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牛春瑜 《现代妇女》2014,(3):152-153
花儿作为一种民间演唱形式,深深根植于西北人民群众之中,它反映着流传地方的社会风貌、风土人情、乡俗民愿,具有浓郁的地域和民族特色。随着生产、生活方式的改变,西北花儿的发展陷入瓶颈,文章拟从促进花儿的传承保护与创新发展的思路出发,研究解决民歌发展面临的难题,将这一艺术形式保护和传承下去。  相似文献   

Teams, and their managers, working at the interface between government policy and service to clients are subject to high levels of anxiety arising out of the persecutory manner in which well-intended policy demands are delivered and cost efficiencies imposed. Informed by Bion's ideas about group behaviours, these responses can be understood as a form of defensive behaviour and identified as Basic Assumption Me-ness. Basic Assumption Me-ness in team managers takes the form of managerialism at the expense of leadership, developing a shell that acts as a protection for the lonely, overburdened, vulnerable and soft inside. This hardness, evident through increased unavailability and a rather sadistic use of boundaries, is communicated to staff, who in turn pass it onto clients. In this manner, it infects all relationships thus stifling emotional engagement, creative thinking and practice. This paper then explores ways in which team leaders, courageous enough to take up their authority in an emotionally engaged manner, can reverse these dynamics to the relief and benefit of all concerned. Leaders need to insist on attendance at meetings and supervision where cases can be properly considered; demonstrate an ability to think about risk as ever present in the work because, as all are well aware, no amount of form filling can eliminate this; and acknowledge that the work requires constant assessment and judgement as well as an ability to stay with the unknown. The aim is to be responsive to the daily struggles of team members working face-to-face with clients and to remain aware of ‘the reality on the ground’ when engaging in an equally lively way with senior management.  相似文献   

All‐volunteer nonprofit organizations rely solely on the commitment of volunteers to support their operations. As such, it is important that leaders of these organizations, even though they are volunteers themselves, rely on professional skills in order to optimize their organization's volunteers capacity. In the present study, we investigated how volunteer leaders' reliance on effective management processes and a (de)motivating leadership style related to volunteers capacity. To this end, we relied on the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and Self‐Determination Theory (SDT), respectively. Results revealed a positive (unique) association between (the sum score of) the management processes of the CVF models, as well as (the sum score of) the motivating leadership styles and volunteers capacity. Bivariate analyses indicated that the management processes of each CVF model (i.e., human relations model, internal process model, open system model, and rational goal model) and each motivating leadership style (i.e., an autonomy‐supportive and a structuring leadership style) related positively to volunteers capacity. These findings have important practical implications as they revealed that it is crucial for volunteer leaders to implement effective management processes, while adopting a motivating leadership style.  相似文献   

China has a reputation as an economy based on utility: the large‐scale manufacture of low‐priced goods. But useful values like functionality, fitness for purpose and efficiency are only part of the story. More important are what Veblen called “honorific” values, arguably the driving force of development, change and value in any economy. To understand the Chinese economy therefore, it is not sufficient to point to its utilitarian aspect. Honorific status‐competition is a more fundamental driver than utilitarian cost‐competition. We argue that “social network markets” are the expression of these honorific values, relationships and connections that structure and coordinate individual choices. This paper explores how such markets are developing in China in the area of fashion and fashion media. These, we argue, are an expression of “risk culture” for high‐end entrepreneurial consumers and producers alike, providing a stimulus to dynamic innovation in the arena of personal taste and comportment, as part of an international cultural system based on constant change. We examine the launch of Vogue China in 2005, and China's reception as a fashion player among the international editions of Vogue, as an expression of a “decisive moment” in the integration of China into an international social network market based on honorific values.  相似文献   

阿拉伯文学:全球化语境中的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化对阿拉伯丈学的影响是多方面的。无论是从全球文化一体化还是全球文化多元化的角度来看,全球化都对阿拉伯丈学产生了积极的影响,使阿拉伯文学得到了极大的发展,文学的体裁、创作的手法都变得丰富多彩。但是,全球化对阿拉伯文学的负面影响也是显而易见的,它在一定程度上妨碍了阿拉伯文学对民族传统文化的发掘与表达。面对全球化的浪潮,阿拉伯文坛正在思考应对的策略。  相似文献   

上海文化产业发展与文化体制改革协同推进研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,上海文化产业总值在全国名列前茅,但后劲乏力;上海文化产业体制改革步子较快,但成效不明显。上海文化产业发展与其体制改革缺乏必要的协同性。未来3年,上海文化产业发展与文化体制改革应协同推进,确立文化产业发展目标及重点领域。惟有改革创新,才能实现上海文化产业发展及其体制改革协同目标。  相似文献   

Assuming that national culture should not be disregarded especially at a time of massive economic restructuring as having serious influence on labour relations and type of management, we make an attempt to reveal its features empirically and compare them with those of other national cultures, identifying whose cultural characteristics are closest to the Russian one. The article examines Russian labour culture by measuring it with the help of Hofstede's universal indices in an empirical study of employees of four industrial enterprises in different parts of Russia. The measuring tool allows a comparative perspective; we also offer interpretations of the obtained indices, enriching them by illustrations from informal interviews with the employees of those enterprises. The results brought Russia close to a number of European countries that had welfare-state orientation and strong institutional and historical connections with Russia, such as Finland, Germany, Austria and Israel. The article argues that experience in the field of labour relations and organizational models of these countries should not be discounted, although reformers often place their hopes mainly on the Anglo-Saxon or American models.  相似文献   

This study examines how diasporic Korean youth engage with the recent global circulation of South Korean pop music (‘K-pop’). It explores how young diasporic Koreans negotiate K-pop as an ethnic and/or global cultural form in their transition to adulthood. Drawing on interviews with young people of Korean heritage in Canada, the study addresses how a diasporic sound, which connects the nostalgia for the ancestral homeland and the global mediascape, is appropriated for young people’s identity work. By examining diasporic Korean fans’ consumption of K-pop, this study suggests a perspective for understanding the recent K-pop phenomenon as a diasporic youth cultural practice.  相似文献   

Within the field of international public relations, it is rare to find detailed accounts of the process of undertaking cross-cultural research. Yet researchers who collect data in cultural contexts different from their own face numerous ethical and cultural challenges. By failing to articulate these, researchers deny the accommodations they have to make in their methodological choices, limiting the explanatory power of their findings. This article reflects on how societal culture influenced the evolving research decisions and experiences in a study into the occupation of public relations in Mexico City. In considering how to explore in a culturally sensitive way the social reality of public relations practitioners, it raises ethical concerns regarding selectivity and relationship interactions in cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

This exploratory study has three objectives: (1) to understand the various ways academics, consultants, and practitioners conceptualize operating reserves; (2) to explore differences among academic findings, consultant recommendations, and nonprofit leader perceptions of operating reserves; and (3) to identify how practitioners operationalize operating reserves within their organizations. Using intensive interviews with nonprofit executives, we find that the operating reserve ratio (ORR) commonly used in the nonprofit literature does not accurately indicate whether an organization holds an operating reserve according to nonprofit leaders. In addition, results indicate that experienced nonprofit leaders perceive a variety of other fund types including endowment and investment savings as well as ability to borrow, other assets, sister foundations, and donor networks as legitimate substitutes for a reserve.  相似文献   

The abstract, multifaceted and multidisciplinary nature of the concept of culture has for long led to scholars researching aspects of culture in organisations in India and Indian organisations globally, but in the current context more is needed. Further, India being a diverse, complex and economically re-emerging nation, the aspects of studying culture in organisations in the Indian context becomes more significant and timely. In this editorial piece, we argue that there is a need to acknowledge and appreciate pluralist ideas and conceptualisations of culture, as it will be a good starting point in understanding and demystifying this important and much-less understood concept. We begin by highlighting the importance of studying culture in organisations and provide a historical background of the social and economic changes that have influenced culture in an Indian context. Based on the four contributions in this special issue, we argue that by revisiting some of the existing (and popular) conceptualisations of culture and considering alternate approaches and concepts will help guide future research and scholarship in this vital and highly researched topic. We conclude by stressing that alternate explanations are warranted for overcoming problems of simplistic understandings of this inherently complex concept.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the role of cultural values in influencing public relations practice in Singapore. Given that Singapore exhibits a hybrid of cultures, it purposes to comprehend how multiculturalism is operationalized and to uncover if the values that have a greater influence on organizational communication resemble those in individualistic or collectivistic societies. Using Gudykunst’s (1998) seven dimensions that influence individualism-collectivism on communication as a guide, this study interviewed 20 public relations practitioners in Singapore. Our findings showed that although the patterns expressed is slightly more consistent with those found in collectivistic cultures, it does not resemble collectivism in entirety. Multiculturalism in Singapore displays a blend of certain cultural hybridity, which is aligned with it being a multicultural cosmopolitan city that embodies Western modernity while retaining its Asian values. Our findings further reinforced the idea that public relations professionals need to be multicultural themselves to effectively communicate with culturally diverse stakeholders in today’s globalizing era of multiculturalism.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of digital communication ? and in particular social media ? on cross-cultural communication, based on the Circuit of Culture model. Scholarly literature supports the notion that social media has changed the speed at which we communicate, as well as removed traditional (geographical) boundaries around cross-cultural campaigns. Since the introduction of digital media, the role of the public relations practitioner has become more strategic in order to maintain relevance with even more diverse ? and dispersed ? audiences. Large scale campaigns, like the Human Rights Campaign to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) rights, have seen messages spread far beyond the country of origin, and with that, demonstrate the ability to affect advocacy campaigns in other countries. The authors argue that instead of acting as cultural intermediaries, public relations practitioners must become cultural curators, with the skills to create meaning from audiences, who are now content creators in their own rights, and encourage a true participatory environment that sees cultural values shared as part of an organic exchange process.  相似文献   

The cultural turn has been one of the major shifts in sociology over the last two decades. Though nearly everyone now agrees that culture matters, how it matters is not terribly clear. What, exactly, is culture supposed to do? In this essay, I articulate two ideal‐typical—though often implicit—ways most sociologists have thought about culture’s role in action. Although no single sociologist or piece of research fully embodies either ideal type, I believe they are real tendencies in the field that have real consequences for how research is designed, undertaken, and understood. After outlining these approaches, I subject them to an engagement with cognitive science. This is not out a desire for reductionism but, as I will show, because a crucial difference between these perspectives is their implicit model of how human beings perceive, acquire, store, retrieve, and act on the symbolic information that surrounds them every day. This exercise will lead to the conclusion that both perspectives are incomplete and will point toward a synthetic approach that can shed new light on how culture matters for action.  相似文献   

In this essay, I respond to Vaisey's arguments on culture and cognition, noting our points of agreement and disagreement and posing new ideas for future research.  相似文献   

Henry Ford Health Systems (HFHS) won the 2011 Baldrige Award, a major accomplishment. This achievement resulted from a systemwide focus on minimizing and controlling medical errors, a cultural shift to stimulate innovation and creative problem solving, and service excellence at every level. The five‐year effort centered on meeting Baldrige Award criteria, typically utilized in the for‐profit setting. When applied to the nonprofit sector, HFHS managed to reduce costs, reduce medication and treatment errors, introduce multiple creative clinical programs, and launch a new Ritz Carlton‐quality, hotel‐style service.  相似文献   

Queries into the creation of collective meaning through social processes arise in both organization culture and institutional theory. This paper applies DiMaggio and Powell’s (1983 DiMaggio, P.J. and Powell, W.W. 1983. The iron cage revisited: Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review, 48: 14760. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) three isomorphic processes (mimetic, normative and coercive) from institutional theory to re‐think how structural and dynamic aspects of culture become nested, taken‐for‐granted and transmitted. We consider both acquiescence and resistance to isomorphic pressures in an effort to understand cultural persistence and transmission, forms of resistance to culture, change, the role of sub‐cultures and power usage through Oliver’s (1992 Oliver, C. 1992. The antecedents of de‐institutionalization. Organization Studies, 13: 56388. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) de‐institutionalization thesis. Our purpose in applying isomorphic processes to organizational culture is to offer another layer of understanding enhanced by the growing body of research in institutional theory, bridge one division between micro and macro theory and provide some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The stress of living with cardiac disease can affect a couple's marriage, transforming its character. This article examines the psychosocial impact of cardiovascular disease, delineating the ways in which the illness experience changes the marital relationship. In-depth, semistructured interviews were conducted with 23 spouses of patients (mean age 56) diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. Interviews were transcribed and subjected to content analysis. Two overarching dimensions emerged, depicting positive and negative effects on the marriage. Ongoing care for cardiac patients should include a focus on spousal caregivers, supporting both members of the couple as they jointly face challenges engendered by the illness.  相似文献   

This study attempts to provide a portrayal of emotional intelligence (EI) of the Indonesians, one of the fourth most populous countries and multiethnic societies in the world, specifically across the 404 Bataks, 430 Minangkabau, and 479 Javanese ethnics. The result indicated that the Indonesian version of the EQ-i is invariant across the three ethnic groups. The findings also showed that the three ethnic groups have some shared characteristics in terms of interpersonal, assertiveness, empathy, social responsibility, flexibility, and problem-solving competences. We found significant main effects of ethnicity and gender as well as the interaction effect on EI competences. Cross-ethnic comparison showed that the Minangkabau assessed in this study are the most underdeveloped group in terms of social and emotional capabilities. We recommend replications of this study for other Indonesian ethnic groups to draw a more valid conclusion and to support the development of society.  相似文献   

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