliché of the distrustful manager to the test. Both self-report data (N = 32,926) and behavioral data (N = 924) from the German Socio-Economic Panel refute this cliché. Analyses reveal that individuals in managerial positions neither show a lower level of trust before, nor a systematic reduction in trust after attaining such positions. Moreover, analyses demonstrate that managers are generally more trusting than non-managers. This selection effect implies that individuals who trust others are more successful in achieving managerial positions than their less trusting counterparts.  相似文献   

Whilst much is written about the theory of long range planning it is a fact that unfortunately, the organization of long range planning of business strategy within companies, has not proved to be an attractive object of research for business theorists. This paper is the exception. By an examination of more than 200 companies residing in the Federal Republic of Germany, long range planning is shown to be gaining more importance as a tool for company management. The organizational design of the planning system and its integration into the overall company structure is, according to this analysis, shown to be one of the most central problems of the implementation of corporate planning systems. This paper presents a theoretical framework and the empirical findings on structural and procedural aspects of long range planning, systems. The empirical study was carried out by means of interviews and a questionnaire survey. The survey results show some interesting and important features of the problems engendered by corporate planning and some of the advantages accruing from its successful implementation. Additionally, the analysis provides an interesting backcloth against which to view the implementation of planning and the relationships between the different levels of planning.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(3):35-44
This action learning/action research project involves 12 of Norway's largest companies who have committed themselves to study upward and downward management mobility. Two larger reports have been completed, one in Norwegian and one in English. New projects are being started with groups of companies in Sweden and the Federal Republic of Germany with a possibility of other projects in the United States, England and Denmark. This paper represents a brief summary of the project and is divided into two parts. In the first part the four phases of the project are reviewed, including both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The second part contains some of the results obtained.  相似文献   


Most studies regarding real scheduling constraints only consider the constraints related to the specific manufacturing environment studied, limiting the possibility of drawing general conclusions. A survey of 50 companies was conducted in order to discover which constraints were present and what their relationship was with the scheduling context. This paper investigates which practical scheduling constraints are present in the manufacturing industry and whether the scheduling task is context-dependent. Results of this study show that some practical production constraints are context-dependent.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a survey of the application of strategic and corporate planning in 500 large U.S. Corporations. The authors sought to update and provide new understanding on a number of important issues including; the extent of long range planning in these firms, the organizational structure of their planning function, the prevailing attitude towards long range planning in the firm, the planning process in terms of content and revision frequency, and the perceived benefits and problems associated with long range planning. In concentrating upon these issues the authors provide an interesting and important insight into the current application of strategic and corporate planning processes as well as giving a number of indications as to where the theory lags behind the practice.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive set of findings on the determinants of team effectiveness, academic understanding of one potentially critical set of determinants, social networks, is limited. This paper is a review and a discussion of the literature on the impact of social networks in small groups such as teams. More specifically, the interest is in the effects of the structural characteristics of the networks on team effectiveness. The review covers various types of small groups: subjects of laboratory studies, student teams, innovation and R&D teams, and other organisational groups. The research findings for each type are reviewed, and the article concludes with a comparison of the variables studied. The progress that has been made is highlighted, suggestions for further research are made, and the key contributions to this area of study are summarised.  相似文献   

In recent years increasing attention has been devoted to amplifying individual elements of corporate planning systems—among them the environmental scanning element. Moreover, the unprecendented intensification of corporate environmental complexity has led to a proliferation of approaches to scanning the general environment. However, a recent survey of a dozen U.S. companies has questioned whether such scanning practices have, in fact, been established in an ongoing manner. The author provides evidence here, based on publicly available information, of at least nine leading organizations where the practice of scanning for planning appears to have taken firm root. A discussion of the many facets of the resulting composite picture of sophisticated wide angle scanning leads to the anticipation that it is, in fact, on the threshold of rapid diffusion in the corporate world.  相似文献   

It is important that any proposal for a tax on tourist activity should be the subject of a balanced consideration. The hostile reactions initially felt by many engaged in tourism are understandable, but the tax needs to be viewed from all perspectives — hotelier, tourist, non-tourist, community and government — if its rationale and structure are to be fully appreciated. The article attempts to draw together many of the more important arguments for and against a tourism tax, by referring to the few published works on the subject and by relating it to some aspects of the wider field of public finance. It is apparent that there is a lack of information relating to the form and effects of a tourism tax in the UK; this article may serve as a framework for further investigations.  相似文献   

Skanska is among the world's five largest construction companies, with construction-related activities and project development operations in some 60 countries. A strategic approach to environment was adopted in 1995. In 1998 a decision was made to introduce certified environmental management systems. The drivers behind these steps were pressures from the market, future legislation and public opinion.By the end of 2000, all business units of Skanska had environmental management systems certified according to ISO 14001. Newly acquired companies are required to have certified systems within two years after acquisition. While environmental management systems provide the necessary framework, more technical tools are also needed. Some examples of such tools are presented in this article.ISO 14001 is an important element in focusing the attention of the organization on environmental issues, but for leadership in environment, a number of guiding principles are also presented and discussed.Finally, corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be seen as a framework for all types of issues where a company is regarded as having certain obligations toward society at large, because of direct or indirect effects from its business operations. It is only logical that Skanska, following its work with ISO 14001 and the move toward leadership in environment, now has decided to develop a CSR platform.  相似文献   

Critical review of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Form 5X (MLQ5X), reveals serious problems related to specification of the theoretical level of analysis at which it measures its underlying constructs. Data from two separate samples indicate that items of the commonly used MLQ5X are ambiguous with respect to level of analysis. It appears unclear in many instances whether the items reflect individual, group, or organizational referents. Based upon our analyses and the literature, we present specific propositions concerning the level(s) at which each MLQ5X dimension appears most appropriately conceptualized and measured, along with suggestions for future research and revision of the MLQ5X.  相似文献   

The concept of “liability of foreignness” — the costs of doing business abroad — has been known and discussed since the mid-1970s. At the core of these discussions is the role that firm capabilities play in overcoming or limiting these costs. This raises the question of how firms with inappropriate, limited or constrained capabilities relative to their host environment overcome the liability of foreignness. This paper focuses on the subsidiaries of “emerging multinationals” and how they manage the demands of a technologically and economically highly developed host country. A host location with sophisticated markets and well-developed institutional infrastructure may be a highly challenging environment for firms that have grown their organizational capabilities in less developed contexts. This paper explores that situation and considers how resources available on the market — for example through supplier inputs — assist subsidiaries to benefit from their presence in a munificent location. Despite the acknowledged limitations of a transaction-based approach, this paper presents evidence that purchasing knowledge provides an accessible strategy for overcoming some liabilities of foreignness.  相似文献   

Urban planning, especially in the United States, arose in reaction to the forces of industrialization. Yet urban development remained subordinate to the deeper powers of the rising technological order and failed to find an independent inspiration, ideal, or initiative by which cities could integrate the bewildering social changes. A kind of self-defeat is proclaimed in the very language of planning. How did this happen? Even to begin to perceive the causes, it is necessary to search in the history, philosophy, and customs of the society within which urban planning emerged.  相似文献   

In the last few years, adoption of cloud computing has shown a marked increase across the world. Moreover, the smaller markets, viz., Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East, etc., are expected to grow at more than the average rate for the next few years. While this is good news for cloud service providers, significant obstacles to cloud adoption still remain a major cause of concern, for example, the quality of broadband services. As the quality of broadband services is not uniform across the different geographies, pricing of cloud services must take this non-uniformity into account. This paper provides managerial guidelines for cloud service providers on pricing their offerings. We develop optimal pricing strategies for a typical cloud service provider by modeling the utility of a customer of cloud services as a function of two vectors. The first vector is a set of parameters which contribute positively to the utility of a customer, and the second vector is a set of parameters which have a negative effect on the utility. We explore two pricing plans: usage based and fixed fee plan; determine the conditions under which customers would select one plan over another, and discuss the significance of these conditions for cloud service providers.  相似文献   

The question addressed by this survey is, “What ‘international’ topics are crucial to the practice of management?” The objective of the study was to identify “international” curricular subtopics, tools, and concepts that faculty respondents deemed absolutely crucial to business pedagogy and to the practice of management, and would therefore require in every business program. This survey is one of the few that addresses the international pedagogy issue from the micro-, or subtopic, end of the spectrum. A list of the topics identified should be of considerable value to curriculum committees in charge of business school programs. The selections ranged not only over the six major departments found in most business schools, but beyond. Respondents as a whole were willing to step outside their narrow departmental boundaries when thinking about the question of internationalization of pedagogy. The results also seem to confirm that the bulk of the burden of the internationalization of the curriculum will continue to rest, principally but by no means exclusively, on two departments, Management and Marketing.  相似文献   

This study surveys the data envelopment analysis (DEA) literature by applying a citation-based approach. The main goals are to find a set of papers playing the central role in DEA development and to discover the latest active DEA subareas. A directional network is constructed based on citation relationships among academic papers. After assigning an importance index to each link in the citation network, main DEA development paths emerge. We examine various types of main paths, including local main path, global main path, and multiple main paths. The analysis result suggests, as expected, that Charnes et al. (1978) [Charnes A, Cooper WW, Rhodes E. Measuring the efficiency of decision making units. European Journal of Operational Research 1978; 2(6): 429–444] is the most influential DEA paper. The five most active DEA subareas in recent years are identified; among them the “two-stage contextual factor evaluation framework” is relatively more active. Aside from the main path analysis, we summarize basic statistics on DEA journals and researchers. A growth curve analysis hints that the DEA literature’s size will eventually grow to at least double the size of the existing literature.  相似文献   

This qualitative study extends literature on research commercialization by examining the dynamic nature of university–industry linkages (UIL). Thirty in-depth interviews conducted in Australia and Germany/the Netherlands provide evidence of the different phases through which UILs evolve and respective measures of success. Communication, understanding, trust, and people are universal drivers, yet managers must consider the variations in the nature of these factors to ensure successful UILs. This study equips managers involved in technology transfer, innovation, and commercialization with critical insights into developing effective relationships. The proposed conceptual framework also uncovers notable theoretical and managerial implications and offers some key research directions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a problem in which a buyer can procure from a regular supplier as well as from a supplier in a spot market, possibly formed over the Internet. The contract with the regular supplier specifies a predetermined order volume and price, while the spot market has unlimited supply but a varying spot price. We analyse this problem from a buyer/supplier perspective, and an analytical model is developed to analyse two distinctive procurement strategies: the pure procurement system (PS) and the mixed procurement system of regular supplier with a supplier in spot markets (MS). Without loss of generality, we obtained a closed-forms solution that enabled us to provide numerical analysis on the procurement strategies, and allowed us to compare further the different characteristics between PS and MS. The results of our analysis demonstrate that the use of spot market could effectively mitigate the risk associated with demand uncertainty facing the buyer. The results also show that adopting MS can generate a higher buyer's profit than the PS, and significant supply-chain profit improvements can indeed be achieved through buyer/supplier coordination. Furthermore, spot price volatility leads to the facilitation of the use of spot markets, improving the buyer and the supply-chain profitability.  相似文献   

This article aims to systematise and provide a structure for research into the Future of Work (FoW). We used SciMAT to conduct a science mapping analysis based on co-word bibliographic networks. The Web of Science (WoS) database was used for article retrieval, and a total of 2,286 documents were identified from 1959 to 2019. Our results are counterintuitive, as concerns over satisfaction, leadership values or corporate social responsibility (CSR) appear alongside traditional human resource management (HRM) themes, such as organisational commitment or careers, as well as more current FoW themes, such as the impact of technological change on employment, wage inequality, vulnerable workers, telework or talent management. In addition, we offer a classification of the most prolific FoW research themes and challenges into technological, social, economic and political categories.  相似文献   

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