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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this issue. Building Decent Societies: Rethinking the Role of Social Security in Development. Edited by Peter Townsend. Trade, Poverty and the Environment: The EU, Cotonou and the African‐Caribbean‐Pacific Bloc. By Adrian Flint. Reconstructing Development Theory: International Inequality, Institutional Reform and Social Emancipation. By E. A. Brett.  相似文献   

Lisa Adkins Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family and the Labour Market. Brian S. Baigrie (ed.) Picturing Knowledge: Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use of Art in Science. Maureen Baker Canadian Family Policies: Cross-National Comparisons. J.I. (Hans) Barker (ed.) Sustainability and International Rural Development. Kurt Bowen Evangelism and Apostasy: The Evolution and Impact of Evangelicals in Modern Mexico. Cecilia Danysk Hired Hands: Labour and the Development of Prairie Agriculture, 1880–1930. Satadal Dasgupta (ed.) The Community in Canada: Rural and Urban. Theresa DeLeane O'nell Disciplined Hearts: History, Identity and Depression in an American Indian Community. Gerald A.J. De Montigny Social Working: An Ethnography of Front-Line Practice. G. William Domhoff State Autonomy or Class Dominance? Case Studies on Policy Making in America. René R. Gadacz Rethinking DisAbility: New Structures, New Relationships. Hubert Gérard Victor Piche (eds.) La sociologie des populations. William Jankowiak (ed.) Romantic Passion: A Universal Experience? Peter S. Li The Making of Post-War Canada. Ken Morrison Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formations of Modern Social Thought. Ken Morrison Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formations of Modern Social Thought. Louise Quesnel (ed.) Social Sciences and the Environment. Clayton Roberts The Logic of Historical Explanation. Deborah Root Cannibal Culture: Art, Appropriation, and the Commodification of Difference. Frank M. Stark Communicative Interaction, Power and the State: A Method. Michael W. Traugott Paul J. Lavrakas The Voter's Guide to Election Polls. Eric Venbrux A Death in the Tiwi Islands: Conflict, Ritual and Social Life in an Australian Aboriginal Community. Tony Walter The Revival of Death. Frank Webster Theories of the Information Society. Jeffrey Weeks Invented Moralities: Sexual Values in an Age of Uncertainty. Richard G. Wilkinson Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of Inequality. Yunxiang Yan The Flow of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a Chinese Village.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Rural sociology》2000,65(4):667-676
Book reviewed in this article: The Evolution of Inequality: War, State Survival and Democracy in Comparative Perspective, by Manus I. Midlarsky. Caught in the Middle: Contradictions in the Lives of Sociologists From Working‐Class Backgrounds, by Michael D. Grimes and Joan M. Morris. Welfare Bushed: Social Care in Rural Australia, by Brian Cheers. Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets and Community Among a Migrant Pastoral People, by Arun Agrawal.  相似文献   

JEAN GRONDIN, Hans‐Georg Gadamer: A Biography. Transl. by Joel Weinsheimer. AMADE M'CHAREK, The Human Genome Diversity Project: An Ethnography of Scientific Practice. HERBERT OBINGER, STEPHAN LEIBFRIED and FRANCIS G. CASTLES (eds.), Federalism and the Welfare State: New World and European Experiences. VALERIE ZAWILSKI and CYNTHIA LEVINE‐RASKY (eds.), Inequality in Canada: A Reader on the Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Human Services at Risk: Administrative Strategies for Survival , edited by Felice Davidson Permutter. Boston, MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1984. Reviewed by Mona Struhsaker Schatz

Supervising Student Internships in Human Services , edited by Carlton E. Munson. New York: The Haworth Press, 1984. Reviewed by Harvey Bertcher

Transactional Analysis for Social Workers and Counsellors: An Introduction , by Elizabeth Pitman. London and Boston: Library of Social Work, Routhledge and Kegan Paul, 1984. Reviewed by Edward G. Kuhlmann

Ages in Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Inequality Between Old and Young , by Nancy Foner. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984. Reviewed by Bruce A. Thyer

Clinical Social Work in Health Settings , by Thomas Owen Carlton. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1984. Reviewed by John R. Ball  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: PAUL ANISEF and MICHAEL LANPHIER (eds.), The World in a City. REGINALD BYRON (ed.), Retrenchment and Regeneration in Rural Newfoundland. ROBERT CASTEL, l'insécurité sociale. Qu'est‐ce qu'être protégé? HELEN GREMILLION, Feeding Anorexia: Gender and Power at a Treatment Center. YVONNE M. HÉBERT (ed.), Citizenship in Transformation in Canada. STEVE HEWITT, Spying 101: The RCMP's Secret Activities at Canadian Universities, 1917–1997. WINSTON JACKSON, Methods: Doing Social Research. KARIM H. KARIM, Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence. BERT KLANDERMANS and SUZANNE STAGGENBORG (eds.), Methods of Social Movement Research. MURRAY KNUTTILA, Introducing Sociology: A Critical Perspective. JULIA KRISTEVA and SYLVERE LOTRINGER (eds.), Revolt, She Said. JANE LEWIS, Should We Worry about Family Change? JEANNETTE MARIE MAGEO (ed.), Dreaming and the Self: New Perspectives on Subjectivity, Identity, and Emotion. ROD MICHALKO, The Difference That Disability Makes. OBIORA CHINEDU OKAFOR and OBIJIOFOR AGINAM (eds.), Humanizing Our Global Order: Essays in Honour of Ivan Head. CHARLES RAGIN, Fuzzy‐Set Social Science. ANA Y. RAMOS‐ZAYAS, National Performances: The Politics of Class, Race, and Space in Puerto Rican Chicago. RICHARD SANDELL (ed.), Museums, Society, Inequality. AYSAN SEVER, Fleeing the House of Horrors: Women Who Have Left Abusive Partners. HEATHER STRANG and JOHN BRAITHWAITE (eds.), Restorative Justice and Family Violence. TANYA TITCHKOSKY, Disability, Self, and Society.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Women's Work Is Never Done: Comparative Studies in Care‐Giving, Employment, and Social Policy Reform. Sylvia Bashevkin. (Ed.) Learning to Be Old: Gender, Culture, and Aging. Margaret Cruikshank. How Families Still Matter: A Longitudinal Study of Youth in Two Generations. Vern L. Bengtson, Timothy J. Biblarz, & Robert E. L. Roberts. New Family Values: Liberty, Equality, Diversity. Karen Struening. Involved Fathering and Men's Adult Development: Provisional Balances. Rob Palkovitz. For Better and for Worse: Welfare Reform and the Well‐Being of Children and Families. Greg J. Duncan & P. Lindsay Chase‐Lansdale. (Eds.) The Power of Good Deeds: Privileged Women and the Social Reproduction of the Upper Class. Diana Kendall. Child Care and Inequality: Rethinking Carework for Children and Youth. Francesca M. Cancian, Demie Kurz, Andrew S. London, Rebecca Reviere, & Mary C. Tuominen.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Paul Starr, The Social Transformation of American Medicine. Statistics Canada, Divorce: Law and the family in Canada. Leonard Thompson and Andrew prior, South African Politics. Janzen, John m., The Quest for Therapy in Lower Zaire. Yvan breton et marie-france labrecque, Uagriculture, la peche et I'artisanat au Yucatan. Virginia kerns, Women and the Ancestors: Black Carib Kinship and Ritual. THEODOR W. ADORNO Prisms Catherine bodard silver, Frederic he Play On Family, Work and Social Change. PIERRE BIRNBAUM, The Heights of Power ALAIN TOURAINE, The Voice and the Eye: An analysis of social movements. FRANK E. MANNING, The Celebration of Society: Perspectives on Contemporary Cultural Performance MAURICE CUSSON, Why Delinquency? (trans. Dorothy R. Crelinsten). Toronto: University of Toronto Press RICHARD GRUNEAU, Class, Sports, and Social Development. Jeffrey c. Alexander, Theoretical Logic in Sociology (vol. 3): The Classical attempt at Theoretical Synthesis: Max Weber. Craig calhoun, The Question of Class Struggle: Social Foundations of Popular Radicalism during the Industrial Revolution.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
GORAN HYDEN, No Shortcuts to Progress: African Development Management in Perspective
KEITH G. BANTING, The Welfare State and Canadian Federalism
K. ISHWARN (ed.), Marriage and Divorce in Canada
LUCIEN LÉVY-BRUHL, Primitive Mythology: The Mythic World of the Australian and Papuan Natives
Brian Elliott says that he was moved to translate Lucien Lévy-Bruhl's La Mythologie primitive
ROBERT J. BRYM and R. JAMES SACOUMAN (eds). Underdevelopment and Social Movements in Atlantic Canada
BERNARD BADIE and PIERRE BIRNBAUM, The Sociology of the State
ANTHONY B. CHAN, Gold Mountain: The Chinese In The New World
HARRY CON, RONALD J. CON, GRAHAM JOHNSON, EDGAR WICKBERG, WILLIAM E. WILLMOTT, From China to Canada: A History of the Chinese Communities in Canada
KATHERINE VERDERY Transylvanian Villagers: Three Centuries of Political, Economic and Ethnic Change
JOHN O'NEILL, For Marx against Althusser and Other Essays
A.W. DJAO, Inequality and Social Policy
VIVIENNE wALTERS, Class Inequality and Health Care
ROB STEVEN, Classes in Contemporary]apan . Cambridge: University Press, 1983
WILLIAM L. RODMAN and DOROTHY AYERS COUNTS (eds.), Middlemen and Brokers in Oceania
EDWARD G. GRABB, Social Inequality: Classical and Contemporary Theorists
ALAN DUNDES, Life is like a Chicken Coop Ladder. A Portrait of German Culture Through Folklore
BRENT FISSE and JOHN BRAITHWAITE The Impact of Publicity on Corporate Offenders  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Helen c. Abell, Rural Families and Their Homes. Carle C. Zimmerman and Garry W. Moneo, The Prairie Community System Anthony H. Richmond, Research Report: Ethnic Residential Segregation in Metropolitan Toronto. Carle C. Zimmerman and Richard E. Duwors (eds.), Sociology of Underdevelopment. D. I. Davies and Kathleen Herman (eds.), Social Space: Canadian Perspectives. Thomas A. Hockin (ed.), Apex of Power: The Prime Minister and Political Leadership in Canada Harold Kalant and Oriana Josseau Kalant, Drugs, Society and Personal Choice. C. F. Grindstaff, C. L. Boydell, and P. C. Whitehead (eds.), Population Issues in Canada. W. E. Mann (ed.), Social Deviance in Canada. Jean Leonard Elliott (ed.), Minority Canadians, volume 1. Native Peoples. Jean Leonard elliott (ed.), Minority Canadians, volume 2. Immigrant Groups. John R. Hofley and Paul N. Geisel, Men on Relief. A Study of 440 Unemployed Men Receiving Social Assistance in Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Ottawa. Michael Bliss, ed., The Wretched of Canada. Letters to R. B. Bennett 1930–1935.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: FRANCIS A. BEER, Peace Against War: The Ecology of International Violence. GEERT P. BRAAM, Influence of Business Firms on the Government. MICHAEL LAMBEK, Human Spirits: A Cultural Account of Trance in Mayotte. ROBERT J. BRYM, Intellectuals and Politics. FERNAND DUMONT, JEAN HAMELIN and JEAN-PAUL MONTMINY (eds.), Idéologies au Canada Francois: 1940–1976 Tomes I, II and III. VIVIAN DARROCH and RONALD J. SILVER (eds.), Interpretive Human Studies: an Introduction to Phenomenological Research. NIKLAS LUHMANN, The Differentiation of Society (trans. Stephen Holmes and Charles Larmore). KLAUS MÄKELÄ, et al., Alcohol, Society, and the State (vol. 1): A Comparative Study of Alcohol Control. ERIC SINGLE, et al. (eds.), Alcohol, Society, and the State (vol. 2): The Social History of Control Policy in Seven Countries. FRANK J. MIFFLEN and SYDNEY C. MIFFLEN, The Sociology of Education: Canada and Beyond. FERNAND OUELLET, Lower Canada, 1791–1840: Social Change and Nationalism. RON PARSLER (ed.), Capitalism, Class and Politics in Scotland. RON PARSLER and DAN SHAPIRO (eds.), The Social Impact of Oil in Scotland: A Contribution to the Sociology of Oil. R. COOPERSTOCK and J. HILL, The Effects of Tranquilization: Benzodiazepine Use in Canada. Papers, Revista de Sociologia  相似文献   

ROGER O'TOOLE, Religion: Classical Sociological Approaches. HUBERT T. BLALOCK, JR., Conceptualization and Measurement in the Social Sciences. BRENDA BECK, The Three Twins. ANGELA MILES and GERALDINE FINN (eds.), Feminism in Canada. SANDFORD F. BURINS, The Language of the Skies: The Bilingual Air Traffic Control Conflict in Canada. CAROL LEE BACCHI, Liberation Deferred? The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists, 1877–1918. SEYMOUR SUDMAN and NORMAN M. BRADBURN, Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Questionnaire Design. PETER H. ROSSI and STEVEN L. NOCK (eds.), Measuring Social Judgments: A Factorial Survey Approach. DOUGLAS F. CAMPBELL, Beginnings: Essays on the History of Canadian Sociology. HART CANTELON and RICHARD GRUNEAU (eds.), Sport, Culture and the Modern State. G. LLEWELLYN WATSON, Social Theory and Critical Understanding. EARLE H. WAUGH, BAHA ABU-LABAN AND REGULA B. QURESHI (eds.), The Muslim Community in North America. IAN TAYLOR, Crime, Capitalism and Community: Three Essays in Socialist Criminology. RONALD WARDHAUGH, Language and Nationhood: The Canadian Experience.  相似文献   


In December 1998 the Social Work and Social Service Work Act (hereafter the Ontario Act) was passed in Ontario, Canada marking the effective completion of social work regulatory legislation across provincial Canada. This article outlines the principal features of the Ontario regulations, and summarises the strengths and limitations of the various arrangements which have been implemented across Canada. As moves toward control of the Australian social work profession are contemplated, the implications for such a move are discussed in the light of the Canadian experience.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Beckford, James A. and Gilliat, Sophie Religion in Prison: Equal Rites in a Multi-faith Society Campbell, Colin The Myth of Social Action Heelas, Paul (ed.) Religion, Modernity and Postmodernity Sica, Alan (ed.) What is Social Theory? The Philosophical Debates Swartz, David Culture and Power:The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu van den Berg, Axel, Furåker, Bengt and Johansson, Leif Labour Market Regimes and Patterns of Flexibility. A Sweden–Canada Comparison  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Rural sociology》2000,65(2):337-353
Book reviewed in this article: Nameless Towns: Texas Sawmill Communities, 1880–1942, by Thad Sitton and James H. Conrad. Farming the Cutover: A Social History of Wisconsin, 1900–1940, by Robert Gough. Lawrence Shaping the Sierra: Nature, Culture, and Conflict in the Changing West, by Timothy P. Duane. Long Time Coming: Racial Inequality in the Nonmetropolitan South, 1940–1990, by Mark A. Fossett and M. Therese Seibert. Women and Agribusiness: Working Miracles in the Chilean Fruit Export Sector, by Stephanie Barrientos, Anna Bee, Ann Matear, and Isabel Vogel. To Die in This Way: Nicaraguan Indians and the Myth of Mestizaje, 1880–1965, by Jeffrey L. Gould. Choices and Chances: Sociology for Everyday Life, by Lorne Tepperman and Angela Djao.  相似文献   

cyril levitt , Children of Privilege: Student Revolt in the Sixties ALAN ROADBURG, Aging, Retirement, Leisure and Work in Canada. John L. Mc Mullan , The Canting Crew: London's Criminal Underworld, 1550–1700 Jacqueline S. Iismael (ed.), Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions Philip Ccorrigan and Derek Sayer , The Great Arch: English State Formation as Cultural Revolution R. Paul Shaw , Intermetropolitan Migration in Canada. Changing Determinants over Three Decades Eliott Leyton , Hunting Humans: The Rise of the Modern Multiple Murderer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: RICHARD F. TOMASSON, Iceland: The First New Society. KEN HESKIN, Northern Ireland: A Psychological Analysis. MICHALINA VAUGHAN, MARTIN KOLINSKY and PETA SHERIFF, Social Change in France. PAUL CRAVEN, ‘An Impartial Umpire’: Industrial Relations and the Canadian State, 1900–1911. JOHANNES M. PENNINGS, Interlocking Directorates. ALFRED A. HUNTER, Class Tells: On Social Inequality in Canada. JACK BATTEN, Lawyers. VICTOR W. MARSHALL. Last Chapters: A Sociology of Aging and Dying. BAHA ABU-LABAN, The Olive Branch on the family Tree: The Arabs in Canada STEPHEN E. HENBERG, The Analysis of Cross-classified Categorical Data (2nd ed.). DAVID K. FOOT., Canada's Population Outlook: Demographic Futures and Economic Challenges. DALLAS W. SMYTHE. Dependency Road: Communication, Capitalism, Consciousness, and Canada. MICHAEL RUSE, Is Science Sexist? Dordrecht JOHN C. KENNEDY. Holding the Line: Ethnic Boundaries in a Northern Labrador Community. Social and Economic Studies no. 27. St. BRUCE WINTERHOLDER and ERIC SMITH (eds), Hunter-gatherer foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1983,31(4):769-812
Profiles and Critiques in Social Theory Anthony Giddens Critical Hermeneutics John B. Thompson Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences Paul Ricoeur (edited and translated by John B. Thompson) Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language: An Elementary Exposition Saul A. Kripke. Social Inequality: Comparative and Developmental Approaches Ed. Gerald Berreman with the assistance of Kathleen M Zaretsky. Rethinking Social Inequality D. Robbins et al. (eds). Documents of Life: An Introduction to the Problems and Literature of a Humanistic Method Ken Plummer. The Anti-Social Family Michele Barrett and Mary Mclntosh. The Father Figure Ed Lorna McKee and Margaret O'Brien (eds). Mothers and Fathers: A Study of the Development and Negotiation of Parental Behaviour Kadiryn C. Backen. Capitalism and the Construction of Old Age Chris Phillipson. Ovmer Occupation in Britain Stephen Merren with Fred Gray. Routledge & Kegan Pkul Ethnic Segregation in Cities C Peach, V. Robinson and S. Smith (eds), Croom Helm The Police: Autonomy and Consent M. Brogden. The New International Division of Labour Folker Frobel, Jurgen Heinrichs and Otto Kreye. The Political Economy of Underdevelopment Amiya Kumar Bagchi. Cheats at Work Gerald Mars. The Sociology of Food and Eating Anne Murcott(ed). The Fabrication of Virtue: English Prison Architecture 1750–1840 Robin Evans.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1972,20(2):257-292
Book reviewed in this article: Explanation and Understanding by Georg Henrik von Wright. Patterns of Evaluation in Science: Institutionalisation, Structure and Functions of the Referee System by Harriet Zuckerman and Robert K. Merton. Hostels for Probationers. A Home Office Research Unit Report by Ian Sinclair. Two Blades of Grass: Rural Co-operatives in Agricultural Moderniz-ation edited by P. Worsley. Ethnic Minorities in Britain by Ernest Krausz. Class Inequality and Political Order: Social Stratification in Capitalist and Communist Societies by Frank Parkin. Social Research in Bethnal Green: An Evaluation of the Work of the Institute of Community Studies by Jennifer Platt. Managers and their Wives: A Study of Career and Family Relation-ships in the Middle Class by J. M. and R. E. Pahl. Homelessness in London by J. Greve, D. Page and S. Greve. Homeless Near a Thousand Homes by Bryan Glastonbury. The Sociology of Occupations by E. A. Krause. Automation and Alienation: A Study of Office and Factory Workers by J. M. Shepard. Socwhgical Aspects of Crime and Delinquency by Michael Phillipson. Learning and Social Behaviour by Barry McLaughlin. A Sociology of Work in Industry by Alan Fox. Young People and Leisure by John Leigh. School and Society prepared by the School and Society Course Team at The Open University. The Planning of Social Security, International Social Security Associ-ation. The Urban Mosaic by D. W. G. Timms. Patterns of Power and Authority in English Education by Frank Musgrove. The Scientist's Rôle in Society: A Comparative Study by Joseph Ben-David. The Emerging Worker: Equality and Conflict in the Mass Con-sumption Society by William A. Westley and Margaret W. Westley. Deviance and Society by Laurie Taylor. The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Anlaysis of Authority and Revoltj 1960–67 by Robin Luckham.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: LESLIE IRVINE, Codependent Forevermore: The Invention of a Self in a Twelve Step Group HOWARD KIMELDORF, Battling for American Labor: Wobblies, Craft Workers, and the Making of the Union Movement KATHLEEN A. LAHEY, Are We “Persons” Yet? Law and Sexuality in Canada MIRIAM SMITH, Lesbian and Gay Rights in Canada: Social Movements and Equality‐Seeking, 1971–1995 WINNIE LEM, Cultivating Dissent: Work, Identity, and Praxis in Rural Languedoc EVA MACKEY, The House of Difference: Cultural Politics and National Identity in Canada JULIAN V ROBERTS AND DAVID E COLE (eds.), Making Sense of Sentencing PETER SCHWEITZER, Dividends of Kinship: Meanings and Uses of Social Relatedness  相似文献   

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