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当前,医疗领域正在进行改革,不仅关注医院工作效率的提升,还关注医院环境的改善,尤其是儿童在救治期间更加需要营造良好的环境。这是因为其在医院接受治疗期间,经常受室内环境的影响产生紧张、焦虑的情绪,甚至表现出大哭、拒绝配合治疗的情况,如果在儿童医疗空间中利用丰富的色彩,会让儿童感到放松,进而愿意配合治疗,有利于儿童早日恢复健康。本文就儿童对色彩的认知特点进行概述,并分析如何在儿童医疗空间进行室内色彩设计,希望可以为儿童提供舒适的疗愈空间。  相似文献   

色彩是最能打动人视知觉的视觉元素.色彩造型艺术,是通过描述依附在物像形体表面的色彩来塑造形体的.因此,把握物像形体表面色彩关系,是色彩造型艺术的关键所在.消逝透视原理正是依据视觉规律,准确、科学地分析和判断物像形体体面之间、物像与物像之间、物像与空间环境之间色彩对比关系的理论依据,对把握物像形体表面色彩关系,准确、科学地应用色彩关系来达到色彩造型目的,有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的:在我们的整个生活之中,处处充斥着色彩,毫无疑问,色彩属于大自然赋予人们的一种表达手段;方法:正确使用色彩可以使杂乱的空间变得简单,并使单一的方式变得有趣。不同的色彩搭配将使许多建筑物具有"横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同"的不同感觉;结论:我们必须以一种积极的心态面对色彩,创造和运用色彩,使色彩在建筑设计中得到广泛性的运用,给人类生活环境增添更舒心、更和谐美丽的色彩。  相似文献   

从漆器的色彩审美特征入手,探寻"红"与"黑"在先秦传统文化背景中的内涵以及社会意义,从而分析在先秦美学思想影响下的中国传统色彩观.本文主要从两个部分进行研究:先是对先秦漆艺及色彩进行阐述,分析红、黑两色在漆艺中的表现;然后通过对传统色彩学说以及儒家和道家的色彩观进行分析,探究中国传统文化背景下的色彩审美体系建立的理论渊源.  相似文献   

作者以精确的田野作业数据和透辟的理论分析证明:文化、年龄、 收入水平对宗教行为影响极大,当代新疆农村维吾尔族宗教行为的色彩正在淡化。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争环境下,企业发展需要不断革新宣传手段,商业广告逐渐成为企业宣传的重要途径。平面广告是商业广告的重要组成部分,如何在商业广告中发挥平面广告设计效用是企业不断探索的重要问题。对于平面广告设计而言,对色彩的把握非常重要,这是广告艺术性的重要体现。为了增强平面广告的艺术性,应在设计过程中融入色彩语义内容。本文以现代平面广告设计为基本研究对象,以色彩语义为切入点,厘清何为色彩语义,深入剖析色彩语义呈现的特点以及在平面广告设计中具有的重要价值,并尝试从色相对比、明度对比、纯度对比三个层面进行探析,进一步阐述色彩语义在平面广告设计中的有效运用,以期为平面广告设计者提供些许建议。  相似文献   

目的:在我们的整个生活之中,处处充斥着色彩,毫无疑问,色彩属于大自然赋予人们的一种表达手段;方法:正确使用色彩可以使杂乱的空间变得简单,并使单一的方式变得有趣。不同的色彩搭配将使许多建筑物具有"横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同"的不同感觉;结论:我们必须以一种积极的心态面对色彩,创造和运用色彩,使色彩在建筑设计中得到广泛性的运用,给人类生活环境增添更舒心、更和谐美丽的色彩。  相似文献   

从漆器的色彩审美特征入手,探寻"红"与"黑"在先秦传统文化背景中的内涵以及社会意义,从而分析在先秦美学思想影响下的中国传统色彩观。本文主要从两个部分进行研究:先是对先秦漆艺及色彩进行阐述,分析红、黑两色在漆艺中的表现;然后通过对传统色彩学说以及儒家和道家的色彩观进行分析,探究中国传统文化背景下的色彩审美体系建立的理论渊源。  相似文献   

传统民居建筑色彩受到自然条件、地域环境、人文民俗的影响,在漫长的发展过程中形成适宜的色彩特征,粤北传统居民色彩也不例外。通过对粤北自然环境、地域文化与人文特点进行分析、归纳,初步探讨粤北传统民居色彩上的地域性、传承与变异性、象征性中形成的质朴、不张扬、吉祥的色彩特点。  相似文献   

易嘉勋 《民族论坛》2003,(12):39-40
色彩,作为一种客观物质状态,在自然界中只能被动地刺激视觉,只有变成人类自己的创造物,作为人自己本质力量的感性确证,出现在自己的创造物中时,色感本能才可能变成色彩意识。中国民族民间艺术中对于色彩的感知、需求和运用正是基于人类朴素(甚至是原始的)的色彩意识,并溶入了各民族对于色彩的独特理解。由于各民族生活习俗、居住环境及宗教观念和图腾崇拜等的差异,形成了各民族对于色彩追求和理解上的差异,因而在民间艺术的表现形式(本文主要指色彩方面)上也呈现不同的艺术取向和风格。这里仅就广西境内人数较多的壮、瑶、苗、侗4个民族作一…  相似文献   

论土家丧葬歌的终极关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土家族丧葬歌凝聚着土家人对生命的体验与审视,表现在"慎终"的孝亲观、"追远"的感恩观、重视现世生活的生命观上,充满了强烈的终极关怀意识。  相似文献   

In this article, I analyse the political debate leading up to the Danish euro referendum in 2000. I show how the euro-positive government unintentionally reinforced the arguments of the euro-sceptics by framing the euro as something belonging to the nation-state. I argue that this paradoxical campaign strategy stems from the Danish conceptualisation of nation and state and from the close connection between national currencies and feelings of community and citizenship more general. The analysis confirms the suggestion made by Gilbert that new monetary organisation, such as European Monetary Union, potentially reconfigures the feelings of belonging, popular sovereignty and social welfare rights.  相似文献   

文章从故事情节、人物形象及其所反映的民俗风情这三种角度,对回族民间叙事长诗《紫花儿》进行了分析。认为《紫花儿》堪称回族民间叙事长诗中具有代表性的一部佳作。  相似文献   

朝觐者的心路——兼谈宗教仪式的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要从朝觐者的个人感受及伊斯兰教有关朝觐的教义出发,探讨宗教仪式的功能、意义.  相似文献   

藏族以能歌善舞著称。藏族民间舞蹈历史久远、感情真挚、风格多样。我国,藏族因三大方言区,而形成了各自的舞蹈形式和个性特征。  相似文献   

Discrimination based on skin color is illegal, yet preferential treatment based on skin color persists and there is less clarity on how one’s nativity and parents play a role between skin color and discrimination. This study examined the associations among skin color and subtle discrimination (i.e., microaggressions) among Latina/o (63.5%) and Asian American (36.5%) adolescents (N?=?244; Mage?=?17.12, SD?=?.73; 55% female). This study also examined whether nativity status, parent ethnic racial socialization, and parental acculturation (via parent language proficiency) moderated the association between skin color and microaggressions. Adolescents with darker skin color reported more microaggressions. In addition, the association between skin color and microaggressions was found among foreign-born adolescents, but not US-born adolescents. Neither parental acculturation or parent ethnic racial socialization moderated the association between skin color and microaggressions. These results suggest that, like race and ethnicity, skin color may be a marker for adolescents receiving subtle discrimination, particularly among foreign-born youth.  相似文献   

Previous efforts to understand microaggressions have surveyed stigmatized group members’ experiences of receiving microaggressions. This report presents the first attempt to measure self-reported likelihood of delivering microaggressions rather than receiving microaggressions and to explore the association between the likelihood of delivering microaggressions and racial prejudice. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 33 black and 118 non-Hispanic white undergraduate students at a large public Southern/Midwest university. Black students reported the degree to which a series of statements would be experienced as microaggressive. White students reported their likelihood of delivering those statements and completed measures of racial prejudice. White students’ self-reported likelihood of engaging in microaggressive acts was significantly related to all measures of racial prejudice. The single item “A lot of minorities are too sensitive” was the strongest predictor of negative feelings toward black people. Results offer preliminary support that the delivery of microaggressions by white students is not simply innocuous behavior and may be indicative of broad, complex, and negative racial attitudes and explicit underlying hostility and negative feelings toward black students.  相似文献   

空间是抽象的 ,只有对它们进行具体的表象 ,才能将抽象还原成具体。无论在纳西族民俗中 ,还是在其他民族的民俗中 ,色彩常常成为对空间方位进行表象的具体手段之一。由色彩所表象的空间不仅决定着民俗活动的性质 ,也规范着民俗活动的形式与内容。本文从前空间、原空间等方面对纳西族民俗中空间的色彩表象作了介绍和分析  相似文献   

By 2003, the savings and asset building field had achieved critical research and policy successes. However, some challenges it faced were the lack of a substantial presence of organizations of color in the field and the absence of experts of color at decision-making tables. Over the course of 11 years, a strategy was developed within the Ford Foundation to gain an understanding of the knowledge and perspective of communities of color about saving and wealth building and to then include this perspective within the asset building field. This article provides a social history of the work undertaken to create and sustain this initiative.  相似文献   

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