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<正>近几年来,随着社会经济的飞速发展,汽车4S店如雨后春笋在我国蓬勃增长。4S店是集汽车销售、维修、配件和信息服务为一体的销售店。包括整车销售(Sale)、零配件(Sparepart)、售后服务(Service)、信息反馈(Survey)等。它拥有统一的外观形象,统一的标识,统一的管理标准,只经营单一的品牌的特点。汽车4S店是一种个性突出的有形市场,具有渠道一致性和统一性的文化理念,4S店在提升汽车品牌、汽车  相似文献   

王仕洪 《经营管理者》2013,(5X):295-295
汽车4S店之间的竞争已经日益加剧,呈白热化状态,在经历了传统的价格战与产品质量竞争阶段之后,为顾客提供优质的服务逐渐成为汽车4S店竞争的最有力武器。本文通过对现代服务营销理论和汽车消费特点的分析,对汽车4S店如何开展服务营销提出了几点建设性的策略。  相似文献   

汽车4S店经营模式是一种以"四位一体"为核心的汽车特许经营模式,随着我国汽车产业飞速发展,其数量呈现出直线上升的趋势,过速的增长也导致各种连锁问题的出现,如何及时有效地解决这些瓶颈的制约,是关系到4S店能否长远发展的关键所在。  相似文献   

近年来,汽车作为一种高端消费品,正放下身段走入千家万户。各地道路交通的飞速发展带动了地方经济,人们对汽车的需求也越来越大。与此同时,更多的汽车品牌进入内地市场,极大地推动了我国汽车市场不断成熟与完善。汽车经济的大热,使得大量的汽车4S店应运而生,我国已经成为汽车产销大国。4S店的销售模式集汽车销售、售后服务、零配件和信息反馈为一体,也提供保险、按揭贷款等中介服务。这种模式已经被市场所接受,并成为汽车销售的主要模式。但是尽管市场环境良好,我们必须看到,由于扩张过快,大多数汽车经销商已经暴露出财务管理方式粗放等问题,主要表现在4S店本身的库存占压资金严重等现象。资金管理方面的不完善严重制约了4S店的进一步发展,寻求一种高效的新型资金管理方式成为许多4S店开始思考的问题。本文结合当前汽车经销行业的资金管理现状出发,论述了4S店资金集中管理的必要性,并结合某汽车4S店的实践经验,阐述了汽车经销行业如何有效进行资金集中管理。  相似文献   

郑孟 《经营管理者》2013,(26):210-210
汽车备件是汽车4S店经营的一个重要项目,对它的库存进行研究有着巨大的经济效益。本文从供应链管理和汽车4S店备件库存的角度出发,为汽车4S店备件库存的管理提供有用的建议。对汽车4S店的备件库存进行分析,提出汽车4S店备件库存的优化策略。  相似文献   

根据有关数据统计,自从1998年4S店汽车经营模式传入我国以来,全国的汽车经销商已经超过5万家,各类品牌汽车4S店的总数量也已经有1.5万左右的规模。数十年间,我国4S店经营模式得到了迅猛的发展,与此同时,在汽车营销的技术和管理方面也出现了诸多问题,使得经销商们不得不认真思考。本文从4S店经营现状的分析入手,尝试对目前存在的汽车4s店经营管理问题做出解决对策的探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车工业的迅速发展和人民生活水平日益提高,汽车已逐渐走进广大群众的日常生活中,成为人们不可缺少的一部分,随之而来的汽车保养、维护、及维修也带动了汽车服务行业的发展,4S店的大量增多,导致了汽车驾驶与维修专业人才大热同时也严重缺口的局面。为更好的服务社会,抓住机遇,开设汽车维修专业的各中等职业学校,应深化教学改革,提高办学质量,培养高素质、高技能的汽车维护与修理的中等专业技术人才,才是符合我国国情的职业教育。  相似文献   

张颖 《经营管理者》2012,(19):159+156
随着我国经济的发展,汽车4S店在我国的发展已经由暴利时代进入了微利成熟期。4S店的管理工作逐步走向正规,管理日趋科学化,其中,很多4S店在管理实践中逐渐认识到人力资源的管理的地位日趋重要,用现代化的人力资源管理手段来促进企业的可持续发展,以实现利润的最大化。但是由于我国与西方的管理相比,人力资源管理起步较晚,管理水平低下,存在许多问题,本文从以下角度研究我国汽车4S店人力资源管理存在的问题。  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国汽车工业的高速发展,作为汽车工业产业链上重要环节的汽车营销也发生了重大变化。集品牌汽车销售、维修保养、零配件供应、信息反馈四种功能为一体的汽车品牌专卖店(即4S店)扩张迅速。由于4S店实行生产厂家制定的统一定价、统一服务标准、统一产品推介方式等政策,因此这种营销模式有利于厂家迅速打开市场,促进品牌宣传和产品销售,拉近了厂家与客户的距离,便于信息反馈。据统计,近4年来,国内各大汽车生产厂家已发展了约1200家4S店,而且有加速发展的趋势。汽车专卖店如此高速扩张,在推动我国汽车工业迅速发展的同时,也带来了…  相似文献   

我国已经迈入世界汽车产销大国,随着汽车保有量的增加,汽车业的维修人才属于紧缺人才。各4S店及维修厂需要大量的技术熟练的维修人员,作为担负人才培养的中职学校,如何让学生在校练就一身本领是摆在学校面前的一道难题。  相似文献   

Online scheduling with a buffer on related machines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Online scheduling with a buffer is a semi-online problem which is strongly related to the basic online scheduling problem. Jobs arrive one by one and are to be assigned to parallel machines. A buffer of a fixed capacity K is available for storing at most K input jobs. An arriving job must be either assigned to a machine immediately upon arrival, or it can be stored in the buffer for unlimited time. A stored job which is removed from the buffer (possibly, in order to allocate a space in the buffer for a new job) must be assigned immediately as well. We study the case of two uniformly related machines of speed ratio s≥1, with the goal of makespan minimization.  相似文献   

When a process planning module is embedded into the scheduling paradigm, the solution space of the scheduling problem is expanded due to possible generation and use of alternative process plans, i.e. the combined system of process planning and scheduling is equivalent to scheduling with flexible process plans. This flexibility provides a potential for obtaining improved schedules, but it increases the complexity of the structure of the scheduling problem. This paper describes a solution approach for the integrated system and analyses the performance of a new algorithm under various simulated scenarios.  相似文献   

机场安检人员上班模式问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许建国  池宏  祁明亮  潘邦传 《管理学报》2009,6(8):1041-1046
结合机场安检工作的实际背景对安检人员上班模式的问题进行了研究,建立了安检人员日排班优化模型和年度配置优化模型,用以确定合适的上班模式.用某机场的实际数据进行了案例分析,为该机场安检工作确定了新的上班模式(1天2班制),并与原有上班模式进行对比,证明方法是有效的.  相似文献   

The airline crew scheduling problem is typically formulated as a set covering problem. The Federal Express Corporation has recently implemented a heuristic crew scheduling system based on this model. The system has been implemented on an IBM 3033 computer. Computational results are presented for crew scheduling problems with up to 3000 rows and 15,000 columns. Results of operational quality are obtained in less than one hour of computer time. This model provides a prototype for a wide variety of large scale crew scheduling applications.  相似文献   

集装箱码头集疏运资源调度的对象是由岸桥、集卡、场桥所构成的多阶段一体化的集装箱装、卸、运操作系统,将该系统的调度优化基于多阶段混合流水线调度问题建立混合整数规划模型,同时考虑集装箱码头现实作业中预定义顺序、避免岸桥交叉作业、以及取决于作业顺序的切换时间等现实约束,针对问题自身的特点设计了两阶段启发式算法,得出各阶段设备的指派结果及作业顺序。通过与基于现行调度规则的调度方案以及与目标函数理论下界值的对比实验,显示了所提出的集成调度模型及求解算法能够有效降低船舶在港时间并实现集卡资源的共享,为集装箱码头集疏运资源的集成调度提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the manpower tour scheduling problem using data from a lockbox system of a commercial bank. The lockbox system uses employees who differ in productivity, hourly cost, number of available working hours per week, and days-off constraints. These specific problem characteristics require a more general problem formulation and solution procedure for the manpower tour scheduling problem than addressed in previous research. Four heuristic methods for solving the problem (three developed here and a simple round-up procedure) are tested on a set of forty problems. The results of this study show the effort to develop sophisticated heuristic methods for this class of problems is well justified.  相似文献   

Journal of Combinatorial Optimization - In this paper, a simple two-agent multi-objective scheduling system for flexible job-shop scheduling problem is proposed and corresponding framework is...  相似文献   

A scheduling theory model is applied to study surgery scheduling in hospitals. If a surgical patient is regarded as a job waiting to be processed, and the related surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and surgical equipment as machines that are simultaneously needed for the processing of job, then the surgery scheduling can be described as a parallel machines scheduling problem in which a job is processed by multiple machines simultaneously. We adopt the two-stage approach to solve this scheduling problem and develop a computerized surgery scheduling system to handle such a task. This system was implemented in the Shanghai First People’s Hospital and increased the quantity of average monthly finished operations by 10.33 %, the utilization rate of expensive equipment by 9.66 % and the patient satisfaction degree by 1.12 %, and decreased the average length of time that patients wait for surgery by 0.46 day.  相似文献   

MC模式下供应链动态调度的蚁群寻优分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对MC模式下供应链调度的基本运作特征描述及界定基础上,分析了调度过程中主导矛盾的缓解思路;通过将该思路引入动态调度的运作过程,分析了MC模式下的供应链动态调度机理.在调度求解过程中,引入蚁群觅食的寻优机理并对其进行特定的算法设计及改进,提出了供应链动态调度的蚂蚁寻优算法.算法特点为在运算过程中不仅能够反映该生产方式独特的运作特征要求,而且能够融入对主导矛盾的缓解思路.通过仿真,验证了算法的可行性.  相似文献   

This study considers a typical scheduling environment that is influenced by the behavioral phenomenon of multitasking. Under multitasking, the processing of a selected job suffers from interruption by other jobs that are available but unfinished. This situation arises in a wide variety of applications; for example, administration, manufacturing, and process and project management. Several classical solution methods for scheduling problems no longer apply in the presence of multitasking. The solvability of any scheduling problem under multitasking is no easier than that of the corresponding classical problem. We develop optimal algorithms for some fundamental and practical single machine scheduling problems with multitasking. For other problems, we show that they are computationally intractable, even though in some cases the corresponding problem in classical scheduling is efficiently solvable. We also study the cost increase and value gained due to multitasking. This analysis informs companies about how much it would be worthwhile to invest in measures to reduce or encourage multitasking.  相似文献   

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